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OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: ()
Date: May 3, 2011 17:46

Suffering from heavy overweight, I've only yesterday started with a diet that's been partly recommended to me and partly I quickly put it together myself. I goes about like this:

nothing deep-fried
no white bread, rolls, cake
no margarine
no white rice
no white sugar

try to avoid
sweet softdrinks

after 1600 hrs
no cereals, bread, noodles
no pulses
no sugar (as far as possible)

so I can always have a salad, some fish, steak etc

Has anybody round here experience in this field that he or she wishes to share?

I know it has to do something with the "bad" carbohydrates, i.e. to avoid them, and to make the body burn (and not store) the fats that are taken in with the food and also burn his own body fat, but I can't put it together properly.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: May 3, 2011 17:51

no pulses? that's overdoing it, i think....

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: May 3, 2011 17:57

Eat less & move around more.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: May 3, 2011 18:06

Fruits are good, especially in the morning. Get exercise, eat small portions, don't eat until you're full. Avoid all kids of dressings as well. Cook your own meals, enjoy the food.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: May 3, 2011 18:08

My girlfriend has to do a diet similar to that as she is insulin resistant. I wouldn't do the no-carb, but low carb and staying away from starchy vegetables such as potatoes and of course everything refined and sugary (check Stevia as an alternative sweetener). Eating small meals 5-6 times a day might help you as well, but that's mainly important for people with insulin resistance so their blood sugar doesn't spike.

It's also important that there are good fats (unsaturated fats such as in extra virgin olive oil) that are ok for you and bad fats (saturated) that are in deep fried foods etc. that are, as the name says, bad. Also combine with as much exercise as possible - but start slowly smiling smiley

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: ()
Date: May 3, 2011 18:27

OK, thanks for the vital interest.

Eat less & move around more.

Only these days I heard it on the TV that 90 % is the diet/ alimentation and maybe 10 % can be exercise. In my case the day hasn't enough hours for all the exercise I needed to apply for results. And, after 25 years of no exercise I don't want to overdo it in the beginning. So I want to try something different. I'll keep you updated on the results.

no pulses? that's overdoing it, i think....

I didn't say no plulses at all. But the thing is
to avoid carbohydrates after a certain hour of the day, thus it reads basically

after 1600 hrs
no cereals, bread, noodles
no pulses
no sugar (as far as possible)

Apart from that I am always in favour of pulses, and they are in that after 1600 hrs list because of high carb. BTW, are they now high carb or not?

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: stones78 ()
Date: May 3, 2011 18:29

Some jogging or maybe cycling a few times a week will help a lot. If you haven't done any exercise in some time maybe do a treadmill heart test to see how much exercise is enough at first.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: ()
Date: May 3, 2011 18:32

Fruits are good, especially in the morning. Get exercise, eat small portions, don't eat until you're full. Avoid all kids of dressings as well. Cook your own meals, enjoy the food.

Yes, fruit are very good. And the native olive oil is as well. And dressings are out.

And, Lorenz, I am not doing it no carb, but low carb, and no carb after 4.00 pm.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: May 3, 2011 18:35

Eat less & move around more.

Only these days I heard it on the TV that 90 % is the diet/ alimentation and maybe 10 % can be exercise. In my case the day hasn't enough hours for all the exercise I needed to apply for results. And, after 25 years of no exercise I don't want to overdo it in the beginning. So I want to try something different. I'll keep you updated on the results.

no pulses? that's overdoing it, i think....

Apart from that I am always in favour of pulses, and they are in that after 1600 hrs list because of high carb. BTW, are they now high carb or not?

What are pulses??

Don't believe everything they say on TV. Excersie is very important. No need to run for hours, but a a good walk 20-30 min, 3-4 times a week is already a great start. Or maybe at your work you can take the stairs instead of the elevator, or get a bike to commute (if possible). And don't drink too much alcohol ;-)

Good luck!

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: Thricenay ()
Date: May 3, 2011 18:39

Eat less & move around more.

Only these days I heard it on the TV that 90 % is the diet/ alimentation and maybe 10 % can be exercise. In my case the day hasn't enough hours for all the exercise I needed to apply for results. And, after 25 years of no exercise I don't want to overdo it in the beginning. So I want to try something different. I'll keep you updated on the results.

no pulses? that's overdoing it, i think....

Apart from that I am always in favour of pulses, and they are in that after 1600 hrs list because of high carb. BTW, are they now high carb or not?

What are pulses??

Don't believe everything they say on TV. Excersie is very important. No need to run for hours, but a a good walk 20-30 min, 3-4 times a week is already a great start. Or maybe at your work you can take the stairs instead of the elevator, or get a bike to commute (if possible). And don't drink too much alcohol ;-)

Good luck!

