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Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: fahthree ()
Date: March 28, 2014 22:11

More Hot Rocks
For the BB tour we picked 1 gig each month to attend,in oct 06 we chose AC(which ended up being cancelled) over Austin,I regret it to this day.

If you went back a few weeks later for the rescheduled show you would of see a great show. Its in my top five of my 56 shows.

Agree. AC is in my top 5 as well.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: March 28, 2014 22:26

Not seeing them on the 72 tour. I saw several shows at MSG in New York that year but was young and not huge Stones fans back then so passed up the chance to get tickets.

Lifelong regret!

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: March 28, 2014 22:28

Not saving the transcript of an AOL Chat with Mick where I could swear he said he had recorded new vocals for "Fiji Jim" in 1993 (Originally Virgin wanted to tack on outtakes to the CD reissues)...yeah I'm OCD when it comes to outtakes!

Got a bigger regret but I don't wanna talk about it...On the other hand I can't really complain with this fan's fabulous Stones' run since 10/2012...a journey started in 1982 with the opening chords of UMT on Still Life.

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-29 12:08 by gotdablouse.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: March 28, 2014 22:30

...actually, I should say it was not running away from home in 1981 to see the Stones in Seattle, when my parents didn't let me go.

Nah, nothing to regret.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: March 28, 2014 22:34

Seeing them in Rotterdam big stadium in 1982.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: March 28, 2014 22:35

Missing buying tickets to more shows 2013/2014 - right now I have Lisbon in May and saw them in HP July 2013. Just waiting for them to announce Buenos Aires in December and US!!!! and I will be there - and then I will buy more tickets.

Another regret - not being born earlier, so I could have seen them in 1973.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: March 28, 2014 22:40

spending way to much money to attend the roseland ballroom licks gig although I was right up front and had a blast

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: djgab ()
Date: March 28, 2014 22:41

I was in queue to buy tickets in 2003 in Paris
I choose stade de france instead of Bercy (arena) because of tight student money
big regret to this day

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: odean73 ()
Date: March 28, 2014 22:49

mome time in the eighties I believe, My mom giving my two sisters tickets she won from a radio company for a concert in Paris. They wasn't really big fans either.

Upon asking her she replied that I had seen them enough, well we all know the answer to that.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: LQ1977 ()
Date: March 28, 2014 22:55


Another regret - not being born earlier, so I could have seen them in 1973.

Well, I wasn´t even born in 1973. winking smiley My first show was in 1995. Had I been a fan about 2,5 years earlier than I was, I could have seen them twice in Oslo in 1990.... My Dad could have seen them there in 1965 (he was 18 then)! But it was expensive for him back then and some way to travel, so that was out of the question. Both my parents saw their first Stones show with me in 1995, having been Stones fan since their youths.


Literally 965 kilometers from being "Born in an Arctic zone".

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: Domonkos ()
Date: March 29, 2014 00:21

I had very little faith in 2003 in Munich, seen the two big shows, but after that I left the town thinking that the club show is impossible to get in. Instead of it I went to an Iron Maiden or Aerosmith gig (can't remember, those were the years) to Prague. Next morning I saw on IORR that they sold like 300 tix at the box office at Circus Krone. Tears...

I was in New York for the Atlantic City and the two Beacon gigs in 2006, AC cancelled, first Beacon: I stood in the "hope queue" for ticket all day long in the 5th place, minus 5 degrees, around 21:30 I gave up, got on the subway to my hotel in Brooklyn, when I got an SMS what said "come back, look for the Clinton people, they're giving away tix!", but then I was too far away. Second Beacon: Rescheduled to one day later, when the band were on stage I was on my way to home somewhere above the Atlantic Ocean. But New York is always great.

However the other 73 shows I've seen were the time of my life. All without exception. ...and counting.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: fahthree ()
Date: March 29, 2014 01:02

My other regret is that I've never heard Sweet Virginia.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: ab ()
Date: March 29, 2014 01:18

Not seeing the 1975 tour when it passed through New York in June of that year. I saw the George Harrison tour the previous December (when I was 14), but had to miss the Stones tour because I was out of town. My first Stones show wasn't until June 1978 (JFK Stadium), and it wasn't very good.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: March 29, 2014 01:27

hey that was my first gig tosmileys with beer

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: jammingedward ()
Date: March 29, 2014 02:40

Deciding not to go to the Voodoo Lounge Shows at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in '95.

I had such a bad experience with sound at a U2 show there that I swore I'd never go to a concert there again. Add to that I had just moved out of home and was an unemployed student, it just didn't seem worth the money. I was just getting into the band and told myself 'They're old, it won't be like the old records'.
I got home on the night of one of the concerts and my housemate said I'd just missed a call from her friend who was selling a ticket for half price, I called them back but they'd left (no mobile phones in those days).

Then the next day my mum called me up- shed been in a corporate box "you would have loved it! So I bought you a t shirt" Thanks mum, but in my head I was wishing she would have helped me buy a ticket!

Anyway my first show ended up being on my first trip to the USA in Memphis on the No Security tour, and of all 13 shows I've been to it was the best, even topping the Enmore Theatre.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: March 29, 2014 06:25

In 1995 my dad asked me and my older brother if we wanted to go see the VL Tour in Copenhagen. Neither of us had seen the Stones before. My brother said yes, and I said no citing football was more important. I could gnaw off my own arse for doing that. Dumb kid.


Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: TornAndFried ()
Date: March 29, 2014 08:39

Probably my biggest Stones-related regret was introducing my ex-girlfriend to Keith's long-time assistant Tony Russell, during the ABB tour. After Tony met her he chased her for weeks behind my back, enticing her with offers of free tickets, backstage passes, parties in Keith's suite, etc. until she finally relented and left me for him. How was I going to compete with all that!? confused smiley They didn't stay together long - just a few months - but it put a damper on the rest of the tour for me since I was always having to wonder when and where I would run into her. I really liked that woman and Tony knew she was with me - not to mention her part in it - so the whole episode was a bummer. I can laugh at it now, but at the time it wasn't so funny. angry smiley Oh well, I'm certainly not the first guy to lose a girl over the Stones. Lol

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-29 10:14 by TornAndFried.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: winter ()
Date: March 29, 2014 08:44

1. That after doing a US tour every 3 years from 1966-1981, they broke the pattern in 1984 when I had a cab driver job where I could set my own schedule; -I was chomping at the bit to 'go on the road' and see like 8-10 shows that year. When they finally returned to touring in 1989, some of the rough edges were smoothed out and I never had as flexible of a job schedule since.

2. That Keith inexplicably chose Waddy for the Winos 2nd guitar spot instead of magically plucking me out of obscurity. Go figure. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: winter ()
Date: March 29, 2014 09:00

Way to hang in there, TAF! smileys with beer May they be forced to listen to a warbly version of Don't Stop on endless repeat in slow motion in the afterlife.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: Deathgod ()
Date: March 29, 2014 09:57

Voodoo Lounge MCG 95 was my 2nd Stones gig.
Biggest reget, chowing down on a hash cookie and being so trashed I'm sure I annoyed those near me, and have a sketchy memory of the gig. I do recall standing on my chair pre gig telling those around me to 'get up! It's the frigging stones...'
I remember walking out at end with strangers singing 'you got me rocking!'

Been sober and straight at every show since.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: Deathgod ()
Date: March 29, 2014 10:01

Another regret, same tour. I worked in radio for years, and was at the press conference at the MCG.
I was 6 feet away from the entire band. Mic in hand.

Then some dickhead trying to be 'funny' asked a silly question and Mick cut him to shreds.

I quickly passed the mic on, no way was I going to give my heroes a chance to diss me.
Can't remember what I was going to ask them. Prob something about playing at the MCG, home of Aussie cricket.
I do have a DVD of the presser and you can see me sitting there.

But this day, I still get a buzz remembering that day I was in a room, with the Rolling Stones !

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: TornAndFried ()
Date: March 29, 2014 10:03

Way to hang in there, TAF! smileys with beer May they be forced to listen to a warbly version of Don't Stop on endless repeat in slow motion in the afterlife.

Thanks, and I'd settle or the eternally-extended remix of Streets Of Love!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-29 10:04 by TornAndFried.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Date: March 29, 2014 10:38

Of course my biggest regret is not being able to see the original Brian Jones era Stones. My other regret is as a teenager getting horribly stumbly, bumbly drunk and wasted at my very first Stones concert at Hampton coliseum in 1981 (yes the historic PPV show). I have plenty of memory's of the wild pre show festivity's out in the parking lot but very few memory's of the actual concert itself.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: March 29, 2014 11:14

Seeing them in Rotterdam big stadium in 1982.

Seeing them in Wembley 1995.

grinning smiley

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: Roll73 ()
Date: March 29, 2014 11:17

Never having seen Keith w/X-pensive Winos live...

So glad I don't have that regret. Saw them in London 1993. It was awesome.

Roll73 - was it in the Marquee club at Charing Cross Rd?

No - the Town & Country Club (now called the Forum) in Kentish Town. Think the Marquee Club was a warm up gig if I remember, with a certain Mick Jagger in attendance. Gutted I couldn't get tickets for that one of course.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: March 29, 2014 11:56

I was to say that buying TATTOO YOU in 1981, and getting hooked immediately, might have been that, but a humour aside, there is one particular occasion I still regret...

That was in 1990 when the Stones were touring Europe. I was doing my military service at the time, but the thing is that I happen to have a few days off at the time when the band played in Gothenburg. Some of my friends were going there, they had a spare ticket and everything, but according to laws of Finland one cannot go abroad while doing military service. So that was my dilemma - to break the laws, and probably facing a little jail sentence if caught, but seeing my beloved band for the first time, or otherwise just being a 'good citizen'. And my bad bad decision, shit, was that of a coward. And that is what I still regret - not that I thought at the time that that would have been teh very last time to see the band, but in the long run, that was the only time I could have catched them still with Bill Wyman. Even those bloody friends of mine, who afterwards were praising the gig to heavens for me, wasn't so big fans as I was. Damn them, damn military service, damn me!grinning smiley

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-29 12:00 by Doxa.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: thrak ()
Date: March 29, 2014 12:22

I didn't go to Prague in 1995. I was 12 and i remember opening song (not fade away) was broadcasted in polish radio zet. It was painful. Then i went to Chorzow 98 and since then i'm trying to see them on each tour. Another regret is No Security Tour which i didn't see either. I couldn't afford tickets to go to Germany, i was 16 anyway.
After each tour i regret i didn't see more shows. Obviously it's depend on money.
Anyway i saw them few extra times i didn't plan : Sheffield, Hyde Park, Brno.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 29, 2014 16:43

...actually, I should say it was not running away from home in 1981 to see the Stones in Seattle, when my parents didn't let me go.

Nah, nothing to regret.

Are you saying that because Mick was singing two octaves lower on that tour with his 'coke-addled' voice, or was it because of the football pants?

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: Milan ()
Date: March 29, 2014 16:55

a bigger nut
Born in 1969.

I had to wait until 1990 to see Stones.


Born in 1978.

In Serbia.

I had to wait until 2007 to see the Stones.

(great gig, though)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-29 16:57 by Milan.

Re: Your Biggest Stones Regret
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: March 29, 2014 17:02

Getting a migraine whilst queuing to get in Cardiff ' meds...argggh!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-29 17:02 by EddieByword.

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