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Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: January 1, 2019 18:02

Well he couldn’t have been that great if he gave BV constant hassles.
Look what the cat dragged in. Dead vermin usually.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: January 1, 2019 18:56

Palace Revolution 2000
Rocky Dijon
It would be fitting if he were given what Tod means in German. However, it is believed he was reincarnated...or something.

Then why are you mourning the past?

Stonestod was one of the wittiest posters here ever. I remember he was already in his second or third incarnation back then, but got kicked off. And I believe he just didn't care to come back. I dont think he is here under different name because his style is too clever to miss. And way too funny.

I remember him way back when he was "Stonesbreath" on shidoobee during the Licks tour, and maybe here also?
With a name like that, clearly a true diehard fan who lived and breathed all things Stones. winking smiley
He is missed....

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: Sipuncula ()
Date: January 1, 2019 20:19

Well he couldn’t have been that great if he gave BV constant hassles.
Look what the cat dragged in. Dead vermin usually.

StonesTod was one of my favorite posters. I think some of his humor may occasionally have been lost in translation. As I recall, he may have had a serious health issue around that same time.

As for the song, it's one of those that just doesn't really work for me. The whole album is plagued by issues, from production to length to sequencing.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: January 1, 2019 20:46

Tod is doing fine. Heard from him a couple of weeks back.

Cant agree with him on this one though. Fine song - the best on the album (only 'Dangerous Beauty' comes close). Love the mature, world-weary lyrics. Jagger should write with that sort of vulnerability more often.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: January 1, 2019 21:01

I don’t mean to sound insensitive truly I do not know who anyone really is with numerous names which recalling is my Achilles heel in the first place.

But I will always stand up for Bjornulf. Poor bloke’s probably shoveling snow as we speak. I’m broke livin’ in CA but 55 and sunshine on January 1st is gold.

Gazza totally agree ‘Laugh I Nearly Died’

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: January 1, 2019 21:12

Yes, I had a little communication with him a month or two ago and I think he just got tired of IORR and the wars. Plus, he wasn't happy over being banned twice. I said that BV was pretty lenient with letting people back in. He didn't rule out coming back some day but it didn't sound like any time soon. I did tell him that he was missed and that his name comes up often and fondly on the boards.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-01-01 21:21 by timbernardis.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: Swayed1967 ()
Date: January 2, 2019 04:08

really, really dont like it. always skip this song.

Why should they ever release a new album if people don´t
like such a song? Why should they ever bother to write melodies
or guitar lines if people don´t get even this one?

IMHO, it´s one of their best since 1980, as someone said.

Totally agree. This is a perfectly crafted song - the highlight of ABB - and I hate it...mainly for the same reasons enumerated by corriecas.

Hey, have some sympathy for the 50-something discerning Stones fan - it ain't easy being us. We long for a new album as much as the rest of you but having over-sated on the good stuff we are condemned to under-appreciate the new stuff.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: January 2, 2019 05:12

No condemnation from this nearly 50 year old fan. One of the things I've come to accept is that post-TATTOO YOU, what diehard fans like and dislike varies wildly and likely points to either what is missing in creating post-modern classics or how influenced we are by what is considered a hit. Likely it's a mixture of both.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: January 2, 2019 05:27

But I will always stand up for Bjornulf.

I'll always stand up for him as our host/landlord who deserves respect for running the place. I'll always be amused by his Dirty Harry impression even as I watch my posts get blown away with the others. That said, I don't support anyone or anything 100% of the time. That includes the Stones. I'm not a good soldier type. That doesn't mean I have to be rude if I don't agree with him or anyone else. Sometimes I know I am, but I try not to be a jerk.

Besides Bjornulf and nearly everyone else's love for the band goes way deeper than mine. I draw the line at ticket prices that exceed what I might carry around with me in cash at any given moment. Being in the States, we were spoiled for years by being able to drive to a concert venue when they played 50 shows here each tour. That isn't the case any more. The Stones will also always lose in a conflict with family functions. That's how I missed out in 1997 and 1999 when I had tickets. I was outpriced after LICKS. My day job since then also means I'm on the road a lot which makes it hard to know if I'll be around when there is a show. All these reasons impact how I feel about certain posts and whether I can relate to people.

