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Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: The GR ()
Date: March 16, 2012 11:55

It doesn't say 2013 tour, it says it's a goal. it's still not definate.

If the Tour delay is "health" related
Posted by: thecitadel ()
Date: March 16, 2012 10:37

I'm not sure I buy the "Keith's health" rumour for a Tour delay - it sounds like a convenient reason. Why?

Previous health scares have been kept quiet whenever possible until the person has recovered (eg Charlie cancer, various car crashes, extent of Fiji accident)

If the "health" reason is arthritis, then waiting a year won't make it go away or get any better. Same applies if it's from the Fiji accident.

So if it is indeed a health issue, I guess (and sincerely hope) that it is now largely passed, and Keith is recovering - which takes some time at that age! Insurers will want to be 100% sure because I suspect they paid out for the tour delays post-Fiji.

Again if its a health issue, let us not pry about it. It is a personal matter, and if Keith wants to talk about it sometime I am sure he will. How many of us discuss private health matters on this Board?

So why not Tour in 2012 - could also be the economy; could be the need to agree a new format (a few venues, many gigs); could be agreement that this will be "the last time", so do it well and properly and include Bill (If thats right he will have needed to be persuaded); need to get all the diaries right. Need to get a promoter to support it.

Plus it sounds like they decided to do one more album...

Re: If the Tour delay is "health" related
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: March 16, 2012 10:41

Plus it sounds like they decided to do one more album...

YEAH dat's da best news .......


Re: If the Tour delay is "health" related
Posted by: heedstone ()
Date: March 16, 2012 11:15

It can't be a health issue, Keith is immortal and will live forever!

Seriously though, I hope he's okay, it's good to hear that they're at least talking about doing a tour though!

A new album would be the icing on the cake. Bring it on!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2012-03-16 11:17 by heedstone.

Re: If the Tour delay is "health" related
Posted by: Thommie ()
Date: March 16, 2012 11:16

Is there any valid contract to fulfil for more albums? Are they forced to deliver som more albums?

Re: If the Tour delay is "health" related
Posted by: tomcasagranda ()
Date: March 16, 2012 11:18

Speaking of health matters, I have an inner ear infection and cannot listen to anything so am really miserable at the moment, but my health pales into insignificance compared to Keith's.

bv this post is from Yugoslavia
Posted by: JJackFl ()
Date: March 16, 2012 08:29

Re: bv this post is from Yugoslavia
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: March 16, 2012 08:40

Mucho gracias for posting the scans thumbs up


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-03-16 08:42 by Max'sKansasCity.

Re: bv this post is from Yugoslavia
Posted by: SwayStones ()
Date: March 16, 2012 11:11

Very nice shot of Keith,Leonard and Chuck smileys with beer

Re: bv this post is from Yugoslavia
Posted by: novica ()
Date: March 16, 2012 11:18

why Yugoslavia ?!? smiling smiley

Re: bv this post is from Yugoslavia
Posted by: stones_serb ()
Date: March 16, 2012 12:07

Judging by all his posts on a variety of subjects, Bv is a very well educated guy,. Who can keep up with political changes in The Balkans these days? Give guy a break.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: March 16, 2012 14:15

Rocky Dijon
There's also the fact that if someone tells you privately that they heard from an insider, family member, etc. tour dates or session dates being discussed and then someone else tells you what they were privy to because of their job and you proceed to post the news online for all to see just so you can be first, you no longer get any scoops because you're now cut off.

The other side of it is...

It does seem as if tension is running so high these days, we're ready to beat up on one another if something that was predicted doesn't pan out or even worse if someone teases us with knowledge we don't share.

The still other-side of it is that despite the leaks that you and Gazza were
privvy too, that spoke of a 2012 tour, they were just disinfo. You and Gazza
were being used, unwittingly and innocently, as disinfo agents. That's how
Mick rolls. At no point (yet) has Mick been even remotely serious about
touring for the 50th, no matter what he has told Keith or any other insider.

That doesn't mean he won't at some point decide to tour with the Stones again.
I just mean that it hasn't even come close yet.

As hbwriter has indicated, quit believing what is being said. Watch only
what is being done.

