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Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Date: August 11, 2007 23:57

Hey Dyri,

The show was superb - the best I've seen! Were you in Denmark?

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: August 11, 2007 23:57

That one close up pic of Keith is rather frightening. Their should be laws against that face being in a close up of a high powered lens.

"It's just some friends of mine and they're busting down the door"

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: August 11, 2007 23:58

GotToRollMe posted these pics at Rocks Off

All Photos: Associated Press

Thanks to GotToRollMe

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-12 00:00 by open-g.

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: carlostones10 ()
Date: August 11, 2007 23:59

42.000 people in the stadium!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-11 23:59 by carlostones10.

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: CousinC ()
Date: August 12, 2007 00:48

Don't believe that. Small place, looks more like 30000 + to me.

And there goes my hope for Midnight Rambler and Silver in Düsseldorf cause mostly they don't do it date after date.
Always going to many shows but missed MR for quite some time.
Why not get out She was Hot again?!

See you in Düsseldorf and please, - no rain !!

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: August 12, 2007 01:00

carlostones10 Wrote:
> 42.000 people in the stadium!!

I'd be somewhat doubtful of that to be honest as the seating capacity for football is 15,700.

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: carlostones10 ()
Date: August 12, 2007 01:15

Look at the picture, please. Sold Out. 42.000 people or more.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-12 01:16 by carlostones10.

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: carlostones10 ()
Date: August 12, 2007 01:19

Le grand jour avec Mick, Keith, Ron et Charlie
ROLLING STONES | 00h03 Le groupe de légende a pris ses quartiers hier au Lausanne-Palace, à la veille de son mégaconcert. Du côté de la Pontaise, tout est prêt pour accueillir les 42 000 fans des rockers.

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: carlostones10 ()
Date: August 12, 2007 01:20

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: bv ()
Date: August 12, 2007 02:45

It was 42,000 people in the stadium for sure. I have never seen such a packed field. Mind you the ticket was valid for any place in the stadium - some took seats but the rest went for the field. It took forever to move to the B-stage from the front. You can't see the number of people from a photo...

This was a free show. The tickets were given out to the customers of the Migros supermarket chain based on a lottery system. So very different of how Deutche Bank spent the same amout of money, four million Euro or so. Thank you Migros I am sure you made lots and lots of happy customers tonight.


Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: August 12, 2007 02:58

carlostones10 Wrote:
> Look at the picture, please. Sold Out. 42.000
> people or more.

Its certainly more packed at the back of the pitch than most shows I've seen!

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: August 12, 2007 03:17

Gazza wrote:

"Its certainly more packed at the back of the pitch than most shows I've seen!"

Extremely packed, indeed. I suppose something like that also happened at Regina, where the stadium was pretty small too (jugding from photos, of course) and the audience was about 40,000.

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: Sjouke ()
Date: August 12, 2007 04:12

Just back from Lausanne, review will follow. It was really really packed. Great show, with Love Is Strong and You Got The Silver as highlights.
Security acted weird when making pictures. They didn't want to allow it, I really had an argument with one of the security ladies and she called her boss. He said it was not allowed on request of the band. Well, bullshit of course. This happened all during the intermission between support act and the Stones. I promised not too make pics, but I had my personal security this time. Oh man, she was watching me every move I made. But when the Stones came up, many people took their cams to take pics. They wanted to stop it, but some official came to say it was okay. The security people (probably from Migros or the stadion, I don't know) were very quiet after that.


Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: carlostones10 ()
Date: August 12, 2007 04:19

Thakn you migros. Thank you the rolling stones - for eveything. Don´t stop, boys, don´t stop... NEVER!

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Date: August 12, 2007 04:36

Sjouke Wrote:
> Just back from Lausanne, review will follow. It
> was really really packed. Great show, with Love Is
> Strong and You Got The Silver as highlights.
> Security acted weird when making pictures. They
> didn't want to allow it, I really had an argument
> with one of the security ladies and she called her
> boss. He said it was not allowed on request of the
> band. Well, bullshit of course. This happened all
> during the intermission between support act and
> the Stones. I promised not too make pics, but I
> had my personal security this time. Oh man, she
> was watching me every move I made. But when the
> Stones came up, many people took their cams to
> take pics. They wanted to stop it, but some
> official came to say it was okay. The security
> people (probably from Migros or the stadion, I
> don't know) were very quiet after that.
> sjouke

I love that story!

