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Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: July 25, 2013 00:28

Yeah, what he said!

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: July 25, 2013 00:33

Just listening to Before They Make Me Run, Keith is back, he's actually playing that thing slung over his shoulder while he's singing again! Licks/Bang/Shine A Light was more about posing, this short tour was rock and roll.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-25 00:38 by shadooby.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: Bastion ()
Date: July 25, 2013 00:34

Bloody hell!...30 years ago you'd be wetting yourself over a cassette tape or some dodgy bootleg vinyl...
I am an audiofool...for my sins I have spent a fortune on my hifi..Yes, flac, when number crunched, is a better medium..but..unless you have the hearing of a bat, these MP3's are fine..get over yourselves and enjoy the bloody music!

This. So much this. thumbs up

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: klaudio ()
Date: July 25, 2013 00:46

YOU ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

Being one of the old guys, I would have paid $100 in 1977 to hear a crappy bootleg of this.

Keep in mind that they were much harder to find and it would have been two years after the show.

Unless you have very good audio equipment, you are going to have a tough time
hearing a difference in sound quality.

But if you do.........CD quality recorded as slow as you can is the best for these files. It does take up more room. If you listen to an ipod or some ipod dock, don't waste your time........not saying its bad, but why waste the energy.

The term audiophile quality is used for so many things these days that are not audiophile quality. MY HATS OFF TO THE STTONES FOR PUTTING OUT A QUICK GOOD LIVE RECORDING!

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: firebird ()
Date: July 25, 2013 00:52

I just don't get why those online music shops do not offer different versions. It is save to say that the Hyde park show is recorded at least at 96khz/24bit resolution (my bet would go to 192Khz/24bit). There is not even high-end pro audio equipment needed, it's all standard nowadays. All the mixing and mastering is done at the same high audio resolutions. After that work is done, to create mp3, AAC, flac or whatever from the master is just a few mouse clicks, you can create three different formats in ten minutes. And I bet putting it online to the shop doesn't take longer.

So just give the people what they want, offer 96khz/24 bit HD audio, flac and mp3, there is no reason for not doing so.

I think mp3 (or any other lossy format) is already a relic from former times. It was good when we were using 56kbit modems and a hard disc had 20 megabytes capacity. But these times are gone, we have broadband internet and can store tons of gigabytes on small cards. It won't take long that SD cards in the terabyte range will be available. It just makes no sense to stick to a technology that is not sounding as good as it could when the technical reasons for using it are no longer existent.

Wouldn't you all agree that the stones deserve the best sound quality available?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-25 00:57 by firebird.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: firebird ()
Date: July 25, 2013 01:17

Bloody hell!...30 years ago you'd be wetting yourself over a cassette tape or some dodgy bootleg vinyl...
I am an audiofool...for my sins I have spent a fortune on my hifi..Yes, flac, when number crunched, is a better medium..but..unless you have the hearing of a bat, these MP3's are fine..get over yourselves and enjoy the bloody music!

I disagree. If you compare CD audio to a high bitrate mp3 you might not hear a big difference. But that is because CD-audio is already not a good format. And thats why a lot of people stick to vinyl. I have a 96khz/24bit audio interface and at this resolution, digital audio sounds really good, just as good as vinyl and way better than 44khz/16bit CD format.

Another thing that I really hate about mp3 is that you cannot work with it (for example applying EQs) to improve certain things in the audio, because the details are just lost. One example: I think that the guitars are sounding a bit thin on the Glasto DVD, you can hear the attack of the stings, but the body is missing. I applied an EQ, just boosted around 700hz by 4db and bingo, the guitars sounded great. And that was possible because the details are still there even if you don't hear them. I just tried to do the same with the Hyde park mp3 and it just wasn't j possible, the sound got muddy because the details are lost due to the mp3 compression.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: July 25, 2013 01:28

Available now on the "bay"..

Nordic Stones Vikings

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: klaudio ()
Date: July 25, 2013 01:59

No need to talk about rates for recordings.........get yourself a good amp and
cd player. I have sold cd players up to $5000 US. These will squash any download with an SACD or good remastered recording. Have done demos with all different kinds of files to hear the difference. I have played
familiar recordings on these players and people hear instruments and nuances you will never hear on any download. Even STONES. Listen to Ruby Tuesday on
a download........then listen to it on my system (not that mine is the best).
You would be shocked.

Want to really dance............add some tubes. Way to many things these days called "audiophile". CD is a good format if you have the right equipment.

Go listen to an Esoteric or DCS. But you really cannot hear the difference on
your average system.

Yet I listen to more computer music myself these days....just to convenient.

