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Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Date: February 27, 2014 19:07

Of course we do! smiling smiley

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: February 27, 2014 19:28

Given the tiny number of Tokyo videos, I was so pleased to think I'd found another one that I didn't look or listen closely enough. Sorry for the confusion.

Anyway, it sounds as if there won't be much to find from any of the strictly-policed Tokyo shows - very nice for those who are there, but frustrating for the rest of us if this does turn out to be the place where they play something unusual. Let's hope that TV show rumour turns out to be right.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: StonedInTokyo ()
Date: February 27, 2014 19:51

Green Lady
Let's hope that TV show rumour turns out to be right.

From what I understand on the Wowow flyer, they're showing some Stones specials not a Tokyo Dome concert. On the other hand, the Wowow flyer I received at the Eric Clapton concert in Yokohama very clearly states there will be an EC pay-per-view telecast on Wowow in April. I did see a tv camera in use during Eric's Yokohama gig but it wasn't clear if the camerman was working on the Wowow PPV telecast or just a news report. I did not see any crews working the Stones gig aside from the video projection feed and the tv news crew conducting fan interviews afterward (outside). Of course, it could be Wowow is negotiating with Stones management for broadcast rights of Tokyo Dome video projection feed footage.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-27 19:55 by StonedInTokyo.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Date: February 27, 2014 19:58

Green Lady


Would every one please insert the above wording in their quotings of the relevant post?

Green Lady's video-hunting licence has been withdrawn for gross incompetence.

grinning smiley

We love you!

We do!

Your license is still intact, Green Lady. A few mistakes are no big deal, especially when it's someone whose effforts here add so much to the enjoyment of this forum. Where would we be without your good organizational skills? smiling smiley

grinning smiley thumbs up

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Date: February 27, 2014 20:22

A portion of Miss You. WARNING: Loud cracking at the start of the video! My poor ears, I was wearing headphones.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-27 20:32 by StrawberriesBlueberries.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: February 27, 2014 20:24

Let's listen to some "soft" rock! grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley grinning smiley

WOW. That has to be the absolute best sound anyone has ever had at any concert at the last row of a stadium!!!

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: February 27, 2014 20:27

Green Lady


Would every one please insert the above wording in their quotings of the relevant post?

Green Lady's video-hunting licence has been withdrawn for gross incompetence.

grinning smiley

We love you!

We do!

Your license is still intact, Green Lady. A few mistakes are no big deal, especially when it's someone whose effforts here add so much to the enjoyment of this forum. Where would we be without your good organizational skills? smiling smiley

grinning smiley thumbs up

Cheers baby smileys with beer

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: February 27, 2014 20:30

Rolling Hansie
Green Lady


Would every one please insert the above wording in their quotings of the relevant post?

Green Lady's video-hunting licence has been withdrawn for gross incompetence.

grinning smiley

We love you!

We do!

Your license is still intact, Green Lady. A few mistakes are no big deal, especially when it's someone whose effforts here add so much to the enjoyment of this forum. Where would we be without your good organizational skills? smiling smiley

grinning smiley thumbs up

Cheers baby smileys with beer

The love and license intactness is waaaaayconfirmed smileys with beer

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: dadrob ()
Date: February 27, 2014 20:35

keith richards sounds like a rookie player...that shit is sad to his best there was no one better. Ron does not play enough...this piano drums bass led era is not to my tastes at all.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: February 27, 2014 20:45

From the stills and some of the videos, it seems like Mick and Keith are interacting much more on stage.

They seemed so icy toward each other on the 50 and counting shows. Started to see some thaw in Glastonbury and it looks like things have improved.

Not sure why it's so important to me that 2 70 year old millionaires are friendly with each other but, as a life long fan of these guy's, I'm just happy that they seem to be in a good place w each other.

I'm sensing the same thing based on the videos, I don't even know why but somehow there is now a different interaction between them.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: February 27, 2014 21:04

Rolling Hansie
Green Lady


Would every one please insert the above wording in their quotings of the relevant post?

Green Lady's video-hunting licence has been withdrawn for gross incompetence.

grinning smiley

We love you!

We do!

Your license is still intact, Green Lady. A few mistakes are no big deal, especially when it's someone whose effforts here add so much to the enjoyment of this forum. Where would we be without your good organizational skills? smiling smiley

grinning smiley thumbs up

Cheers baby smileys with beer

The love and license intactness is waaaaayconfirmed smileys with beer

What a nice forgiving bunch you all are! I'm glad to be here...(and you know the rest of the quote)

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: February 27, 2014 22:01

Green Lady

All right then, I guess. Anyway this video is included several post above as one from Tokyo...

Maybe Green Lady will remove it to correct her error? I didn't notice myself at first, but when I clicked to watch this video on Youtube, not here, I did.


Would every one please insert the above wording in their quotings of the relevant post?

Green Lady's video-hunting licence has been withdrawn for gross incompetence.