Man, when those security people came up to me in Baltimore, i was so mad. Here there are hundreds of people taking pics and she tells me its not allowed. I showed her my tickets and said "Sweetheart i paid $450 for this ticket and i'm sorry i'm taking pics I told her to look around and tell everyone else to stop also. She got all upset but never bothered me again.
I really hate that they post everywhere no cameras and such, but everyones got one. It doesn't matter if its a small disposable, digital, in Charlottesville they told people they couldn't have camera phones.

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: arizojp ()
Date: August 12, 2007 10:50

Lausanne, épicentre du rock


Pari réussi pour les Stones, auteurs du concert monstre et parfait, hier soir au stade de la Pontaise. Et pour Migros, qui s'offre Jagger en pub vivante.Une soirée énorme, qui a fait vibrer le public, plus de 40 000 personnes, au coeur du rock'n'blues le plus pur, le plus fou. Sans compter la garden-party...

Ivan Radja - 11/08/2007
Le Matin Dimanche

Hier soir à Lausanne, les Rolling Stones ont déplacé l'épicentre de la planète blues rock au stade de la Pontaise. Facile: l'épicentre, c'est eux, définitivement.

A 21 heures tapantes, l'écran géant fouille les confins originels de l'univers, et de l'infini surgit une navette spatiale lancée comme un météore, qui traverse le temps jusqu'à nos jours au rythme de détonations sourdes. Keith Richards, craché soudain du néant, se cabre sur le premier accord de «Start Me Up». La charge sauvage est lancée, et plus rien ne l'arrêtera. Jagger se déhanche comme un possédé, chemise turquoise sur en ensemble noir.

Exécution nette d'un de leurs hymnes favoris. La nuit ne descend pas, elle monte sur les 40 000 spectateurs, prêts pour la transe. Charlie Watts frappe fort, mais frappe précis. Colonne vertébrale de ce groupe de gamins sexagénaires qui déroule l'histoire du rock au milieu d'une scène géante dont les ailes évoquent une cage thoracique écartelée. «Bonjour Lausanne! Hello Lausanne!», lance Mick à une foule en pré-délire.

Mick Jagger sait flatter la foule, il la séduit, la charme et elle aime ça
Il parle beaucoup, Sir Michael Philip Jagger. «Content d'être de retour en Suisse, et si vite! (la dernière fois remonte au 5 août 2006, à Dübendorf, n.d.l.r.)» Il remercie les gars de Genève, les filles de Zurich, les gars et les filles de Berne, soulevant les ovations. «You Got Me Rocking», «Rough Justice» défilent dans un tourbillon et une sono parfaite, si l'on sait qu'aucun sound-check n'a été effectué.

La mécanique est huilée. Comme le relève Vincent Sager, directeur de la société de production Opus One, «Ils ont contribué à l'histoire du rock, mais ils ont en plus créé le rock'n'roll circus; ils sont plus malins que les autres.» Et ne perdent pas de vue leurs intérêts, ni leurs obligations.

Avant d'entamer «Bitch», Jagger se fend d'un «J'espère que vous avez tous vos sous-vêtements M-Budget..» en laissant tomber la chemise. Plus tard, présentant la frissonnante choriste Lisa Fisher: «Combien de points cumulus pour cette beauté? C'est ça, le talent: conjuguer la lascivité vaudoue et le spot publicitaire sans (trop) tomber dans le ridicule. L'homme d'affaires sait flatter la foule, il la séduit, la charme et elle aime ça. Elle a raison.

A l'harmonica, l'homme est aussi redoutable qu'au chant: c'est «Love is Strong», suivi de «You Can't Always Get What You Want». «Do you want to sing?» on veut! on scande. Le monstreuse jam session est à son comble. C'est peut-être leur plus grande force: cette élasticité scénique.

Cette faculté de passer du gigantisme à la veillée de feu de camp, où l'on chaloupe des refrains vieux de trente, quarante ans, entre potes. «Midnight Rambler», «Tumbling Dice» fait monter la température au point d'ébullition. Ron Wood est au sommet de sa forme, ses solos sont impeccables, et parfaite l'entente avec son lead. Keith Richards assure la cohésion. Reprend le flambeau; «You doin'all right? Me too!», avant d'enchaîner avec «Hold You Close To Me» d'une voix revigorée (tout est relatif), qui sent son eau claire... Sur la petite scène plantée au coeur de la foule, le vortex tourne à plein régime: «It's Only Rock'n'roll», «Satisfaction», «Honky Tonk Women».

De retour sur la grande scène, la langue rouge se déploie, monstrueuse, et les plaintes de «Sympathy for the Devil» et la rage de «Paint it Black» emplissent la nuit lausannoise. En final, Jumping Jack Flasg assied une fois pour toutes la suprématie des Stones.

Le concert parfait? Oui. Et un pari gagné pour la Migros, qui réussi là le plus gros coup marketing qu'on puisse imaginer.

