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Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 19:40

Can the Al Gorists here explain the ice age in the 17th century? Or the global warming during the 10th (around the 10th). Or the different cycles during the 20th century? Or the current in Sweden? Cause i havent seen any global warming here. four weeks of high pressure last year. a bit like in 2000 and 1994.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: October 13, 2007 20:03

mr edward Wrote:
> Surely I'm not the only one on IORR who thinks
> that giving the NP to Al Gore, a climate guru
> (right or wrong), has degraded the price? If you
> want to express your sympathy for Gore and his
> views, that's allright. But isn't this ignoring
> all the armed conflicts, wars and people who stand
> against the violence?
> It's the Nobel Price for Peace, right? Not the
> Nobel Price for Climate Change.

Good point mr edward. As admirable as Gore's work is. No matter how you feel about global warming. I'm not sure the Nobel Peace Prize is appropriate. It does'nt really promote world peace. Of course maybe I just don't see the natural progression...Oscar,Emmy,Noble Peace Prize...What's next,a Tony?winking smiley

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: October 13, 2007 20:11

Gee LA FORUM, that's not really how you measure it - sorry thought you understood the basics... Anyway, BV WROTE A PAGE (or 2) BACK: ....they are not paid by the oil industry, but MANY OTHER PEOPLE ARE........ these last 4 words are VERY important because a few around here don't seem to understand that they are being manipulated by the propaganda (A.K.A. the so called FACTS) put out there by the Oil Industry (amongst other polluters and contributers to global warming). These guys make A LOT of money (Oil Men - go down to Houston,Texas - and check out the many Rolls Royces and Rocks - Diamonds - on their wive's and Girl Friend's sauage fingers. It ain't from selling beach condos where all the Hurricaines like to hit - man, that is one UGLY beach area if I do say so myself), do you think they just are going to go away quietly into the night without trying to fool the masses? Hardly - all they know is oil, they ain't gonna let go of those 75 room estates without a good kickin' and punchin' fight, this is TEXAS after all (and not the good part like AUSTIN where all the music and artists are)

Another point I would like to add to what BV was talking about here - a few comments back - is take a look at WORLD POPULATION charts. In 1800 the WORLD POPULATION was 1 Billion (that's less than China OR India today) and the car/plane/rocket/cruise ship, and speed boat - jet ski had yet to be invented, in fact so did the light bulb. The industrial Revolution hadn't really hit big time yet, it was all horse and buggy and NO ONE, not even the Pope, had an iPod or Pink Cadillac from Elvis. In 1900 the world population was 1.6 Billion (not that much world growth for an entire century) and the industrial revolution was about to hit big time WORLDWIDE in the 20th century (it had started on a smaller scale in Europe and America). So The Industrial Revolution goes world wide in the very early 1900's as the world population begins to explode.

The World grew by 5 BILLION people from 1900 to 2007, that is AMAZING growth. And all of a sudden this growth needed Buses, Trains, Cars, Planes, Electricity, etc, etc to keep progress moving forward. If you stop and think the world has been spewing an amazing amount of garbage into the atmostphere in a relatively short period of time. So why would we not expect blowback (an unforseen negative created by major changes and inventions, from antibiotics to computers - EVERYTHING creats BLOWBACK in one way or another) Why is it so hard to believe that all these humans with their SUVs and Trucks and other energy needs are not going to create a shift in the way the planet handled the small amounts of waste before. This is all very simple to understand and believe. BTW, if all this sounds like a good time just wait until 2050 when the world population will be between 9 and 10 BILLION people, almost double what we have now - that should be a "Rockin' Good Time"

If the oil Companies have you fooled, unfool yourself - there's plenty of snake oil salesmen out there to sell you their crap, from "nothing can ever replace oil" to McDonalds and their "Healthy Food" (until you see "Supersize Me") I just don't understand why you guys (Frank, LA FORUM, "R" - you really have to find that paper that was pinned to your shirt so we can get a full name R - just jokin with ya son) fall for all this BIG OIL Propaganda. You're smart enough to know that the Stones are real Rock and Roll Music yet you get fooled so easily by the Oil Boys.... Don't get it, don't get it at all.....

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-14 00:33 by HelterSkelter.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 20:57

Oil industry? The Arab countrires have nothing to do with scientists like Gösta Wallin, disagreeing with the current dominant theory called Global Warming.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: October 13, 2007 21:28

Damn LA FORUM, Don't be such a pseudo - brainiac...... I'm gonna have to charge tuition - DON'T COMPLICATE THE SIMPLE...SHELL, MOBIL OIL, STANDARD, TEXACO, BP, EXXON, 76 - there, there's a starter with it and figure this stuff out for yourself......

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: ryanpow ()
Date: October 13, 2007 21:30

I applaud Gore for wanting the make the world a better place and taking action. Doing something about it.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: October 13, 2007 21:36

ryanpow Wrote:
> I applaud Gore for wanting the make the world a
> better place and taking action. Doing something
> about it.

EXACTLY RYANPOW !!! In the end, this is the bottom line - this is what really matters - POSITIVE ACTION !!!

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: October 13, 2007 21:54

I love the Rolling Stones too .............


Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Montrealsuperfan ()
Date: October 13, 2007 22:08

I know you guys won't be happy, but the fact is that Al Gore is a left wing nut case.

An Inconvenient Truth is riddled with errors and has been thoroughly discredited by any objective source who has looked into it. (see recent British court ruling and also good front page article in today's National Post-Canada's National Newspaper)

He joins Jimmy Carter and Yassir Arafat on the scrapheap of left wing losers who have won the Nobel Prize.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: October 13, 2007 22:27

Montreal, How did I know exactly what you were gonna say before I even read it? All you robots are SO predictable (what are you doing in Montreal with those liberal French attitudes? I think ALABAMA would be a better fit). BTW, go back and read BV's comments on all this and see if it doesn't make sense (and you're not suppose to be talkin' Middle East stuff on here so why are you bringing up Yassir?) Carter is a loser? Hardly, what, cause he doesn't agree with your robot agenda? Gimme a break dude - you guys know how to be original AT ALL? EVER? THINK FOR YOURSELF??

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 22:41

That's it Helter- go and insult Alabama now. You are like Don Rickles without the humor.

BTW Helter get away from those CNN babes and check out the ones on FOX News. Monica Crowley puts all those CNN girls to shame.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 22:50

HelterSkelter Wrote:
> Damn LA FORUM, Don't be such a pseudo -
> brainiac...... I'm gonna have to charge tuition -
> STANDARD, TEXACO, BP, EXXON, 76 - there, there's
> a starter with it and figure this stuff
> out for yourself......

No that's typical leftish paranoia. Sorry, Im not saying you are paranoid, I know you arent but the argument is. It's much much easier, as a scientist, to just get funds from the UN, the EU etc. One of the most famous scientists who dont believe in the Global warming theory is actually a communist. If anyone is bought by some industry it is the scientists who repeat what the Green movement or the majority in EU or the UN say at this moment and when confronted hide by arguments about "evene if we dont know anything its a good cause".

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 22:50

Montrealsuperfan Wrote:
> I know you guys won't be happy, but the fact is
> that Al Gore is a left wing nut case.

> He joins Jimmy Carter and Yassir Arafat on the
> scrapheap of left wing losers who have won the
> Nobel Prize.

Amen to that.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 23:25

"Al Gore spoke on Capitol Hill today to urge lawmakers to do more to fight global warming. He said we're facing a planetary emergency. And you can tell he's serious when he talks about the world ending because he appears to be eating everything in sight." --Jimmy Kimmel

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: tussler ()
Date: October 14, 2007 00:05

I have read almost all these posts. What`s surprise my is that someone always say that the scientists are wrong as long it doesn`t fit their point of view.

Why have scientists at all? why have the kids at school when the schoolbooks are written by scientist and other experts? Do we all get brainwashed? I could we believe in anything at all that we have learnt?

Is it wrong to ask question about our lifestyles. Is everything healthy as long the concerns make money? Is therenot a backside at all?

I don`t but those arguments. It`s always important to ask questions about everything.
And how could it be wrong to take a break and look what we all have done to the world? Let us put it this way. People get ill, they medicine and the doctor tell them to take a rest. Why can`t that happened to the world?

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: loog droog ()
Date: October 14, 2007 00:23

I get the feeling that more people dread the fact of Al Gore Being Right About Something more than they do Global Warming itself.

It's not a Left/Right issue...environmental issues affect everyone.

Political debate has been dumbed down to where people align themselves to a side as if it were a high school football game. It's not.

Drop the pennants and forget about your team. It's about the issues, not about what political party comes out on top.

I know it's hard for a lot of people to cope with the fact that they supported/voted for The Worst President Ever. Get over it.

Putting Gore down by moaning that he flys on airplanes, etc. is both petty and stupid. It won't build your boy up. He's dug himself in a hole so deep that none of the current GOP Presidental candidates want to be seen with him.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: October 14, 2007 02:06

...thank you loog

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: October 14, 2007 02:09

Yes thanks Loog....finally a sensible one, in this cuckoo's nest

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-14 11:53 by Erik_Snow.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: madmaxx ()
Date: October 14, 2007 03:42

Well done Al Gore.

‘That which seems the height of absurdity in one generation often becomes the height of wisdom in the next.’

John Stuart Mill

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 14, 2007 10:57

loog droog Wrote:

> Putting Gore down by moaning that he flys on
> airplanes, etc. is both petty and stupid. It
> won't build your boy up. He's dug himself in a
> hole so deep that none of the current GOP
> Presidental candidates want to be seen with him.

Again, the contradictions. Dont talk about politics and the something about "the oil industry" and Bush. What about all the scientists who dont agree with the theory?

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: gstone ()
Date: October 14, 2007 13:39

Thanks HelterSkelter, Loog droog, Lukester, Erik_Snow, madmaxx and all the posters who understand what global warming is about.
The guys who are trying to make this a discussion about US politics, pro or con Bush, pro or con Gore, are beginning to sound as if they hurt themselves badly when falling out of the cucoo's nest...
I wish them all a speedy recovery.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 14, 2007 17:30

Here's a scene from the Seventh Seal.
Watch this clip from 7.00

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: 1cdog ()
Date: October 14, 2007 18:44

I am convinced Al Gore has cheap hair implants.....

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