Green Lady - I definitely wont expect anyone to loose his/hers licence to post videos over anything...smileys with beer

I suspect you fell for a common youtube trick: You looked for "added in the last 24 hours" RS songs assuming these should be Tokyo live bits. In reality there are quite a few people on youtube who want to increase the "views" volume of their videons/channel by simply uploading their outdated videos (in this case live show films) just after major events related to the same outdated videos take place. Example: I want my HP2 Gimme Shelter video to get many viewers so what I will do is to upload it just after some fresh RS gig... 1000's of people hit the refresh buttons looking for fresh videos and quite a few will hit "my" old Gimme Shelter grinning smiley

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Niek ()
Date: February 27, 2014 22:03

From the stills and some of the videos, it seems like Mick and Keith are interacting much more on stage.

They seemed so icy toward each other on the 50 and counting shows. Started to see some thaw in Glastonbury and it looks like things have improved.

Not sure why it's so important to me that 2 70 year old millionaires are friendly with each other but, as a life long fan of these guys, I'm just happy that they seem to be in a good place w each other.

I asked myself the same question. I was so happy to see Mick and Keith share smiles with each other at Hyde Park 2.
I thought about it and it's like a child looking to his parents to see if they are good together. If not, than life is uncertain and scary for him. Maybe they split!
If they are good together there is peace and happiness and maybe new baby's!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-27 22:04 by Niek.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Wroclaw ()
Date: February 27, 2014 22:13

From the stills and some of the videos, it seems like Mick and Keith are interacting much more on stage.

They seemed so icy toward each other on the 50 and counting shows. Started to see some thaw in Glastonbury and it looks like things have improved.

Not sure why it's so important to me that 2 70 year old millionaires are friendly with each other but, as a life long fan of these guys, I'm just happy that they seem to be in a good place w each other.

I asked myself the same question. I was so happy to see Mick and Keith share smiles with each other at Hyde Park 2.
I thought about it and it's like a child looking to his parents to see if they are good together. If not, than life is uncertain and scary for him. Maybe they split!
If they are good together there is peace and happiness and maybe new baby's!


Your parents do not like each other anymore
They hardly have sex anymore
They will never have any more shared kids

BUT - they make tons of money being married!

In our world... that the best guarantee you can ask for...smiling smiley

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: February 27, 2014 22:21

From the stills and some of the videos, it seems like Mick and Keith are interacting much more on stage.

They seemed so icy toward each other on the 50 and counting shows. Started to see some thaw in Glastonbury and it looks like things have improved.

Not sure why it's so important to me that 2 70 year old millionaires are friendly with each other but, as a life long fan of these guys, I'm just happy that they seem to be in a good place w each other.

I asked myself the same question. I was so happy to see Mick and Keith share smiles with each other at Hyde Park 2.
I thought about it and it's like a child looking to his parents to see if they are good together. If not, than life is uncertain and scary for him. Maybe they split!
If they are good together there is peace and happiness and maybe new baby's!


Your parents do not like each other anymore
They hardly have sex anymore
They will never have any more shared kids

BUT - they make tons of money being married!

In our world... that the best guarantee you can ask for...smiling smiley

But didn't the father of our family say that they are doing it for the kids...

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: MrsHop ()
Date: February 28, 2014 00:18


I Still think, there was some sort of crisis for him around 2007 (lots of not very pleasent stuff happend in his life around this year, from what I read).


I think you're right. I saw the band in Copenhagen in 2007 & while there, pre-show, the papers were running a story on how Keith had been so out of it at the previous show (was it Helsinki?), that Mick had had to physically prevent him from falling off the B-stage. It didn't bode well, but I think that bad press maybe gave Keith/the band an incentive to make the next show a good one- which it was.
I know the whole 'pre-palm tree' thing has been done to death & personally, I don't think his performances/playing were any less inconsistent 'pre' or 'post'. I know I'm probably putting this in the wrong thread, but aswell as being a guitar-player (not a great one), I'm also a trained nurse. On the short videos posted by the band to promote these latest tours, even when Keith says, eg: "See ya there"- his speech seems slurred to me. In a nutshell: he sounds very like someone who's had a small stroke to me. If that IS the case- then the fact that he can play AT ALL is a miracle.Of course, Osteoarthritis is a miserable affliction too- so let's just thank God that he's still around & doing his best. He's not a well man.
Sorry- I guess there should be a 'Doom & Gloom' thread & before anyone else says it: no- I'm NOT a Doctor ;-).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-28 00:26 by MrsHop.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: February 28, 2014 01:37

Damn!- now I'm completely contradicting myself aren't I?- getting over-analytical..

Yeah but you do it in a kinda cute way smiling smiley

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Tokyo Videos?
Posted by: IsakSun ()
Date: February 28, 2014 00:06

Why is the selection of videos from the tokyo Concert so poor? Are the rules about videotaping concerts more strict in Japan than other places or something like that?
Just curious if annyone knows.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Date: February 28, 2014 01:48

He fell over in Helsinki, supposedly due to dehydration.