Do not get caught up in 96/24 or 192/24. There is much more to it than that. I have had 96/24 players that blew away 384/24 can go way over that now............look at the ESS Sabre DAC in a MCintosh separate DAC. It is what you do to the sound after it goes through the DAC...........remember you cannot hear bits and bytes. They have to be converted. Why vinyl is making such a comeback.

But as far as convenience............

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: kowalski ()
Date: July 25, 2013 02:17

Bloody hell!...30 years ago you'd be wetting yourself over a cassette tape or some dodgy bootleg vinyl...
I am an audiofool...for my sins I have spent a fortune on my hifi..Yes, flac, when number crunched, is a better medium..but..unless you have the hearing of a bat, these MP3's are fine..get over yourselves and enjoy the bloody music!

The thing is we're not talking about a bootleg release here. This is an official release, professionally mixed by a "big name" (Bob Clearmountain), and all we get at the end is a mp3 quality download.
As someone else pointed it out in this thread, it doesn't make any sense at all to offer only mp3 downloads in 2013. There's so many more possibilities. For instance they could release it in mp3/aac format, in FLAC/CD quality format and in HD/24bit format. And let everyone choose what's the best for his audio system... That's how works Qobuz, by the way. When you buy music on Qobuz you have the choice of format.

But it's long time understood that Apple doesn't care about music quality. All they're interested in is to sell smallest sized audio files so that their customers can pack as much as possible tracks on their i-devices (hence buy more from iTunes).

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: klaudio ()
Date: July 25, 2013 02:38

Great point!!!!!!!! Apple is bad about audio quality.

But alot of people are paying extra money for 192/24 and HD tracks onto
a computer..........and then not playing it through anything that converts or upsamples to that audio quality. If you download a high quality audio source
and just play it through a computer without a good DAC you are wasting your money!!!!!!!!!

Maybe the Stones went through apple for the marketing and to make money.
I mean they need the cash.

Lets face it...more people will buy Hyde Park than any of the downloads on the Stones web.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: July 25, 2013 03:14

Having been to both Hyde Park shows, and putting my listening experience from that together with this release, I can only come to one conclusion: This band is on FIRE!
So much better than the shows in November, all tough they were great.
I can only say, thank God or who ever put them on this earth, they still amaze me after 40 years of fandom from my side. These two shows are easily in my top 10.
Repeating an old slogan I saw in a pic many years ago: May God speed The Rolling Stones! I am so happy to have them and my Vikings in my life, can´t imagine what it will be without them.
To all doubters and infidels, listen to this, and repent.

Nordic Stones Vikings

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-25 03:26 by mickijaggeroo.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: dannyhowells ()
Date: July 25, 2013 03:29


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-25 03:30 by dannyhowells.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: klaudio ()
Date: July 25, 2013 03:44

By the way HYDE PARK LIVE is number 3 on the APPLE ITUNES chart for albums.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: July 25, 2013 03:54

Rambler makes it all worth it.

Nordic Stones Vikings

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: bigtyke66 ()
Date: July 25, 2013 04:05

To my old ears, this 286kps AAC (not MP3!) download really kicks some serious ar$e! They sound like a real band again.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: July 25, 2013 04:08

To my old ears, this 286kps AAC (not MP3!) download really kicks some serious ar$e! They sound like a real band again.

And they did live too! Talk about the seven wonders of the world, these guys are the eight wonder of the world!

Nordic Stones Vikings

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: troubador ()
Date: July 25, 2013 04:42

More love for Hyde Park--between this show and the satellite feed of the Glastonbury set, we've got two Stones shows for the ages. Even compared to the shows from late 2012, with all the guest acts, the last three shows in the UK simply soared above the others. The band was ragged at times, as always--come on, these guys are in their 70s!!!--but there's no way you can listen to these versions and now come away in awe.

Listen to the doomy shuffle of Midnight Rambler, and Mick Taylor's miracle chording, and the years just fall away. All of Jagger's collected tics and mannerisms from the last 20 years--gone. Keith's incompetence from the last tour--mostly healed. Woody's noodlings--honed to killer fills. Worries about Charlie's health--blown away by his pile-driver drumming. Folks, this band is a living miracle. Even if this was the last we've seen of them, give them their due--they are still the world's greatest rock and roll band.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: Roscoe ()
Date: July 25, 2013 05:39

Bloody hell!...30 years ago you'd be wetting yourself over a cassette tape or some dodgy bootleg vinyl...
I am an audiofool...for my sins I have spent a fortune on my hifi..Yes, flac, when number crunched, is a better medium..but..unless you have the hearing of a bat, these MP3's are fine..get over yourselves and enjoy the bloody music!

MP3 is hardly the only issue. Not everybody has broadband.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: bigtyke66 ()
Date: July 25, 2013 05:46

To my old ears, this 286kps AAC (not MP3!) download really kicks some serious ar$e! They sound like a real band again.

