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Tell Me
Band 2
Tim Ries

The Rolling Stones
U Arena
Paris, France
Sunday October 22, 2017

The Rolling Stones live at the U Arena, Paris France, Sunday October 22, 2017 - Photo by Bjørnulf Vik

The set list

  1. Jumping Jack Flash
  2. It's Only Rock'n Roll
  3. Tumbling Dice
  4. Hate To See You Go
  5. Ride 'Em On Down
  6. Dancing With Mr D
  7. Angie
  8. You Can't Always Get What You Want
  9. Paint It Black
  10. Honky Tonk Women
    --- Band introductions
  11. Happy (Keith)
  12. Slipping Away (Keith)
  13. Miss You
  14. Midnight Rambler
  15. Street Fighting Man
  16. Start Me Up
  17. Sympathy For The Devil
  18. Brown Sugar
    --- Band off stage
  19. Gimme Shelter
  20. Satisfaction

Show start :  9:06pm
Show end   : 11:23pm

Pre-show info and live comments:

Paris France 22-October-2017 Stones No Filter live show updates

Reports please!!!

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Review by Boyan Garvalov

I arrived in Paris on Saturday morning and spent a day and a half exploring this amazing city. Although I had been to Paris before, I was once again overwhelmed by its beauty and unique atmosphere - so much so, in fact, that I found myself wondering if The Rolling Stones would be able to match that standard. There was no cause to worry, though – just like Paris is in a league of its own as a city, so are the Stones as a band!

The opening act was Cage The Elephant, an energetic band with 4 guitars, whose lead singer said that his first ever record was a Stones album. He had obviously also taken many cues for his stage act from Mick Jagger.

Everyone expected the opening song of the Stones show to be Sympathy for the Devil, the “woo woo” chants coming from all over the arena as the stage was being set. But no – the band just walked out on stage under bright lights and Keith hit the opening riffs of Jumping Jack Flash, with the inimitable roaring power that only he can deliver. The show was off to a thunderous start!

Now, let me get the negatives out of the way first. Mick asked towards the beginning of the show if we had problems with the echo – I suppose there had been complaints after the first show. While it wasn’t as bad as in other similar arenas I’ve been to, where I was standing (at the front of Fosse d’Or) the echo was at times disturbing, especially with respect to the interplay of Keith and Ronnie’s guitars. Well, the echo may not have been the only reason behind this, though, as Keith in particular seemed to be hitting wrong chords or getting out of sync at times.

That said, the band were in excellent shape and great mood on that evening. Everyone seemed happy to be on stage, working very tightly together, enjoying themselves and letting us enjoy a great show. The band were visibly having fun and there were many memorable moments, e.g. Keith hiding the harmonica from Mick before the blues numbers and Midnight Rambler, Mick getting behind Charlie to hit the cymbals during Street Fighting Man, Keith deciding on a whim to add a few more chords after songs had already finished, or the whole band making funny faces at each other and at Mick, when he spent longer time on the front stage. Mick was communicating a lot with the audience during the somewhat longer-than-usual breaks between the songs, often in French, on what he said was the 32 show of The Rolling Stones in this city. An amazing feat by an amazing band in an amazing place!

The blues songs, Hate To See You Go and Ride ‘Em On Down worked very well for me. I actually found myself daydreaming during them to see the Stones performing an entire show of blues. I don’t think this is ever going to happen, in part because the audience’s response became considerably more subdued during these songs. But this takes nothing away from the fact that the Stones are great at playing this kind of music. Dancing With Mr. D, the “expected rarity” of this tour was followed by the audience vote song. I had voted for Beast of Burden, but suspected that Angie was the most likely winner – and so it turned out. I got the feeling that Angie wasn’t Mick’s favourite choice either, as his singing on it seemed a little short on the zeal that marked the rest of his performance on the night. A great version of You Can’t Always Get What You Want, a forceful performance with a great solo by Ronnie, was wrapped up with an unexpected “double time” coda – not sure if this was planned, but it surely fit well with the improvised fun (and the few “extended endings”) that the band were having on stage this evening. I was very happy to hear Paint It Black coming up next, a personal favourite of mine. The black-and-white screens behind the band also played an important role in creating the atmosphere for the song.

Keith’s slot was greeted with a fantastic audience response. There was a band of Argentinian fans a few metres away from me. From what I could see, there seemed to be only a handful of them, but they were so loud and enthusiastic that they managed to induce the whole arena to carry on the Ole Ole Ole chants. Keith stood there with a huge smile, basking in the adulation for a long moment, but finally said that he has “a job to do”. And he did it excellently. Happy was the usual solid Keith staple, but the second one of his songs, Slipping Away was a revelation. Every word and every tone seemed to be coming from the very depths of Keith’s soul, a gripping performance!