Sounds feasible- as it was BAKING hot that summer.
On a much lighter note: Yes- I agree with what you were saying re: Keith's 'finding a groove' approach to solos & he can STILL do that very well sometimes. I was surprised at how much he was playing in that understated style on Miss You from Hyde Park. Easily missed, but kind of unique to the man.
Sorry- I know I tend to ramble, but kind of related: I was surprised that 'You Got Me Rockin' reared it's head again on this/50 & Counting tour, as for some reason Keith just COULDN'T nail that on the BB shows for some reason (in 2007 especially).
Damn!- now I'm completely contradicting myself aren't I?- getting over-analytical..

No, you make perfect sense smiling smiley

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Brstonesfan ()
Date: February 28, 2014 02:01

Unfortunately, this is the best Keith we will get. Even before the physical
decline, he neglected to practice for years as we saw in that painful 2010
tribute video . This is why Mick T must be made a full member and integrated into
the entire show.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: paulm ()
Date: February 28, 2014 02:21

Unfortunately, this is the best Keith we will get. Even before the physical
decline, he neglected to practice for years as we saw in that painful 2010
tribute video . This is why Mick T must be made a full member and integrated into
the entire show.

KR's incredible resiliency and stamina is reason enough for me to follow his adventures, but the myopia of musical apologists is confusing: the performance is now downright BAD. Focusing on rhythm is challenge enough.

And please, yes, for the love of God or Pete or whomever, ALLOW MT to flesh out this sadly lacking aspect of the show, instead of traipsing him out there like a monkey on a leash to sing backup(??) and strum.

C'mon guys...

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Date: February 28, 2014 02:25

Did somebody at least make an AUDIO recording of Gimme Shelter, Bitch and Slipping Away?

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: February 28, 2014 03:20

Let's be intellectually honest and admit these new shows so far been a disappointment . While we are grateful to still see them tour, when the best thing said about Keith is he didn't flub the intros it's not very encouraging. The only real impact musically is Mick T and Jagger on MR. Why not use him on more songs and add some real punch into a very , very weak guitar mix.

MR with MT clearly takes the band to another level, as did CYHMK when they first played it in LA, a bit less later on. It would be great to have a few more of these moments, but two years ago no one here would have ever believed they would happen, so...

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: February 28, 2014 04:03

"See ya there"- his speech seems slurred to me. In a nutshell: he sounds very like someone who's had a small stroke to me.

He's always talked like that, though, increasingly as the years go by. I think this is reading too much into it, to be honest--I'm not a nurse, but my father had multiple strokes, large and small, so I do have some knowledge, and a small stroke just doesn't produce any behavior I see Keith exhibiting. Just IMO, i don't even play a doctor on TV!

Different point--yeah, he makes mistakes sometimes, but often he sounds bloody great to me, and I and others who enjoy his playing, and don't care if it's not perfect, keep being told we're deaf or in denial. Which we ain't. It's a bit depressing to be told you're wrong if you enjoy something.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: StonedInTokyo ()
Date: February 28, 2014 05:18

Did somebody at least make an AUDIO recording of Gimme Shelter, Bitch and Slipping Away?

Rest assured audio recording of the Stones Tokyo shows continues unabated. I'm sure the first bootleg releases will be out before they even leave town.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: StonedInTokyo ()
Date: February 28, 2014 05:24

Unfortunately, this is the best Keith we will get. Even before the physical
decline, he neglected to practice for years as we saw in that painful 2010
tribute video . This is why Mick T must be made a full member and integrated into the entire show.

Using your own words, be intellectually honest (with yourself) and accept that Mick T being made a full member and integrated into the entire show ain't never gonna happen.

...let's get back on topic...please...

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Toru A ()
Date: February 28, 2014 07:00

Did somebody at least make an AUDIO recording of Gimme Shelter, Bitch and Slipping Away?

Rest assured audio recording of the Stones Tokyo shows continues unabated. I'm sure the first bootleg releases will be out before they even leave town.

2CDR-JPY 3,600
smiling smiley

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: Powerage ()
Date: February 28, 2014 10:44

I love Keith.

But sorry, impossible for me to write again and again that Keith plays better than during the last tour (here, 2013) while admitting that at that time it was not really great ...

In his solo, he rarely got right. But yes, for sure, he is obviously trying to do his best.

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: February 28, 2014 10:52

Unfortunately, this is the best Keith we will get. Even before the physical
decline, he neglected to practice for years as we saw in that painful 2010
tribute video . This is why Mick T must be made a full member and integrated into
the entire show.

Maybe he neglected to practise because his fingers were in really bad condition...

Re: Tokyo-1 Feb 26 Stones 2014 show live updates
Posted by: rollingon ()
Date: February 28, 2014 10:54

Unfortunately, this is the best Keith we will get. Even before the physical
decline, he neglected to practice for years as we saw in that painful 2010
tribute video . This is why Mick T must be made a full member and integrated into
the entire show.

Ronnie's playing seems to be quite good, but why is he playing so little, can't understand this...

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