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It's Only Rock'n Roll |
Tell Me Forum |
Hackney Diamonds |
Tour 2024 |
Mick Jagger |
Keith Richards |
Charlie Watts |
Wood |
Wyman |
Taylor |
Jones |
Band 2
Tim Ries |
Warmup band : 8:20pm - 8:55pm Rolling Stones : 10:20pm - 12:20am
IORR info: The stage used for this show is the same stage design as used in Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, and Mexico City.
The band was awsome, even spoke in spanish some times, the reaction of the people to them was great,every single track was done perfectly... I�m still in shock with this concert, the best concert in my entire life.
i went to stadium 5 hours before the concert because i was in general seat, but the wait didnt matter when they started jumpin jack flash, alejandra guzman was the worst part of the concert lol, but there was some fans of her, beetwen guzman and the stones we wait 1 hour a 25 minutes, the stadium were making "la ola" when a man came out and say "sorry" my friend thinked it going to be cancelled, but no!!, the fire started and everybody get up of their seats, then jumpin jaack flas started.
JJF: great song for open, everybody standing.
IORR: it was good, but i think this song should be more late.
YGMR: people still stand, but nobody jumpin, wveryone singin, hey hey you got me rocking.
ONNYA: new song, the people didnt knew it, some people get on their seats.
TD: people stand up again, lisa fisher came out in this song, the stadium happy but they didnt knew the lyrics.
Angie: woo, i thinked they didnt goin to sing this, everyone standing and singin this song, this song believe it or not pumped up the stadium. first highlight of the night.
RFD: another new song, sime people sit again, some pople singing, ok.
Midnight Rambler: everyone stand up, and danced, later everyone screaming, auuuu.
GS: one of my favorite songs! but the people didnt know it very well, when lisa fisher started to sing everyone stand up and shout!.
Introductions. everyone sit down and listen it, and richards got a bigggg ovation.
TPIE: people didnt know it, just hearing it.
Happy: people still sit down, some people dancing, but it was very well, everyone sing it.
Miss You: at the start some people stand up, very well recived, everyone sing it, when the stage came out everyone stand up.
RJ: yeahh!! 4 and last song of new album, one of my favorite, i was jumping and singin, second highlight.
GOOMC: i didnt liked to hear this song because it means no paint it black :( but it was night, everybody standin and singin. third highlight.
HTW: i wass the first on stadium to scream about this one!! i was singin as loud as i can. one of my favorites of the bight.
SFTD: wooo my favorite!! everybody got a smile on this, the eyes very open, everybody singin ouuu ouuu, 4 highilt of the night.
SMU: fire on stage!!! at the intro everybody jumping, and everybody sang start me up!! another highlight.
BS: another time the first to screamm, i was jumping singin and clapping alll the song. between the encores people started to clap and some people incluidnig me sayng "culeeeeros culeeeros" but then
YCAGWYW: everybody singing and singing another highlight.
SATISFACTION!!!: definetly every body dancing, jumping singing, i dont want it to over :(
when it finished the phyrotecnics started, it was a rain of fire so cool.
the bad thing is that i really wanted paint it black but the concert still so good, the best concert of my life, ill never seen anything like this, never.
i hope they come again someday, today my hands and my voice still hurting me of many clappings and screamin but that doesnt mather if you did it with they satanic majest!!
I was with a couple of friends, and we were waiting for any acoustic song, maybe "wild horses" or "love in vain" but Angie really shocked us. It make us call our girls, jajaja
People kept stand up during the two hour show, dancing, singing and recieving all the energy from Mick, Keith, Charlie and Ronnie. Mick was like possesed on stage. I cant believed that I was watching these ROck Legends.
Also, People cant believe it. I confirmed this when they played "sympathy for the devil". I had to travel by plane to watch this concert, and seeing this song really worth it.
When They started to move to B stage, across the crowd while they were playing "Miss You", HELLLLL!!!! The stadium got Crazy!!! it was something out of this world.
I can resume this : Ive seen other famous bands, but I can tell they look small in front of "Their Satanic Majestic" the Stones rolled over M�xico, and now Im back home rolling like a stone.
Was my second time, because I specially travel to see them in 1998 Bridges to Babylon tour in Houston Tx. but this one was really special beacuse we had the great honor to receive them in our city.
All the songs were perfect, But I was very happy specially with "Its only rock n roll", " Gimme shelter", "Start me up", "Get out of my cloud", I was waiting for PAINTED IT BLACK my favorite song, but it doesn�t matter everything was great.
Thank you Mick, you rules !!! I never forget your friendly hello in spanish ""Que paso raza """ , and what about that cheer to our people ""ARRIBA LOS REGIOS "" JAJAJA that was great !!
Thank you Charlie you have an special gift ! Thank you Ronnie, was my pleasure see you rocking again ! Thank you Keith, you�re the perfect descripton that means be a rolling stone, standing ovation from Monterrey to you.
