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Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: October 13, 2007 02:09

...oh look - a comedian !!!

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Kick Jaggards ()
Date: October 13, 2007 04:15

This just in from the barnyard (headline only):

(BP) Chicken Little Raises Global Awareness about Sky Falling - Is Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: October 13, 2007 05:45

HelterSkelter Wrote:

> The Weekend Latin girl with the nice hour glass
> figure and ample top, I always think, "why can't
> she unbutton one more button on her blouse - JUST
> ONE MORE BUTTON"!!! - she's VERY conservative, a
> little cleavage never hurt nobody......

Not sure who that one is HS. But Betty Nguyen who does weekend mornings on CNN is totally hot. Another undone button from her would'nt hurt...........On a semi-serious note. If Gore uses this to go ahead and continue to talk about global warming and steps to combat it. Then all the props in the world to him. Keep up the good work. If he uses it as a step towards running for preseident then he is just a phony.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: loog droog ()
Date: October 13, 2007 07:18

From Slate:

Will Al Gore now run for the White House?
By John Dickerson
Posted Friday, Oct. 12, 2007, at 10:43 AM ET
Al Gore

Al Gore is a winner. Al Gore was right. One of the best things for Al Gore about winning the Nobel Peace Prize is that the sound bites are finally all on his side. For decades the two-term vice president has been championing environmental causes and until recently often received public scorn and derision. Now he's been rewarded with one of the most coveted prizes on the planet.

This reversal in Gore's fortunes is extraordinary. He's not only seen a rolling vindication of his environmental activism as the world becomes more consumed with combating global climate change, but his prewar warnings about the conflict in Iraq now look prescient. Meanwhile, George Bush—the other political scion with whom Gore will forever be linked because of their bitter election fight in 2000—has followed almost exactly the opposite trajectory. Unpopular and increasingly criticized by many in his own party, Bush's legacy will be the broken war. While Gore is lauded for his prescience and insight, Bush will for some time—perhaps forever—be best known for lacking those same qualities.

So, what does Al do with this prize? Wear it around his neck? Gore is meeting today with advisers to discuss how he will channel the new surge of publicity into the cause. One of those advisers told me the award will not change Gore's political calculation. He's just not running. If anything, the prize only puts more momentum behind his global-warming crusade. "It's a great honor for him," said the adviser, "but it's a bigger honor for the issue. It's huge for the issue. Think about how far things have moved in the last couple of years because of his work."

Of course, this could all change as his phone keeps ringing and the petitions to enter the election keep coming in. Many of those advisers helping him deal with the incoming praise, requests, and gold-plated sucking up—"a pleasant dilemma, indeed," as one put it—could certainly turn around in a moment and plot a political campaign.

Gore will have to face the toughest test of political instinct. His father used to joke that politicians usually listen to the one person in the room who wants them to run for higher office—ignoring the other 99 who are all saying, "Don't do it." Gore may now face the reverse situation. Petitions to draft Gore into the race are already circulating. What makes Gore such a powerful force in Democratic politics is that he is also emblematic of an entire set of arguments. For many, his rise is a natural rebuke of the current president, but it's also become a rebuke of the perverted political process in which style is rewarded over substance. This is an argument that Gore expands on and applies to policy in his recent book The Assault on Reason.

The latest polling in early September from CNN had Gore at 13 percent in the Democratic primary field. But polls this summer in Michigan and New Hampshire showed him nearly topping the Democratic field (though there are some questions about the methodology in Michigan and New Hampshire). The latest Gallup poll shows that while many in the Democratic Party may love him, the general picture is more mixed. Fifty percent of the country has a favorable view. Forty-two percent does not. These numbers are fairly meaningless, though, since the polls were taken before Friday morning's news.

There are many other reasons for Gore not to want to run. He is, by all accounts, happy. He's got a great life full of comfort and a stack of opportunities to do good while enjoying the comforts of fame and international renown. "He is now on a different path," his former top strategist Carter Eskew is fond of saying. Even the most popular politician in the world has to suffer through the drudgery of party dinners and frivolous symbolic speeches. Gore always hated that part of the job. Plus, to win the presidency, he'd have to fight Hillary Clinton—which would be ugly.

Even if Gore doesn't run, there will continue to be a race for his endorsement. Advisers say he might endorse, but he also might not. John Edwards put down the first marker for that. I got an e-mail from the Edwards campaign in the same 5 a.m. e-mail dump that brought the news alert that Gore had won. (As of 10 a.m., he was still winning the suck-up race, with no other competition among his rivals.)

