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Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Mr.D ()
Date: September 8, 2005 23:30

Here's the email a friend of mine got today from John:
I understand your excitement. a bunch went into this
afternoons mail. I believe you made the cut. If not Im

positive tomorrow's PO run will have yours in it. I
had no idea what a stir this would cause so Im working
as hard as I can for everyone!! Have you sent
anything down to me yet????? I havent recieved a thing
from you. Hope to soon. Let me know when you get your

- Yours John
My friend sent his stuff over a week ago so it should be there by now...unfortunately I think this may indeed be a hoax!sad smiley((

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: jjfkr ()
Date: September 9, 2005 00:09

A HOAX?! It's an outright attempt to rip people off! The guy asked me for $25 and said not to tell anyone, which seemed very fishy. I posted it all here days ago, and was jumped on by a few saying I should've have reprinted his private e-mail to me.
I did it because I hate to see fans get screwed by a-holes like that!
I wonder how many people got that same e-mail and sent him cash? It's bad enough to get ripped off in a trade, but at least it's a lot cheaper than $25!
I know most traders and sellers here are cool, but jerks like that make it hard to deal with people you don't already know which is a damn shame.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: September 9, 2005 01:16

glad i backed off this one

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: beauty ()
Date: September 10, 2005 12:29

To jjfkr

please in the future, don't tell anymore on this board personal home addresses info etc. It's VERY dangerous.!!! You have NO IDEA, official instances are reading also these boards - in the past some people here on this board had serious problems with the law and record companies, music rights organisations etc. Please don't do that again. You have NO IDEA how dangerous it is!!

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: September 10, 2005 13:35

No delivery again today. Odds are high at this point the guy is rippoff artist. Glad the contact info is here. It would be a shame if someone paid him a visit and personally contacted him.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: tomcat 6 ()
Date: September 10, 2005 18:11

I take it that if no one has received it by Monday we have been had. I hope some Florida members will pay him a visit.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: September 10, 2005 20:28

Not in the Saturday mail either so the guy obviously ripped eveyone off. feel free to use his e-mail addy freely. I hope he gets plenty of spam and viruses!!!

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Macman15 ()
Date: September 10, 2005 20:55

One consolation is he never gave me his address as to where to send his cdrs (from our trade) but instead only asked for my address. I had planned on sending his discs when I received the DVD. Who knows at this point, I just hope it is not that DANIEL REASE F*CKSTICK from Florida!!! The address he gave (Tarpon Springs) is fairly close to the old Daniel Rease address (Ybor City, Tampa area) I think if I remember correctly!?! I'm Pretty sure that the Ybor City area address in Tampa is the one he used to rip me off of a few discs back during the Licks Tour!

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: marston ()
Date: September 10, 2005 21:28

I have an email from him that my copy was mailed Thursday morning on his way to class. I have no reason to doubt him at this point. Florida to Virginia, should have it by mid week. I'll let all of you know what happens. I sent him disc long ago so no reason for him to email me if he wasn't a good trader.


Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Macman15 ()
Date: September 10, 2005 21:47

Good deal Greg, let us know what happens next week! Thanks!

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: September 10, 2005 22:26

He said he was mailing on Tuesday. This is 4 mailing days latter on something that takes two days max. If I get it I will apologize and take him off all the bad traders lists I have posted him on, but the odds are this is the @#$%& Daniel Rease under a new name. If he wants free DVDs I am happy to send them, have sent plenty for free around the world and treed 200 others. Why waste everyone's time? Want freebies, just ask.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: jjfkr ()
Date: September 11, 2005 00:19

What he asked for from me and so no doubt many other was money($25 cash only!). Likely that was his intention all along, and the trade thing mostly just a smoke screen. Of course he probably figured he might also pick up some other things through his "trades" that he could offer for sale and therefore rip-off some more people!
I'd bet he got at least a few people to send him the cash - what a stinking rat!

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: September 11, 2005 01:38


Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: September 11, 2005 03:55

So is this guy the same guy as BILL LEVY? He was also from florida and did the same kind of rip offs.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: September 11, 2005 13:31

Interesting he doesn't come on and defend himself. A$$hole.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: LilT&A ()
Date: September 13, 2005 02:43

I really wish that all of you realized that YOU ARE NOT the ONLY TRADERS in the world!! You may have only had to burn one disc and mailed it off, try doing this
with up to 40 request now!!! Im sorry as&h*ole!!!! The Earth does not revolve around YOU!! This was a HUGE MISTAKE!! I offered trades. Kevin Weinstien of LAM TOOK YOUR MONEY NOT ONE PERSON HAS OFFERED THIS TO ME!! COULD IT BE THAT KEVIN IS
RIGHT EVEN YOU GOOD GUYS OUT THERE JUMP THIS PR*&K, AND STEVEN FENNER for saying that as soon as he gets it, hes giving away for FREE!! and the original AHOLE jjfk or whatever. Thats right, bang these guys and do whatever you have to, to make them miserable for this unfair abuse. Ive been accused of wrong-doing since day-one even though I have provided screen shots for art work and such, BIG MISTAKE helping this list. Nothing in life is completely free or owed to any of you in an instant. Especially the task Im going through, not to mention work, family, a major US holiday when this started and school. Its done, punish the liars or their prophesies will come true

- Hating You


Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: jjfkr ()
Date: September 13, 2005 06:17

Very moving post John, and I suppose we should all feel sorry for you now.
Oh yeah, how come not even ONE person here has said they received the Phoenix show DVD that you promised yet? Why did you ask me(and others) for money and tell us not to tell anyone?! I'm sure you have a great explanation John. So how many people did you rip-off for cash and trades?