And if you do drink alcohol, don't do any strenuous exercise immediately afterwards.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: ()
Date: May 3, 2011 18:43

I am through with alcohol since quite some time and I don't miss it.

PULSES: basically peas, beans, lentils

in detail:-


Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: May 3, 2011 18:52

ah - legumes! i was worried about you losing your pulse.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: May 3, 2011 19:32

Drink 1/2 liter warm tap water 4 - 5 times a day.
Eat half of what you eat now.
Stop eating the bad things, but a bit chocolate sometimes bewares you from a "sugar turkey".
Start moving your ass :-)
Be patient: It takes 2-3 months to lose weight siginificantly.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: May 3, 2011 20:02

OK, thanks for the vital interest.

Eat less & move around more.

Only these days I heard it on the TV that 90 % is the diet/ alimentation and maybe 10 % can be exercise.

Just some simple walking can do wonders, but don't start anything until you consult your doctor.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: WMiller ()
Date: May 3, 2011 20:19

I recently lost 30+ pounds by mainly following a strict calorie intake. I now keep a log (you can find a website to help - I used of pretty much everything I eat. I've upped my intake to a "maintenance" level now that I've reached my goal but still track it. I try to avoid pastas and breads as best as I can.

A brisk walk for 20-30 minutes 3-4 days a week is a great way to start being active.

Edith Grove said it best...(paraphrased) consume fewer calories than you burn and move around more. You'll start seeing your weight drop.

Good luck!

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: May 3, 2011 20:57

A brisk walk for 20-30 minutes 3-4 days a week is a great way to start being active.

i started running 5 miles a day at the suggestion of my doctor as a way to improve my sexlife. he said to call after a week of i did...he asked how things were with the wife and i told him i had no idea...i was 35 miles from home....

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: boston2006 ()
Date: May 3, 2011 22:03

I lost over 100 pounds on low carb diet .

You really have to be committed to succeed

Drink at least 1 gallon of cold water daily . It tricks your body in two ways . It makes you feel full and it lowers your body temperature so you inadvertently burn calories while your body attempts to warm itself back up .

No caffeine of any kind is allowed .

Avoid sugars both natural as in fruits and some veggies . ( tomatoes , carrots and onions all have high sugar content ) . No breads or pasta of any kind . This includes pizza !!

A mile walked burns 100 calories .

Now what you can eat .

All the eggs and meats that you can handle . All beef franks or bologna . Salad , salad and more salad . There are lots of lettuces that you can use to break up the monotony and give you different tastes . Be careful with salad dressing as they contain lots of sugars and therefore are a no no . If you must use salad dressings . Ranch dressing is the way to go .

A mile walked burns 100 calories . and takes just 15 minutes >grinning smiley<

Also eat often in small meals rather the gorging yourself all at once . It is really important to eat breakfast .

You'll be amazed at how quickly the pounds fly off .

Good luck , feel free to contact me if you have any questions .

A mile walked burns 100 calories . and takes just 15 minutes >grinning smiley<

confused smileyDid I mention walking ?? confused smiley

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: Thricenay ()
Date: May 3, 2011 22:23

Congrats on losing 100lb, but if you drink a GALLON of water a day, aren't you constantly in and out of the bathroom?

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: ()
Date: May 3, 2011 22:39

Dear all, lots of thanks again for all your sympathy (Stones term) and well-meant advice.

Stones Tod: legumes!, right. What else! And, I was moved by your thought ("worried about you" ) to get worried about me, but thanks to the Almighty muy pulse is just fine. Would be aggravating if it wasn't. ; )

Boston2006, congrats to your slimming success. Carry on!

No caffeine of any kind is allowed .

I am not a coffee-type, but I am having a big coffee with milk and sugar in the morning for my breakfast and a pot of tea (mostly green) in the afternoon and/or evening.

Could you please highlight me on this "no caffeine" thing?

"I'm so glad and I feel fine ..."

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 3, 2011 23:44

The only way to a lower weight permanently is both activity and some sort of diet at the same time. It means you need a new tour to follow, or a dog to walk, or simply walk, run, bike or whatever. Get rid of the car. Buy some good shoes. Climb a mountain or something. Good luck with your diet!


Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: May 3, 2011 23:48

First of all, good luck. Stick with it and you will love the results.

I lost 40 on the Atkins 10 years ago and have kept it off by keeping things in check, moderation, and no alcohol. I never really went back to any pasta, or rolls.


Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: May 3, 2011 23:55

I am having a big coffee with milk and sugar

Drop the milk and sugar...

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: May 4, 2011 00:04

Dear Dead Flowers, Koen is right drop the milk and sugar COMPLETELY.

Here's my tip and my own diet that works GREAT:

Breakfast: Fried egg with cinnamon, Oatmeal, Black coffee/tea, fruits and berrys.
Breakfast is the ONLY meal that you're allowed to eat carbs.