For Gore's critics, today will be a day to rail, reiterating that global warming is a myth and the prize a purely political act. What did his actions have to do with peace? Is he really as great as Martin Luther King Jr., who also won the prize? The tide of popular sentiment will be against these naysayers. Some might have a point, but the majority of them will probably look lonely and bitter. They will be ridiculed for their obtuse views and maybe even parodied on Saturday Night Live as flat-earth wackos. They will, in short, have an opportunity to feel what it used to be like being Al Gore.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: October 13, 2007 07:50

sweetcharmedlife Wrote:
> HelterSkelter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> ----
> >
> > The Weekend Latin girl with the nice hour glass
> > figure and ample top, I always think, "why
> can't
> > she unbutton one more button on her blouse -
> > ONE MORE BUTTON"!!! - she's VERY conservative,
> a
> > little cleavage never hurt nobody......
> Not sure who that one is HS. But Betty Nguyen who
> does weekend mornings on CNN is totally hot.
> Another undone button from her would'nt
> hurt...........

Yeah, SCL, Frank bet me I couldn't name one "CONSERVATIVE" on CNN so I remembered the attractive anchor woman, Betty Nguyen, and what a CONSERVATIVE dresser she was so I did answer Franks challenge of naming one CNN conservative (and saying one more open button on the blouse would really be of no harm to anyone) So I won the bet but Frank never told me what you win so still waiting for that info to come in from Frank (who's actually a very nice guy if truth be told).....

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 09:55

aslecs Wrote:
> Yep, very sad how anti-semitism is rising so much,
> particularly in Europe. Very sad indeed.

Yes it is.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 09:56

HelterSkelter Wrote:
> Anti Israel scum?, give me a break you 2 (Frank
> and aslecs) When the Israeli army (with the
> permission of the US Government) was bombing the
> crap out of Beruit for days killing thousands of
> innocents where were you? Did you say how wrong
> and evil it was? Where was the US Government? You
> can't just go around blowing away apartment
> buildings full of innocent people, be they shaped
> like silver twin towers or whatever, that's called
> TERRORISM. BTW, let's not forget another recipient
> of the Nobel Peace Prize, President Jimmy Carter
> has a book out about "Apartheid in Palestine" -
> check it out....was OSLO/Norway wrong on that
> choice also? Who should they pick? Pat Robertson?

You clearly have no idea, zero idea, about this conflict.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 10:22

For Mr. Bärs,
Axess TV: []

Veckans Debatt: Global uppvärming: Vad säger vetenskapen?

under senaste

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-13 10:30 by LA FORUM.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: mr edward ()
Date: October 13, 2007 10:50

Surely I'm not the only one on IORR who thinks that giving the NP to Al Gore, a climate guru (right or wrong), has degraded the price? If you want to express your sympathy for Gore and his views, that's allright. But isn't this ignoring all the armed conflicts, wars and people who stand against the violence?

It's the Nobel Price for Peace, right? Not the Nobel Price for Climate Change.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-13 10:58 by mr edward.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 11:41

CaledonianGonzo Wrote:
> I find the idea (as expressed by several members)
> that any criticism of Israel's government equates
> to anti-semitism extremely offensive.

Again, same old stuff about not being allowed to express criticism against Israel. Who said that?

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: bv ()
Date: October 13, 2007 12:54

Please do NOT use this thread to talk about Middle East or US politics or other political issues. This thread is about one thing and one thing ony, the fact that the Nobel Peace price has been given to someone.

The price is a fact, not open for discussion. If you don't like it then fine, but no worries. Martin Scosese got an Oscar. It's not up for dispute. It is a fact. It is not like the Olympics where they take it away because you used stereoids and did not derserve that price.

The Climate Panel - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC - which was given the price in equal share with Al Gore - is made up of 2,500 scientific research people from 130 countries. The panel have been working extensively and exclusively on the climate issue since 1988. That means 50,000 man/woman years of research into the climate issue. And as they all agree on the fact that this is a problem, I think it is fair to say that they do know what they are talking about. Al Gore is just a guy who happens to have a well known name and who is fronting these guys, that is why he was given the price. Everybody needs a leader. Nobody knows Rajendra Pachauri, the head of IPCC.

I will delete every single post that state anything about US or Middle east or other political conflict areas here. If I see the same people posting the same stuff that keeps me busy deleting then I will also delete that user access. It is very simple. Somebody won a price. It is not open for discussion. The price is final. If you don't care about climate then fine, others will solve the problems for you. Luckily some people do still care. Thanks!


Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 13:42

Yes, but the IPCC are not sure about the theory, they say it themselves. And lobbyism, funding, PR awards etc are all part of science.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: bv ()
Date: October 13, 2007 15:11

You may still find people who think the earth is flat.
You may still find people who think smoking is healthy.
You may still find people who think pollution is great.
And you may still find people who don't care about the climate.

IPCC have published many reports over the past 20 years.
The more they research and the more they find out the
more clear it is that we are in trouble unless we act.
The IPCC report from Feb 2007 says this:
There is a 90% probability that human activity,
and in particular the burning of fossile material (oil)
is the reason for most of the climate changes over the past 50 years.
Best case this will lead to an increase of temperature of 2 to 4 degrees C
during this century. Mind you they say best case.
Then in their April report this year they say
global warming may result in hunger, lack of drinking water
and species being terminated. Millions will have problems
with flods before 2080 and harvest will be down to 50%
in some countries. Their May report says things are even
more clear now. These guys are not a bunch of drunken sailors,
they are not paid by the oil industry, but many other people are.

I think we should just accept the fact that some people
do care about how we should take care of this planet,
and how we should act in order to make things better,
even if it means you can't drive around in your V8 SUV
or whatever that much in the future. These things hurt, sure.

The committee has spoken. That's what this is about.
But people don't like the message. Fair enough.


Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: gstone ()
Date: October 13, 2007 15:23

Great post BV!!!

There is an old African saying that comes to my mind this very moment. (Remember who said: "We're all Africans!"? No Nobel Peace Prize to those who answer Keith Richards, but it's still correct.)

If you want to go fast, you must walk alone.
If you want to go far, you must walk together with someone.

In this matter, we need to walk far - and quickly - and together.
That's our only hope.
And I just don't understand those few people on the board who deny global warming is a fact, clinging to far fetched theories by scientists in their families, and even dead scientists - who have not been able to read about this summer's fresh reports from the International Panel on Climate Change. They admit to being wrong. But the sad thing is, they were wrong about only one thing. The speed of global warming is accellerating in a way they had not foreseen. Apart from that, they were right all along.
And if this sounds dramatic? It's nothing compared to the drama at the North Pole. This year, 14 % of the polar ice cap melted. The water is rising. I hope you know how to swim.

Has everyone forgotten about hurricane Katrina? That was the first warning. It's only going to get worse.

So, act now! Even if you doubt that global warming is a problem. What if you're among the very few who are wrong, and you say in a few years: Well, all the information was there. I cannot believe I did not see this...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-13 15:33 by gstone.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: bluesinc. ()
Date: October 13, 2007 16:00

I don´t think that Al Gore is a nice guy. He has a woman, named Tipper who invented the Parental Advisory Stickers, he was not gentle and nice when he was Vice President, he just changed the job

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: gstone ()
Date: October 13, 2007 16:04

So because of the silly Parental Advisory Stickers on some albums, you are not willing to hear Al Gore's views on global warming? Well, that's mature. Tells us of a highly intelligent man... A poster everyone should respect.

In my opinion, there is a little difference in the importance here: Little stickers and the entire planet dying because of our neglect. You of course have the right to see it differently, but if that's smart - well, thats another question.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 16:07

Have anybody heard about the changes in climate on this planet the last million of years? It's a good thing to improve the environment but i dont think its good to have a religious belief in a political institution, like the UN. Science is something else. What about the hurricane? Was it the first time a hurricane hit the US?

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 16:12

gstone Wrote:
and the entire
> planet dying because of our neglect. You of course
> have the right to see it differently, but if
> that's smart - well, thats another question.

In what way is the planet dying right now? The planet is always "dying", all planets die. Human beings cant change that fact, nor saint Gore.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 16:15

gstone Wrote:

> If you want to go far, you must walk together with
> someone.
> In this matter, we need to walk far - and quickly
> - and together.
> That's our only hope.

Like in the case of Galileo?

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: bluesinc. ()
Date: October 13, 2007 16:18

The stickers were invented by his wife, so I don´t blame him. But I blame him for beeing a politician who collaborated in an inhuman africa politic. I don´t think that this is an political forum. But if you´re interseted there are many books around about the Clinton Administration and their influences and doing. Al Gore was mainly involved in business deals, as Vice, where people in Africa where harmed and killed. So if he acts like a new messias now, I think it´s a little bit double talking. His movie is great but it´s also phony and it´s like all this Michael Moore stuff. It´s ok, but it´s just another business. People have tho change their livestyle and their habits. To watch a movie, to give money is great but it doesn´r change anything, just keeps the system alive.
But maybe Al Gore changed, so my apologies to him. Maybe he´s just a man with a job.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: gstone ()
Date: October 13, 2007 17:01

