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"If AEG loses lots of money, no other promoter will give the Stones what they currently ask as guaranteed pay. Which means no fall tour, no european tour, no whatever tour..."
Firebird, i tried to argue that, by these ticket prices, even after the $85 offering the two gigs have been more profitable than what they would be by a "regular" ticket stragedy. I don't defend the current stragedy and have explained the reasons, but that’s another story. Speaking about money, honestly, i cannot see AEG losing lots of money, given the fact that, according to reports here, the tickets for some upcoming gigs (like Philly) are selling clearly faster, before – i guess- whatever massive prices waning.
In addition, i ’m sure that the Stones will be pretty flexible as for their “guaranteed payment”, IF they need to. Probably they ’ll not jeopardize the opportunity of proceeding the tour.
Come on guys… I remember the same discussion after ABB tour: On the tour the Stones attracted 4,7 million people (not including Rio’s free concert), but some folks were expressing their fears about the future of the relation between Stones and promoters… When? Just after the end of the second highest grossing tour of all time! Unbelievable…
Speaking about the current band’s performances and judging from the videos we have here (thanks Green Lady!), their general level is amazing. I can’t wait for the european tour’s leg!
Green Lady
Yes, there's a good crowd - certainly not half empty in terms of "bums on seats". But it might be half empty in financial terms - it's obvious from the news and the reports here that a lot of the people there didn't pay the full price as originally advertised, and probably the $85 tickets saved the Stones' blushes.
Right. Being able to "fill" an arena (with no seating behind the stage) at fire sale prices in cities the size of Los Angeles and San Francisco is not really an accomplishment, and those arenas certainly would have been half empty if they hadn't drastically slashed prices at the last minute.
I do not really understand this logic. If the tickets would cost 150-200$ since the beginning and the arena was full -it would be okay. But full arena with some people who had been there for 150-200 dollars instead of 600 makes the audience as if non-existent?
Long John Stoner
The reviews for the Oakland show are starting to come in. Apparently not everyone agrees it was a great show. It sounds like this reviewer isn't predisposed to like the Stones anyway.
Read the comments section to his review. Apparently the commenters disagree with his review. I was there. It was a great show.
And that's the bottom line. If the majority of the people were entertained and happy when they walked out of the show THAT'S what counts. You cannot please everyone all the time.
it takes 60 votes in the senate now, you know. the times are a-changin'....
Sorry, but Keith is terrible here.
He was at the previous gig on this solo as well.
I'm wondering if he can hear himself play - he's wandering way from the monitor or somethng?
He's also starting to do the posing again.
Sorry, but Keith is terrible here.
He was at the previous gig on this solo as well.
I'm wondering if he can hear himself play - he's wandering way from the monitor or somethng?
He's also starting to do the posing again.
Thats cause that darned Jagger cuts him off mid would be perfect if Jagger just waited for the nod he's been trained to wait for...
Sorry, but Keith is terrible here.
He was at the previous gig on this solo as well.
I'm wondering if he can hear himself play - he's wandering way from the monitor or somethng?
He's also starting to do the posing again.
Thats cause that darned Jagger cuts him off mid would be perfect if Jagger just waited for the nod he's been trained to wait for...
Keith is actually playing wrong notes... his fingers are at the wrong fret... he is playing runs from memory at the wrong fret.
He either can't hear himself or he can't play without looking at the fretboard.
He has upped his posing pulling shapes/faces factor and his guitar playing suffers.
He was focused at the O2 last year, no nonsense.
This photos were taken by my good friend Jim Crowley, and they so far the best of the tour..Thanks Jim!
Me neither.Quote
Sometimes...A lot of times....There are quite a few times when I don't even know who you are...
Keiths' jamming to Sympathy out of key on purpose.
Its his finger to the establishment...the established E A D with an occasional B...too established.
Join the Keithness
GravityBoyMe neither.Quote
Sometimes...A lot of times....There are quite a few times when I don't even know who you are...Quote
Keiths' jamming to Sympathy out of key on purpose.
Its his finger to the establishment...the established E A D with an occasional B...too established.
Join the Keithness
Ordinary folk are mocking.
That Youtube compilation with his "solo" in IORR is still up.
Read the comments.
Keith should keep his head down and focus.
GravityBoyMe neither.Quote
Sometimes...A lot of times....There are quite a few times when I don't even know who you are...Quote
Keiths' jamming to Sympathy out of key on purpose.
Its his finger to the establishment...the established E A D with an occasional B...too established.
Join the Keithness
Ordinary folk are mocking.
That Youtube compilation with his "solo" in IORR is still up.
Read the comments.
Keith should keep his head down and focus.
Focus is overrated. This ain't Brahms, Beethoven or Bach ...
You must've hated the Clash live!
Sorry, but Keith is terrible here.
He was at the previous gig on this solo as well.
I'm wondering if he can hear himself play - he's wandering way from the monitor or somethng?
He's also starting to do the posing again.
GravityBoyMe neither.Quote
Sometimes...A lot of times....There are quite a few times when I don't even know who you are...Quote
Keiths' jamming to Sympathy out of key on purpose.
Its his finger to the establishment...the established E A D with an occasional B...too established.
Join the Keithness
Ordinary folk are mocking.
That Youtube compilation with his "solo" in IORR is still up.
Read the comments.
Keith should keep his head down and focus.
Focus is overrated. This ain't Brahms, Beethoven or Bach ...
You must've hated the Clash live!
Nobody mocked the Clash and they never claimed to be anything special. That was punk, it did what it said on the tin.
People ARE mocking the Stones right now.
I'm not making it up.
No to make light of obesity, but it looks like Lisa has put on quite a few extra pounds.
I'm sure she did.Quote
No to make light of obesity, but it looks like Lisa has put on quite a few extra pounds.
She sounded great.
Sorry BV, but in the otherwise nice picture of the Stones you posted,Jagger looks kinda grim to me.
I guess it depends on how big a neighborhood that E is.Quote
Thats it...Gravity Boy's message about Keith playing the wrong key has made me register and finally post...(been reading for on and off several years...really been reading everyday since last fall) I'm sick of all this bashing...You, Gravity Boy sir, are wrong! The song sounds like its somewhere in E and Keith's solo is in the neighborhood of E...Or at least thats where I'm finding it playing along...Chill out man, we get it, you were obviously disappointed in Keith's performance (its for sure not his best, but hell, I didn't think it was that bad...