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Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: tomk ()
Date: March 8, 2012 07:12

Gold Coast Slave Ship
The Monkees modified business plan now reads "No Davy = More Gravy!"

There's a line from the Monkees movie Head in which Davy says "And I'd like a glass of cold gravy with a hair in it, please."

First thing I thought when I read The Slave's post!

One of Jones' best lines in that is when he picks
a fight with Sonny Liston, declaring, "Million dollar head, this."

Yup, a movie up to its head in killer lines.

"From the people who gave you HEAD"

The cafeteria scene is first (With Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper).


Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: Jesse1960 ()
Date: March 8, 2012 18:31

I was just the right age the fall of '66 when they came along. Loved the Monkees. Listening to them now I realize they were like baby steps to listening to more sophisticated rock. And those records are written and performed by crack studio musicians. (Especially Neil Diamond). They were like returning to an earlier stage of the Beatles, who by that time had just released Revolver. This is sad.

Many of their tunes were played by "The Wrecking Crew", some of the best musicians on the planet. James Burton, Glen Campbell, Jim Gordon, Barney Kessel, Don Randi. Leon Russell, Dr. John, to name a few. Songs written by Goffin&King, Boyce&Hart, incredible tunesmiths.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: Jesse1960 ()
Date: March 8, 2012 18:32

Very moved by all the posts here. Didn't think this would affect me that much, but it did.


Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: TheDailyBuzzherd ()
Date: March 8, 2012 20:55


That's the SECOND best quote and a self-reference.

The #1 quote? It's said in one of the factory scenes:

"The tragedy of our time, my young friends, is that
you may get exactly what you want."

Maaan ... is that the foretelling of "The Me Generation"
or what? Beat George Harrison's "I, Me, Mine" by over a year ...

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: hbwriter ()
Date: March 10, 2012 03:56

some more footage from my friend's birthday party - this was so much fun

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: Blue ()
Date: March 10, 2012 06:22

Thank you hbwriter again, for posting and sharing these videos of Davy. It's hard to explain how much The Monkees, even though it was a mere two years or so, were a part of our lives back in 1966 to 1968 or so, both on TV and on the radio. Davy was always proud and never ashamed of being a Monkee despite all the negative press. It is nice to see him happy, in a relaxed atmosphere with his friends all around and enjoying himself, still entertaining folks up until the end. It's kind of sweet how he holds his wife's hand while singing. RIP Davy.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: March 10, 2012 06:36

Davy Jones died.

I didn't think that was possible.

If there was ever a forever-young pop idol, Davy was it. Boyish-faced, long-haired, short, thin, British accent, always goofing around with the other Monkees, singing bubble-gum music and making little girls scream.

He was Justin Bieber before there was a Justin Bieber, or Justin Timberlake, or Ricky Martin, or New Edition, or New Kids on the Block, or even Michael Jackson and Donny Osmond.

And although he wasn't the first singer to make girls swoon -- the Beatles, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, the list goes way back -- he did personify a time when being a teen idol was a huge business, but still a relatively innocent one.

I looked up an old cover of Tiger Beat magazine from 1967. It was an entire edition devoted to Davy Jones. The cover boasted stories like: "Will He Marry?" "Are You His Type?" "What He's Like At Home ... On A Stage ... On A Date."

The stories themselves were equally gushing. There was no talk of drugs, arrests, DUIs or sex. Maybe they'd mention a first kiss -- in the same cooing tones reserved for a Prince Charming.

But stardom was different back then.

Snail mail vs. the Internet

For one thing, even a huge star like Davy Jones had limited exposure in your everyday life. There's a big difference between hanging a poster in your bedroom and tweeting, YouTubing and Googling your heartthrob's every minute. As massively popular as Jones was, you only saw him once a week on "The Monkees" TV show, or maybe an occasional interview somewhere.

Today, a Google search on "Justin Bieber" reveals 700 million results. That's one a day for the next 2 million years. You can hear Bieber talk, sing, tweet and opine, and view his photos, videos or nearly every article ever written about him with the simple tap of a computer button.