Lunch: Meat/FISH/Beans/Chicken with a lot of veggies and a little bit of good olive oil

afternoon: Sardines in tomato sauce or some good selected cheese or a protein drink(with 0% percent carbs) or a salad or whatever you fancy without carbs.

dinner: same as lunch, just skip all the carbs and load in with veggies.

A good tip of mine is base a good salad around tomatoes and broccoli, buy a really good and tasty olive oil and put whatever veggies you like in it and just enjoy. 4 meals a day should be convinient for you. That's what I use, and it works GREAT. Just remember, CARBS for breakfast, afterwards NOTHING. Cos no matter what the atkins people says, your brain needs slow carbs.

(OF course if you eat kidney beans for dinner you'll get some carbs but they ain't that many and you'll benefit from the great protein value).

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: May 4, 2011 00:06

Congrats on losing 100lb, but if you drink a GALLON of water a day, aren't you constantly in and out of the bathroom?

I think that contributes to the 'mile walked.' Seriously, congrats Boston2006 for your success, and DeadFlowers for making the start.

The best common diet is the diabetic diet - it covers all nutrient needs and takes into account insulin sensitivity, which is very important. Weight Watchers is based closely on it, and that accounts for their success. It's a good system if it appeals to you.

Watch out for artificially sweetened foods. They may have few calories, but research is showing that they trigger a similar insulin response to sugars, so they make little difference to your metabolism. That means diet sodas and many yogurts, and a lot of other typical "go to" foods for dieters.

Make sure your carbs have nutrient value - like legumes or your pulses - as they are complex carbs and take time to digest, keeping you fuller longer and avoiding blood sugar spikes.

Read labels, look for hidden sugars. Avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup.

Eat food. That means don't buy processed, ready-to-eat crud, but buy ingredients and cook it yourself. Take a course if you have to.

Make sure you surround yourself with supportive people, not those who will sabotage your efforts by trying to 'reward' you with food.

At the end of the day, I find that all diets succeed for the same reason and all fail for the same reason. If you stay focussed, keep good foods on hand and keep garbage food out of your house, pay attention to what you are eating, including the occasional, inevitable cheats that you have to allow yourself, you will make good progress. If you stop paying attention, it will slide.

And do walk. Walking is great for decreasing belly fat - a risk for heart disease. I spent 3 weeks in Italy last year, eating nothing (it seems) but gelato, pasta, focaccia and pizza, but walked all day every day and lost 1 1/2 inches from my waist during the trip. (Don't ask what happened when I came home and started making my own gelato and eating it on the couch. Safe to say, the machine is banished!)

Best of luck - this is every bit as important as kicking smoking! Good luck.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: May 4, 2011 00:12

anything and everything in moderation...smoke and drink included. too much or too little of anything is bad.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: May 4, 2011 00:19

"All the eggs and meats that you can handle"

I wouldn't do that unless you want to harm your liver. Generally we Westerners eat far too much proteins. Four sources of protein a week is enough. Eating meat at each meal is madness.
Slim-Fast is made of milk proteins. You take it, you lose weight, but after a few wekks, you start to feel extremely tired. It's not the diet it's the massive intake of proteins choking your liver. AVOID!

A simple advice to lose weight : MASTICATE! You must chew and chew and chew your food until it's semi-liquid in your mouth. It'll make the digestion process easier (since saliva contains digestion agents) and it'll trick your brain into sending the "I'm satisfied" message sooner. If you gulp your food chew it twice then swallow it you need to change.

One last thing : buy SMALLER plates. It works and it's another simple way to trick your brain. Small portions in large plates look ugly. Small portions in small plates look alright!

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: Lady Jayne ()
Date: May 4, 2011 00:29

A low carb eating plan did it for me in 2009 losing 50lb which I have kept off, after years of dieting without long term success. You have to accept it is for life though, even though it becomes less strict once the excess weight is gone. I have finally come to terms with the fact that carbs, especially sugar in any form, just make me crave more whereas eating protein, good fats (nuts, seeds, oil and some dairy) and fresh veg and a little fruit can satisfy my healthy appetite. I have found since cutting them out and then trying to eat them, that pasta, rice and bread, although said to be good sources of nutrition, have pretty much the same effects as sugar on me, with the added problem of bloating in the case of bread. Exercise helps too, of course. Good luck with your endeavours!

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: May 4, 2011 00:41

A simple advice to lose weight : MASTICATE!

For a minute there, I thought you said something else.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: May 4, 2011 02:09

I want to lose all my weight.

Re: OT: low carb/ no carb
Posted by: ()
Date: May 4, 2011 11:28

... Good luck with your diet!

Thanks, Bjornulf.

And thanks dear Madmax, SomeTorontoGirl, Lady Jayne and dear all for your considerate and encouraging support and advice which have very well reached me. I do appreciate all your efforts.

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