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America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: colonial ()
Date: February 14, 2011 13:26

If it wasn't for America and Canada and its people The Rolling Stones probably wouldn't be where they are today..and the same can be said about alot of other Bands and musicians from around the world that made it in your country...a BIG Thank you!.. smileys with beer

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: February 14, 2011 13:32

Of course it's big: America gave birth to rock & roll (and before that blues and jazz).

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: marcovandereijk ()
Date: February 14, 2011 13:46

I would say people from Africa.

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: colonial ()
Date: February 14, 2011 13:54

If it wasn't for America and Canada and its people The Rolling Stones probably wouldn't be where they are today..and the same can be said about alot of other Bands and musicians from around the world that made it in your country...a BIG Thank you!.. smileys with beer

marcovandereijk..We are all one..smileys with beer

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: February 14, 2011 14:01

And we (Brits) gave it back to North America - American's and Canadians should be raising a toast to us! winking smiley

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: colonial ()
Date: February 22, 2011 01:44

Its always good to see musicians when they publicly thank the country.Some come across really well when they're doing it..especially if its just a few words.

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: stateofshock ()
Date: February 22, 2011 02:06

I would say people from Africa.

I would say that too, Marc.

"What I'm doing is a sexual thing. I dance and all dancing is a replacement for sex". - Mick Jagger

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: nankerphlege ()
Date: February 22, 2011 02:43

Yes thanks Brits! You gave us the greatest musicians of all time- The Rolling Stones!

Go Dawgs!

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 22, 2011 05:50

uh...not to be a 'Cana-phobe', but what the hell did Canada do to deserve special mention?

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: February 22, 2011 06:15

I hereby cede the United States of America and the United Kingdom to France,
effective immediately.smoking smiley

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: colonial ()
Date: February 22, 2011 06:19

uh...not to be a 'Cana-phobe', but what the hell did Canada do to deserve special mention?

treaclefingers..ya' can't mention one without the other.."Brothers in Arms"..sort of thing..ya' know what I mean.

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: Des ()
Date: February 22, 2011 06:53

Interesting post!

As far as a time line of my experience: Thank you US for R&R. However thank you Britan for sending it back with some meat!!! I always loved the heavyier edge of British rock, later to learn I was gravitating to the likes of Ronnie and Keith. Thank you for the 60's explosion in telecomunications in NA (thats both of us), not just the other stuff. It's what pumped the whole fan base to create the British invation, then share it with the world. As for later years and tours our countries differed a bit. In the US the stones suffer the rath of the anti drug culture while in Canuck land some poor judge has to figure out how to delicatly dismiss a major case of Herion wrapped up in the smoke of the Prime Minister's wife's apparent involvement with the band....very sticky indead.....however apply swiff and medevil justice and make the blokes play for the blind...that will teach them....and I hope we taught them a lesson (lol). For tours the US provides the up front cash while Canada provides a safe place for Mick to run the streets and a rehersal tax haven ( see we learn from our neibours).

But I think allot of what they are comes from who they are and home is were the heart is, so hats off to what ever post war Britan had to spawn such a slice of life!

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: tomk ()
Date: February 22, 2011 08:47

I would say people from Africa.

Those are American artists who are black. If you want to follow your logic, Sinatra is from Italy. You can spin it any way you want, but blues, jazz, country are American art forms (and the roots come from many places).

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: February 22, 2011 09:28

There's only one song, and Adam and Eve wrote it; the rest is a variation on a theme.

But music travels and changes, it crosses the Atlantic from Africa on a Gold Coast slave-ship, travels up from the South to Chicago, crosses the Atlantic again, finds a home in a seedy flat in Chelsea and a cellar club in Liverpool, crosses the Atlantic again...

Meanwhile the folk music of Britain and France and Ireland crosses the pond with generations of emigrants and settles with them in Appalachia and Louisiana and Canada - where after a while it bumps into this other wave from Africa...

Another slave-ship brings West African rhythms to the Caribbean - and after a while some of them migrate across the Atlantic again to the UK, where they find homes in the back streets of London and Birmingham, and meet punk...

Everybody learned from everybody, and America provided a big melting-pot (though not the only one) and the place to make big money and a worldwide reputation for musicians from all kinds of sources. America gave the Stones most of their musical inspiration, and a shedload of money at the time when the UK seemed bent on taxing them out of existence.

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: ab ()
Date: February 23, 2011 05:39

uh...not to be a 'Cana-phobe', but what the hell did Canada do to deserve special mention?

The Band had four Canadians among its members. Music from Big Pink was a big influence that led a lot of Brits to retreat from psychedelic music and move more toward a more organic, rootsy sound, e.g., Beggars Banquet.

Eric Clapton wanted to join the Band after he heard Big Pink. He settled for Blind Faith and Delaney and Bonnie.

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: georgeV ()
Date: February 23, 2011 06:48

uh...not to be a 'Cana-phobe', but what the hell did Canada do to deserve special mention?

Michael Cohl is Canadian. The Stones tours have been produced by Cohls' companies since '89 and the band has rehearsed for all their recent tours in Canada incluising their warm-up gigs. Keith got off smack thanks to his arrest in Canada. Enough said....

Re: America and Canada's Influence on The Stones..a BIG Thank you!
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 23, 2011 07:35

uh...not to be a 'Cana-phobe', but what the hell did Canada do to deserve special mention?

Michael Cohl is Canadian. The Stones tours have been produced by Cohls' companies since '89 and the band has rehearsed for all their recent tours in Canada incluising their warm-up gigs. Keith got off smack thanks to his arrest in Canada. Enough said....

I'm Canadian...they rehearse in Canada,for tax reasons, so if you'd like to thank our federal government, I'm sure they'd be pleased to hear from you. Regarding the smack arrest...they were put in an untenable position, he was obviously not dealing, and only hurting himself. We're not as hung up on drugs. And with regards to Cohl, he's just the guy that bid the highest...coulda been anyone else.

...'Nuff said.

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