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: September 13, 2005 13:47

It takes two days max from Tampa to Atlanta. You said you were mailing it Tuesday a week ago. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, defended you here, and you abused that trust.

Mail the DVD today and I will apologize when I recieve it in good condition. In the mean time I consider you in default on this trade having not kept your word and have listed you as a bad trader.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: September 13, 2005 17:54

40 trades too much for you? Here's my offer. Send the one copy you owe me and I will cover your other 39 trades for free, no cost or effort to you. You get all the goodies and all it costs you is a 40 cent blank and a 60 cent stamp. Takes 10 min max to copy a disk. Can you handle that?

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: September 13, 2005 20:55

"John's" posts has DPR's fingerprints all over it.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Mr.D ()
Date: September 13, 2005 23:42

I'm going to be in Tampa on Saturday to see another major British rock star...I think I'll drop in at 708 E. Tarpon Ave. #23 and see if it is indeed a house or apartment or a drop box at a Mail Boxes Etc. like DPR uses...I'll bring the beer, John!smiling smiley

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: BOBM ()
Date: September 14, 2005 01:09

I sent a trade too, and got nothing, but I never expected anything. This happens every year and we should be used to it. It's pretty sad if
anyone sent him cash before waiting until he sent at least one trade to a reliable poster on the board. His emails to me were [paraphrasing] 'will mail Tuesday, first batch went Wednesday and he thinks mine made it, but if not it would definitely go Thursday, and by the way he never received anything from me."

There are several red flags that should have gone up and everyone should take heed: (1) the screen shots he sent to some people happened to be the same as the few snipits that were publicized (2) he is from Florida and a known U.S. rip off artists appears from Florida every tour (3) He knew Kevin's last name, indicating he was tuned in to the seller community [Kevin, by the way is honest].

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: September 14, 2005 11:51

So I suppose everything about this guy is false
even his address ?
John A. Jacob
708 E. Tarpon Ave #23
Tarpon Springs, Fl 34689

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Mr.D ()
Date: September 14, 2005 13:55

I'm sure now that we are dealing with Daniel Rease's the email he sent me yesterday after I posted above about checking out his address:
Mr. Bob McCombs,

Your post threatening my home and wife and
has been printed and brought down to the local and
county sheriff's department. We're taking your threat
on IORR very seriously especially since you mention
"stopping by" and drinking alcohol. Trust me P-U-N-K
anyone looks suspicous round my way will be treated as
a life threatening menace and the sheriff has advised
us to use what ever force necessary to protect
ourselves and BOY!! Im a looking for you to show
yourself anywhere near here. ANYWHERE!! It's been a
lousy 7 business days since Ive taken emails on these
trades. No one has confirmed a rip-off and Ive been in
touch with everyone whose mailed for a status. Since I
do not sell like smokeboyz Kevin "the theif" Weinstien
a PUNK Irish-Jew (he holds back 6-8 weeks ask anyone,
and why would anyone be so stupid to purchase his
sloppy ass work anyway!!) I have every right in the
world to trade. By the way Im going to Paul Mac myself
to tape with my $3000 mics and $600 Sony D8 YOU
A_HOLE!!, and I'll have that tape too!!!HAHAHA!! but
my wife and step-son are well trained on the range
brother and the department gave my wife the green
light to do whatever necessary to protect our 6 year
old son from an admitted drunk on a delusional trip!!
Man, are you a sick F*K I mean it. This dont even
involve you and your threatening a small child's life
and no wrongs been done. Anyway my wife and her oldest
boy know what to do with a PUNK like you if the cops
or I dont take care of the situation first. Please
stop by and as Clinton might say "Make my day
PUNK!!!!" You decide to come round here you better
hope the good ole boy cops take you down to the
detention center for an old-fashion sodomizing first!!

- Your Buddy
Thats always been Rease's way of doing send him money or something in trade and when you don't get anything from him in return you email him and get an email like this one in return.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: LilT&A ()
Date: September 14, 2005 15:43

TO the moderators you got a man here Mr. Combs, making false accusations and
implied threats over a DVD!! Please do something about him as soon as possible,
why would you continue to allow people to threaten my family and I, especially about something they are not involved in, hoping for your cooperation

- Yours John

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: gimmestones ()
Date: September 14, 2005 17:16

Seems to me that this "John" aka Daniel rip-off Rease is back to his old shit!

I know Steven and Bob McCombs and find them to be completely trustworthy unlike this rip-off lowlife.

"John" get back under the rock you crawled from under and go f*** yourself, we know your address ass-hole!!
John A. Jacob
708 E. Tarpon Ave #23
Tarpon Springs, Fl 34689

Your lousy lowlife threats scare NOBODY

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-09-14 17:17 by gimmestones.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: tomcat 6 ()
Date: September 14, 2005 18:50

O.K. One way to clear this up...............has anybody received anything from the guy in Florida ?

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: September 14, 2005 20:55

"TO the moderators you got a man here Mr. Combs, making false accusations and
implied threats over a DVD!!"

I wish someone would "threaten" to bring me some beer in exchange for a DVD! I prefer a good pale ale but even Miller High Life would be great.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: September 14, 2005 21:27

I wish we could get out of this sad story
tomcat 6 is right...if someone could just prove us that he received something from "John" or whoever he is, then, it would calm us down..
come on "John", play the game, give us transparency and we will apologize.

Re: Phoenix Rises DVDr
Posted by: gimmestones ()
Date: September 14, 2005 22:38

"come on "John", play the game, give us transparency and we will apologize."

Yes, that is true, if there is anyone who has received something from "Johniel Jacob Rease" we'll all apologize!

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