Miss You followed Keith’s slot and I enjoyed it a lot. Great solos by Tim Ries and Darryl Jones. Darryl went into quite a jazzy direction towards the end of his solo, which perhaps prompted Mick to comment „chaqu’un a son goût“ (“to each their own”) after he was done. While absorbing the band’s incredibly powerful rendition of Street Fighting Man, with Ronnie, Keith and Darryl lined up tightly in the centre of the stage and rocking like thunder, I dawned on me that what was happening in front of my eyes is the very essence of rock music and that this band has it in their genes, like no one ever has or ever will. Not a new thought, really, but it is one thing to know it through reasoning or experience, and another to simply feel it in your bones, there and then. Mick climbed on Charlie’s podium at this moment, in part to “give him a hand” with the cymbals, but it part, I thought, to enjoy the view from the top. And at the top is where not only he, but the whole band was. The band left no doubt about that with the final run of classics: Start Me Up, Sympathy For The Devil, Brown Sugar, Gimme Shelter, Satisfaction. One sees people dismissing the “warhorses”, but for me those are the highlights of the show and no matter how many times I hear them, they remain the essence of rock-and-roll. Keith was nailing all the riffs, everyone was incredibly tight, the raw energy of the performance was simply overpowering. It was the first time I had seen Sasha Allen live and she certainly did an admirable job when taking centre stage on Gimme Shelter - as well as throughout the show. And finally, Satisfaction as the closing song, in a very intense and powerful version!

In the humorous spirit of the evening, after Mick, Keith, Ronnie and Charlie had taken their bows and Mick rushed off stage, Keith jokingly started going back with Ronnie and Charlie for another round of bows with just the three, but then thought better and let it go. We even got a short spell of fireworks, a couple of minutes after the band were off stage, to wind up the proceedings.

All in all, it was an unforgettable show for me. The Rolling Stones were a match for the city where they were performing–Paris–and, in my book, this is about as good as compliments get.

Photo by Bjørnulf Vik

Review by Derek Di Perri

The second Paris show of the No Filter Tour is the fourth one (and unfortunately last) I've attended on this tour after Hamburg (where the band was still warming up), Lucca (where they were picking up steam) and Amsterdam (where they were firing all cilynders).

In comparison with the previous performances, this time the Stones seemed much looser and more at ease and looked like they really enjoyed performing this gig and had a very good time with one another on stage.

The interaction between Keith Richards and Mick Jagger was particularly striking: as opposed to the previous No Filter gigs I've attended, where it appeared to be no interaction at all between the two, in this Paris show they looked very close to each other and seemed to enjoy very much each other's company.

Keith Richards learly had a very good time throughout the show, and indulged in of his iconic poses while playing. Musically speaking, his performance was good, even if not his best this year. I'd say that he rocked big time and that his guitar's sound was really huge (as already mentioned elsewhere, it's always good to have Keith Richards up in the mix, no matter what!), but, he was not flawless, as his solos on "It's Only Rock'n Roll" and "Honky Tonk Women" were not so fluid, and so were the intros of "Brown Sugar" and of an otherwise very good "Gimme Shelter".

The show featured some nice surprise.

For starters, the boys decided to revert to "Jumping Jack Flash" as kick - off number, at the expense of "Sympathy For The Devil". I can't really argue with that, since it's "Jumping Jack Flash" we are talking about!.

After this excellent first song, both "It's Only Rock'n Roll" and "Tumbling Dice" didn't really contribute to build up further tension, so we had to wait for the blues segment go get another thrill.

I was indeed expecting the usual "Just Your Fool" and "Ride 'em On Down" combo, but the band did us another surprise and instead of "Just Your Fool" we got the fantastic "Hate To See You Go".

As much as I like both of the usual two, the Stones' rendition of this Little Walter song has been really phenomenal and powerful. Apart from being "The Greatest Rock,n Roll Band In The World", they are also one of the best blues band out there, and I'd do whatever I could to attend show of the Stones performing exclusively blues music!

"Ride 'em On Down" followed, and worked really well as usual. After that, Mick Jagger announced that the band wanted to "give a go" to "Dancing With Mr. D", so I got this one live for the second time after Hamburg, where it was interesting but shaky.

In Paris, however, the rendition was excellent, the song rocked and was very well received by the crowd.

As everyone already knew, "Angie" won the song "vote" slot. I'd rather hear "Ain't Too Proud To Beg", but I didn't complain; after all, I hadn't seen the Stones perform "Angie" live for at least ten years! The song was very well performed.

"You Can't Always Get What You Want" was really good, and Keith stood very close to Jagger while the latter was playing the acoustic guitar.

During the following "Paint It Black" I couldn't stop looking at Jagger: his performance and interpretation of that song is always impressive, even more so if the band backs him so powerfully.

"Honky Tonk Women" was fun, but was not the best version I've heard.

During his set, Keith Richards has been loudly greeted and cheered by the the crowd. He seemed to enjoy it, and "Happy" was very lively. I suspect that the cheers might have distracted him right before "Slipping Away", which didn't sound so intense as in Amsterdam. The solos (especially the second one) were very beautiful and moving, though.

