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Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: May 26, 2013 17:59

I know Ronnie sucks and Mick Taylor is the new Jimi Hendrix.............. Errrr... He's actually the old Mick Taylor who was on the level of the old Hendrix.

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: May 26, 2013 18:35

Hmm... rather hard question. Usually I don't listen the old bootlegs with that ear, not even Taylor ones, but with the latter one some solos just sound so distinctive that they tend to stand out. With Ronnie it is different, since his solos are like what one could describe with the term "fitting". I'm with Mathijs's list that the most distinguished ones are from 1975 tour when Wood was filling Taylor's shoes with his own take. There sre some surprisingly strong ones. But as the "weaving" era started properly, the nature of his solos changed, and more and more "suitable" they turned out to be. Somehow the idea of finding their "greatest" does not sound appropriate to me. Never listen that 1978/82 era with that ear. If I should find the best one it would be some relatively short, a'la "Miss You" and "Beast of Burden" where Wood's tone is unmistakenly original. But out of memory I can't say where and when - I don't do notes, and those things don't stick to my mind.

Personally wittnessed my highlight live was "Can't You Hear Me Knocking" in Glasgow 2003 (can't recall the date or show number any longer). Simply stunning - both fitting and distinctive.

Of records, I think there is some great stuff in UNDERCOVER, such as "Too Tough". But that's very random. Wood's slide guitar soloing is generally tasty and very "fitting", but can't think any real highlights.

Too hard issue for me!grinning smiley

- Doxa

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: ab ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:01

What, no love for his playing with Faces and on the early Rod Stewart albums? THAT'S the Ron Wood that will be cherished and remembered long after he shuffles off to the bar band invisible. Consider the following:

Stay with Me
Every Picture Tells a Story
I Would Rather Go Blind
Wicked Messenger
Borstal Boys

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: svt22 ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:01

Hmm... rather hard question. Usually I don't listen the old bootlegs with that ear, not even Taylor ones, but with the latter one some solos just sound so distinctive that they tend to stand out. With Ronnie it is different, since his solos are like what one could describe with the term "fitting". I'm with Mathijs's list that the most distinguished ones are from 1975 tour when Wood was filling Taylor's shoes with his own take. There sre some surprisingly strong ones. But as the "weaving" era started properly, the nature of his solos changed, and more and more "suitable" they turned out to be. Somehow the idea of finding their "greatest" does not sound appropriate to me. Never listen that 1978/82 era with that ear. If I should find the best one it would be some relatively short, a'la "Miss You" and "Beast of Burden" where Wood's tone is unmistakenly original. But out of memory I can't say where and when - I don't do notes, and those things don't stick to my mind.

Personally wittnessed my highlight live was "Can't You Hear Me Knocking" in Glasgow 2003 (can't recall the date or show number any longer). Simply stunning - both fitting and distinctive.

Of records, I think there is some great stuff in UNDERCOVER, such as "Too Tough". But that's very random. Wood's slide guitar soloing is generally tasty and very "fitting", but can't think any real highlights.

Too hard issue for me!grinning smiley

- Doxa

Come on, let your ears do the work then, instead of the ink.smiling smiley

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:08


I know Ronnie sucks and Mick Taylor is the new Jimi Hendrix.............. Errrr... He's actually the old Mick Taylor who was on the level of the old Hendrix.

And that is why he was such a huge success, creating so many great albums and songs after he quit the Stones, right? What were the names of all of those albums and songs again?

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: skytrench ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:23

Didn't he do a classic called 'Noodling Around?' But with firm guidance from the Glimmers, he might yet shine some more, admit it, you would love it...What about Bobby Keys...his part seems to have dwindled somewhat, is he still part of the band?

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:25

Here's all that needs to be said on the subject. Ronnie can not even execute the ending riff correctly or any part of it for that matter. The solo itself is an embarrassment to the 57 strat he's playing and every Sticky Fingers fan. As far as the above post regarding MT lack of success after the Stones, which is true, Taylor has been a troubled spirit. He may not be cut out for fame like Ronnie or the rest of these guys but that doesn't diminish what he has accomplished in his 5 years with the band.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-26 19:27 by DoomandGloom.