Doesn't that take the mystery out of it? I remember girls in our neighborhood writing letters to Davy Jones, then waiting for the mailman each afternoon. Sure enough, one day, an envelope would arrive with a signed photo inside, and the girls would rip it open and scream and then, if I recall correctly, pass out.

It was all sweet and innocent and over in its time, as pop infatuations should be.

'A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You'

Today, teens have a different relationship with fame. It envelops them. It is both entertainment and goal. Their stars are not just singers in pop bands, but reality show creations like the Kardashians and the "Jersey Shore" group. They make their own videos. They nurture their own legends on Facebook.

The most recent Teen Choice awards named "Bad Teacher" as favorite film (an R-rated movie, theoretically off-limits to many teens) and favorite TV comedy as "Glee" -- which, like "The Monkees," features a put-together group of singers, but, unlike "The Monkees," surrounds them with story lines of teenage pregnancies, teachers having romantic affairs and kids exploring all avenues of their sexuality.

In "The Monkees," Davy would get kidnapped in order to marry a princess.

But as I said, it was a different time, a time of tambourines and "Daydream Believer." Davy Jones didn't curse in his music, didn't get arrested, didn't beat up men or women, and -- in our minds, anyhow -- didn't grow old.

In real life, of course, he did. I saw a joke he told Britain's Daily Mail last year about his young wife, who apparently suggested to him one day that they run upstairs and make love. "I looked at her. 'At my age,' I said, 'it's going to have to be one or the other.' "

He died this past week, at 66, of a heart attack, which has its poignancy, given the palpitations he caused an entire generation of girls. I don't know why his passing saddens me as much as it does. I never mailed him a letter. Never waited for a signed photo. Maybe it's just that whole end of innocence thing. Or maybe that Jones, unlike so many big names today, seemed to really enjoy being a pop star while never acting as if it was a birthright.

I read that the first night he performed on "The Ed Sullivan Show," at age 18, he sang, "I'd Do Anything" from the Broadway hit, "Oliver!," in which he was appearing. That same night, another group gave its first Sullivan show performance: the Beatles.

Davy Jones watched in awe from backstage, seeing the girls go crazy. You wonder whether he knew he was seeing his future.

Mitch Albom of the Detroit Free Press

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: Blue ()
Date: March 10, 2012 06:50

This article is a nice tribute to Davy, M. Sicilian, many thanks.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: March 10, 2012 15:36

Two things this morning,

Chris, This video is absolutely enthralling. Thank you kindly for posting it.
Genuine love...

Sicilian, This article is perfect. I almost gagged on my coffee when I got to the end and saw it is written by Mitch Albom, a writer that I despise. Keep an open mind, huh?

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: March 10, 2012 16:23

Very moved by all the posts here. Didn't think this would affect me that much, but it did.


me too...of all the rock stars that have passed over the years this is the one that have has touched me the most for some reason. I'm looking at life differently now

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-03-10 16:24 by More Hot Rocks.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: Blue ()
Date: March 10, 2012 17:04

More Hot Rocks
Very moved by all the posts here. Didn't think this would affect me that much, but it did.


me too...of all the rock stars that have passed over the years this is the one that have has touched me the most for some reason. I'm looking at life differently now

thumbs up
It's been over a week and am still so sad... sad smiley there is suppose to be a vigil in Beavertown, PA today, where one of his homes are, and he donated quite a bit of money to builtnanchurch there and help the community.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: loog droog ()
Date: March 10, 2012 23:52

Two things this morning,

Chris, This video is absolutely enthralling. Thank you kindly for posting it.
Genuine love...

Sicilian, This article is perfect. I almost gagged on my coffee when I got to the end and saw it is written by Mitch Albom, a writer that I despise. Keep an open mind, huh?

Same here. The only thing I questioned was Albom listing Nat King Cole as an idol...he should have gone with Jackie Wilson instead.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: hbwriter ()
Date: March 11, 2012 03:38

Third and final part from our party

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: March 11, 2012 04:16

some more footage from my friend's birthday party - this was so much fun

Fantastic stuff
Thanks for posting this

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: jimpietryga1 ()
Date: March 11, 2012 04:40

From the last show in Milwaukee last July....

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: TheDailyBuzzherd ()
Date: March 12, 2012 18:32

Anybody know the mud slung on this last tour?