Anyway, that's more than your simple nice remark deserved. I miss StonesTod. I liked him far more than he did me! He rarely failed to make me laugh.


Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: floodonthepage ()
Date: January 2, 2019 17:26

This is my favorite song on ABB. it just has a great snaky groove, and it does the best job of advancing the Stones story, to me. Many of the other songs have more of a "classic" sound (Rough Justice, et al) which is all good, but Laugh, I Nearly Died seems like a new piece in the puzzle.

In fact, if I were to make my own "Licks" collection (Maybe 56 Licks if we date back 56 years to 1963), I would have this as my representative from ABB, perhaps with Rough Justice for good measure.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-01-02 19:04 by floodonthepage.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: 35love ()
Date: January 2, 2019 18:11

Send It To me
Does Mick shoutmumble the word "Bubba!" at one point during this song. That's what I always hear. Just me?

But I never (butInevah)

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: January 2, 2019 18:46

Laugh.. a new album???
yeah. when we call it quits and all the outtakes will drop like the ocean.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: jahisnotdead ()
Date: January 2, 2019 19:16

I love this song. It's original and had a different sound. I'm going to give it a spin today.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: January 3, 2019 04:02

It's missing Bill to plug in all the little holes and play just that right note. It's really not a bad song.

NOOOOO...I love Bill, but the "little holes" contribute to the airiness of this stone cold classic.

The Stones, since multi multi multi track recording has been available have seen, unfortunately, the need to record SOMETHING on all the tracks. MOST of their recorded output since mid-late 70s has been a bit cluttered.

Not on this one it seems. It has an open-ness to the sound, it breathes, it's just beautiful as it is - holes and all!


Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: January 3, 2019 07:15

Look at what the cat dragged in, is one of their worst songs. Terrible.

Totally agree. It's a dirge. Dreadful mess. THIS is NOT a Stones killer song! The riff is so ordinary - played loud to sound 'nice'....woeful


Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: January 3, 2019 09:32

This is my favorite song on ABB. it just has a great snaky groove, and it does the best job of advancing the Stones story, to me. Many of the other songs have more of a "classic" sound (Rough Justice, et al) which is all good, but Laugh, I Nearly Died seems like a new piece in the puzzle.

In fact, if I were to make my own "Licks" collection (Maybe 56 Licks if we date back 56 years to 1963), I would have this as my representative from ABB, perhaps with Rough Justice for good measure.

Never understood why there wasn't a SINGLE track from ABB on Grrr. All the other more recent albums had one or two.


Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: January 3, 2019 20:26

Totally agree. It's a dirge. Dreadful mess. THIS is NOT a Stones killer song! The riff is so ordinary - played loud to sound 'nice'....woeful

Dreadful mess? That might be one of Mick's lyrics in "Look What the Cat Dragged In," actually. Meantime, Ronnie's playing one of the riffs from "Sympathy from the Devil" just as he does in "Undercover of the Night." Not a classic, but a good fun Stones song which has their DNA all over it.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-01-03 20:26 by Rocky Dijon.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: BowieStone ()
Date: January 3, 2019 22:54

This is my favorite song on ABB. it just has a great snaky groove, and it does the best job of advancing the Stones story, to me. Many of the other songs have more of a "classic" sound (Rough Justice, et al) which is all good, but Laugh, I Nearly Died seems like a new piece in the puzzle.

In fact, if I were to make my own "Licks" collection (Maybe 56 Licks if we date back 56 years to 1963), I would have this as my representative from ABB, perhaps with Rough Justice for good measure.

Never understood why there wasn't a SINGLE track from ABB on Grrr. All the other more recent albums had one or two.


