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9 ***years ***ago
That's a lot of Angie's......
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9 ***years ***ago
They dropped LIS and moved Sympathy to that slot pretty early I thought.
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9 ***years ***ago
QuoteTops 1982 Leeds Absolutely! And I'm not really into this one.
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9 ***years ***ago
Quotedcba QuoteStoneburst QuoteOllyI recommend listening to more recent live performances by the Stones. You may discover, as I did, that the band peaked as a live act decades later than many would have you believe. Like others, I have, and found them wanting. Not necessarily bad, just nowhere near as good as the classic performances of the early 70s. Same here... for the 2012-15 shows we ca
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9 ***years ***ago
QuoteGasLightStreet QuoteThrylan Best post breakup tour and album. Was it forced retro? Maybe, bug IMO, Don't Was repeatedly thwarted Mick and his attempts to be what he's not- young and trendy. Likely why Mick ruined the next record with Babyface and the Dust Brothers.....sigh Rainbows filler??? Give it another listen, possibly one of Ronnie's creative and interesting solos eve
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9 ***years ***ago
Best post breakup tour and album. Was it forced retro? Maybe, bug IMO, Don't Was repeatedly thwarted Mick and his attempts to be what he's not- young and trendy. Likely why Mick ruined the next record with Babyface and the Dust Brothers.....sigh Rainbows filler??? Give it another listen, possibly one of Ronnie's creative and interesting solos ever.
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9 ***years ***ago
69'.......maybe some 70'-71', and forgive me, but maybe.......maybe.....KC 2015. I'll have let that one stew.
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9 ***years ***ago
My Dad took me to my first show in Cleveland, 89'- Fathers day weekend 2015, I took my son to his first show in Pittsburgh........ Beyond words.
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9 ***years ***ago
Quotekleermaker QuoteNaturalust Quotekleermaker QuoteNaturalust Quotekleermaker QuoteNaturalust It's an interesting question of whether IORR as a parody. If it is, I think self-parody might just fit. It doesn't really have a whole lot of exaggeration musically but the lyrics certainly make light of taking Rock and Roll too seriously. But I think they were pretty serious when creating a
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9 ***years ***ago
This thread has lived 2 days beyond its life expectancy
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9 ***years ***ago
Try to get out of the upper deck in 5 minutes........... We can't ALL be on the floor.
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9 ***years ***ago
I wish one time.......just one time, the 17 different threads worshipping MT would get merged! I come home and the complaint thread has reeled off 3 pages...... seems like there might be an interesting discussion..... NO!!! 2-3 more threads have been merged. IMO, the complaint thread is where all free thought is sent to die. I'm honestly a little pissed and over it. If you get Moonlight,
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9 ***years ***ago
Quotedrbryant QuoteThrylan Better than MT blasting through it pushing the "roll" right out of it. Unless my memory is faulty, TD was Keith on lead and rhythm guitar. MT played the bass on that number, and it's a great rolling bassline, so I'm not sure what you mean. Live.......outtakes......
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9 ***years ***ago
Better than MT blasting through it pushing the "roll" right out of it.
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9 ***years ***ago
Look man, I've had a really shi#$y day, and I hate the fu@%in' Eagles, man.....
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9 ***years ***ago
You suck at complaining Relms.....
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9 ***years ***ago
Quoteflacnvinyl I thought about leaving during Satisfaction many times. It bores me every time. No joke.[/quo Until the other day, I had not realized they have been riding the same encore since 07'ish. I was critical of the choir when that started( not very rock and roll), and critical of the song placement in general. SFM or JJF.......a good Sympathy......hell even MR?
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9 ***years ***ago
In the real world, Mick Taylor is underrated, in the IORR world, he is vastly overrated. He runs scales nicely, and occasionally really caught fire, but...... I can't stand outtakes or live versions of TD from them Taylor era; Amazing how one man can rip the soul out of a great, raunchy tune. You give me Sway, CYHMK and TWFN, and I'll give you 3 songs that don't really feel
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9 ***years ***ago
The way he was used makes it difficult to assess.......had they used him on a 4-6 song set of Taylor era tunes, maybe. Honestly, I kept waiting for that one smokin' assed MR from Taylor, and......well, we got real close a couple times. Frankly, I think the Zip Code Ramblers are night in night out, blowing away the reunion Taylor Ramblers. I was at one time a Taylorite, but many factors,
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9 ***years ***ago
This deal has went 2or 3 times now.
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9 ***years ***ago
OK........ They race to ruin it.......
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9 ***years ***ago
Quotestone4ever QuoteThrylan No.....its not getting better ever. IMO, it is getting embarrassed watching someone embarrass themself. going back to the 02 gigs 2012 sympathy sounded much better did he get lazy again its not just the guitars the first half is a boring mess Word
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9 ***years ***ago
No.....its not getting better ever. IMO, it is getting embarrassed watching someone embarrass themself.
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9 ***years ***ago
Quoteandrewt QuoteThrylan OK.......he occasionally approximates it......but not often. The suit/cape......Chuck driven....stinks. He is just physically limited at this point- and that's OK, but at least acknowledge it! I haven't heard a "modern" Sympathy that I really liked. I have been impressed with his work on IORR, and a couple others....... Bitch is a crapshoot......l
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9 ***years ***ago
OK.......he occasionally approximates it......but not often. The suit/cape......Chuck driven....stinks. He is just physically limited at this point- and that's OK, but at least acknowledge it! I haven't heard a "modern" Sympathy that I really liked. I have been impressed with his work on IORR, and a couple others....... Bitch is a
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9 ***years ***ago
He repeatedly makes the same mistakes. It's a bit annoying. How, as a band, they can listen to a playback of SFTD live and not admit something needs changed is beyond me. He basically skips the opening lick,(I don't think he can play it at all), then rushes the second. All the while landing on the same sour notes......its maddening. He still plays the Chuck stuff well, and he can still
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9 ***years ***ago
Lenny Kravits......94'- when a guest was actually a surprise, and kind of a big deal.
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9 ***years ***ago
QuoteSwayed1967 QuoteGasLightStreet EXILE is not overrated but some of the songs are... I think I understand what you mean. There are 7 songs on Sticky Fingers that are better than anything on Exile (at least they're catchier) but the 'scholarly' Stones fan generally rates Exile higher because of its unrestrained rootsiness, Nellcote, and the nostalgia it evokes. It probably is
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9 ***years ***ago
Meandering track that goes nowhere. This, Infamy, How could I Stop, You Don't Have To Mean It.......etc. Not into Keith the Crooner.
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9 ***years ***ago
Quotenightskyman QuoteThrylan Yes.... A young band, caught in a bit of an identity crisis. After being innovators early on, had become increasingly dirivative. In a 3 album span, you can call the light experimentation of AM/BTB v/s Rubber Soul/Revolver a tie, but SG Pepper smokes SM.....I think this is key. I'm sure this motivated Mick quite a bit to get back on firm footing and try to surpa
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