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Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: July 8, 2014 01:16

This was a legendary tour. An enormous success. Our kids and grandchildren will read about this tour in history lessons as the evidence that this band never lost relevance, untill the end and beyond.

Yeah, don't want to get too melodramatic and all but a few days after the amazing SDF show I told my 8 year (big fan of D&G) that chances are that one day he'd be one of the last to be able to say that he'd seen the Rolling Stones play live...right now he doesn't really realize, although when we went to the rehearsals in February and saw Mick arrive he asked me why I had called him Mick from behind the fence (at which point he turned around and waved at us, priceless !) and not Mick Jagger...

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-07-08 01:16 by gotdablouse.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: bathsheba ()
Date: July 8, 2014 01:32

"Virgin ears!!" Yes, and they have been deflowered after following the tour. Thank you for all your welcomes. Sore, but happy.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: July 8, 2014 01:57

thumbs up is what I think of the tour

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: MingSubu ()
Date: July 8, 2014 03:13

Went to multiple US and Euro concerts and I had a blast at them all.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: July 8, 2014 03:20

Welcome Bathsheba, there is no right or wrong here, and you have as much rights as anybody. I only wish I could listen to the current lineup with virgin ears.

As for the overpriced arena tickets in the U.S., it is strange isn't it? It's not like anyone needs to see the Stones close up anymore. It's supposed to be about the music. Maybe their metrics showed them it would be easier to get a small audience to pay big bucks, instead of a lot of tickets at a stadium.

That's right, but it's up to the promoters, to a large extent, because they make the proposals. With the high prices in arenas, the economics of concerts have really changed. Basically, an arena show can make the same amount of money as a stadium show if tickets are 3-4X. In other words, a 15,000 seat arena at $600 average per person generates the same ticket revenue as one 60,000 seat stadium show at $150 average per person. Other factors come into play, of course, such as concession sales, parking and depending on the deal, merchandise, but these days, an arena show can generate a LOT more revenue than in the past because people have shown that they are willing to pay very high prices for concerts.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: Grichka ()
Date: July 8, 2014 03:33

Except for Werchter that is an absolute awful place to see the Stones (and unfortunately the last 4 shows they played in Belgium were always there) the European tour was very good.
Even with more or less the same set list, a Stones show is not like another Stones show so I really enjoyed seeing them in Oslo - Berlin - (especially) Rome and (unfortunately) Werchter.
However, I could not find the same sparks / fire / sense of surprise that was present in Tokyo - Macau and Singapore. Must have been the public/venue combination because I felt the Stones themselves, especially Keith, we playing better during the european tour.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: Brstonesfan ()
Date: July 8, 2014 04:13

Very successfully financially . Larger more enthusiastic crowds. Artistically nothing new or innovating. Keith played better than in States. MT wasted , but we have discussed that ad nauseum.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: HighwayBound ()
Date: July 8, 2014 04:53

Very successfully financially . Larger more enthusiastic crowds. Artistically nothing new or innovating. Keith played better than in States. MT wasted , but we have discussed that ad nauseum.

I don't recall Keith screwing up Start Me Up in the states.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: Brstonesfan ()
Date: July 8, 2014 05:12

True, but they did not open most US shows with SMU.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: July 8, 2014 06:47

The "2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?" Thread...a success or disappointment?

dredging up the same old dreck over and over again.

Gotta say it's a big disappointment.

Actually I was looking for post tour opinions, not after show gossip. More like a reflection on the experience now that it's over.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: leatherjacket ()
Date: July 8, 2014 08:35

I loved it. I only saw the Waldbuhne, but it simply was great. They sounded great, they played well, but above all: it was the first time in my life that I simply enjoyed seeing the Stones. I didn't care about the mistakes, the setlists or whatever. I thought it simply was a miracle that after being a fan for 32 years I was still seeing them play live. And I enjoyed simply that.


Exactly my feeling, when I saw them in Düsseldorf. As a matter of fact I expected a good show open air, but much to my surprise the stadium roof was closed it was just mind blowing, straight, dirty, incl all mistakes. fantastic