The lighthearted mood of the band was most noticeable on "Miss You", which has been a fun fest for everyone on stage as well as in the crowd; moreover, musically speaking, it was the best rendition of this song out of the four concerts I've attended.

"Midnight Rambler" followed. This song has been for years the strongest number in any Stones' concert, and unsurprisingly so, since in my humble opinion it is the best and most powerful piece of music ever written by anyone. That being said, this particular version was slower than usual. It worked nicely, but maybe it could have been sped up a little bit, especially in the first segment. It goes without saying that Mick Jagger did a fantastic job in working the crowd, as always.

Despite "Midnight Rambler" being so good, in every "No Filter" gig I've attended the most powerful song in the set list has alwas been "Street Fighting Man", which in this tour is the ultimate demonstration of the sheer power and brutality the Rolling Stones are still capable of in their live performances.

And in Paris it was no exception.

As Keith Richards was really feeling like playing, in those songs, where it's up to him to cue the ending to the others ( such as this one, "Jumping Jack Flash", "Brown Sugar", "Gimme Shelter" and "Satisfaction"), the final instrumental codas of these songs lasted more than usual.

During "Street Fighting Man", in particular, Mick seemingly run out of dance moves, and decided to move behind Charlie Watts, on the drum riser, pointing him to the crowd. That was a clearly spontaneous and non staged - up initiative. Moreover, he took one of Charlie's drumsticks and started hitting the cymbals while Charlie was playing. That was completely unexpected and so much fun.

"Sympathy For The Devil" was another great moment of the evening, and got the crowd going as always. Keith Richards didn't put a lot of effort in his solos, as he was engaged more in posing for the public. However, the short phrases he played were very much spot on, and very powerful, due to his big guitar sound.

The mood of the band got even more playfuf and lightheated during the last songs, i.e. "Start Me Up" (featuring a butchering solo by Ronnie Wood), "Brown Sugar" (some problems in the initial rif there), "Gimme Shelter" (again, Keith Richards' intro could have been better) and "Satisfaction" (very much garage - rockish this time!).

Indeed, I didn't expect at all that I'd watch such a playful performance by every member of the band, especially taking into consideration that in Hamburg, and in most of the following gigs, there has been very little interaction, if any, between Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. And even if just because of that, this gig really stands out.

On a strictly musical note, however, this concert lacked the intensity and the brutality of the Amsterdam gig, which remains my favourite one off the "No Filter Tour".

As the tour in coming to end, the usual question will surely be raised as to whether the Stones should call it a day, at least as live performers.

But this is really a no brainer, since in this second Paris' gig they've proved once again that ithis band remains still too good to wrap it up.

Photo by Bjørnulf Vik

Review by Michael Getzner

Another spectacular show by our Rock'n Roll heroes! My fourth and last show of this fantastic tour! The Stones invented themselves with a sound more rock than roll, with exceptional versions out of their incredible catalogue!

The show started with a bold statement, with Jumping Jack Flash (instead of Sympathy) and rolled incredibly strong along with Dice and IORR to the two blues numbers - we heard Hate to see you go!

Then Dancing with Mr. D and the vote song Angie, soulfully and wonderfully played!

Paint It Black brought even more life to the enthusiastic crowd, and I really enjoyed a powerful Honky Tonk Women!

Keith's set is a highlight by its own! Everybody started the Ole Ole chanting which apparently moved Mr. Richards, and he put even more efforts into Happy and Slipping Away!

The second half is the core of R'n R, Street Fighting Man and Start Me Up again incredibly powerful; soloing on Gimme Shelter was exceptional- everybody including the band joyful and laughing! Everybody was having a gas, and show master Sir Mick had support by Mr. Richards joking around! They really seemed to have a great time!

One drawback: while the sound was good coming from the stage, it had a terrible echo from the back of the arena - at least where we stood (basically in the very middle in the arena) - when Mrs. Allen began her solo, she could be literally heard twice with a delay of a half second.

Looking forward to the UK tour 2018!

Photo by Bjørnulf Vik

Review by Eric Champarnaud

Back to the newly minted U Arena for night two of the Rolling Stones Paris "residency".

For the first time on this tour I think, they opened with Jumping' Jack Flash instead of Sympathy For The Devil, which led me to hope there would be some little surprises in the set-list, but those would turn out to be minimal. We did get to hear Dancing with Mr. D., a rare track from Goats Head Soup, which was both funky and menacing, with that aura of dark sleaze that permeated the songs recordings of the seventies.

As for the vote song, it was predictably Angie which beat gems like Beast of Burden and Dead Flowers which I would have greatly preferred. Oh, well. Keith was again in fine form mostly, although like every time I've seen them in the last ten year he managed to fuck up the intro to Brown Sugar! How does anyone fuck up that intro, especially when you've written it and performed it thousands of times in the last five decades? He laughed it off, and all was forgiven but those "absences" are very worrying even if he does seem to have it more together than three years ago.

