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Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: March 2, 2014 14:17



Thank's - seems as if at least twice Keith had extended his playing in one section (at the end of the intro and just before Lisa's solo part) - think it also happened several times in the 70s with this specific song.

Anyway. Wish they would bring back the special female singer guest for GS as in 2012 - it was a great fresh thing and new life for the song. At least for those of us watching all those videos, gig after gig (and if lucky also attend 1-2 gigs in that year) the GS and MY looks too much of a complete, perfectly rehearsed to the smallest detail, of each other.

Yeah, I want Miley Cyrus as a guest for both of those songs. cool smiley

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: March 2, 2014 14:36



Thank's - seems as if at least twice Keith had extended his playing in one section (at the end of the intro and just before Lisa's solo part) - think it also happened several times in the 70s with this specific song.

Anyway. Wish they would bring back the special female singer guest for GS as in 2012 - it was a great fresh thing and new life for the song. At least for those of us watching all those videos, gig after gig (and if lucky also attend 1-2 gigs in that year) the GS and MY looks too much of a complete, perfectly rehearsed to the smallest detail, of each other.

Yeah, I want Miley Cyrus as a guest for both of those songs. cool smiley

Amy Winehouse SVP!

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: MrsHop ()
Date: March 2, 2014 15:09

The health of one the Stones is not related to a Show ???

Not really, unless you are their doctor and you have been allowed to discuss their health in the public.

I do see that there are a lot of amateeur doctors around, talking about health, wigs, strokes, dehydration, somebody falling over, finger problems, who knows may be there will be discussions about eyes, I think may be they use eye drops, and why does Mick drink all the time? Is it really EVIAN water or what is it?

Are there any real doctors or wig experts around here? Is it normal to discuss the health of a person in public? Without any medical records or personal approval whatsoever? If so, and I say IF SO, then it would be appropriate to start a separate HEALTH tread, but health and politics is pretty much "I think you think" really.

Let us move on with Tokyo-1 show comments. Thank you. And an odd cherry blossom or sushi comment, I am sure Mick is having some sushi or tofu by now.

I understand, that we, though it originally started in direct relation to the Tokyo show, went too off topic here and that it tends generally to be repetitive because of much ongoing speculation without confirmation. And I'm glad I found some videos to get more on topic again myself. But it's not really a mystery, why fans are interested in this topic again and again. It's the result of a mixture of worry and hope related to an important band member and his music, combined with sparse, uncertain information to base your hope and worry on, which rises a lot of questions when trying to somehow understand observations regarding a show. And this worry and hope naturally get nurtured by every new performances like the one in Tokyo.

Very well put. My apologies too BV, as yes: I/we ended-up going WAY off topic. It was well intentioned though & came about because The Stones have meant a lot to me for a LONG, LONG time. Some less forgiving posters have just been very blunt after viewing new footage, saying eg: "There's no excuse- they are just plain BAD now". I guess that would be 'on topic', but kind of brutal & quite provocative. That's not sarcasm, OR what I THINK. Just trying to smooth things over a little & as I hardly ever post anything- it's easy to get sidetracked (as in a real conversation amongst friends). Sorry.

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-02 16:14 by MrsHop.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: fahthree ()
Date: March 2, 2014 15:20



Yet another Gimme Shelter where Lisa is less than impressive. Of course, I haven't really liked her on it since Licks.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: TheBlockbuster ()
Date: March 2, 2014 15:41



Yet another Gimme Shelter where Lisa is less than impressive. Of course, I haven't really liked her on it since Licks.

I agree, Lisa could easily be taken out of the band now and so could Bernard, I hate his backup vocals on Start Me Up for an example.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: March 2, 2014 16:37



Yet another Gimme Shelter where Lisa is less than impressive. Of course, I haven't really liked her on it since Licks.

Warning: another "Vegas Stones" comment!

Gimme Shelter, Miss You and YCAGWYW are performed in 2013-14 in what we should have called "A Vegas way" unless the "V word" had become such a worn out term here. I refer to the whole presentation on stage - not just the audio. I know that us fans over here watch sometimes more than one video per song/gig while the average person in the audience would not know much of how the current tour setlist/stage looks like (before attending a show). Still: when you see the HP 1&2 gigs, then the Asia gigs and notice the same "I wish I could play the Bass like Daryl" (MY regular), the Lisa making a phony smile while touching Keith's shoulder when walking to the Catwalk (GS) or even the screen video mix guy putting the zoom on Bernards face in slow motion when Gimme Shelter intro begins - it really looks like a perfectly rehearsed down to the smallest details thing.