Avant la fin du concert, les portes ont été ouvertes et les spectateurs dépourvus de billets ont profité d'aller dans le stade pour écouter les dernières chansons à l'intérieur du stade.

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: roby ()
Date: August 12, 2007 11:33

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: 6853 ()
Date: August 12, 2007 13:25

hei Baard

yes i was in copenhagen
we were 4 of us fos and liked it wery much !
i have never been happier with a show,
maybe it is because beiing fos.
þat is great really (þ is the icendic for th..!)

actally it was a bit expensive since i missed my plane, but you know !!
how is your new job ?

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: rooster ()
Date: August 12, 2007 13:32

Ahh great pics thanks!!

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 12, 2007 15:15

Lurvly pics, thx fer uppin'

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: Sjouke ()
Date: August 12, 2007 16:51

I've put some of my pics on line as well. BV, you state there were no banners from Migros etc, but M-electronics and Creme d'Or are definitely Migros brands and they were presence all over... never mind though. The idea of celebrating their 10 year anniversary of the customer card this way was excellent.

Great memories, were we were standing it was really packed and people were not really relaxed. Really a pity that they don't have a FOS, it makes it so much easier, also to go out for a drink or so.


Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: phd ()
Date: August 12, 2007 19:02

Great comment from La Tribune de Genève. The Stones inflamme Lausanne.


Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: Gangster-of-love ()
Date: August 12, 2007 19:34

Well, came back right now from Lausanne and what can I say?!?
It was the strongest performance of the band I've seen for the last 5 years.
Ronnie was the man of the evening....tight in the mix, slided his ass off and did some very fine solos.
Concerning Keith, I've to say that he was really in a great shape and he did the best we could except for the show. His outstanding performance on 'You got the silver' blew my mind away!
And once again Mick showed us who's still the best frontman alive! An extraordinaring vocal performance compained with his excellent harp playing on 'Love is strong' or 'Midnight Rambler'were setting a new benchmark for the next generations of frontmen in the business.

Thanks guys for a smoking performance!

Keep on rollin'

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: mauroo ()
Date: August 12, 2007 19:45

bv Wrote:

> This was a free show. The tickets were given out
> to the customers of the Migros supermarket chain
> based on a lottery system. So very different of
> how Deutche Bank spent the same amout of money,
> four million Euro or so. Thank you Migros I am
> sure you made lots and lots of happy customers
> tonight.

a lot of people outside the stadium sold those "free tickets" for 100-150 euro each one.....

I paid my ticket 100 euro

...anyway, the best concert i've seen!

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: August 12, 2007 19:58

Gangster-of-love wrote:

"Well, came back right now from Lausanne and what can I say?!?
It was the strongest performance of the band I've seen for the last 5 years.
Ronnie was the man of the evening....tight in the mix, slided his ass off and did some very fine solos."

GOL, you depict EXACTLY what i heard from Ronnie on the two Stones gigs i have seen in 2007 (unfortunately, only two this year...). IMO Ronnie is really good on the current leg and much much better than Ronnie i have seen on Licks Tour (european leg). Good for him, good for the band!

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: lodge ()
Date: August 12, 2007 20:11

Besides the Cirkus in Stockholm, this was it. There was a band which was created for us to Rock and Roll even after 45 years. Keith was in flame. Mick looked a bid old, but was genius, as well as Ronnie and Charlie

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: bv ()
Date: August 12, 2007 20:26

For most of the fans this show was free, i.e. they had to shop at Migros, collect some coupons, send them in, wait for the lottery to win etc. I do know that there was a black market where people asked for 100 fr or so per ticket but for most fans this was a free ticket and there was no price printed on the ticket, which is rare.

Indeed the band was on fire!


Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: bartfrombrussels ()
Date: August 12, 2007 20:46

There was a price on my ticket: 30 Fr.

Senior Food Critic IORR

?Remember Vilvoorde?
94 concerts & counting

Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: Sjouke ()
Date: August 12, 2007 21:23

People who won their ticket through the lottery, so not directly by playing a computer game at the Migros, were subtracted 6'000 points of cumulus points. This corresponds to 60 Franks for 2 ticktes (30 franks as printed on the tickets). So, very cheap indeed, but not completely a free concert.


Re: Lausanne reports and comments
Posted by: lodge ()
Date: August 12, 2007 21:35

Just a glimpse of a wonderful night.
Depending on the lottery you will be deducted this 6000 Points or not and as Sjouke said that's about 60 CHF. However we have won on another contest 2 x 2 pairs which are free. That was the meet and greet part and there even foreigners participated and won.

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