Ronnie was his usual goofy self and really shone on Midnight Rambler, while of course never reaching the heights of his predecessor. Good ol' Charlie was as reliable and affable as ever behind his kit and the rapport he has with Keith on stage is what drives the machine. It is most evident on Honky Tonk Women where each player propels the other.

Once again the MVP was Mick Jagger, the world's greatest frontman. His voice only gets better with age. Last night he was in a playful mood, more than I've ever seen him. At one point he stepped behind Charlie and started hitting the cymbals with one of his drumsticks. During Gimme Shelter he walked to the backing singers' position and started singing with them, all of them cracking up. It was a joy seeing him in such a great mood and cracking the shell a bit.

The backing musicians were all perfect, Chuck Leavell was maybe a little to high in the mix on some songs but that's a small complaint. Lisa Fischer's replacement Sasha Allen of course got her moment to shine on Gimme Shelter, and her duet with Mick is a lot of fun, but her voice could use a little more restraint. She's a powerhouse alright, but a little subtlety wouldn't hurt.

There was a lot more interplay between Mick and Keith, they even joked around a bit, Keith stealing Jagger's harmonica before the blues covers... It's nice to see the tension ease somewhat, as on previous shows you could tell Mick was clearly annoyed at Keith's erratic playing. So none of that last night thankfully, and the show was all the better for it.

The last show of the tour is in three days and hopefully they will change things up again and add some surprises.

Photo by Bjørnulf Vik

Review by Dean Goodman

I paid for a Rolling Stones concert, but half the time it seemed as if I were at a Monkees reunion. The show was basically one big laugh-fest. The boys wore huge grins as they constantly backslapped each other and traded inside jokes. Mick, meanwhile, babbled incessantly, at one point getting me all excited by name-checking one of my favorite albums. "Thirsty work," he said. "Dirty Work." I must admit the perkiness creeped me out a little. What's so funny? Had they just finished watching a Benny Hill marathon backstage? Have they joined a cult? Is there some amazing news I need to know about. Tell me!

The upshot is that we got easily the most enjoyable show of the tour, culminating in an explosive version of "Street Fighting Man" with a Charlie-Mick drum session. Those who chose Paris #2 as their sole show chose wisely, and they're probably wondering what all the online angst these past six weeks has been all about.

Of course, it was to be expected that the gig would surpass Paris #1. What no one expected was that we would get a new opener - just as I was almost getting used to the limp handshake of "Sympathy for the Devil." Clearly you want to open with a bang because it sets the tone for the rest of the show, and nothing bangs like "Jumpin' Jack Flash." It was a little unsettling watch Keith come out at 9:06 pm just before the music started. "Oh God, has he officially lost his marbles?" No, he's got a job to do.

I detected the first sign of unusual levity during the ceremonial transfer of the harmonica before the blues set. Mick couldn't find it, Keith had it, and they had a big laugh after a little game of hide and seek. I believe it was just the second time they played "Hate to See You Go" on this tour, and it was one of three "new" songs tonight, the others being "Dancing with Mr. D" and the voters' choice "Angie." "Mr. D" takes on eerie, new significance in the wake of recent reports of Mick's near fatal overdose in the early 70s (though I don't know if there's a direct connection), and it was great to see Keith strumming an acoustic on "Angie."

That led into "You Can't Always Get What You Want" and the bonus coda after Mick instructed, "Let's play double time, Chuck." Keith was basically a spectator, and smilingly motioned to the crowd afterwards that he was disavowing all knowledge of this improv piece.

"Paint It, Black" was huge, the boys knew it, and they showed their delight. It would be interesting to do a split screen of this version and the Stockholm version, which was played to a lifeless crowd.

During the introduction, Mick referred to Ronnie as "Ronnie Bois de Boulogne Wood," a reminder that the noted area cited in "Too Much Blood" is down the road from the arena. Speaking of the venue, the forecourt was another swirling mass of uncounted heads and wavering millions, to quote from "Salt of the Earth." All I can say is that the Stones organization never fails to disrespect fans.

Keith's set was punctuated by Olés from the Argentina contingent. The cheers spread a little, but didn't really catch on. I found this disappointing, to be honest. Aren't football fans supposed to be naturals at this? Maybe it was the large contingent of confused young Americans who didn't join in. I do hope we really get a good thing going on Wednesday. I guess people must have yelled requests at Keith because he said, "If I had all the time in the world I'd give you everything, but I don't." There was a minor incident when Keith briefly lost his balance as he stood up after playing the second "Slipping Away" solo while kneeling on one knee. But he quickly regained his footing and marveled at his acrobatic prowess. These things happen to the best of us. And he ended his set with a heartfelt "Merci. I mean, not a lot else to say. Thank you very much."

