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The Rolling Stones Fan Club of Europe
It's Only Rock'n Roll

The Rolling Stones Press Conference
Juilliard School of Music, Lincoln Center, New York
Tuesday May 10, 2005

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Tell Me
Band 2
Tim Ries

Oh No Not You Again

The Rolling Stones played their new song "Oh No Not You Again" for the first time ever at the press conference today in New York City, where their new 2005/2006 World Tour was announced. The new album is 85% ready, they said, and they will tour for 12 months all over the world, including Puerto Rico, as told here by IORR on the list of rumoured Stones shows.

The performance opened with a terrific version of "Start Me Up", then the fast "Oh No Not You Again", with a great Chuck Berry inspired riff by Keith, kind of "It's Only Rock'n Roll" feel to the song, still very different and down to the earth... Then they ended with "Brown Sugar". No saxophone. No keyboards. Just the four of them - Mick, Keith, Ronnie and Charlie, plus Darryl Jones on bass.

The press conference was set for 1pm in the afternoon. It was a great day in New York City, the kind of day when you would head for the beach, or grab an ice cold beer. Very warm for the month of May. Every time the Stones do a press conference, the weather is great, it seems. And the nice thing this time... They were doing the press conference at a site when all the fans - not just the press - could actually take a front row view of the show. The press was spiced up by students from Juilliard with real new 2005 baseball T-shirts, fans close up on the side, and a lot, I mean a lot of fans and street walkers in the big square in front of the press conference site at the Lincoln Center.

Michael Cohl, the tour boss, said they would take the tour all across the world during the next 12 months. Opening the tour in Boston Fenway Park Aug. 21. Then across around 40 cities in USA and Canada. This is the tour for all the cities. They are reaching out to more places than last time. Licks did only visit half as many places, due to the number of club and arena shows in the same cities.

Then will take a break in December. Then more shows - arena - in North America during Jan 7 to Feb 7. Then they move south. Puerto Rico. Rio. Buenos Aires. Other Sourh American shows possibly. Then Japan. And they really want to do China for this tour, as they could not do it during LICKS.

Then a break by the end of April, through May. Then three months of shows in Europe during June, July and August. This will be a great tour indeed!

More coming soon...

IORR magazine going to print tomorrow!
See all the reports and great unique picures from the press conference in the brand new issue of the fan club magazine It's Only Rock'n Roll! IORR 52, due out later this week. Sign up for the IORR magazine on the IORR subscription pages.

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