Anyway: thats life. I still recall my fist big lecture at the University. The Professor, who was a "big shot", had put throughout the 90 minutes various anecdotes about all sort of different cultures during different periods all over the world (it was history). I cherished every such insider view and thought to myself "What a figure! he know so much about everything". A few years later I read some text book that dealt with a list of "case studies" in a certain topic in history. All anecdotes, one by one, were taken from that book by the lecturer who must have just read that text book when he prepared his presentation for the first class. Sometimes you like to believe that presenters really wake up every morning thinking how they would make it all different "just for you". But at the end of the day "Vegas show" is just a very good version of the usual well planned show given by practically anyone who works in giving presentations...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-02 16:39 by Wroclaw.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 2, 2014 16:48


You would think ( hope) that the Stones would want to visit the disaster region which is still recovering from the earthquake/tsunami.It would be good if they did.

Not to go too OT but something about your comment bothers the crap out of me.
Why do the Stones or any other celebrity have to publicly grieve/ or show sympathy for anything they had nothing to do with?

What do you want from them? Should Ronnie and Charlie put on hazmat suits and go out to the Fukashima plant? Do Mick and Keith have to sit on boats all day blocking dolphin kills? Does Mick Taylor have to place flowers at the schools washed away by the tsunami? And what of the backing musicians? Should Chuck, Bobby, Bernard, Lisa and Tim play on a street corner for earthquake relief?

And how about Pierre and the rest of the crew? What do you want and where does it end?

Thank you for articulating what I was thinking.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: PhillyFAN ()
Date: March 2, 2014 17:09



Yet another Gimme Shelter where Lisa is less than impressive. Of course, I haven't really liked her on it since Licks.

Warning: another "Vegas Stones" comment!

Gimme Shelter, Miss You and YCAGWYW are performed in 2013-14 in what we should have called "A Vegas way" unless the "V word" had become such a worn out term here. I refer to the whole presentation on stage - not just the audio. I know that us fans over here watch sometimes more than one video per song/gig while the average person in the audience would not know much of how the current tour setlist/stage looks like (before attending a show). Still: when you see the HP 1&2 gigs, then the Asia gigs and notice the same "I wish I could play the Bass like Daryl" (MY regular), the Lisa making a phony smile while touching Keith's shoulder when walking to the Catwalk (GS) or even the screen video mix guy putting the zoom on Bernards face in slow motion when Gimme Shelter intro begins - it really looks like a perfectly rehearsed down to the smallest details thing.

Anyway: thats life. I still recall my fist big lecture at the University. The Professor, who was a "big shot", had put throughout the 90 minutes various anecdotes about all sort of different cultures during different periods all over the world (it was history). I cherished every such insider view and thought to myself "What a figure! he know so much about everything". A few years later I read some text book that dealt with a list of "case studies" in a certain topic in history. All anecdotes, one by one, were taken from that book by the lecturer who must have just read that text book when he prepared his presentation for the first class. Sometimes you like to believe that presenters really wake up every morning thinking how they would make it all different "just for you". But at the end of the day "Vegas show" is just a very good version of the usual well planned show given by practically anyone who works in giving presentations...

Apparently MJ wants both Lisa and Bernard backing up his vocals. Lisa is an incredible singer with a voice that has 5 octaves. She has a Grammy as well. She choose not to be in the spotlight as a solo singer. If people are tired of Lisa and Bernard the choice is easy. Don't listen. MJ has had them touring with him and recording for 25 years. These are choices the Stones make about their music and how it is made and presented. No one is forcing anyone to keep listening or watching videos.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: fahthree ()
Date: March 2, 2014 17:16

I could care less that Lisa has a Grammy, has chosen not to be in the spotlight, has a 5 octaves. I'm surprised we didn't read she's really good to the fans because that one always comes up if someone dares to say something negative about her singing. I simply don't like her on Gimme Shelter anymore. I don't advocate dropping the background singers by any means but if Lisa doesn't get a moment in the show I will survive.