As indicated above, "Street Fighting Man" was clearly the individual highlight although it may be a little perverse for the Stones to be playing a protest anthem while struggling to hold their sides. While Mick jumped up behind Charlie and grabbed his left shoulder while hitting a cymbal, Keith and Ronnie boldly took the song to where no Stone has gone before. It was a stupendous tour de force.

I guess we'll never know if there was a story behind the hilarity. I suppose the most innocent guess would be that they were having a good time. And maybe that's why they'll keep touring until they drop. It's fun, and " ... 'cos there's nothing else to do."

Photo by Bjørnulf Vik

Review by Bjørnulf Vik, Norway

I make brief notes on a small piece of paper at shows, just to make sure my memory after the show is backed by facts - as they happened - while the show is on. There has been times when the printed set list was not followed, like in Brisbane, Madison Square Garden and so on. These days the set list is more fixed, and you expect it to be that way. My little piece of paper had already this pre-written in short as song number one, two and three, before the show started: SFTD, IORR, TD. These three songs have been like sunrise and breakfast in the morning - they are expected as the first three songs, in that order.

Everything was as expected, the normal security check three minutes before show start, then the screen getting wiped out and it is all dark. Then, much to my surprise, an announcement, first time on this tour: "Ladies and Gentlemen ... The Rolling Stones!!!" Well I have had that announcement many times before, but this was new on this tour. Then they are on with "Jumping Jack Flash". So just like the screen was wiped out, I wiped out my notes, ready for something new. JJF gave both the band as well as the crowd a kick-start. It is like a heart-starter. Booom! This is the Stones! Razor blade sharp Keith guitar from the very first second. The only better kick-start might have been "Street Fighting Man", but that would have been too brutal.

The next few songs went on pretty much as expected, but we got a new blues song. "Hate To See You Go" was performed one time before on this tour only, in Zurich, a nice change, and it worked well. "Angie" and "Dancing With Mr D" was great as the special songs tonight - "Goat's Head Soup" was my third real studio album which I got as it came out, and the first I went to see live in 1973.

"Paint It Black" was performed with an intensity and such a joy that it must have been the best performance of the song this tour. I got the sort of Argentina feel, it was so powerful, and the crowd was taking it all, keeping the power up as the band did the song to our satisfaction.

Mick and Keith do not cross their paths on stage normally, but tonight this changed also, much to my joy. There were smiles, Mick & Keith moments, and more smiles. "Street Fighting Man" again the best and most powerful part of the show, the rest is just a matter of keeping the crowd with their hands in the air until the final sound of Satisfaction is there. Such a great show, and too bad this tour will end in three days from now.

Photo by Bjørnulf Vik

Review by François Galaup

No filter through the screens.

For my 5th No filter show I decided to view the show by the 4 screens on the stage.

With my wife Chantal and my daughter Mélanie we first have lunch with my great friend Claude a old Stones fan (Hyde park 69, Palais des sports 70, Bruxelles 73 with the RTL train ...). So we arrived quiet late at the Uarena around 17h. The FOS OR gate was Well indicated this time but not the way to get to there, hope the third time everything wiĺl be perfect.

Than on with the show: I just go on the back of the FOS OR in the middle. First surprise the begining of the show with the introduction "ladies and gentlemen the Rolling Stones " and Jumping jack flash in first song. Second surprise a show with a lot of improvisations and a Jagger who seems to be quiet lost on several songs. The band was much more connected on paris 1.

And the screens ? Well the vidéo staff make a really fantastic job on this tour. It's simply beautifull and you really can view the show through the 4 screens. Now just 1 show left, hope to see you there !

Photo by Bjørnulf Vik

Review by Benjamin Delambre

I have just turned 28 years old and tonight was my 28th Stones show. And can’t get tired of them! My friends and family can’t understand why I see them so many times! Well tonight’s show is my answer. So different from the Paris No.1. Better? I don’t know but very different yes!

The band was tighter than ever! A lot of communication between Mick and Keith, and this is very rare! Keith was so happy to be here tonight. He smiled and laughed a lot! His singing was beautiful. Mick and Keith made a lot of eye-contact with the crowd. Mick was on fire. He had to take off his red “Stones” shirt and clean his face full of sweat. I really wonder if Mick Jagger is human… 74 years old… He is a real MONSTER! Today he really gave everything he had. With all the energy he spends for 2 hours and 20 minutes, I really wonder in which conditions he arrives home after the show.

I personally prefer Sympathy for the Devil as an opener but JJF was a nice surprise. Hate to see you go is a better live song than Just your full and it was nice to make this change. Again, Ride’em on down is played tonight and it is fantastic. The Stones are really good when they play the Blues. Keith made a joke to Mick by stealing his harmonica. And Mick said “Noooo” like a small child, I found it very funny!

The highlight was again (and every show now) Midnight Rambler. I truly believe that the Stones don’t need Mick Taylor. Ronnie nailed it tonight. The 4 of them actually. This song is the definition of what Rock’n’Roll is. The rhythm, the Blues touch, the live performance and the communication with the crowd. WILD!

