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don't like it, never have. always made a point to skip over it when I played the lp.
when I put Black And Blue on my ipod I replaced it with Worried About You.
I also started with Slave, kept Hot Stuff for a funky 1 2 start, making Black And Blue 9 songs but that's another discussion for another thread.
Chris Fountain
This could possibly be the worst song in their catalog. Even the lyrics are horrible.
If you have kids they're not THAT horrible?
I like it and i think mick was brave
Chris FountainQuote
Chris Fountain
This could possibly be the worst song in their catalog. Even the lyrics are horrible.
If you have kids they're not THAT horrible?
It's simply not one of their better songs.
Wow. A lot of hate and dislike for something the Stones did to break up the rock band they'd been and to do something different that's good. It's not like they were being too trendy behind the curve like they were on BRIDGES TO BABYLON or DIRTY WORK, which were songs just to be different, not to be interesting or good.
Haters gonna hate! Afraid of change! They want the same ol' thang.
Chris Fountain
This song should be given the death penalty without any court of law.
It is a crying shame.Quote
It´s horrible, nothing more to be said about that song. I wish FTC wouldn´t exist at all. It´s a crying shame.
U U UUUUUOoooooooooh Danny yer a foooooooooo 2 cwwwyyyyyy.....
.....such a foooooo to cwwyyyyy and it maaaakes me wonder YYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
Listening to Fool to Cry on Father's Day 2017 :-)
Did Jagger ever write/comment on what his inspiration was for this track? I'd be interested to know.
Yes, count me in as well, I've always liked it. No reason, I always just liked it.Quote
I am another to be counted among those who do like "Fool to Cry".