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Stones did not get stuck with overpriced tickets...AEG did. AEG took for granted that people would jump out of their chairs and blow $1200 or more for 2 tickets on short notice.
AEG's strategy was to make life as miserable as possible for the scalpers. They succeeded. It's a hard pill to swallow for some Stones whiners but the Stones fought for lower ticket prices for their fans. That's a fact!
The Stones ABB tour ended in 2007. They started back up over five years later. Fans had 60 plus months to save for the 50th anniversary tour. $25.00 a month for 60 months equals $1500.00.
Yes I agree it's pure capitalism and it backfired on them.
The good news is thousands of true stones fans saw the band in amazing seats in what might be their last go round, for $85.
Karma's a bitch, oh yeah!
The Stones ABB tour ended in 2007. They started back up over five years later. Fans had 60 plus months to save for the 50th anniversary tour. $25.00 a month for 60 months equals $1500.00.
It speaks volumes for how far removed the Stones and some of their fans are from reality that people have to justify saving up for five years to see one concert.
the same idiots who'll sing along to 'Its only rock n roll' without a shred of self irony.
Incidentally, which of these concerts that you're advising us to save up for five years to see did or will you manage to get to?
The Stones ABB tour ended in 2007. They started back up over five years later. Fans had 60 plus months to save for the 50th anniversary tour. $25.00 a month for 60 months equals $1500.00.
It speaks volumes for how far removed the Stones and some of their fans are from reality that people have to justify saving up for five years to see one concert.
the same idiots who'll sing along to 'Its only rock n roll' without a shred of self irony.
Incidentally, which of these concerts that you're advising us to save up for five years to see did or will you manage to get to?
OK...but did you have to digitally eviscerate him in front of us all.
Green Lady
Why does anybody buy a top-price ticket?
1) Treat of a lifetime (good luck to this category - I think they'll usually feel they got their money's worth).
2) Too rich to notice (wouldn't we all like to be?)
3) Too dedicated to let it upset them (VERY few of these nowadays).
4) Want the security of knowing they don't have to play the last-minute game of chicken with the ticket sellers (this would be me if I could afford it - we aren't all as good at this as paulywaul).
5) Want to show off how much they can afford and Be Seen at the event.
Probably only No. 5 are going to care if it turns out to be possible for some ordinary joe or jane to stand next to them for 10% of what they've been boasting of paying. (Good grief - they're letting ANYBODY in these days..) The bottom line is: was it worth whatever you paid to be there? If it was, why do you care what someone else paid?
If I could be in the US I'd have had a go at the $85 ticket lottery - and if I finish up in the Pit I don't care if you do look down on me (it's easy - I'm only 5.00 tall...)
The pricing structure is really bad if you want to take a first timer...
Supply and demand. Last night the beers in my hotel were $2 during the Phillis game, but as soon as the game and the concert finished, the beers were $4.25. Same withy airline prices. I got a cheap $65 business upgrade and got lots of fast lane and luxury tratment the other day, on my way to Philly, but the guys next to me in the Business cabin paid multiple money for the same seats.
There are other things to worry about in life than the pants you bought at full price no being on summer sale. Or the rain that fell one hour ago but not now. Life is unfair. Make the best of it!
Thank God, you're one of the few grown-ups on IORR Aquamarine.
His MajestyQuote
Thank God, you're one of the few grown-ups on IORR Aquamarine.
Yeah, but as for you, is constantly moaning about what other people post grown up?
It's easy to get carried away on forums, you're version of that is to constantly moan about other peoples posts. If you think this site and/or most of it's childish members suck, why not make it better by posting better stuff instead of just moaning?
many fans are happy that the stones got stuck with overpriced tickets(cause thats what really happened)and let go of premium seats for 85 dollars,pit tickets,good seats etc.and i am very hppy for them,it gave people a chance to go,that could not afford to go.shame on the stones though,no pat on the back from me,ang iv'e been this bands loyal supporter and seen 2 newark show,as well as over 20 others.but how do you think you would feel if you spent 1,500 dollars on a ticket only to find out the guy next to you paid 85.this is a total slap in the 1,500 dollar fans face,no matter how you want to justify it.if they weren't greedy this never would of happened and everyone could have been for every fan they made happy they pissed people off very much.this is wrong,so so wrong.pit tix should of been 600,lowers 350(and they all would of sold)than 250-150-and 85.they would of sold out all there shows.shame,shame,shame.
If anyone's rich enough to think nothing of paying $1500 for a concert ticket, then I doubt they'd be that bothered. I guess its a lesson learned the hard way for anyone who isnt but was daft enough to be roped in to something where it was quite evident the supply was always going to exceed the demand.
"pit tix should of been 600,lowers 350"
No ticket for any concert by any band should be costing 600 or 350 dollars.
Just one problem: The Rolling Stones are not just ANY band. Besides, AEG explained their strategy, like it or not. $1500.00 to a high roller Stones fan is like a nickel to "blue collars."
