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Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: Neighbours ()
Date: June 14, 2013 02:49

Thanks for this quick sharing

Artworks from Kream is very excellent but
I had make my own covers. checked, checked again...

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 14, 2013 09:13

Thanks, adding the link from the first message!

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 14, 2013 15:41

Montreal (source : []) added to the archive pn the first pages with direct Mega Link, here it is too : []

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: ron091 ()
Date: June 14, 2013 15:54

So what about June 6th Toronto? Anyone hear about anyone working on a version?

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 14, 2013 16:18

Dude, all the available info on the 2013 recordings is added here pretty much in real time as you should have noticed by unless you have fresh info to provide, I don't think there's any need to post that kind of stuff and come across as someone complaining and who can't even be bothered to say "thanks" for what's been done so far.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-14 16:25 by gotdablouse.

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: ron091 ()
Date: June 14, 2013 18:24

"Anyone hear about anyone working on a version?" is complaining? What English language universe do you live in?

Thank you to all that have posted versions of shows. I also thank them everytime on Dimeadozen and traders den as well (I have the same handle there so you can check).

Finally, check your attitude at the door next time on the way out. I've been on this board for over 9 years and never said a foul thing about anyone but you have taken the cake.

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: strettonbull ()
Date: June 14, 2013 19:42

Ron, in defence of Gotdablouse, English is not his first language and while he writes very well, it can come across as a bit abrupt. I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it.

Let's chill people! It's Friday!

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 14, 2013 22:39

I meant exactly what I wrote and it's probably best not to discuss the finer points of the English language here. My post was fully appropriate for someone barging in here, ignoring previous posts, not bothering to say thanks for what's been done and just requesting stuff as if we had somehow missed it. It's happened before, and sadly, it will probably happen again, best of course is just to ignore...easier said than done.

Anyway, the second source of the Montreal show should be available in the archive any minute now.

EDIT - OK, here is the direct link for rskinno's version posted on Dime and discussed here : []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-14 22:59 by gotdablouse.

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 15, 2013 12:48

Well I listened to both versions of the Montreal concert today and I'm not sure if it's the same original source but rskinno's version is a lot more pleasant to listen to, for a start it's in (emulated) stereo that sounds the part. It's interesting that the low 10Khz cut-off doesn't really spoil the listening experience.

No reason to keep the MP3 version in the archive, so I'm removing it.

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: June 15, 2013 20:31

Awesome job Gents I downloaded the Wednesday Boston show I attended yesterday and listened to it on the way to last nights show. Amazing quality!

This thread once again proves this is the greatest fan forum on internet.

Hey BV this thread needs to be Stickied!

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 15, 2013 22:49

You're most welcome, BOS/1 was one of the fastest ones to surface, hope we get TOR/2 and BOS/2 soon too!

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: June 15, 2013 23:26

Awesome job Gents I downloaded the Wednesday Boston show I attended yesterday and listened to it on the way to last nights show. Amazing quality!

This thread once again proves this is the greatest fan forum on internet.

Hey BV this thread needs to be Stickied!

thumbs up

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: SirMuddy ()
Date: June 16, 2013 16:11

Hi everybody! Thanks all for the great job... We have a Tour and we can hear it! I want to know if that's only me who have a part of the intro riff missing in Satisfaction in the rskinno version of MTL 2013? I've download it from Mega. It works very well usually but if it's only me I'll try to download it again... Or maybe someone already have a corrected version ? Luv you guys, you're all great! =O)

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 16, 2013 22:53

Just checked it and the intro's there, track 10 of CD2 ?

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: SirMuddy ()
Date: June 16, 2013 23:57

No... it's on track 24 from rskinno (mega) version that there's four notes missing
(on StrettonBull's track 10 CD2: everything is alright!)

(Yes i'm stll talking about MTL 2013 winking smiley )

Am I the only one with a shortened intro riff on rskinno's track 24 ??
Thanks for every infos on this!

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: June 17, 2013 17:07

Any recordings from the Boston 6-14-13 Friday show surface yet?

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: June 17, 2013 17:33


It just takes a tiny little effort to have a look at page 1 of this fantastic thread. There's an answer to all your questions. This thread is updated very quickly indeed! Thanks to Blouse's hard and very good work.

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 17, 2013 18:30

Thanks ;-)

No... it's on track 24 from rskinno (mega) version that there's four notes missing
(on StrettonBull's track 10 CD2: everything is alright!)

(Yes i'm stll talking about MTL 2013 winking smiley )

Am I the only one with a shortened intro riff on rskinno's track 24 ??
Thanks for every infos on this!