I was not the one who brought up the issue with the stickers... You need to read your own post again. I may not be a fan of Tipper's, but I certainly have a lot of respect for Al Gore.
The political stuff, I will leave alone. This is an environmental and scientific issue. Mixing in here what the Clinton administration did or did not do, seems a bit far fetched. The global warming issue is far too important to become a question of wether you vote of Republican or Democrat. It's not about American party politics at all. This is about something far more interresting.
And besides, I'm not a socialist... I've always voted for the Conservative party in my home country. Please don't make this an issue of "left or right wing"... That's just not what it's about. The 2500 scientists in the International Panel on Climate Change probably vote for all different parties in their home countries.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 17:11

gstone Wrote:
Please don't make this an issue of "left
> or right wing"... That's just not what it's about.
> The 2500 scientists in the International Panel on
> Climate Change probably vote for all different
> parties in their home countries.

Yes and they all get paid for their job and they all raise funds and they all say that nothing is sure about this theory. And as usual it is the left who scream neo con when someone begs to disagree, like in the case of oceanographic scintists. And once again we are supposed to embrace an idea because the "majority" believes in it.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Bärs ()
Date: October 13, 2007 17:18

The climate ideology is simply another left wing attack on the western civilization and Al G makes money and fame out of it. When the left goes to war they call it peace and the herd of mislead sheep follow.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: October 13, 2007 17:21

I wonder if the White House even congratulated him. I wouldn't be surprised if Rush Limbaugh will have something negative to say about him along with Fox News, O'Reilly and all the hateful ignoramuses in America. I'm happy to live in another country called South Florida. Yeah, I want change and my country back!!!!!

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: R ()
Date: October 13, 2007 17:49

Chris Fountain Wrote:
> I wonder if the White House even congratulated
> him. I wouldn't be surprised if Rush Limbaugh
> will have something negative to say about him
> along with Fox News, O'Reilly and all the hateful
> ignoramuses in America. I'm happy to live in
> another country called South Florida. Yeah, I
> want change and my country back!!!!!

Wah, wah, wah!

I wonder if the hypocrite Gore flew in his carbon-spewing private jet to pick up his award from his socialist bretheren. Does he get a plaque or trophy do you suppose? If so, which of his FIVE mansions will he display it in?

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: LA FORUM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 18:20

Chris Fountain Wrote:
> I wonder if the White House even congratulated
> him. I wouldn't be surprised if Rush Limbaugh
> will have something negative to say about him
> along with Fox News, O'Reilly and all the hateful
> ignoramuses in America. I'm happy to live in
> another country called South Florida. Yeah, I
> want change and my country back!!!!!

Why would they have to congratulate him? Somebody stole your country? Is it the elction again? I know Nixon really won against Kennedy but it's history.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: October 13, 2007 18:28

Oh so you're saying he is perpetuating the society for which he lives? Give me a Break!!!

For example, the gas guzzling public here in Miami votes down Mass Transit always.

The Bush crime family commits murder for the sake of money (oil). They always talk about U.S. casualities(5000?) but never the Iraqi fatalities (nearly 2 million)

The president even vetoed HEALTH INSURANCE for CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: FrankM ()
Date: October 13, 2007 18:38

Again I'm not trying to scoff at glabal warming but part of the problem with the pro global warming crowd is that they try to link it to every disaster. Disasters have been a part of life since the beginning of time. There were many category five hurricanes before Katrina so I'm not conviniced Katrina was caused by global warming.

How do we know that this warming hasn't happened in the past anyway? I mean it is easy to tell if the global temp. has gone up in the last twenty years or so but how do we know there wasn't a similar fluctuation say a thousand years ago? Was someone logging in the temperatures back then? Science can tell us when major fluctuations occur like ice ages but these small deviations in temp. may have happened many times in the past.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-10-13 18:47 by FrankM.

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: October 13, 2007 18:51

"....every disaster," FrankM? Personally, I am much more concerned with the implications global warming may have for our future and the next generations' future. In fact, I don't know anyone who has blamed Katrina on global warming.

And to describe concerned people as the "pro global warming crowd" is really a polarizing description. I think all human beings should be good stewards of the environment, to protect our planet for our future generations. It is sad really that the issue of global warming seems to polarize us to our political corners when I believe we all really want the same thing, right? To take good care of our planet? Isn't that something we all want?

Re: Al Gore for Nobel Peace Prize
Posted by: soundcheck ()
Date: October 13, 2007 19:08

.. around these parts, we always welcome warm days at the beach....

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