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It's Only Rock'n Roll

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Tell Me
Band 2
Tim Ries

The Rolling Stones
Foro Sol - Aut�dromo Hermanos Rodr�guez
Mexico City, Mexico
Sunday, February 26, 2006

The set list

  1. Jumping Jack Flash
  2. It's Only Rock'n Roll
  3. You Got Me Rocking
  4. Oh No Not You Again
  5. Tumbling Dice
  6. Angie
  7. Rain Fall Down
  8. Midnight Rambler
  9. Gimme Shelter
    --- Introductions
  10. This Place Is Empty (Keith)
  11. Happy (Keith)
  12. Miss You (to B-stage)
  13. Rough Justice
  14. Get Off Of My Cloud
  15. Honky Tonk Women (to main stage)
  16. Sympathy For The Devil
  17. Start Me Up
  18. Brown Sugar
  19. You Can't Always Get What You Want (encore)
  20. Satisfaction (encore)
Show start  :  9:05pm
Show finish : 11:05pm

IORR info: The stage used for this show was the same stage design as used in Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires.

Review by Ash Rogers, M�xico City

I live in Mexico City where last night, i witnessed the most amazing and beautifully performed concert in my entire life. I have been a stones fan since I was a small small child because of my dads love of music, and last night I was there live, and took it all in. The show was opened by a mexican band called Fobia, once they left we had to wait a long while in the freezing cold for the acctual show to start but when it did the wait was worth it!

we all stood up and started jumping, they came out and started playing Jumping Jack Flash right away! it was beautiful all the fireworks and the sounds, it was amazing. and then after a while when we thought it couldnt get any better.... the stage started moving towards us! it was amazing, Sir Mick was wearing a yellow leather jacket if i do recall right and i was so happy i could have died! when they said goodbye for the first time i couldnt belive it, i wanted to cry! i didn't hear 2 of the many many hit songs they had and 2 personal favorites.(satisfaction and you cant allways get what you want). Then with a whole lot of lights flashing they came out, they did you cant allways get what you want first and then finished it all up with satisfaction which drove me and my friends wild.

I hope this helps somehow! to sum it all up it was the best concert to ever ever ever come to Mexico... loved it and would love to have them come again!

Review by Jean-Claude Vignettes, M�xico City

I have one word to describe the show:AWESOME!!! During February the mexican press started a comparison between the Stones and U2 about which was the best rock and roll band in the world,U2 played in the Azteca Stadium the last week.At the begining people expect more from U2 and the critics were devastating and people were disappointing I mean most of them had the idea of an unforgettable concert but yestarday�s show proves one simple thing: THE ROLLING STONES ARE THE GREATEST ROCK AND ROLL BAND IN THE WORLD.

The meeting started at 7:00 p.m with Fobia, a rock-pop band who was very famous in the late 80�s, as the opening act. The night was very cold and in a few minutes El Foro was full.We were singing Mexico, Mexico, Mexico over and over again and we were doing La Ola also.Little by little the cold night was disappearing.

Suddenly,the lights turned off and there�s Keith and his JJF riff.Then IORR and the crowd went nuts! singing Only rock and roll...Then Mick did a pause and said in spanish, hace 8 a�os estuvimos aqui,los extra�amos mucho (8 years ago we were here we missed you a lot)You got me Rocking was shocking and Ronnie�s slide was on fire. Oh no,Not you again was nice with Mick changing the chorus lines.In Tumbling dice the guys just kicked ass on this one,amazing.

After five songs the Stones did a slow one,Angie was the winner of the night.In Mexico the two most Known Stones songs are Angie and Satisfaction so you can imagine that moment in the show.I would prefer Wild Horses instead of Angie but it was OK.Before Rain Fall Down Mick said est� chido aqui�!!!(here�s cool!!!,a phrase that mexicans used to say very often),for me Rain Fall Down is the best song of the new album and live is too much better,Darryl did a great bass solo on this one.Then Midnight Rambler,Keith show us on this that he is the Riff Master of Rock and Roll,Mick was dancing all over the stage and his harp was so strong and powerful.

