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Re: Around and Around 1965 great quality clip
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: May 16, 2023 14:02

How come has this brilliant footage flown under the radar for the IORRians for four months?

It was already posted before, but a bit hidden: []

Re: Around and Around 1965 great quality clip
Posted by: mattstones ()
Date: May 16, 2023 14:16

How come has this brilliant footage flown under the radar for the IORRians for four months?

It was already posted before, but a bit hidden: []

I thought that it must have been seen before!

Re: Around and Around 1965 great quality clip
Posted by: RisingStone ()
Date: May 16, 2023 15:14

How come has this brilliant footage flown under the radar for the IORRians for four months?

It was already posted before, but a bit hidden: []

Ahh, thanks.
Also I only saw Crossfire Hurricane at the local cinema, not having the BD/DVD so didn’t know the footage was available as a bonus feature.

Re: Around and Around 1965 great quality clip
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: May 16, 2023 15:39

How come has this brilliant footage flown under the radar for the IORRians for four months?

It was already posted before, but a bit hidden: []

Yeah, I spotted it there, and was totally stunned. Especially Brian's strong guitar presence made a huge impression to me (but all of them are wonderful). Great that this gem is more widely recognized now.

- Doxa

Re: Around and Around 1965 great quality clip
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: May 16, 2023 19:44

If you are a guitarist howwould you characterize the quality of Brian’s playing? Was it hard to play orwas it good?

I am a guitarist and all I can say is that you entirely miss the point.
What is the point?

If you need others to explain if it's good or if you can only appreciate music that has wiggly-diddly 10 notes per second hard to play guitar wizardry then Stones music is probably not for you.

Re: Around and Around 1965 great quality clip
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: May 17, 2023 00:17

If you are a guitarist howwould you characterize the quality of Brian’s playing? Was it hard to play orwas it good?

I am a guitarist and all I can say is that you entirely miss the point.
What is the point?

If you need others to explain if it's good or if you can only appreciate music that has wiggly-diddly 10 notes per second hard to play guitar wizardry then Stones music is probably not for you.
What are you talking about? I think his playing is great, but every time I say that we get a so called expert like you to say it’s simple, anyone could play it.Not being a guitarist all I know is as a layperson , his rhythm playing is great.You understand now?

Re: Track Talk: Around And Around
Date: May 17, 2023 00:59

It's great and easy to play. Those things do not necessarily conflict smiling smiley

These clips are awesome thumbs up

Re: Around and Around 1965 great quality clip
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: May 17, 2023 02:20

If you are a guitarist howwould you characterize the quality of Brian’s playing? Was it hard to play orwas it good?

I am a guitarist and all I can say is that you entirely miss the point.
What is the point?

If you need others to explain if it's good or if you can only appreciate music that has wiggly-diddly 10 notes per second hard to play guitar wizardry then Stones music is probably not for you.
What are you talking about? I think his playing is great, but every time I say that we get a so called expert like you to say it’s simple, anyone could play it.Not being a guitarist all I know is as a layperson , his rhythm playing is great.You understand now?

I never said that because I don't think about music in these categories. Music just moves me or it doesn't, it lets my neck hairs stand up or leaves me cold, simple as that. Most Stones music is fairly easy to play but that does not make it less genius than, let's say, Beethoven. It simply doesn't work that way, at least for me. Others may think differently, though.

I (now) understand you, but your first post was a bit, eh, misleading.

Re: Track Talk: Around And Around
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: May 17, 2023 02:26

It's great and easy to play. Those things do not necessarily conflict smiling smiley

These clips are awesome thumbs up

Absolutely agree on both accounts!

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