I want to mention the sound. Exceptional from the PIT. I will never see the Stones in a stadium again! I was happy to get out deaf from the Arena!!

To conclude, tonight’s show was unbelievable, the boys are better than in the past, imo. They still have many years in front of them.

Photo by Bjørnulf Vik

Review by Alwyn W

The second of the three show run in Paris had some surprises, which always liven-up a show and make it a little more memorable. And of course some things remain constant, for better or worse.

Travelling to and from the new U Arena was very easy, even leaving at the end. Apart from a short hold at the Metro station to avoid overcrowding, it all ran smoothly with seats on the RER train, and we arrived back in central Paris in 45 minutes after the band finished the show - and we were standing very close to the stage with no fast exit.

Arriving was better than the first show, at least for us. A couple of minutes wait in line, and we passed the stadium security only 5 minutes after the advertised entry time. It all seemed to be going more smoothly after the first show shambles.

My friend H, a companion on many shows, marked his 100th show here. The first was in Harrow, London, way back in 1964, and courtesy of KH, ML and Pierre de B, he had a visit behind and onto the stage. A lovely gesture from all concerned. We stood behind someone who had also been to a mid sixties show in Southampton in the UK, so there were a few other “long-timers” at this show. But also a huge number of people who were born after Steel Wheels. Amazing when you think about it.

The biggest surprise however was the very start of the show – instead of red lights, the backing percussion, Charlie drumming and Chuck hammering out the opening chords of Sympathy… the lights came on with a bright startle and Mick and Keith and Ronnie marched-out to the power riff that marks the intro to Jumping Jack Flash. For those of us lucky enough to see several shows on this tour it was a real surprise; for the vast majority of the audience, it was a great start to a rocking show.

Then another surprise, as Hate to See You Go joined Ride ‘Em on Down for the blues covers section of the set. These songs work so well. Mick singing and blowing some mean harmonica; Ronnie and Keith weaving some great blues licks; the solid rhythm of Charlie and Darryl; fine piano accompaniment from Chuck. Another request for a third blues from me – these are short numbers and you know you could fit one in!

Mick remembered that this was their 32nd show in Paris, and as he always does now there was a heartfelt “thank you” for all the support over the years. There was a bit of “end of the tour” joviality on stage. Keith playing hard-to-get with Mick’s harmonica, and later teasing Charlie with the start of Brown Sugar. Laughter when Keith tried to start IORR in the wrong key – I’ve no idea if this was intentional or not but the band enjoyed it and so did many in the crowd. Mick standing on the drum stand behind Charlie, and I think he was hitting a cymbal, on Street Fighting Man. Many laughs and apparently funny exchanges on stage. Mick extending YCAGWYW with a fast reprise, which ended in a rather haphazard manner as Chuck improvised a close. Keith even tried to take Ronnie and Charlie back for a second bow as Mick left the stage.

A couple of things didn’t change, things that really should. The chaos over “where do I get my Pit or Fosse Or wristband” continued. Trying to access the Fosse Or was a real battle – a tiny entrance, blocked in part my people just standing in the way, and security trying hard to make it smooth… but it wasn’t.

Brown Sugar sounds or feels wrong. I’m not really sure why; it was 3 from the end so there should have been more energy. I don’t think it was the guitars; it could have been the rhythm section, sacrilege thought that might sound. When Charlie appeared on the big screen he looked very tired, but maybe he was just bored playing. He looked just fine at the end of the show: I’m sure he was really tired with all the energy he used. Anyway it wasn’t a train wreck, and some nice sax from Karl helped move it along.

Energy-wise the whole band looked great most of the time. Mick of course is quite extraordinary; he should be on a public health advertisement. Not just very fit, running and singing, but also over-seeing the performance whilst also seeming to tease and cajole his colleagues. Keith, Ronnie and Charlie all seemed really fired-up, although all needed a breather at times: so did the audience, who were great, dancing even at the top, and starting a good Ole Ole Ole chorus for Keith much to his embarrassment (and appreciation). Keith almost toppled-over on the catwalk when he was playing crouching-down, but he recovered and grinned at everyone. Just a tiny balance issue. Even back stage the audience was ricking – at times you could see quite a crowd between Matt and the saxes, in a big gap in the stage curtain.

The supporting musicians’ contribution seemed to be more up in the mix, and it is easy to forget how much they really do form part of the band. Tim’s lovely sax solo on Miss You, sax even on SFM, and Hammond organ on YCAGWYW – that had Ronnie standing, conducting him. Karl really giving it some on tenor sax. Matt C with, I think, more percussion now as well as keyboards and French horn. He also seems to be a “how am I doing” sounding board for Mick.

Chuck is, I think, getting time to play more intricate keyboards as his need to be conductor is less this tour. Darryl driving the rhythm, with great little runs in Dancing with Mr D. (oh yes that came back into the set, and it works really, really, well), and a good bit of semi-solo on Miss You. Bernard underpinning all the vocals – he is so good you almost don’t notice, which is very clever indeed; but also with percussion on several songs. Sasha, making Shelter her own, to roars of approval from the crowd.