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:26


I know Ronnie sucks and Mick Taylor is the new Jimi Hendrix.............. Errrr... He's actually the old Mick Taylor who was on the level of the old Hendrix.

And that is why he was such a huge success, creating so many great albums and songs after he quit the Stones, right? What were the names of all of those albums and songs again?

"Other Foxy Lady"
"Let Me Stand Next To Your Campfire"
"Wind Cries Micky T"

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:29


I know Ronnie sucks and Mick Taylor is the new Jimi Hendrix.............. Errrr... He's actually the old Mick Taylor who was on the level of the old Hendrix.

And that is why he was such a huge success, creating so many great albums and songs after he quit the Stones, right? What were the names of all of those albums and songs again?

"Other Foxy Lady"
"Let Me Stand Next To Your Campfire"
"Wind Cries Micky T"
grinning smiley

Ahhhahaha... the first IORR LOL of the day is always the best.smileys with beer

"other Foxy Lady"... LOL! sing it... and try not to chuckle

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:33

"Purple Scarf"

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:36

"Purple Scarf"

That was a good one too, shoulda been on my list...from the LP "If 2013 Was 1969 Was 9"

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Date: May 26, 2013 19:42


I know Ronnie sucks and Mick Taylor is the new Jimi Hendrix.............. Errrr... He's actually the old Mick Taylor who was on the level of the old Hendrix.

And that is why he was such a huge success, creating so many great albums and songs after he quit the Stones, right? What were the names of all of those albums and songs again?
Exactly smileys with beer

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: varv ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:50

My favorite non-Stones solo from Ronnie is "That's All You Need".

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: MILKYWAY ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:53

I know Ronnie sucks and Mick Taylor is the new Jimi Hendrix...............please Ronnie has had some good moments over the years. He is not Mick Taylor but he does not suck either as some people on this forum think.

Make up your mind, please.

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: May 26, 2013 19:59

its good to be anywhere

I know Ronnie sucks and Mick Taylor is the new Jimi Hendrix.............. Errrr... He's actually the old Mick Taylor who was on the level of the old Hendrix.

And that is why he was such a huge success, creating so many great albums and songs after he quit the Stones, right? What were the names of all of those albums and songs again?
Exactly smileys with beer
Exactly what? If you intend to rewrite history and counter the facts that even the RS website is glad to call their greatest era go ahead. Taylor in an artistic sense died when he left the Stones. He could not manage the drugs and fame. People like Keith, Jerry Garcia, Gregg Allman, Rick Danko, were superhumans when it came to partying, many musicians, roadies and hangers on died trying to keep up but it is near impossible. Taylor was damaged forever by this lifestyle. It's beautiful to see him healthy and alive in 2013.

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: Markdog ()
Date: May 26, 2013 20:08

Brown Sugar from Love You live which I think was a Paris 76 gig has to be one of my top RW solo's. More that just the solo but the playing throughout. His riff/licks overtop of Keith's rythmn is spectacular. It's all feel and rock n roll power. In fact no one has done it better IMO. The song is sloppy overall but that doesn't take away from RW firing on all cylinders.

Seriously give it a listen and tell me I'm wrong?!



Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: microvibe ()
Date: May 26, 2013 20:09

big bayou-now look
its unholy- now look
shirley-i've got my own album
far east man-i've got my own album
the faces-everything

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: skytrench ()
Date: May 26, 2013 20:24

This version of Brown Sugar from 2005 rehearsals shows Ronnie with some nice playing...gotta love Mick's lyrics...

video: []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-26 20:25 by skytrench.

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Date: May 26, 2013 20:27

its good to be anywhere

I know Ronnie sucks and Mick Taylor is the new Jimi Hendrix.............. Errrr... He's actually the old Mick Taylor who was on the level of the old Hendrix.

