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What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Date: January 31, 2008 20:22

Another thread made me think of this:

What did your parents think of the Stones in the 60's, 70's, 80's and what's their opinion today, if any?

My Dad couldn't stand it when I was a teenager in the 70's and early 80's and would come home from work, hear me playing Hot Rocks at a very LOUD volume on "his" Hi-Fi stereo and yell "TURN THAT SH*T OFF!"

My Dad was about 24-25 years old when the Stones first became famous. He lieks the Beatles, the Beach Boys, Queen, ZZ Top and I even once heard him singing along with A/C D/C's "Highway to Hell" on the radio one time.
So it's not like he's a rock n'roll music hater but the Stones got under his skin, not his thumb. I always found it amusing and it was fun to get him going on the subject of the Rolling Stones. I think it was more their image and lifestyle that put him off towards them more than anything.

When I came home from my first Stones show in 1981 and was pumped with excitement, he said, "ok, you have 1 minute to tell me about it and that's all."

He just listened and stared at me in complete silence.

Today he thinks it's kinda cool that they are still rocking at their age so his bitterness towards them isn't as acerbic but he makes jokes about them, but the Stones don't piss him off anymore.
My Dad still has his old Hi-Fi too...

My Mom on the other hand is/was always more opened minded and when the rumor they were going to perform a "free" show at Boston City Hall plaza came about she announced she was going to go, but it never happened.

I offered my Mom a ticket to the 2005 Fenway shows but she politely declined because she thought the whole scene was a bit too much for her at her age, but she did think about it and was interested in it.
I took my Mom to see Santana in the early 80's and she loved it and also to see Bo Diddley (her era) with special guest Ronnie Wood in a small club once. She was our designated Driver and bouught me and my friends beers for letting her tag along...whatta cool Mom!
smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-01-31 20:25 by NumberOneStonesFan.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: January 31, 2008 20:24

they don't understand the appeal of them. Its not a generational thing because its their generation. Just a matter of taste I guess.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: January 31, 2008 20:37

My dad liked them and my mom thought they were ugly and therefore talentless.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: January 31, 2008 20:50

My Dad is of the Ames Brothers/Teresa Brewer generation. My Mom is a hard core country fan.

Both know who the Stones are, but don't want to know musically.

"No Anchovies, Please"

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: January 31, 2008 21:02

My dad only had Big Hits and Thru the Past...not a huge fan of theirs way too many drugs for his liking. He's much more the Elvis, Righteous Brothers, EARLY beatles (pre-psychodelic), Beach Boys.

My mom has never for once understood my obsession. And cemented this after the Superbowl halftime show.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: zeb ()
Date: January 31, 2008 21:08

Well, my mom is born in the sixties but in spite of that she don´t like them at all. I am just 22 years old I love their music!!

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: guitarbastard ()
Date: January 31, 2008 21:12

my mom could have seen the stones in the sixties (their famous gig in zürich switzerland) but she didnt like the guy who invitet her.....back then she was a beatles fan (she even took a pic of john lennon with her sister).
but in the 80ies (when i got crazy for the stones) she switched. she comes to every gig and she is a huge stones fan now. my dady too!

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: scottkeef ()
Date: January 31, 2008 21:12

my dad called Mick "Big Lips Harry" and one Sun morning when we put on 'Meet The Beatles" at 7 AM he said " If ya'll play that one more time today I'm gonna break it!!" Five years later I played him Gram Parsons, Comm. Cody and the Stones Country Honk and he says "Thats pretty good damn music"!!!

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: boston2006 ()
Date: January 31, 2008 21:21

My parents are close to 80 and they tolerated them because I liked them .

During the ABB tour though they wanted to have me committed to an asylum .

I heard " You just saw them last week and you're going again " ?
" You spent how much for that ticket " ?
" You're driving to Giants Stadium and going to the show and coming home the same day " ? To which was added " You're nuts "

The last time they were at my house I took them into the Stones Room . over 4,00 pieces of vinyl and tons of assorted memorabilia . They just shook their heads as if to say , " Where did we go wrong " ? >grinning smiley<

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-01-31 21:22 by boston2006.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: January 31, 2008 21:46

Papa was a Rolling Stone...

dunno who took it

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: January 31, 2008 21:55

i remember my guardians being *distinctly disturbed* when they found my 9-year-old self grooving to King Bee.
they towered over me demanding to know what that song is about, and i was completely baffled:
"it's about ... a bee! isn't it?!" they started buying my sister and me Beatle records we never asked them for,
part of a determined campaign to lure us out of bad-boy territory. took us to two Beatle concerts, even!

they did have trouble keeping a straight face when the Stones got busted for peeing, though.
i mean really

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-01-31 22:03 by with sssoul.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Come On ()
Date: January 31, 2008 22:02

They loved songs like Satisfaction

2 1 2 0

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Hound Dog ()
Date: January 31, 2008 22:03