The sound close-up was great, although I worried about it as we could hear an echo occasionally. Mick mentioned the echo from the first show, when I didn’t hear it. I hope it wasn’t too much further back. They may need some sound-absorption in this venue. The power of Paint it Black, which had people clapping along all over the venue, would have tested any sound system. That is becoming a real favourite. There is a great photo of Mick from the 1967 European tour, legs wide, bending down, touching the stage with one hand; looking like a proto-punk , but 10 years early. At times he looked like that today, only 40 years late! At least one song from the IORR album may need re-writing – Time may indeed wait for some people.

Final song mention, and the second from Goats Head Soup. The voted song was Angie, which started with just Keith and Mick, with a few drum brushes from Charlie. I think the ballad in the set helped give everyone in audience a break from the frenetic pace. Thank you song voters. That pace pervades almost all the songs, fast or slower. People leaving the show seemed to have a combination of happiness and exhaustion. What more can you ask for?

Photos by Bjørnulf Vik

Review by Hamzah Munif

OK my first review for IORR. This was my 100th show and I wanted to share my experience with the “Stones” world.

My first show was 6 January 1964 at The Granada, Harrow, UK when I was 13 and to be honest I can’t remember much as there was a lot of screaming. The set was short about 45 minutes and The Ronettes were also there with others. We got in through the side door of the cinema, didn’t pay, so not sure if it counts.

The Paris show was my 7th on The No Filter Tour and until last night Barcelona was the best and now Paris 2 was amazing and for me the best show so far. I was invited backstage and it was incredible to see all the equipment and the fans from the stage. It was easy to make out all the faces.

The venue seemed to have ironed out some first night teething problems, though it was a fight to get through to the Pit even with the wristband on.

Highlights for me was the beginning as the set list was changed with JJF being the opener and getting “Hate to see you go”. I loved Paint It Black, Rambler and of course Slipping Away (man I just love this song). Keith’s acknowledgement of the Argentine fan contingent led to a long chorus of Ole, Ole Ole which halted the proceeding for a moment and he said, “man , I gotta get to work!”.

The boys looked like they were having a great time and how Mick does it all is beyond me. Keith’s guitar was sumptuous, huge chunky chords and great little licks. I particularly loved the little solos when he walked down the catwalk during Slipping Away. I loved the solos from Tim and Karl, the numbers may be the same but the delivery is always very different. It is very interesting to watch Charlie drumming after the reprise on Rambler as Keith, Ronnie and Daryl surround Charlie and the four of them just let it rip, rock ‘n’ roll at its best.

The only downside for me was Sasha screaming out the words “Rape, Murder”, rather than singing it.

A big shout out to Dave Natale for the sound, it has been brilliant in all the shows I have been to on this tour.

I was on Eurostar back to London and sat close to some guys from Southampton UK who had been to shows in 1966. Great guys.

OK now for Paris 3 on Wednesday and show 101.

Photos by Bjørnulf Vik

Photos by Bjørnulf Vik

Review by Olivier Pilley , Paris

Mick said that it was their 32d concert in Paris, well it was only my seventh in Paris but at least I was at the legendary 1976 the stones aux abattoirs with Mick flowing long hair , the infamous inflatable penis, and the final with Mick throwing buckets of water on the crowd and himself . But now on to last night, I thought Hyde Park 2013 would've been my last one but I I decided to go on the spur of the moment and I was lucky to get a very good position in the front row of the fosse Or, Ronnie's side.

The Stones were in a very good mood , Mick very chatty and all were smiling a lot, Mick and Keith had a few intimate moment of laugh and that was really touching.

The opening was a surprise Jumping Jack flash. Set list was great as it is in all of this European tour. It was fun to hear Mick tease Keith "have another go" at the start of it's rock 'n' roll. It was fun to see Mick go play the drums with Charlie . The new blues songs were fantastically well played. For me the highlights of the songs were Street fighting man, Paint it black, YCAGWYW, Midnight Rambler , Miss you. A couple were less well played but hey you love the stones because they play live which like life is imperfect yet with passion you gotta enjoy it. Keith showed so much love during his set. And Mick was Mick, master of the show behind the heartbeat of Charlie. The 3 original Rolling Stones...

I think the secret of their physical longevity despite the abuses of the past is the passion they have and keep for what they do.

Photos by Bjørnulf Vik

Review by Michel W.

Last night was my 15th Stones concert and 22 years after my first, in Longchamp, it was also one of the best. The band had so much energy, so much joie de vivre that it was impossible not to be swept away by the enthusiasm of these young 70+ year olds.

The videos I had seen on YouTube of the No Filter live concerts were reassuring (Jagger is still Jagger) and a bit concerning (that tempo is really much slower!) at the same time, so I wasn't sure what to expect.