And they did live too! Talk about the seven wonders of the world, these guys are the eight wonder of the world!

I know, I saw the LA Staples 2. Quite a show!

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: U2Stonesfan ()
Date: July 25, 2013 06:43

Bloody hell!...30 years ago you'd be wetting yourself over a cassette tape or some dodgy bootleg vinyl...
I am an audiofool...for my sins I have spent a fortune on my hifi..Yes, flac, when number crunched, is a better medium..but..unless you have the hearing of a bat, these MP3's are fine..get over yourselves and enjoy the bloody music!

The thing is we're not talking about a bootleg release here. This is an official release, professionally mixed by a "big name" (Bob Clearmountain), and all we get at the end is a mp3 quality download.
As someone else pointed it out in this thread, it doesn't make any sense at all to offer only mp3 downloads in 2013. There's so many more possibilities. For instance they could release it in mp3/aac format, in FLAC/CD quality format and in HD/24bit format. And let everyone choose what's the best for his audio system... That's how works Qobuz, by the way. When you buy music on Qobuz you have the choice of format.

But it's long time understood that Apple doesn't care about music quality. All they're interested in is to sell smallest sized audio files so that their customers can pack as much as possible tracks on their i-devices (hence buy more from iTunes).
. That's really not the case with me, for example I have 10,000 + songs on my iPod classic, most are bootlegs. I may have bought 400 songs since 2007 from iTunes. Now my problem is more lack of memory, there is always some new releases coming along. I just can't get hung up on the highest quality of sound when I'm quick to move on to the next release. How many times can one listen to the same song? Well let's see my iPod says Satisfaction 200 hundred times.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: dannyhowells ()
Date: July 25, 2013 10:56

Bloody hell!...30 years ago you'd be wetting yourself over a cassette tape or some dodgy bootleg vinyl...
I am an audiofool...for my sins I have spent a fortune on my hifi..Yes, flac, when number crunched, is a better medium..but..unless you have the hearing of a bat, these MP3's are fine..get over yourselves and enjoy the bloody music!

The thing is we're not talking about a bootleg release here. This is an official release, professionally mixed by a "big name" (Bob Clearmountain), and all we get at the end is a mp3 quality download.
As someone else pointed it out in this thread, it doesn't make any sense at all to offer only mp3 downloads in 2013. There's so many more possibilities. For instance they could release it in mp3/aac format, in FLAC/CD quality format and in HD/24bit format. And let everyone choose what's the best for his audio system... That's how works Qobuz, by the way. When you buy music on Qobuz you have the choice of format.

But it's long time understood that Apple doesn't care about music quality. All they're interested in is to sell smallest sized audio files so that their customers can pack as much as possible tracks on their i-devices (hence buy more from iTunes).
. That's really not the case with me, for example I have 10,000 + songs on my iPod classic, most are bootlegs. I may have bought 400 songs since 2007 from iTunes. Now my problem is more lack of memory, there is always some new releases coming along. I just can't get hung up on the highest quality of sound when I'm quick to move on to the next release. How many times can one listen to the same song? Well let's see my iPod says Satisfaction 200 hundred times.

Memory is the issue for many of us .. with an ipod classic having a 160gb memory max, those of us that have large collections will soon be struggling for space if we have everything in there as lossless.
Lossless, for me, if for cds and when we're listening at home on our main systems. 320 mp3 or 256 aac is more than adequate for listening on the move or on an ipod dock etc.
Like was said before, years ago we would have waited years to get our hands on a concert as fresh as this, and even then it would have been on a bootleg tape or badly pressed vinyl.
Let's try and be grateful that we've moved on so much. Itunes doesn't sell lossless audio, not for the Stones or anyone, so either enjoy this release or wait until it comes out as part of a box set or something.
I'd rather enjoy it now if you don't mind.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: teleblaster ()
Date: July 25, 2013 11:55

Having been to both Hyde Park shows, and putting my listening experience from that together with this release, I can only come to one conclusion: This band is on FIRE!
So much better than the shows in November, all tough they were great.
I can only say, thank God or who ever put them on this earth, they still amaze me after 40 years of fandom from my side. These two shows are easily in my top 10.
Repeating an old slogan I saw in a pic many years ago: May God speed The Rolling Stones! I am so happy to have them and my Vikings in my life, can´t imagine what it will be without them.
To all doubters and infidels, listen to this, and repent.

Couldn't agree more!

I was at Hyde Park #1 and was knocked out by their performance. If someone had told me a year ago - remember the videos of Keith with Elvis Costello and at the Hubert Sumlin tribute? - that they could put on a show like this, I wouldn't have believed them. I thought they were incredible and it's great they've released this recording so quickly after the two shows.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: July 25, 2013 13:03

I just don't get why those online music shops do not offer different versions. It is save to say that the Hyde park show is recorded at least at 96khz/24bit resolution (my bet would go to 192Khz/24bit).