Well my mother was more of a Beatles fan in the 60s. She was 14 years old when she saw them play at their famous Shea Stadium gig. So Beatles were more her thing but that may have been cause she was very young at the time. In the 70s she liked the Stones more and handed down to me some of her records like Sticky Fingers and Exile on Main Street.. Despite seeing many concerts like Jethro Tull and Led Zeppelin, she never saw the Stones live until I got her tickets for her b-day to see them in 2002 in Hartford. Me and her went and we sat right near the b-stage on aisle and Mick walked by and gave me a high five, think I was the only one that even reached out to him cause there were so many security guards. My mother still says it was the best concert she has ever seen and they played a few of her favorite songs... Gimme Shelter, Love In Vain, Midnight Rambler and Can't You Hear Me Knocking..

Also took my parents as well as my girlfriends parents to see them also play in Hartford in 2005. Someone handed my girlfriend's mother a joint while in line for the porto potty in the parking lot, funny she never said if she took a puff or not.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: s-asla ()
Date: January 31, 2008 22:06

My mam - now 86 years old - enjoys the Metamorphoses version of Out of time.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: wee bobby lennox ()
Date: January 31, 2008 22:30

both my mum and dad hated them.

they were 21 when the stones started, but when i got into them in 1987, they thought i was mad, they would ask me why would i want to buy thier records.

my dad described thier songs as "filth" saying he dosent want to see it in the house, i said too late its already in and anyway its well written filth.

when i brought my first stones concert ticket home in 1990, they both looked at me dismissingly and asked, why do you want to go see them.

they just didnt appreciate good music.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: LieB ()
Date: January 31, 2008 22:53

My dad (born 1951) grew up with the Stones. His first vinyl record ever was their UK debut, and he recorded "Tell Me" with his own band in his parents livingroom in 1964 (they also played Paint It Black among others later in the sixties). His parents (born 1909) eventually started to appreciate the Beatles' charm but never cared about the Stones, as far as I know.

But since I began digging the Stones about ten years ago, I out-did my dad. He still digs them, though (fave albums are Exile and the debut) and both Stones concerts I've attented were together with him. I've also joined his very same band that started in the 60s and we've played about a dozen Stones tunes so far.

My mom (b. 1952) taped the walls with Stones and Beatles posters when she was a young teenager, but never bought any records.

It's a family affair.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: stone-relics ()
Date: January 31, 2008 23:09

absolutely HATED them....


Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: FullTilt ()
Date: January 31, 2008 23:14

My mom liked at least one song (i.e. Wild Horses), but didn't like the Stones drug habits.
My dad never listened to any rock and roll; only Canadian east coast jigs and reels.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: grizzlybear ()
Date: January 31, 2008 23:39

My parents worked like hell to earn a good life, and they did it. Not very much into rock'n'roll. Not at all.
But my mom bought me ( when I was seventeen ) two gifts which changed my life forever. An accoustic guitar and The Rolling Stones Complete Book, music and lyrics ... My only English teachers were the Beatles and the Stones.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Deathgod ()
Date: February 1, 2008 00:57

my Dad loves em
has a Stones tatt on his arm, got it 2 years ago when he turned 60

we went together to the OZ Licks and Bang shows

and i got a birthday card yesterday from my folks, with it signed ' Love Mum, the Old Roller and the little Roller' and it was one of those cards that has sound when u open it. The card is of Mick with ' the i cant get no satisfaction' spoken bit.

gotta love the stones, and my folks

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: ROLLINGSTONE ()
Date: February 1, 2008 01:17

My Da said "Guitar bands are finished!" lol

"I'll be in my basement room with a needle and a spoon."

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: dougie ()
Date: February 1, 2008 01:38

My parents always encouraged music; playing and listening.

We played our music real loud, and they never told us to turn it down. In fact, they made my room sound proof when I started playing drums (maybe that was a bi† too loud).

The first album I ever bought was Beggars, and my parents bought it for me when I was 10 or 11. I only bought it because my brother and sister wanted it,but they bought something else. IT was only a white covered album at the time (I believe). Well, it was a beginning of a beautiful relationship!!!

I went and saw the Grateful Dead over two hundred times (and the Jerry Garcia Band even more); a benefit of living in the San Francisco Bay Area. My dad always joked how he bought Jerry Garcia a mercedes benz.

My parents met at a Blues Club in Chicago in 1950's- they never 'loved' the stones or dead, but they saw their talent and appreciated it.They were always good for the ticket money (atleast the prices in the 70's and 80's) Thanks mom and dad!

