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can i assume, that Memorial Day, is an American public holiday?
Americans love this kind of thing though don't they?
*takes cover*
Americans love this kind of thing though don't they?
you rarely see fans wearing this sort of crap at the concerts, let alone walking down the street in 'normal' life.
Kent - you are generally, the exception, rather than the rule
We memoralize our soldiers here tomorrow, most of whom died unselfishly trying to liberate the continents where many on this board were born and live. Those who would make snotty comments about Americans and their traditions should take that under advisement.
I don't know what this is about - can it be viewed on their incredibly lame website?
Memorial Day is the last Monday in May.
What it is about I'm not really sure other than one more goddamn excuse for banks and post offices to be closed since they don't have enough fu*cking days off as it is. President's Day? Who came up with that one? If Ted Kennedy dies we'll probably have Kennedy Day, which will be another day off.
America has so many stupid holidays. Even July 4th is stupid. Personally the 'holidays' I observe, and not exactly for their existence, are:
Mardi Gras (for those of you not familiar with New Orleans and French, it's French for Fat Tuesday and for some reason only in New Orleans and Louisiana do they say Mardi Gras day, which is redundant - Fat Tuesday day? That is typical American laziness. Oh and I know it didn't start in New Orleans, I was just pointing out the 'Mardi Gras day' thing)
Halloween - It's become a great day/night in New Orleans, right behind Mardi Gras.
Thanksgiving - because of the food. I could give a shit that the Europeans came over here and invented terrorism. Why would I brag and 'give thanks' to dead people and care about that?
Christmas - to get the loot. Everyone knows Jesus Christ wasn't born that day. It's just one big commercial at the end of the year to make everyone feel good.
That's my vent.