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: TheDailyBuzzherd ()
Date: March 12, 2012 18:35

Guitars on "Papa Jean's Blues" by James Burton and Glen Campbell!

... and Tork, by Nesmith's request, supposedly. What a great collection
of musicians those first two LPs had ... methinx "Stepping Stone" was as
hard a tune that came along that winter as anything.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: March 12, 2012 18:54

Why is it that The Monkees are now considered "cool" while The Doors, another group from the same era, are considered (by some) to be "un-cool"?

And yet the opposite was true for both bands back in their day.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-03-12 19:22 by schillid.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: GumbootCloggeroo ()
Date: March 12, 2012 19:05

who says The Doors are "un-cool"?

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: TheDailyBuzzherd ()
Date: March 12, 2012 19:16

Doors' boards have been aflame with irate "fans" since Manzarek and Kreiger
"revived" the band 10 years ago as "The 21st Century Doors" ... they sympathize
with Densmore, who wants nothing to do with such projects.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: loog droog ()
Date: March 12, 2012 19:18

Why is it that The Monkees are now considered t"cool" while The Doors, another group from the same era, are considered (by some) to be "un-cool"?

And yet the opposite was true for both bands back in their day.

The "cool" factor of bands is a variable, that rises and falls over time like the stock market.

Among hipsters, the Stones were considered uncool in the mid-80's. Especially Jagger.

During that same time, the Faces were considered uncool, which was great because I was able to pick up some of their rare singles with non-LP B-sides for next to nothing. Oddly enough, at the same moment the Small Faces were held in very high regard, and their stuff was pretty expensive. Go figure.

Yesterday while checking out at the market I saw the cover of new issue of People magazine, with a Monkees-era picture of Davy. It reminded me of when he was plastered all over Tiger Beat magazine every month. For a moment, I felt I was back in 1967 again.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: jpasc95 ()
Date: March 12, 2012 19:26


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-03-12 19:32 by jpasc95.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Date: March 12, 2012 19:32

Doors' boards have been aflame with irate "fans" since Manzarek and Kreiger
"revived" the band 10 years ago as "The 21st Century Doors" ... they sympathize
with Densmore, who wants nothing to do with such projects.

did they ever get to bill themselves as such? i thought they were RIDERS ON THE STORM or manzarek/krieger of the doors.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: TheDailyBuzzherd ()
Date: March 12, 2012 19:35

They did, with Ian Astbury playing Morrison.

At one point Stewart Copeland was attached but bailed.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: GumbootCloggeroo ()
Date: March 12, 2012 19:35

the idea of "cool" is dead, anyway. Lester Young and Miles Davis would be rolling in their graves if they knew what things people are calling "cool" these days.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: paulm ()
Date: March 12, 2012 19:36

thanks hbwriter, these are historic vids unplugged session showing the real man.

is your friend with the slope-shoulder Gibson a pro musician?

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: hbwriter ()
Date: March 12, 2012 22:45

thanks hbwriter, these are historic vids unplugged session showing the real man.

is your friend with the slope-shoulder Gibson a pro musician?

well yeah, he's a songwriter with some hits under his belt and just a really decent human being - i love the guy (throws a good party, too- there were some other folks there and ringo had to bail at the last minute - but called the house to make an announcement)

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: March 13, 2012 01:03

That is some beautiful footage you posted! Thank you!

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: paulm ()
Date: March 13, 2012 01:17

wow hb, just googled your friend. that's one prolific cat! enjoyed his political views on his blog as well. you definitely hang in some cool company...imagine you've got a good story yourself...thanks.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-03-13 01:18 by paulm.

Re: RIP Davy Jones
Posted by: boston2006 ()
Date: April 6, 2012 23:35

By Rolling Stone
April 6, 2012 8:10 AM ET

An autopsy report obtained by the Associated Press confirms that Monkees frontman Davy Jones died of a heart attack. According to the report, the 66-year-old singer had severe build-up in his arteries at the time of his death.

The report shows there were no signs of drugs in Jones' system aside from cannabinoids, a class of drugs that includes marijuana. Those drugs were determined to have played no role in his death on February 29th.

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