I should add that I actually witnessed a show without Lisa -- September 22, 2002 at the Tower when she was sick. Surprisingly everyone still enjoyed the show.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-02 17:27 by fahthree.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: paulm ()
Date: March 2, 2014 17:24

I'm agreeing that this Vegas act is played. This format DID have its time, when the band developed their "big" sound during Steel Wheels. But now, with the notable exception of MJ and CW, this is crap. I love KR, but really, this is now embarrassing.

MT could salvage GS and SO much more. But no, they keep him backstage. Do you recall how he played on GS—a song written during his tenure, and how he STILL has at least moderate chops?

This is just lame now; beating a dead horse. Hang it up or do something unusual, radical.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: PhillyFAN ()
Date: March 2, 2014 17:31

Tell Mick Jagger. He's not tired of her on Gimme Shelter. There are so many things about the Stones I really really wish we're different but I am sure they don't care what us fans think.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: March 2, 2014 17:37



Yet another Gimme Shelter where Lisa is less than impressive. Of course, I haven't really liked her on it since Licks.

Warning: another "Vegas Stones" comment!

Gimme Shelter, Miss You and YCAGWYW are performed in 2013-14 in what we should have called "A Vegas way" unless the "V word" had become such a worn out term here. I refer to the whole presentation on stage - not just the audio. I know that us fans over here watch sometimes more than one video per song/gig while the average person in the audience would not know much of how the current tour setlist/stage looks like (before attending a show). Still: when you see the HP 1&2 gigs, then the Asia gigs and notice the same "I wish I could play the Bass like Daryl" (MY regular), the Lisa making a phony smile while touching Keith's shoulder when walking to the Catwalk (GS) or even the screen video mix guy putting the zoom on Bernards face in slow motion when Gimme Shelter intro begins - it really looks like a perfectly rehearsed down to the smallest details thing.

Anyway: thats life. I still recall my fist big lecture at the University. The Professor, who was a "big shot", had put throughout the 90 minutes various anecdotes about all sort of different cultures during different periods all over the world (it was history). I cherished every such insider view and thought to myself "What a figure! he know so much about everything". A few years later I read some text book that dealt with a list of "case studies" in a certain topic in history. All anecdotes, one by one, were taken from that book by the lecturer who must have just read that text book when he prepared his presentation for the first class. Sometimes you like to believe that presenters really wake up every morning thinking how they would make it all different "just for you". But at the end of the day "Vegas show" is just a very good version of the usual well planned show given by practically anyone who works in giving presentations...

Apparently MJ wants both Lisa and Bernard backing up his vocals. Lisa is an incredible singer with a voice that has 5 octaves. She has a Grammy as well. She choose not to be in the spotlight as a solo singer. If people are tired of Lisa and Bernard the choice is easy. Don't listen. MJ has had them touring with him and recording for 25 years. These are choices the Stones make about their music and how it is made and presented. No one is forcing anyone to keep listening or watching videos.

I do not think me, or anyone else here, pretends to hold rights for the RS, Gimme Shelter of even for MJ's "job" as conductor. As said by another poster above me: Lisa's Grammy's are not related. I actually did not criticize Lisa at all in regard to her singing: I claimed that certain songs are presented in a way that reminds me of "Rolling Stones the Musical". BTW - I dont think there is not much choice here: crucial elements of the Rolling Stones War Machine are too weak to be relayed on when planning a Rock and Roll bald offensive. I think that the conversion of the act into a semi "Musical" type of event in inevitable pretty much as it was inevitable for the (50% of) The Who to stop with the windmills and Mic. spinning while compensating the audience with improved musicianship.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: March 2, 2014 17:40

GS sounds pretty good to me : i've heard (lots of!) versions from the 97-98 era that were worse than this one. Obviously Keith struggles very hard to play anything consistent but Jagger is amazing! His voice and his moves belong to a man in his 40's. That's stupendous!

And have you noticed? Chuck's playing is restrained and tasty! Yes!

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: tornnfrayed ()
Date: March 2, 2014 17:41


You would think ( hope) that the Stones would want to visit the disaster region which is still recovering from the earthquake/tsunami.It would be good if they did.

Not to go too OT but something about your comment bothers the crap out of me.
Why do the Stones or any other celebrity have to publicly grieve/ or show sympathy for anything they had nothing to do with?