And that is why he was such a huge success, creating so many great albums and songs after he quit the Stones, right? What were the names of all of those albums and songs again?
Exactly smileys with beer
Exactly what? If you intend to rewrite history and counter the facts that even the RS website is glad to call their greatest era go ahead. Taylor in an artistic sense died when he left the Stones. He could not manage the drugs and fame. People like Keith, Jerry Garcia, Gregg Allman, Rick Danko, were superhumans when it came to partying, many musicians, roadies and hangers on died trying to keep up but it is near impossible. Taylor was damaged forever by this lifestyle. It's beautiful to see him healthy and alive in 2013.
Exactly what? When did I ever say I was trying to rewrite sh*t? Although Taylor attempted to play and collaborate with some world class musicians after quitting the Stones it never seemed to really pan out. Taylor is NOTHING with out the Stones. I was simply commenting on Max'sKansasCity brilliant post.
Taylor and the Taylorites should thank their lucky stars that the Stones got the fat overfed dog off the porch and threw him a couple bones...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-05-26 20:30 by its good to be anywhere.

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: May 26, 2013 20:27

Ronnie is always good on Brown Sugar....

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: JakeA ()
Date: May 26, 2013 22:15

Stay with me and Maggie may

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: Carnaby ()
Date: May 27, 2013 01:24

With Woody, I think what is really important is his rhythm guitar work. But, yeah, best slide guitar player in the biz.

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: May 27, 2013 01:32

Stay with me and Maggie may

thumbs up

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: May 27, 2013 01:35

side 4 Love You Live.

You Can't Always Get What You Want - Paris 76 (Side 2).

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: May 27, 2013 02:11

He's actually the old Mick Taylor who was on the level of the old Hendrix.

Like @#$%& he was.

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: steini ()
Date: May 27, 2013 02:13

I suggest to those who are unable to understand this thread (like many other threads here) and write down what it says but are instead arguing endlessly about things that are matter of taste although it is done on very intellactual level, they should not everytime they drop they´r marvelous witticism also post the whole conversation with they´re clever humorists buddies wich are often understandingly quite long. Plus we all know that his majesty Mr. Taylor is so good that it´s unfair to name him in the same sentence as this band he is doing all what he can to save for the second time. It´s a shame that Taylors´s kindness steals valuable time from him he would otherwise be using in a his remarkably creative and artful way that he has been on since 1974 and maby peaked with his outstanding solo record from 1979 wich starts with great song called Leather Jackets that Richards and Jagger tryed to nick from him without a great result.

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: May 27, 2013 02:25

Taylor's lack of success outside the Stones is completely irrelevant to what he has done in the Stones, and it amazes me that people somehow continue to try to diminish what he has done in the group by talking about the weakness of his solo career. Makes absolutely no sense. I'm a Stones fan. I don't care about Taylor's solo career and don't judge his work in the Stones based on it anymore than I judge Mick Jagger's performance on this tour by what I think of "Godess In The Doorway".

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: Tonstone ()
Date: May 27, 2013 02:54

Good post Tele, everything is relevant in it's time frame - it's what happened at that moment in time. Ronnie Solo ? ok - Sway at Glasgow 2006 was great - he was carrying Keith that night - Say what you will about MJ but he was the ultimate showman also that night and covered a few cracks.

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: TimeIs ()
Date: May 27, 2013 04:09

The greatest Ron Wood solo’s:

Midnight Rambler – MSG, June 27, 1975.
You Can’t Always Get What You Want – LA, July 13, 1975
Gimme Shelter – LA, July 13, 1975
Neighbours – studio version
Black Limousine – Hampton, December 18, 1981
Beast of Burden – Hampton, December 18, 1981
Wild Horses – Knebworth 1976
Sympathy for the Devil – LA, July 9, 1975
Love in Vain – Memphis, June 28, 1978


Isn't Black Limo Keith? At least the first solo is on the LSTNT film (Pheonix 81) and it's one of his best ever.

Ronnie's also wicked on Neighbors live in the same film. And Undercover of the Night and Too Tough are pretty cool!

Too Tough 1:55

Who plays the solo on Anybody Seen My Baby? I like it.

Re: The Greatest Ron Wood Solos
Posted by: TimeIs ()
Date: May 27, 2013 04:22

Ronnie on Neighbours in LSTNT:


Keith on Black Limo:

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