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: lippmann ()
Date: July 8, 2014 08:47

i would say a big success, this tour raised the spirit of the european fans.maybe its interesting to see how many viewers and followers on the tell me forum would come in the ship through the tour, in relation to the last one, 2007.
anyway, for me, who only was in düsseldorf, it was great in every way, the lucky dip tickets saved me this time, (i `ve wouldnt have spend 220 euros for that seat, with my wife together 440, i earn 1400 euros per month, this is ridicoulous if you got family)so thank you double! management, that you got your eyes not only in the diamond circle. i know some guys will say its cynical because the ld tickets are just another way to get a full house, but for me who got the luck it was a chance to see my beloved band in a payable way, in a great seat with a great view and the best sound in years!
musically speaking, i can only say, the gig in dd was full of power and fun from the start, never would i say before the gig, that street fightin man would be my favourite number, but thats the thing about the gigs, if you hear that stuff on you tube its nice, but if you be there, its a different ballgame.the way they play this song on that evening was classic stones 78.
to play a mistake out and slowly rockin on...
if theres one thing, why i love this band, its that moment, when they wont stop,
they got it since hyde park 69 (stray cat) or let it rock (leeds) or imagination
king bisquit 78 and not in my beatifulsed dream i would see this before me on this tour. and man , they hit the nail!
so thank you for a great time ! and dont forget "lets drink to the hard workin people...."
the book is closed.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: July 8, 2014 08:59

The bad news is that with such a successful tour there won't be a lot incentive for a perfectionist like Jagger to give it another shot, unlike in 2007 with the rather bleak ending, Stade de France 1/3 tarped, Keith's playing, etc...
must admit, never looked at it this way. sincerely hoping Mick/Charlie aren't just waiting for the "best moment" because that would've been Thursday

As I am a new poster on here I'm a bit afraid of saying the wrong thing OR a wrong thing in the wrong place.
I've only recently discovered the Stones despite being 53. I've never seen them live.
well well welcome then! may i ask where you are from. you seem
to be just a tiny bit too late to board the crazy ship. just
like myself in '04 having just bought Four Flicks. having
just missed the Licks Tour, that means. am however lucky
enough to have seen them already in '99 though. you are
strongly encouraged to travel to Australia in the autumn
...and how very organic their music is.
fresh expressions, beautiful!
Apologies for incoherence.
totally coherent statement. i myself have just recently changed from Lurker to Poster, you can do it

That's what blew me away in Europe - the number of young people - young couples, families. Obviously, the US shows were heavily over-50, primarily because of the pricing, but I think that there were more young people at this tour than in Europe in 2006 - 2007. Not sure why.
you're not mistaken. i can directly compare Düsseldorf '14 to Düsseldoof '07 and it was one hell of an age difference. also a sound difference. '07 the roof was open, yet it was all echoes. probably because of too many empty seats back then

They can coast and they know it. God bless them, I guess they've earned it.
but did they ever coast during this Tour? (on purpose) just go watch yourself a Rambler. preferably one from last week

I loved it. I only saw the Waldbuhne, but it simply was great. They sounded great, they played well, but above all: it was the first time in my life that I simply enjoyed seeing the Stones. I didn't care about the mistakes, the setlists or whatever. I thought it simply was a miracle that after being a fan for 32 years I was still seeing them play live. And I enjoyed simply that.
to hear those words coming from Mathijs really means a lot.

Our kids and grandchildren will read about this tour in history lessons as the evidence that this band never lost relevance, until the end and beyond.
Those kids mean that Stones CD's will be sold and collected the next 50 years as well.
my dad and me attempted to go full circle in DDorf by bringing my smallest sis, which is 13. it has to have been the biggest thrill of her life. they gonna be the Mozarts and Bachs to those kids and future generations!

These are the facts:
- All 14 shows sold out in matters of minutes and hours
- All the venues were full i.e. the ticket holders came to the shows
- People stayed until the shows finished
- I saw smiling faces wherever I went, after the shows
- Most of the reports I got were positive
- People want more shows in all parts of the world

There are a few who think the Stones should call it quits, but there are also people who think that women shoud stay at home and watch babies. Also there are people who still think that the earth is flat.
...nothing to add here.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2014-07-08 10:00 by Nikkei.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: JohnnyBGoode ()
Date: July 8, 2014 09:28

And there were opening acts ofcourse... Bigbang, Amanda Jensen, Temperance Movement, The Struts (?).

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: July 8, 2014 09:42

if i ever managed to get a band together that could open
for the Stones (toughest spot for any Band) i wouldn't dare
to touch Jagger/Richards compositions with a 10 foot pole.
that being said, great punkey version of JJF. Brabazon Band,
as Keef would say. for what it's worth, here's our 2011 version:

confident it sounds better when we play it now. we sadly missed our
usual bassplayer for that session and had some guy helping out. but
our drummer really has some of Charlies tosses and turns nailed.
(yet he's such a village hillbilly you wouldn't even believe)
sorry for going off topic btw

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-07-08 09:44 by Nikkei.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: Thommie ()
Date: July 8, 2014 10:16

Nothing but a success! Don't think I have read a bad review (even if I'm sure there must be some out there).