What do you want from them? Should Ronnie and Charlie put on hazmat suits and go out to the Fukashima plant? Do Mick and Keith have to sit on boats all day blocking dolphin kills? Does Mick Taylor have to place flowers at the schools washed away by the tsunami? And what of the backing musicians? Should Chuck, Bobby, Bernard, Lisa and Tim play on a street corner for earthquake relief?

And how about Pierre and the rest of the crew? What do you want and where does it end?

Thank you for articulating what I was thinking.

Actually the Stones have done benefits before, the Nicaraguan Earthquake benefit is the one I remember most. Do you even know about that one, or were you not born yet ? And I think they have made other appearences at benefit concerts in recent years so it would not be out of character for them. It just seems like the decent thing to do and I think that beneath the harsh exterior the Stones are decent people. I have always felt that way, about Keith and Charlie at least and even Jagger to some extent.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: March 2, 2014 17:41

Tell Mick Jagger. He's not tired of her on Gimme Shelter. There are so many things about the Stones I really really wish we're different but I am sure they don't care what us fans think.

The Stones are a mass act these days. So they produce mainly middle of the road music.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: March 2, 2014 17:44

Tell Mick Jagger. He's not tired of her on Gimme Shelter. There are so many things about the Stones I really really wish we're different but I am sure they don't care what us fans think.

The Stones are a mass act these days. So they produce mainly middle of the road music.

SO I guess no you at the Ziggodome/Pinkpop etc. gigs rumored? grinning smiley

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: March 2, 2014 17:50

Here is a list of the songs we have videos of:

Great work SB, thank you for your efforts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-02 18:00 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 2, 2014 18:16


You would think ( hope) that the Stones would want to visit the disaster region which is still recovering from the earthquake/tsunami.It would be good if they did.

Not to go too OT but something about your comment bothers the crap out of me.
Why do the Stones or any other celebrity have to publicly grieve/ or show sympathy for anything they had nothing to do with?

What do you want from them? Should Ronnie and Charlie put on hazmat suits and go out to the Fukashima plant? Do Mick and Keith have to sit on boats all day blocking dolphin kills? Does Mick Taylor have to place flowers at the schools washed away by the tsunami? And what of the backing musicians? Should Chuck, Bobby, Bernard, Lisa and Tim play on a street corner for earthquake relief?

And how about Pierre and the rest of the crew? What do you want and where does it end?

Thank you for articulating what I was thinking.

Actually the Stones have done benefits before, the Nicaraguan Earthquake benefit is the one I remember most. Do you even know about that one, or were you not born yet ? And I think they have made other appearences at benefit concerts in recent years so it would not be out of character for them. It just seems like the decent thing to do and I think that beneath the harsh exterior the Stones are decent people. I have always felt that way, about Keith and Charlie at least and even Jagger to some extent.

It's in how you phrased it, "you would think that the stones would want to visit the disaster region". Why would I or anyone think that, because you think that? I think your becoming condescending after the fact is confirmation of at least my opinion on your comment.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: SPellegrino ()
Date: March 2, 2014 18:20


You would think ( hope) that the Stones would want to visit the disaster region which is still recovering from the earthquake/tsunami.It would be good if they did.

Not to go too OT but something about your comment bothers the crap out of me.
Why do the Stones or any other celebrity have to publicly grieve/ or show sympathy for anything they had nothing to do with?

What do you want from them? Should Ronnie and Charlie put on hazmat suits and go out to the Fukashima plant? Do Mick and Keith have to sit on boats all day blocking dolphin kills? Does Mick Taylor have to place flowers at the schools washed away by the tsunami? And what of the backing musicians? Should Chuck, Bobby, Bernard, Lisa and Tim play on a street corner for earthquake relief?

And how about Pierre and the rest of the crew? What do you want and where does it end?

Thank you for articulating what I was thinking.

Actually the Stones have done benefits before, the Nicaraguan Earthquake benefit is the one I remember most. Do you even know about that one, or were you not born yet ? And I think they have made other appearences at benefit concerts in recent years so it would not be out of character for them. It just seems like the decent thing to do and I think that beneath the harsh exterior the Stones are decent people. I have always felt that way, about Keith and Charlie at least and even Jagger to some extent.

It's in how you phrased it, "you would think that the stones would want to visit the disaster region". Why would I or anyone think that, because you think that? I think your becoming condescending after the fact is confirmation of at least my opinion on your comment.