Rain fall down, Rough Justice & Streets of love all appear on my copy of Grrr.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: January 3, 2019 23:01

Tough song for me to really latch onto. Maybe it's too heartfelt or a tad bit too long. One song it reminds me of is Hearts For Sale, but HFS is more preferable to my ears and toes. It makes for a nice segue to Sweet Neocon, maybe that's why it was kept on the album. But as discussed Laugh would not make my cut list on a shorter BB album.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: drewmaster ()
Date: January 4, 2019 00:54

NOOOOO...I love Bill, but the "little holes" contribute to the airiness of this stone cold classic.

The Stones, since multi multi multi track recording has been available have seen, unfortunately, the need to record SOMETHING on all the tracks. MOST of their recorded output since mid-late 70s has been a bit cluttered.

Not on this one it seems. It has an open-ness to the sound, it breathes, it's just beautiful as it is - holes and all!

+1thumbs up


Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: Straycat13 ()
Date: January 5, 2019 04:52

Like it

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: mickjagger1009 ()
Date: January 6, 2019 20:09

This song always reminded me of the Bridges to Babylon album. It always "sounded" like that album to me for some reason. I always wondered if it was started then, and they just couldn't finish it or it didn't make the cut. Last night, I listened to "Already Over Me" off Bridges to Babylon. The beginning of Laugh, I Nearly Died and Already Over Me do start with the same groove and sound very similar. Maybe that is it.

Keith has often talked about songs being "related"... like this song is the cousin of that one, etc. Has anyone else ever listed to Laugh, I Nearly Died and just thought it screamed Bridges to Babylon?

"You'll be studying history and you'll be down the gym. And I'll be down the pub, probably playing pool and drinking."

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: January 6, 2019 20:36

This song always reminded me of the Bridges to Babylon album. It always "sounded" like that album to me for some reason. I always wondered if it was started then, and they just couldn't finish it or it didn't make the cut. Last night, I listened to "Already Over Me" off Bridges to Babylon. The beginning of Laugh, I Nearly Died and Already Over Me do start with the same groove and sound very similar. Maybe that is it.

Keith has often talked about songs being "related"... like this song is the cousin of that one, etc. Has anyone else ever listed to Laugh, I Nearly Died and just thought it screamed Bridges to Babylon?

Jagger has stated, it was to be on the Alfie soundtrack.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: January 6, 2019 23:32

Great lyrics, and there is a vulnerability in Micks' singing that he hasn't shown since "No Use In Crying".

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 7, 2019 06:10

Rocky Dijon
I miss StonesTod. I liked him far more than he did me! He rarely failed to make me laugh.

StonesTod was a hack, a Kenny Bania. Let's get this straight, soup is not a meal.

Told the same old tired jokes, 'Djya ever notice ABB sucks, djya ever notice Austin is greatest place on earth....', blah blah blah observational Stones humour.

GRNRBITW my *ss!

But to reiterate one good point you brought up, I also liked him far more than I like you...or something.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: January 7, 2019 07:55

Thanks, Skippy!

You're just sour because I suggested you and StonesTod were one and the same...or something.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-01-07 08:06 by Rocky Dijon.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: tomcasagranda ()
Date: January 7, 2019 10:05

Dug this track out last night; really enjoyed it.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: January 7, 2019 10:55

I think it's the best song on ABB. Almost the only reason to even listen to the album. Rain Fell Down and Oh No, Not You Again are kind of okay too, but Laugh, I Nearly Died is a much better song. I think they could have worked it a bit more (or less) or produced it differently to get something more out of it, but I am not sure how or what. It's a good song but it could have been more outstanding.

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: andrea66 ()
Date: January 7, 2019 16:21

maybe the best song on the album.
pity it was never played live

Re: Track Talk: Laugh, I Nearly Died
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: January 7, 2019 18:19

Rocky Dijon
Thanks, Skippy!

You're just sour because I suggested you and StonesTod were one and the same...or something.

Skippy from SF Magazine?

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