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: February 1, 2008 02:08

My Dad had a great voice and used to sing Beatles' songs all of the time, especially " Yesterday" and the ballads; one day in the spring, on his way to work, he had the windows rolled down as he was stopped at a red light. He forgot where he was and was singing a Beatles' tune loud and clear and when he finished the woman in the car next to his began to applaud! He was mortified but when he told the story at the dinner table that night, I applauded!! I will always remember that story. He loved the Stones too! My Dad supported all of my hobbies and encouraged my guitar playing, bought all of my albums and tickets to shows. When I got my own job I started to buy some of my own stuff but he always endulged me! One particularly funny Stones story involves our long ride out to Buffalo for the Stones August 8, 1975 show there and our hotel being a Hell's Angels haunt. As we pulled into the hotel parking lot I spotted a ring of Angels standing talking about the Stones; I overheard one say " Yeah, we've got to sell these tickets!" I had NO TICKET so I marched over to them, all of 20 and fearless; I tapped one Angel on the back and said " Excuse me, do you have an extra ticket I could buy"? It was before my Dad could catch up with me, or I'm sure he'd have stopped me, or at least gone with me! As I returned with ticket in hand, my Dad had a relieved look on his face! He read everything on the Stones so he was aware of the Sonny Barger nonsense and of their less than admirable reputations. That show is my all time #1 Stones show of all time. Some of you know that my Dad passed away 5 months later at the age of 49. My Mom loves the Stones even today. When she was 70, I took her to see the Boys in Foxboro for the 1997 BTB tour kick off! She had a blast! I was very lucky to have had such awesome parents!

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: David700 ()
Date: February 1, 2008 03:21

it was bad enough, as a kid when i played the "FISH" cheer from woodstock, "that is not how you spell fish" i thought and my mother freaked on this 12 year old.
when i brought home let's spend the night together she hit the roof!
not as bad as when i brought home alice cooper "killer" of course.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: dixiecup ()
Date: February 1, 2008 03:33

this is such a great thread. its nice reading about all of your folks and you.

mom sang on the radio(classical) and the only music my dad liked was moms singing. he was in iowa the night the music died, a grad student. they moved to manchester uk when sgt. peppers was released and mom was really into it. she liked george because he was so musical and into 'raga'.

they tolerated my rolling stones and other music, only marginally. id be singing or playing drums along to the tune of the day and mom would say, how can you listen to that? but they let me play and enjoy listening to it. they still do love music.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: Ket ()
Date: February 1, 2008 03:34

My dad prefers the Who ( I went to see them with him in 89) but also likes the stones, we argue all the time on which band is the best ever but we agree that both are better then the Beatles smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-02-01 04:19 by Ket.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: BBstones ()
Date: February 1, 2008 04:17

My mom was kinda worried about the devil worship thing that she heard about. Dad never said anything good or bad but both were and are impressed with how long they have been around and dad even would call me and say he saw them on 60 minutes 94,97 or 20/20 in 89 and was blown away at the amount of $$$$$$ they generate and what a professional organization they have become. Love all 3 of them, Mom, Dad, and the STONES!!!!

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: February 1, 2008 05:05

OK, some background for perspective. Both my folks were born in 1923.

My dad grew up loving music, esp swing era. He also used to go down to black clubs at a time when not many whites did that. He was a bit of a rebel in his day but at some point became a life long Republican, yet I would say not an extremist.

Yes, he generally did not like a lot of the bands of the 60s, 70s, and such, thought it was crazy stuff. There were some he could tolerate better, such as I am not sure who this many years later, but I think my folks went to see Simon and Garfunkel once.

So, all this made it very fun to rebel against.

But, I must say that, for either the Babylon or Licks tour, my folks actually watched part of the pay per view, partly just as a result of my asking him to record it for me.

And, they actually said something like the Stones were pretty good, and I think specifically they said something about what good entertainers they were, with most of that praise going towards Mick. Even they had to admit he was pretty good.

Both my folks left us in 04 within a month of each other. I just wish I could have gone to see a Benny Goodman concert with him as I have taken my kids to many Stones shows. He once managed to sneak into Benny Goodman's dressing room at the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium whereupon Goodman said "get the hell out of here, kid."

So, dad and I both had/have a bit of the devil in us. I got kicked out of a Stones concert at one point for having the guts but stupidity to be videotaping from the main aisle behind the front section. He got thrown out by Benny Goodman personally whilst I got thrown out by Stones security. So the old guy has one up on me. I kind of think he's smiling right about now.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2008-02-01 05:14 by timbernardis.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: scaffer ()
Date: February 1, 2008 05:18

When Beggar's Banquet came out, my parents heard 'Street Fighting Man' and initially were nervous - funny to say it now, but apparently they really thought my listening to that album might send me into the streets to wage class warfare.

Quote from my mother and father: "It's pretty funny to hear the Rolling Stones sing about 'revolution,' when they obviously love their money."

A year or so later my pop took me with him to Altamont. The rest is history.

Re: What did/do your parents think of the Rolling Stones?
Posted by: ERC6761 ()
Date: February 1, 2008 05:25

who cares anyway

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