I flew from NYC for a 24-hour trip and man do I not regret it. The concert was fantastic! From start to finish, the energy of the band was infectious.

True, Keith might look like a Connecticut retiree, with his thinning hair and beer belly, looking like he could talk to you for an hour about his tulips, but comes nighttime, he's the guy the mob would call if they need somebody's throat slashed.

The opening with Jumpin’ Jack Flash was the first surprise as we were all expecting Sympathy! The band sounded loud, tight with Mick being Mick: the only front man in the world who looks phenomenally cool with incredible moves that would make any other singer look silly and ridiculous. The band is on, Keith looks focused as Ronnie is already shredding some means solos. After a quick hello, Keith cuts into the opening notes of IORR. Great version, Keith still looks intensely focused and Charlie gets into the groove. Tumbling Dice is next – classic, with, as always, a perfect Charlie.

As the concert went on, Keith's energy level seemed to go up and up. He mellowed into the groove and really seemed to enjoy himself more and more, cutting some sweet solos and grinning from ear to ear. Ronnie was truly amazing : less posing, more playing seems to be his new motto and I like it!

Hate to See you go was the 2nd excellent surprise, followed by Ride’ Em On Down (solid blues) and the 3rd surprise which I was secretly hoping for: Dancing With Mr. D. The menacing groove and great singing by Mick made it a really cool version.

I’ll admit I missed the choir from the previous tour on YCAGWYW. Bring it back for the next one!

Keith’s set was excellent. He was witty (“you know it’s going to be Happy”), chatty (talking about the Argentinians’ ole ole ole) and sang really well, pouring his heart into both Happy (with a stellar Ronnie on slide) and Slipping Away (avoiding a fall after making a beautiful solo half sitting on the stage).

Midnight Rambler clocked at a little over 12minutes. Great version. I loved the dangerous interplay between Ronnie and Keith.

Gimme Shelter: great intro, a solid version but I wasn't completely convinced by Sasha. I guess I miss Lisa Fischer.

Miss You and Angie: not my favorite songs but they were both played beautifully. The sound mix unfortunately buried Keith's acoustic guitar on Angie in the 2nd half of the song.

SFM: one of the highlights of the evening. A really tight and LOUD version with a fantastic “dialogue” between Keith and Ronnie. I need to listen to it again on YouTube. They even managed to make the lyrics written by their 20 year-old selves believable!

Another highlight: Paint It Black. A truly awesome version, with some loud, dangerous guitar by Ronnie and equal sweet riffs by Keith. How come these 2 still manage to surprise me after all these years?

The ending went crescendo, with the traditional warhorses, perfectly executed, ending with a final bow with a lot of big smiles and slightly delayed fireworks.

A word about the sound: yes, there was some echo (especially during Keith’s set) and the sound mix seemed to become progressively worse in the last 3rd of the concert. Regardless, even that wasn’t enough to put a dent into what was truly a great performance.

These guys love what they’re doing too much, I don’t see why they would ever stop. There was so much joy and enjoyment from the band! To paraphrase Mick: “on a kiffe”. Thanks guys, can’t wait to see you in New York in the near future! On a personal note, it was really special to be able to attend with my sisters, nephew (who had just been born 6 weeks earlier when I attended my first Stones' concert in Longchamp 22 years ago!), my new brother in law and my “old” brother Zouzou (we missed you Manu) who is responsible for making me a lifetime Stones’ fan with his Stones’ mixtape some 25 years ago. Look what you started!

Photos by Hauke Jürgensen

Review by Thierry Galbrun

Not real report but some stats. The 2nd paris show was not the longest, but the third, 2:17, behind Munich 2:18 and Hamburg 2:20. But Hamburg had 22 songs and Munich 21. So with only 20 songs, That 2nd Paris show IS the longest !

Great show, for me and my 3 kids for the very first time together at a Stones show, in golden standing, Keith side. Some friends of mine standing in general admission, very close to the golden limit, told me that the sound was awfull.

It was easy to access, far far from the first day hell.

Review by Ian McIntyre, London

My second show of this tour after Hamburg. Took my youngest daughter to that one and my eldest daughter to this one and what a time we had - brilliant!

Really please to hear Mr D again after it appeared to be dropped and a real surprise to start with JJF, maybe just because they can?

The funniest thing was that i asked a girl in the que for the bar what was her favourite song she wanted to hear. She began singing something that neither of us could work out. Then she said actually i really don't care what they play so long as they don't play Angie. Oh i said, there is no chance of that happening......yeah right! Lol

And the stones roll on and everyone lived happily ever after....

Photos by Hauke Jürgensen

Photos by Hendrik Mulder

Photos by Hendrik Mulder

Photos by Hendrik Mulder

This page will change over the next few days, as you and other fans send reviews, set lists and reports. Please send your e-mail to IORR. Thanks! For details and great photos from the Rolling Stones and their World Tour get the IORR magazines.

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