(That doesn't mean that I am at this point giving any credibility whatsoever
to the story that hbwriter is chasing down. It might just be another layer of
disinfo. We'll see.)

Um, I'm not an insider. Just a guy who posts here. I was just offering my perspective on how we're treating one another and why people choose to handle things the way they do. However if you'd like to believe I'm an insider, you can Paypal me money and I'll promise to make stories up for you.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 16, 2012 14:38


The still other-side of it is that despite the leaks that you and Gazza were
privvy too, that spoke of a 2012 tour, they were just disinfo. You and Gazza
were being used, unwittingly and innocently, as disinfo agents. That's how
Mick rolls. At no point (yet) has Mick been even remotely serious about
touring for the 50th, no matter what he has told Keith or any other insider.

Nothing like being overdramatic. Or even presumptious about what Mick meant in a private conversation with Keith which none of us were privy to.

I suppose the rehearsal in December (which came to me from the same source as this 'disinfo') didnt happen either? Oh wait, it did. Seemingly Woody was a part of this 'disinfo' too as he's been saying the band would tour in 2012 - and its even spread to the Stones office who went to the trouble of getting his passport arrangements fixed up for 'extensive travel' just a month ago!

Plans change from week to week, month to month. For whatever reason, thats what appears to have happened, judged by Keith's 'we're just not ready' wording.

Any touring planned for this year was always going to be in the last few months of 2012 and appeared to be geared towards US dates. Nothing I heard suggested anything for London in and around 12th July.

So - for reasons they dont have to be obliged to disclose - they push it back a few months and it happens to go into 2013. Big deal. Its not the first time tour plans were pulled or put back a few months (2001 being an example). If theyd planned to start a tour in April 2012 and then it got postponed to September 2012, no one would be getting their knickers in a twist as it seems some people are overly hung up on it being the calendar year 2012.

Today's story in the Daily Mirror is the most encouraging official sign for some time that the band have not only a future as a touring band but also as a recording one.

Plenty of time this year for them to do some work and for Keith to keep busy. Suits me.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: March 16, 2012 14:44

Hi Gazza, it is good to see you post. smiling smiley
The place is just not the same without you.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 16, 2012 14:47

Thanks. Didnt leave. Just needed a little break and had other things to get on with.

Anyway - it's all pretty good, I think. A 2012 tour with no new material didnt excite me that much and if the band arent ready for it or didnt feel it was right to do it, I'd rather they admitted it now than go through the motions.

Hopefully the rest of 2012 will see them active in some way in preparation for some shows next year.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-03-16 14:49 by Gazza.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: thecitadel ()
Date: March 16, 2012 14:49

Secret gig in London on 12th July? with Bill maybe? just to mark the date.....

and if you are doing an Arena tour, starting in the summer is not so important.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 16, 2012 14:51

Secret gig in London on 12th July? with Bill maybe? just to mark the date.....

and if you are doing an Arena tour, starting in the summer is not so important.

Thats why I think we're only talking about a delay of a few months. Not a year. Starting a tour in late 2013 and running it into 2014 doesnt really make that much sense.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: March 16, 2012 14:53

Thanks. Didnt leave. Just needed a little break and had other things to get on with.
thumbs up

Ansd I 110% agree with you....
Today's story in the Daily Mirror is the most encouraging official sign for some time that the band have not only a future as a touring band but also as a recording one.

The fact we are (finally) hearing from them, versus just rumors makes me very very happy.... I guess like a silly teenager... I cant (rationally) explain it... I just like the fact that my band keeps on keeping on.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 16, 2012 14:55

Likewise. Still unconvinced on the practicality of Wyman touring with them though. Especially in the US (although less of a problem in Europe). It would be nice, though.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: March 16, 2012 15:02

Welcome back Gazza

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: March 16, 2012 15:14

Likewise. Still unconvinced on the practicality of Wyman touring with them though. Especially in the US (although less of a problem in Europe). It would be nice, though.

Why would Wyman touring with the Stones in the USA be problematic? Is he under indictment or something? If rumored multi-show stops in NY and LA were true, how would limited stops in a couple cities preclude him from joining in?

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: March 16, 2012 15:17

This rather moving clip has been posted on their facebook page today...