Supply and demand. Last night the beers in my hotel were $2 during the Phillis game, but as soon as the game and the concert finished, the beers were $4.25. Same withy airline prices. I got a cheap $65 business upgrade and got lots of fast lane and luxury tratment the other day, on my way to Philly, but the guys next to me in the Business cabin paid multiple money for the same seats.
There are other things to worry about in life than the pants you bought at full price no being on summer sale. Or the rain that fell one hour ago but not now. Life is unfair. Make the best of it!
i know i speak for the community when i say thank you for your spiritual guidance through these tough times.
The ticket pricing/structure as/is brilliant and like a lot of what the Stones
do, will be copied by others.
Only problem NO ONE or NO BAND can command what they do.
The $85 tickets were/are also BRILLIANT.
Went to a few.. and NO ONE asked me.. "What did you pay for your ticket?"
And the guy ho paid the $1500?? Could have been me.. but I CHOSE to gamble.
He/she obviously could have to.
Any whining about the $85 tickets is pure jealousy.
I paid what to me was a huge amount of money for a great seat, and if the guy next to me spent $85, then good for him, great that he could get an affordable ticket and a terrific view. Doesn't bother me in the slightest what anyone else paid, I know what the ticket was worth to me. And nobody asked me what I paid, either, and I didn't ask them. Because we were all too busy rocking out.
More Hot Rocks
People spend hundreds and hundreds on Super Bowl tickets. And there is no guarantee of your team winning or a good time. But people think it's OK to spend that and take a chance. With the Stones in know I will have a great time and something I will remember forever. To me it's worth every cent.
Supply and demand. Last night the beers in my hotel were $2 during the Phillis game, but as soon as the game and the concert finished, the beers were $4.25. Same withy airline prices. I got a cheap $65 business upgrade and got lots of fast lane and luxury tratment the other day, on my way to Philly, but the guys next to me in the Business cabin paid multiple money for the same seats.
There are other things to worry about in life than the pants you bought at full price no being on summer sale. Or the rain that fell one hour ago but not now. Life is unfair. Make the best of it!
i know i speak for the community when i say thank you for your spiritual guidance through these tough times.
Is it that you're begging for a reason to post as GRNRBITW?
I could see the cause for outrage if Springsteen was charging the amount the Stones charge. His fans pay enough to hear him strain to blow the wax out of his ears and the gravel from his mouth!
Supply and demand. Last night the beers in my hotel were $2 during the Phillis game, but as soon as the game and the concert finished, the beers were $4.25. Same withy airline prices. I got a cheap $65 business upgrade and got lots of fast lane and luxury tratment the other day, on my way to Philly, but the guys next to me in the Business cabin paid multiple money for the same seats.
There are other things to worry about in life than the pants you bought at full price no being on summer sale. Or the rain that fell one hour ago but not now. Life is unfair. Make the best of it!
i know i speak for the community when i say thank you for your spiritual guidance through these tough times.
Is it that you're begging for a reason to post as GRNRBITW?
i think we should give others a shot at posting as GRNRBITW...i don't think it's fair fo me to hog the spotlight.
Supply and demand. Last night the beers in my hotel were $2 during the Phillis game, but as soon as the game and the concert finished, the beers were $4.25. Same withy airline prices. I got a cheap $65 business upgrade and got lots of fast lane and luxury tratment the other day, on my way to Philly, but the guys next to me in the Business cabin paid multiple money for the same seats.
There are other things to worry about in life than the pants you bought at full price no being on summer sale. Or the rain that fell one hour ago but not now. Life is unfair. Make the best of it!
i know i speak for the community when i say thank you for your spiritual guidance through these tough times.
Is it that you're begging for a reason to post as GRNRBITW?
i think we should give others a shot at posting as GRNRBITW...i don't think it's fair fo me to hog the spotlight.
I'm just glad that you had the foresight to make the investment of time to create some 'branding' around GRNRBITW...diversification of 'ban risk' is a simple but effective way to maximize returns and lower overall risk on your stones quip portfolio.
Supply and demand. Last night the beers in my hotel were $2 during the Phillis game, but as soon as the game and the concert finished, the beers were $4.25. Same withy airline prices. I got a cheap $65 business upgrade and got lots of fast lane and luxury tratment the other day, on my way to Philly, but the guys next to me in the Business cabin paid multiple money for the same seats.
There are other things to worry about in life than the pants you bought at full price no being on summer sale. Or the rain that fell one hour ago but not now. Life is unfair. Make the best of it!
i know i speak for the community when i say thank you for your spiritual guidance through these tough times.
Is it that you're begging for a reason to post as GRNRBITW?
i think we should give others a shot at posting as GRNRBITW...i don't think it's fair fo me to hog the spotlight.
I'm just glad that you had the foresight to make the investment of time to create some 'branding' around GRNRBITW...diversification of 'ban risk' is a simple but effective way to maximize returns and lower overall risk on your stones quip portfolio.
i stopped using ban months ago...i'm onto mennen speed stick. less risk. but, roll on ban!