Checked again and it's Keith does sort of "mess up" the intro so that's maybe why you're thinking it got cut somehow ;-)

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: geordiestone ()
Date: June 17, 2013 19:03

I've tried all yesterday for the remastered montreal on mega but for some reason it never moves past zero percent. Could anyone be so kind as to post it on wetransfer. Thanks to everyone for bringing us these shows.

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 18, 2013 00:28

Looks like a corrupt file, I've just started the reupload, link will be available in about 8 hours.

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: oldschool ()
Date: June 18, 2013 02:35


It just takes a tiny little effort to have a look at page 1 of this fantastic thread. There's an answer to all your questions. This thread is updated very quickly indeed! Thanks to Blouse's hard and very good work.

I checked page 1 before I posted Kleer but I wanted to know if anyone had heard anything yet but maybe it was not yet posted and I have already thanked Blouse for his hard work

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 18, 2013 10:54

BOS/2 6/14 just appeared on Dime (two sources actually !) so it will be here in 4/5 hours ;-)

I have reuped Montreal 6/9 : []

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-18 10:58 by gotdablouse.

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: SirMuddy ()
Date: June 18, 2013 12:09

Hi Gotdablouse!

Thanks again for all your hard work and thanks to reupload Mtl! But it's still don't work for me. (the intro of Satisfaction rskinno mtl version is still shorter than the StrettonBull version of the same show. I donloaded your new upload this morning and it still shorter. I don't know what's going on, all of your other mega upload work fine, but not that one (for me). Maybe, when you have time, you could upload just the Satisfaction track on FF or WT ? I was at that show with my daughter and I really like rskinno sound. Thanks in advance and thanks for all the great r&r you kindly upload for us!

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 18, 2013 12:40

Well if you were able to unzip without errors then we have the same file, 7'05" right? There is some kind of "skip" at 1/2" so maybe there is a short "cut" there for some reason. I hear a "cut" (a bit different though) on the original YT MP3 version too so there might be something going on there...

I'm uploading the JB BOS/2 version to MEGA right now but I'm also downloading the "Hobbes source" because it seems like (based on a quick listen of Memory Motel) the JB taper was surrounded by a few too many people who think it's of interest to engage in idle chit chat at concerts!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-18 13:07 by gotdablouse.

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: JimmyShelter ()
Date: June 18, 2013 12:59

I've just been listening to the intro to Satisfaction on both of these sources (rskinno's torrent & mbournazian's YouTube clips - the 2 long videos are what I used) and I've got to agree with SirMuddy that there is a difference.
There is a bit missing from the rskinno source. But I don't see that it is anything to do with the upload SrMuddy, it seems to be the source itself.

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: SirMuddy ()
Date: June 18, 2013 13:22

Ok... I'm able to unzip it and it's 7'05''. But there's still a diffence between what I unzip and what we have there:

In fact on my winking smiley rskinno version, there's 2 seconds missing between the 4th and the 7th second of the video... But, Hey I still have the mono version =O)

(btw the 3rd time I've downloaded it, this morning, it was real faster (about 10 minutes)... yesterday and the day before it took about 10 hours)

~ I'm listening to JB's Boston show right now and it's bloody great! The Stones are rolling good shows... There in better shape than on the last leg of the Bigger Bang Tour: Keith is back, older & slower but back! =O)

Thanks in advance for the 2nd version of Boston II, it'll economize my dime ratio.

P.S.: Sorry for my bad english but it's not my mummy's language (J'suis Québécois), this is why i try to censored me (and not to be offensive) by using Marvel's Conan the Barbarian swears. When I say "Bloody Great" you know how it was GREAT! Nice Day & ThankX for everything!smileys with beer

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: SirMuddy ()
Date: June 18, 2013 13:31

Thanks JimmyShelter! I was still writing while you post it! You're right, the download is OK. I think i've seen rskinno on the board, maybe he can correct it? Anyway, he did a good sound job on it... And i really don't mind if it's lossless or lossy, I'm happy to have it! =O) (with or without 2 seconds ;O) )

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: June 18, 2013 14:38

Great! Best thread everwinking smiley I love it.

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: June 18, 2013 15:43 we go for BOS/2 "JB Source" : [] (added to first post as well).

Just grabbed the Hobbes version and I prefer it actually, less idle banter next to the taper and better stereo separation (possibly a bit weak in the right channel?) so I'll rename all the tracks and upload it to MEGA, it should be there in 3/4 hours!

Re: POST : "50th and Counting" Tour - AN AUDIO ARCHIVE (full shows - lossless - direct links - ratings - rare track info)
Posted by: henrik87 ()
Date: June 18, 2013 16:40

Thanks for sharing the recordings here. I try to create a matrix of both Boston sources in the next days or weeks. Hope that it will create a more powerful sound. I will share it here when it's done.

Now we just need a recording of the second Toronto show.
BTW: A recording of the Echoplex show is rumored to exist.

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