After that work is done, to create mp3, AAC, flac or whatever from the master is just a few mouse clicks, you can create three different formats in ten minutes.

So just give the people what they want, offer 96khz/24 bit HD audio, flac and mp3, there is no reason for not doing so.

I think mp3 (or any other lossy format) is already a relic from former times.
Wouldn't you all agree that the stones deserve the best sound quality available?

I do, 100%! This is another lazy job by the band.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: July 25, 2013 13:20

I just don't get why those online music shops do not offer different versions. It is save to say that the Hyde park show is recorded at least at 96khz/24bit resolution (my bet would go to 192Khz/24bit). There is not even high-end pro audio equipment needed, it's all standard nowadays. All the mixing and mastering is done at the same high audio resolutions. After that work is done, to create mp3, AAC, flac or whatever from the master is just a few mouse clicks, you can create three different formats in ten minutes. And I bet putting it online to the shop doesn't take longer.

So just give the people what they want, offer 96khz/24 bit HD audio, flac and mp3, there is no reason for not doing so.

I think mp3 (or any other lossy format) is already a relic from former times. It was good when we were using 56kbit modems and a hard disc had 20 megabytes capacity. But these times are gone, we have broadband internet and can store tons of gigabytes on small cards. It won't take long that SD cards in the terabyte range will be available. It just makes no sense to stick to a technology that is not sounding as good as it could when the technical reasons for using it are no longer existent.

Wouldn't you all agree that the stones deserve the best sound quality available?

Very good points.

Although a dyed in the wool analogue devotee...I recognise that pro standard digital technology is now pretty good .
The biggest issue is with the current domestic and mass market playback media .
Be it CD, MP3 or the i-tunes codec, they're none of them good enough to do any justice to a good recording.
The problem as I see it is that, because we've all now for so many years been conditioned to accept low resolution digital media, there's no motivation for the industry to do anything about it.

One of the reasons there's no money in recorded music is that there's no significant difference in quality between free pirated downloads and the official paid for release.
"Home taping" never did "kill music" because an audio cassette was so far inferior to the LP.
There's a lesson in that...but nobody wants to learn it.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-07-25 13:24 by Spud.

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: muenke ()
Date: July 25, 2013 13:21

Concerning the discussion about mp3, etc: Don´t forgt that this release (as every other Stonesrecord over there) is "mastered for iTunes". As far as I know this special mastering shall help to improve the soundquality, compared to the losless formats (personally I don´t care at all, it sounds great to my ears). More info here:


Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: redsock ()
Date: July 25, 2013 15:25

Available now on the "bay"..

with micro-gaps between the songs ...

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: steini ()
Date: July 25, 2013 15:59

It is a great live album and falls into the rare category of albums that you just can not skip over a song or stop it, you wanna listen till the end and then on again and loud. A proof in my opinion that the setlist does not tell the whole story. I was at the second show and loved it. This album capture the Stones in the nearest way to being there at the gig. That´s how they sound and it´s the best and honest sounding Stones live album of all live album i´ve heard from the tours i have attended(from 1990).
My hats off to the Stones and those who recorded this and mixed it and last but not least to those who had the wisdom to keep it simple and touch it as little as possible!

Hey i´m not gonna forget to mention the thunder! Beforehand i would not have guessed the song that gave me the highest Stones high, you know what i mean, goosebumb, smile, tears in the eyes, looking around to see others people frequency, thinking about those people you know and wish they would witness this...just pure Stones ecstasy!
Street Fighting Man !!

Re: Hyde Park Live on ITUNES now
Posted by: audun-eg ()
Date: July 25, 2013 16:06

It still amazes me how some find things to be negative about. This realease is fine, actually more then fine. It's bloody good, and I kind of wish this was their "Shine A Light".

The debate about formats I don't get either. To burn the downloaded AAC-files as slow as possible.... How is that going to increase the sound quality? These are digital files and won't be better than the downloaded files. It certainly won't help to convert/compress files that already are converted / compressed from the original soundwaves when released on iTunes. Running it through a decent DAC may color the sound a bit that maybe is more to the liking to the listener, but if you run the original AAC-files through the same DAC it isn't possible that it will sound worse than files that are converted and compressed even more.

I even think Chuck Leavell does a very fine job here, and I'm glad to be able to have this as, I didn't get a chance to see them live this time araound.


CD Hyde Park Live
Posted by: mick64 ()
Date: July 25, 2013 11:43

SE knows If you edit the Hyde Park Live in 2 CD

Re: CD Hyde Park Live
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: July 25, 2013 12:53


Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

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