Lisa and Keith were awesome in Gimme Shelter.Mick did all the introductions in spanish and Charle was called El Ni�o del Tambor (The Boy of the Drums)Then Keith�s numbers,This Place is Empty was weak but in Happy things changed,Ronnie is always great in this song.On Miss You we were singing the wo woo woo wo part while the B-stage was moving forward.Another great and funny moment was Mick saying aqu� hay muchas chicas guapas...y tambi�n hay chicos guapos (here are a lot of handsome girls...and a lot of handsome boys too) Rough Justice,Get off of my Cloud and Honky Tonk Women turned on the crowd but was the hard rock version of Sympathy for the Devil which made El Foro blows up!!!!! On Start me Up Mick forgot the kick on the starter part but nobody cares.Brown Sugar,YCAGWYW and Satisfaction closed brilliantly a lovely and unreal night...the band was on stage and it was one of those nights.

Highlights of the show: You Got me Rocking,Tumbling Dice,Angie,Rain Fall Down,Midnight Rambler,Miss You,Sympathy for the Devil and Satisfaction.

Mexico will receive in the next months groups like Oasis,Motley Crue and Depeche Mode but now the Stones are the reference point to listen and see the show of those bands.And sorry U2 but as ACDC say It�s a long way to the top. Now Monterrey is waiting...see you.

Review by Leo Rodz

What can I tell you? To see the Stones live is always a fantasy. I think the show improved a lot in January when they changed the songs list, and specially the first two. I can't tell a lot because i'm still asimilating it. However, what was below my expectations, was the stage, which was not as amazing as in Vodoo Lounge or Bridges to Babylon; and I was really loooking forward to hear 'Get off my cloud' as it used to be, but I couldn't find the rythm in this new live version. Though, everything else was great as usual. I was missing the heat in the face from 'Start me up' and the gun powder smell after the last song. It was all beautiful.

Review by Alejandro Guevara

The weather had been warm during the week, but today it got cold in Mexico City, but not in the Foro Sol were almost 60,000 were waiting for the Rolling Stones. At 9 p.m. finally, after 8 years the Stones appeared one more time in Aztec land to delight of all of us that waited for so long (unfortunately during the Licks World Tour they didn�t show up), even Jagger mentioned in Spanish �Han pasado 8 a�os, los hemos extra�ado� but the first cords of Jumping Jack Flash were enough to make us forget that it had been a long, really long long time since Bridges to Babylon Tour. The Stones gave a great concert.Jagger greeted and try to introduce the band and some songs in Spanish,. The show was really pleasant, maybe so much that the 2 hours were really short, but eough to make us wait until the next time that they can be in this country were they (and many other great groups) are loved.

Review by Robert Schredl, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

As we heard that "The Stones" are in our Country, we decided to visit this show as a "Team Event" the only thing I can say after this incredible show - I�ve never seen anything which is comparable .... IT WAS GREAT !!! For me, really the star of this day was Keith. He payed a wonderful guitar and his songs ... I cannot describe. Really, it was the best concert I�ve ever been and I wish this them a lot of really good concerts during this Tour ... and hopefully it is not their last Tour around tour world !!

Review by Memo Fdz

Si alguien tenia alguna duda acerca de �cual es la banda de rock mas grande del mundo?...anoche los Stones lo confirmaron : Ellos son la banda de rock mas grande del mundo...

Con un show que duro poco mas de dos horas, los Stones dieron muestra de una energ�a y vitalidad, que ya quisieran muchos grupos de rock impresionante ver a 4 tipos que rebasan los 60 a�os de edad, tocando y haciendo vibrar a mas de 60 mil personas...como s�lo ellos pueden hacerlo.

El show, como nos tienen acostumbrados los Stones, fu� tan espectacular e impresionante como los de las giras pasadas (los he visto desde el Voodoo Lounge, Bridges to Babylon y Live Licks), plagados de clasicos, y con 3 dardos del A Bigger Bang, que sonaron tan bien o mejor que en el CD.

Lo mas brillante del show, para mis gusto, fu� el inicio con JJF, Midnight Rambler, Gimme Shelter, Start me up, y por su puesto Satisfaction....Una grata sorpresa fu� escuchar Get off of my cloud (jamas escuchada en v�vo por mi)...

Al ya cl�sica pirotecnia Stone, ilumin� el foro sol, y dej� totalmente satisfechos a todos los asistentes...mientras la banda se retiraba del lugar...

DIOS bendiga a los Stones....y gracias por haber hecho posible nuevamente el sue�o de sus fans Mexicanos.....Nos vemos en Monterrey

Please send your show reviews and comments by e-mail to: [email protected].
The reviews will show up here soon! Thanks!


Thanks to Oswaldo Suastegui and Bernd for news links!

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