An incredible experience !!! God bless the STONES !!!! and see you in the next tour !!!!
Keith estuvo grandioso con ese aire de jefe que tiene, muy a su estilo y sin dejar el cigarro. Tambi�n Jagger y sus sensuales movimientos a lo largo y ancho del estadio no pasaron desapercibidos.
Yo iba s�lo a una cosa: no quer�a irme de ah� sin antes haber escuchado "Simpathy For The Devil". Fu� para m�, lo mejor del concierto. A�n no puedo olvidarlo.
Conclusi�n: tal vez no haya hecho nada bueno en esta vida, pero estuve en un concierto de los Rolling Stones...
En punto de las 20:20 Hrs. comenz� el show de obertura, a cargo de la Cantante Mexicana, Alejandra Guzm�n, quien a pesar del esfuerzo que hizo por entretener a la "Raza" que ya ocupaba una m�nima parte del estadio, no se libr� de los s�lbidos y abucheos del p�blico, que le ped�an que mejor se retirara del lugar. Cabe mencionar que su actuaci�n fu� mejor que la del grupo Fobia, que abri� el concierto en el Foro Sol, y quienes de plano pasaron sin pena ni gloria en el show del Domingo pasado.
Despu�s de tocar alrededor de 45 min. la cantante Mexicana, se despidi� del p�blico Regio, cantando "La Plaga", un hit cl�sico del Rock and Roll, en espa�ol.
Despu�s....todos esper�bamos con ansia, que se apagaran nuevamente las luces, para disfrutar del platillo principal : "The Rolling Stones"...
Con una espera, que se prolong� por mas de una hora, seg�n se nos inform�, debido a fallas de car�cter t�cnico, por fin, en punto de las 22:20 Hrs, se apagaron nuevamente las luces...y las 40 mil almas que est�bamos en el estadio, esper�bamos con gran emoci�n, que aparecieran los Stones en el escenario.
En las pantallas gigantes del escenario, empezaron a proyectarse im�genes de un "Bigger Bang" que estaba a punto de comenzar...despu�s de dos explosiones de Juegos Pirot�cnicos...se empez� a escuchar el conocido Riff de Jumping Jack Flash, y el maestro Keith Richards hacia su aparici�n, seguido por Ronnie y Mick, mientras la s�lida bater�a de Charlie Watts, soportaba el primer cl�sico de la noche, que los Stones nos hab�an preparado.
Con Mick Jagger, vistiendo una chaqueta Azul, y con la energ�a que lo carateriza, terminando JJF, saludo al p�blico regio en espa�ol : "Que onda Raza?"..."C�mo est�n Monterrey?"...lo cu�l provoc� la entrega inmediata del p�blico...entonces se ecuch� el incio de It's only rock and roll....lo que elev� m�s..la euforia de la gente...
El Set List, fu� el mismo que tocaron en la ciudad de M�xico, en lo personal, me hubiera gustado haber escuchado She�s So Cold, Bitch, o Paint it Black, pero creo que tendr� que esperar hasta la siguiente gira...
Lo mas destacado del Show, creo que fue JJF, It�s only rock and roll, Angie, y Gimme Shelter, en la primera parte del show.
Desp�s, Mick dijo : �Quiero presentarles a la Banda�, y quien se llev� la mayor ovaci�n fue Keith, casi dos minutos tuvo que esperar, para agradecerle a la gente esa muestra de cari�o...�Gracias Amigos� dec�a un Keith, realmente conmovido, y disculp�ndose por el poco espa�ol que sabe hablar....
Nos deleit� con la baladita This Place is Empty, del nuevo CD, y su gr�n cl�sico : �Happy�, que hizo que una parte de los asistentes no par�ramos de aplaudir y bailar...
La segunda parte del Show, creo que es muy emotiva, ya que mientras la banda tocaba Miss You, comenz� el desplazamiento de una parte del escenario principal, hacia el escenario secundario, que se ubicaba en el otro lado de la cancha...una vez ah�, los Stones empezaron con Rough Justice, que dicho sea de paso, fue una de las canciones que mas gustaron al p�blico Norte�o (nunca habia visto, que un tema nuevo, causara tal emoci�n en la gente), le sigui� Get off of my cloud, y Honky tonk Women, mientras regresaban al escenario principal...
Con el inicio de Start me up, una explosi�n de fuego hiz� que la energ�a de la gente, llegara al m�ximo, y hasta el cierre del show, con Satisfaction, los Stones mantuvieron a casi todo el p�blico bailando, cantando, y celebrando, todo lo que Mick y compa��a hacian sobre el escenario.
Al final la banda fue despedida con una gran ovaci�n, y el p�blico m�xicano, qued� ampliamente Satisfecho, con un gran concierto.
Larga vida a los Stones, y ojal� que regresen pronto a nuestro pa�s.
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