Which is exactly what bothered me about it in the first place. And yes I know about Nicaragua. Do you know about Ronnie's charity work in Africa both for animal preservation and rebuilding forests? I do because I have donated to both.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-02 18:24 by SPellegrino.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: ChrisM ()
Date: March 2, 2014 18:36


You would think ( hope) that the Stones would want to visit the disaster region which is still recovering from the earthquake/tsunami.It would be good if they did.

Not to go too OT but something about your comment bothers the crap out of me.
Why do the Stones or any other celebrity have to publicly grieve/ or show sympathy for anything they had nothing to do with?

What do you want from them? Should Ronnie and Charlie put on hazmat suits and go out to the Fukashima plant? Do Mick and Keith have to sit on boats all day blocking dolphin kills? Does Mick Taylor have to place flowers at the schools washed away by the tsunami? And what of the backing musicians? Should Chuck, Bobby, Bernard, Lisa and Tim play on a street corner for earthquake relief?

And how about Pierre and the rest of the crew? What do you want and where does it end?

Thank you for articulating what I was thinking.

Actually the Stones have done benefits before, the Nicaraguan Earthquake benefit is the one I remember most. Do you even know about that one, or were you not born yet ? And I think they have made other appearences at benefit concerts in recent years so it would not be out of character for them. It just seems like the decent thing to do and I think that beneath the harsh exterior the Stones are decent people. I have always felt that way, about Keith and Charlie at least and even Jagger to some extent.
Thanks for expressing what I was about to say myself. Yes, the Stones have done benefit shows before, the SARs benefit was another such, and it was clear to me that was what you meant for the Stones to do and not some farcical notion such as visiting the Fukushima plant. The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami killed over 20k people and has had a deep impact on Japan and its people, so yes, why not a benefit show?

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: SPellegrino ()
Date: March 2, 2014 18:55

I see so the Stones should do a benefit show in every town they visit.

How about one for Ukrainian independence or better wages for garment workers in Thailand and Vietnam? Or oil companies against piracy? How about cheeseburgers for starving models? Where does it end? It doesn't with thoughts like yours.

Why don't you let them decide how to help instead of standing around with your hands out waiting for something more than music from a rock band.

Or better yet, calculate how much you've spent on concert tickets, merchandise, recordings, travel expenses, etc. and repent for not giving that money to your local charities. The Stones may be rich but they worked their asses off for it.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Date: March 2, 2014 20:14

Toru A
Did somebody at least make an AUDIO recording of Gimme Shelter, Bitch and Slipping Away?

Taylor's backing chorus was just beautiful from the 3:50 mark.smiling smiley

That's very nice of you, thanks!!! I can't hear Taylor's backing chorus singing, sadly, because of too much reverberation (hope that is the right word) for me to hear this detail. But I like Keith's singing and what I could hear of the guitars. I'll post your video in the The Show in Videos thread to fill one of the gaps in the list there. smiling smiley

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: March 2, 2014 20:16

Tell Mick Jagger. He's not tired of her on Gimme Shelter. There are so many things about the Stones I really really wish we're different but I am sure they don't care what us fans think.

The Stones are a mass act these days. So they produce mainly middle of the road music.

SO I guess no you at the Ziggodome/Pinkpop etc. gigs rumored? grinning smiley

My last show was in 1982, Rotterdam, when they already were a mass act. It was because of friends that I went to that show. In 1973 it was unbelievable, in 1976 (The Hague) so so.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Powerage ()
Date: March 2, 2014 20:33

Floating version, hard to remember how GS was so a rock'n roll song, oppressive and poisonous (Altamont...).

Now : almost a variety song...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-02 20:48 by Powerage.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: ChrisM ()
Date: March 2, 2014 20:38

I see so the Stones should do a benefit show in every town they visit.
Neither I, torn or anyone else I can see suggested or even said this. You did. To suggest a thing be done on all occasions because it has been done on one is not the issue and is a fallacy. Also, whether the Stones do a benefit show or not is of course up to them and no one else. All anyone has said is it would be nice if they did one. That is all...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-02 20:46 by ChrisM.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Date: March 2, 2014 20:54



Floating version, hard to remember how GS was so a rock'n roll song, oppressive and poisonous (Altamont...).