The showgoers seem to be satisfied.
Most complaints from fans that didn't attend the shows: Setlist whiners that found it boring to read the setlists...

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Date: July 8, 2014 11:06

Nothing but a success! Don't think I have read a bad review (even if I'm sure there must be some out there).

The showgoers seem to be satisfied.
Most complaints from fans that didn't attend the shows: Setlist whiners that found it boring to read the setlists...

READING setlist can be boring indeed.

Attending the shows is never boring.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: Thommie ()
Date: July 8, 2014 11:22

Nothing but a success! Don't think I have read a bad review (even if I'm sure there must be some out there).

The showgoers seem to be satisfied.
Most complaints from fans that didn't attend the shows: Setlist whiners that found it boring to read the setlists...

READING setlist can be boring indeed.

Attending the shows is never boring.


Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: HighwayBound ()
Date: July 8, 2014 13:19

Went to multiple US and Euro concerts and I had a blast at them all.

That's what matters right there. No silly comparisons between 2013 and 2014. Thank you for not doing that --- we've seen a few members here pontificating on that subject when they never went to any of the shows last year.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-07-08 13:20 by HighwayBound.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: Ladykiller ()
Date: July 8, 2014 14:51


Finally, I will add a comment from some young fans I was sitting next to on the "Tunnelban" back home from the Stockholm show. They were 5-6 "kids" age 25-35. I thibnk it must have been their first show. I was just listening, did not really talk to them. Then one of them said:

"You know, the Stones are not really that great as musicians, they are not great at all, but when they get together on stage, something magic happens. They just get fantastic, and they are the greatest band in the word."

This is also my opinion about them. And THIS make The Rolling Stones exact to the greatest live act in the world.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-07-08 14:54 by Ladykiller.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Date: July 8, 2014 15:13


Finally, I will add a comment from some young fans I was sitting next to on the "Tunnelban" back home from the Stockholm show. They were 5-6 "kids" age 25-35. I thibnk it must have been their first show. I was just listening, did not really talk to them. Then one of them said:

"You know, the Stones are not really that great as musicians, they are not great at all, but when they get together on stage, something magic happens. They just get fantastic, and they are the greatest band in the word."

This is also my opinion about them. And THIS make The Rolling Stones exact to the greatest live act in the world.


Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: kaskatanas ()
Date: July 8, 2014 15:38


Finally, I will add a comment from some young fans I was sitting next to on the "Tunnelban" back home from the Stockholm show. They were 5-6 "kids" age 25-35. I thibnk it must have been their first show. I was just listening, did not really talk to them. Then one of them said:

"You know, the Stones are not really that great as musicians, they are not great at all, but when they get together on stage, something magic happens. They just get fantastic, and they are the greatest band in the word."

This is also my opinion about them. And THIS make The Rolling Stones exact to the greatest live act in the world.


I remember an interview years ago where Keith was saying the same thing, something like "Maybe me and Ronnie will not be the best guitarists, or Mick the best singer or Charly the best drummer ..... but when we get together, ohhh mate!!! There´s not a better band!!!"

Re: The 2013 Tour
Date: July 8, 2014 14:50

I attended shows in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and they were all great.

The poorest one was HP1, though. Didn't attend any US shows, but watched the PPV from Newark. Judging by that performance it would by far be the lamest show - but it would of course be different being there, getting the right sound and the live experience.

I don't know why people are saying the US shows were poorer in general, though.

Maybe someone who attended both can shed some light on this? The people I know that went to different continents say they were all great.

Re: The 2013 Tour
Posted by: HighwayBound ()
Date: July 8, 2014 15:29

I did both Newark shows -- they were good but you could feel that they were just warming up. I liked the 12/13 show better than the Pay Per View, although seeing Bruce with them in New Jersey was amazing.

Toronto 1 -- I was a bit underwhelmed by this one. Gimme Shelter got off to a very shaky start but Keith found his groove as the show went on.

Boston 2 -- No guest. Great show. It's the one I listen to the most.

Philly 1 -- Another great show.

Philly 2 -- One of my favorites simply because of CYHMK.

Berlin -- The interaction was much better between Mick & Keith. Very good show.

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: July 8, 2014 16:08

What was generally praised was the scaled down minimalism of the show itself. The pure rock and roll of it. Mick Jagger seemed to be the most raved about member of the band. Not much talk about Keith Richards. .
NOT MUCH TALK ABOUT KEITH RICHARDS - golly, I must have been following a different board.

