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Is it known if the files pressed on the CDs are lossless? Lately I think most aren't. Same goes for bootleg LPs.
You can check all audio files with a prog. called SPEK ( hxxps:// ) - xx = tt
Once a file was converted to MP3 all frequencies above approx. 15 kHz are LOST FOREVER.
I wonder who, older than 60, can honestly assume to hear the difference between mp3 320kbps and flac format...
You can check all audio files with a prog. called SPEK ( hxxps:// ) - xx = tt
Once a file was converted to MP3 all frequencies above approx. 15 kHz are LOST FOREVER.
Correct. As far as I know this is a simple and great tool to have. Also, MP3s can be upscaled to FLAC, checking for 15kHz is basically the best way to detect it. I've found many online claiming to be lossless but they're not. That's why I down sample them to 320 kHz. Might as well save space.