Now : almost a variety song...[/quote]

A rock'n'roll song? It was more like an epic, post-psychedelia, mysterious wonderment of a song to me.

Luckily, they kept those important elements of the song, instead of thrashing through it. It's still epic if you're in the arena when they play it, imo.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: March 2, 2014 22:27


You would think ( hope) that the Stones would want to visit the disaster region which is still recovering from the earthquake/tsunami.It would be good if they did.

Not to go too OT but something about your comment bothers the crap out of me.
Why do the Stones or any other celebrity have to publicly grieve/ or show sympathy for anything they had nothing to do with?

What do you want from them? Should Ronnie and Charlie put on hazmat suits and go out to the Fukashima plant? Do Mick and Keith have to sit on boats all day blocking dolphin kills? Does Mick Taylor have to place flowers at the schools washed away by the tsunami? And what of the backing musicians? Should Chuck, Bobby, Bernard, Lisa and Tim play on a street corner for earthquake relief?

And how about Pierre and the rest of the crew? What do you want and where does it end?

Thank you for articulating what I was thinking.

Actually the Stones have done benefits before, the Nicaraguan Earthquake benefit is the one I remember most. Do you even know about that one, or were you not born yet ? And I think they have made other appearences at benefit concerts in recent years so it would not be out of character for them. It just seems like the decent thing to do and I think that beneath the harsh exterior the Stones are decent people. I have always felt that way, about Keith and Charlie at least and even Jagger to some extent.
Thanks for expressing what I was about to say myself. Yes, the Stones have done benefit shows before, the SARs benefit was another such, and it was clear to me that was what you meant for the Stones to do and not some farcical notion such as visiting the Fukushima plant. The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami killed over 20k people and has had a deep impact on Japan and its people, so yes, why not a benefit show?

But where does that end? I have the utmost empathy for the Japanese that had to go through that ordeal, but at least Japan is a wealthy government. They can and should pay for this themselves.

What about all the need everywhere else? Haiti is a basket case. Pick almost any country in Africa. Other parts of Asia.

Any money raised would go a lot further in those countries. Implying the Stones need to do something in Japan I think is misdirected.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Date: March 2, 2014 23:17

short video with view on the stage and logo on screen

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: March 3, 2014 01:21

Well, one thing you can say about Lisa ~ she's better than Gwen Stefani.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: ChrisM ()
Date: March 3, 2014 01:33


You would think ( hope) that the Stones would want to visit the disaster region which is still recovering from the earthquake/tsunami.It would be good if they did.

Not to go too OT but something about your comment bothers the crap out of me.
Why do the Stones or any other celebrity have to publicly grieve/ or show sympathy for anything they had nothing to do with?

What do you want from them? Should Ronnie and Charlie put on hazmat suits and go out to the Fukashima plant? Do Mick and Keith have to sit on boats all day blocking dolphin kills? Does Mick Taylor have to place flowers at the schools washed away by the tsunami? And what of the backing musicians? Should Chuck, Bobby, Bernard, Lisa and Tim play on a street corner for earthquake relief?

And how about Pierre and the rest of the crew? What do you want and where does it end?

Thank you for articulating what I was thinking.

Actually the Stones have done benefits before, the Nicaraguan Earthquake benefit is the one I remember most. Do you even know about that one, or were you not born yet ? And I think they have made other appearences at benefit concerts in recent years so it would not be out of character for them. It just seems like the decent thing to do and I think that beneath the harsh exterior the Stones are decent people. I have always felt that way, about Keith and Charlie at least and even Jagger to some extent.
Thanks for expressing what I was about to say myself. Yes, the Stones have done benefit shows before, the SARs benefit was another such, and it was clear to me that was what you meant for the Stones to do and not some farcical notion such as visiting the Fukushima plant. The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami killed over 20k people and has had a deep impact on Japan and its people, so yes, why not a benefit show?

But where does that end? I have the utmost empathy for the Japanese that had to go through that ordeal, but at least Japan is a wealthy government. They can and should pay for this themselves.

What about all the need everywhere else? Haiti is a basket case. Pick almost any country in Africa. Other parts of Asia.

Any money raised would go a lot further in those countries. Implying the Stones need to do something in Japan I think is misdirected.
For Christ's sake, it was only a suggestion, not an imperative. Please forget about it, OK?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-03-03 02:22 by ChrisM.

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