I was refering to the media reviews I have read. Most critics praise Mick Jagger foremost. They write in smaller prints about Keith Richards. One critic even called them "The Rolling Jagger"...

This has always been true of news coverage. However, the general public only actually cares about Mick as a member of the Rolling Stones. Well, except for the 1200 people who bought "The Best of Mick Jagger" or the 35 people who bought "Superheavy".

DAMN! I hate being categorized so easily. At least it seems like I'm part of a very rare and elite group though!

Re: How was your Rolling Stones European Tour ?
Posted by: mrfancyman ()
Date: July 8, 2014 16:20

Been "only"to 2 shows, Pink Pop Holland and Waldbuhne Berlin.
Last one was definitly the highlight of these to although at PP The Stones were very eager and enthousiastic during thier performance.

Mr. Fancyman

Re: How was your Rolling Stones European Tour ?
Posted by: MingSubu ()
Date: July 8, 2014 17:32

I did 6 in the US and 6 in Europe.

Besides the number of songs played and ticket prices/venues. The only difference that I noticed between the US and Euro shows, keith was a little bit more animated in Europe.

Both legs were fantastic!!!

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: gipsy12 ()
Date: July 8, 2014 19:27


Finally, I will add a comment from some young fans I was sitting next to on the "Tunnelban" back home from the Stockholm show. They were 5-6 "kids" age 25-35. I thibnk it must have been their first show. I was just listening, did not really talk to them. Then one of them said:

"You know, the Stones are not really that great as musicians, they are not great at all, but when they get together on stage, something magic happens. They just get fantastic, and they are the greatest band in the word."

This is also my opinion about them. And THIS make The Rolling Stones exact to the greatest live act in the world.


+3 - this was exactly how I felt when I saw them at my first concert on this tour

Re: 2014 European Tour - A Success or Big Disappointment?
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 8, 2014 22:17

I loved it. I only saw the Waldbuhne, but it simply was great. They sounded great, they played well, but above all: it was the first time in my life that I simply enjoyed seeing the Stones. I didn't care about the mistakes, the setlists or whatever. I thought it simply was a miracle that after being a fan for 32 years I was still seeing them play live. And I enjoyed simply that.


Now would you look at that. Age has softened our Mathijs grinning smiley

I too enjoyed it. Vienna more than Oslo, but I think just because I was up front and the crowd was into it.

Re: The 2013 Tour
Posted by: MarthaTuesday ()
Date: July 8, 2014 22:29

I attended shows in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and they were all great.

The poorest one was HP1, though. Didn't attend any US shows, but watched the PPV from Newark. Judging by that performance it would by far be the lamest show - but it would of course be different being there, getting the right sound and the live experience.

I don't know why people are saying the US shows were poorer in general, though.

Maybe someone who attended both can shed some light on this? The people I know that went to different continents say they were all great.

I also attended shows in 2012, 2013, and 2014 (none in the US so I can't really comment on those shows). Rome was the 10th stones show I've ever been to (it would have been more had I had more money cool smiley), and I had an absolutely wonderful time! I haven't tired of seeing them and enjoyed the show I caught at the 02 (1st one) and both Hyde Parks - but Rome was the best for me. I think it was partly the whole experience - it was the first time I've ever been to a concert abroad, the first time I'd travelled abroad alone, and the first time I got to meet someone from IORR! It's great meeting other fans from round the world - that's something I love about this forum (and it's good to meet other fans fullstop since my friends and family don't really share my stones passion). It was also the first time I'd been abroad for years (a fear of flying slightly overcome by going to Rome).

I loved the Rome venue and the crowd was fantastic - great atmosphere, very enthusiastic, lovely weather (I was worried I wouldn't cope with the heat but actually ended up enjoying it). I thought the stones played really well - even better than Hyde Park, loved seeing more warmth between Mick and Keith, and the experience was even better because it was the first time I'd ever had a pit/golden circle ticket.

I spent yesterday with my brother. He's getting a one-way flight to Australia tonight.....I can't help thinking his move there is fate that I should try and see the stones at least one more time. I'm wrestling with decisions because that would mean not seeing my brother again for a long time (I can't afford to go to Australia too often!).

Maybe they will do London next summer - and that would be great, but in a way much as I don't want to think about never seeing them live again, I quite like having Rome as my last show. It was such a good experience and somehow better than seeing them in my home city.

I've also had a fantastic time following the rest of the tour here! (Rome was the only show I made this tour).

Btw, Bathsheba - welcome to IORR. I joined here a few years ago but consider myself a newish poster since I mostly lurked for the first few years.

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