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: March 16, 2012 15:18

The Sicilian
Likewise. Still unconvinced on the practicality of Wyman touring with them though. Especially in the US (although less of a problem in Europe). It would be nice, though.

Why would Wyman touring with the Stones in the USA be problematic? Is he under indictment or something? If rumored multi-show stops in NY and LA were true, how would limited stops in a couple cities preclude him from joining in?

He hates flying.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Date: March 16, 2012 15:22

Nice clip. Thanks for posting

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: March 16, 2012 15:25

His Majesty
This rather moving clip has been posted on their facebook page today...

Isnt it interesting that they would pick "Fool to Cry" for that clip.... hmmmm smiling smiley

The Rolling Fkn Stones are bigger than them, bigger than us, bigger than
anything. Sure they make the money, but it is about all of us... from BA
to London To Amsterdam to Toronto to NY to LA...that "little city that pops
up".... and has fun... cuz fun is a good thing to have.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 16, 2012 15:26

The Sicilian
Likewise. Still unconvinced on the practicality of Wyman touring with them though. Especially in the US (although less of a problem in Europe). It would be nice, though.

Why would Wyman touring with the Stones in the USA be problematic? Is he under indictment or something? If rumored multi-show stops in NY and LA were true, how would limited stops in a couple cities preclude him from joining in?

As His Majesty says, he hates flying.

Not just a question of hating it, he simply wont do it.

The Rhythm Kings never play places that have to be flown to, so that basically confines Bill to the north-west of Europe for the most part.

He pretty much stopped by the time the 1990 tour reached Europe and ended up having to be driven between shows.

There was a good interview on his own website a few weeks ago, and it seems his total aversion to getting on a plane is still there.

BW: People and fans ask me when am I going to come to America with my Rhythm Kings band. I get lots of requests via email and my website [], unfortunately I stopped flying in 1990, so I’ve had no desire to fly again. I did go to the States twice since, but those were for book signings where I was contracted to do it. I also took the band over in 2001 and did some gigs. It wasn’t a very good tour, we weren’t known over there, and it was pretty much like the first Stones tour of the States. We did okay, but it wasn’t what it should have been. Yet people ask me, are you going to come over again, I always say, “Build a bridge or a tunnel, and I will be there!” We do go to France via the Chunnel.

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: March 16, 2012 15:28

His Majesty
The Sicilian
Likewise. Still unconvinced on the practicality of Wyman touring with them though. Especially in the US (although less of a problem in Europe). It would be nice, though.

Why would Wyman touring with the Stones in the USA be problematic? Is he under indictment or something? If rumored multi-show stops in NY and LA were true, how would limited stops in a couple cities preclude him from joining in?

He hates flying.

He would just have to fly twice, back and home. In the U.S. he can take the Route 66 from Chicago to LA or Hitch Hike cross the continent!

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: March 16, 2012 15:34

They could just B.A. BARACUS his ass... dose him... throw him on a plane... BAM!! DONE DEAL!!

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: Cocaine Eyes ()
Date: March 16, 2012 15:47

His Majesty
This rather moving clip has been posted on their facebook page today...

Thanks for the clip. Interesting stuff in here - the title of the clip; Mick's saying "I've been living with this for three years"; the song 'Fool To Cry'; Keith's seeming lack of interest; Charlie saying "that's it".

QUESTION: is this vid from a fan or is it from THEM?

Thanks.........smoking smiley

Re: Stones tour pushed back to 2013
Posted by: stonesdan60 ()
Date: March 16, 2012 15:50

His Majesty
The Sicilian
Likewise. Still unconvinced on the practicality of Wyman touring with them though. Especially in the US (although less of a problem in Europe). It would be nice, though.

Why would Wyman touring with the Stones in the USA be problematic? Is he under indictment or something? If rumored multi-show stops in NY and LA were true, how would limited stops in a couple cities preclude him from joining in?

He hates flying.

The Stones have plenty of money. If Bill does agree to rejoin the band, they should celebrate by puting him on a trans-Atlantic luxury cruise that would get him to the US in time for whatever they might do. Hope he doesn't have a fear of boats too!

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