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OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: custom55 ()
Date: May 27, 2007 04:24

Have you even been to a concert where the main act was booed by the audience ?

I remember seeing David Bowie's Diamond Dogs tour in 1974 at Radio City, New York and the audience was booing him !!! This was Bowie's transition away from Glam and the fans were shocked to see him come out in a white jacket/pants with no theatrics. I too was disappointed but I did not boo.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: HalfNanker ()
Date: May 27, 2007 06:40

not main act, but opening band for the Stones: Living Color, 1989 shea stadium.

they did a cover of should i saty or should i go and everyone was yelling GO at them. they saved their night by doing johnny b goode as an encore, which is a song that always gets everyone going.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-05-27 06:41 by HalfNanker.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: DGA35 ()
Date: May 27, 2007 07:09

In Spinal Tap, the band mention that they had to "apologize" for Duke Fame's set. The audience were still booing him when they came on!

When I saw Van Halen in 1984, they had some rockabilly act opening for them and they got booed relentlessly. Did about a 25 minute set and then ran off stage. After one song ended, they immediately started the next song so there wouldn't be so much booing between songs!

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: May 27, 2007 07:29

Dylan when he first started playing electric guitar with The Band.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: May 27, 2007 07:38

Went to a multi-act Blues tour in the 70's
Alexis Korner came on to do an acoustic set
but was kinda arrogant so crowd took an instant
dislike to the cat and started some pretty heavy booooooing...

He battled on till about the 2nd..3rd number then told us all to get stuffed and stormed off...

Remember we're all decendants of crims down here...Enter at own risk


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-05-28 02:39 by Rockman.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: dougie ()
Date: May 27, 2007 08:55

Warren Zevon was booed off before a Grateful Dead concert in Santa Barbara, California (I believe it was 1978 or 79; those were some lost years, but fun).

I saw Jerry Garcia Band in Santa Cruz California in July 1976 at the Del Mar Theater and the opening act was booed so bad, the girl had a nervous break down right on stage- they had to carry her off the stage- best Jerry Garcia show I ever saw (and I saw him over 200 times).

And, I remember seeing Jackson Browne at a free concert in Santa Cruz in San Lorenzo park and people brought signs about him abusing his ex-wife. He just lost it and had a shouting match with them and cried- very heavy scene. This was about 12 years ago.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Thommie ()
Date: May 27, 2007 10:24

Remember when I was in Paris 1913. Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. You bet the audience was booing. (but not me, I liked it from the beginning)

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: TooTough ()
Date: May 27, 2007 11:37

Iggy Pop, Hamburg, 2003 - leaving after an hour or so.
The people thought it was a joke - until the tape music started.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: May 27, 2007 12:42

just like JFK Stadium 1978...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-05-27 20:10 by Erik_Snow.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: lmatth8461 ()
Date: May 27, 2007 12:51

My favourite was going to see Souixsie and the Banshees about 20 years ago. They have had some great support bands, but a couple of appalling ones, and among this latter category was the dreadful Mark Almond, who played this gig a few weeks after he had been taken in to have his stomach pumped. The audience made sure his set was over with PDQ!

If you're not au fait with this urban myth, google 'Mark Almond' and 'semen' for the gory details, most of which are probably BS!


Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Edith Grove ()
Date: May 27, 2007 13:42

I used to see the Fabulous Thunderbirds during ther heyday in the early eighties, but when I saw them last a few years ago I found them to be a shadow of their former self. I don't recall hearing any booing, but I left early.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: jomo297 ()
Date: May 27, 2007 16:23

The only show I've wanted to boo was a solo show by Billy Corrigan. No Pumpkins. Nothing but solo material that no one knew. Each song sounded like the last. Thank God he's reunited the Smashing Pumpkins.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: stones_serb ()
Date: May 27, 2007 16:37

I think it's downright rude and impolite to boo the opening act.It's not their fault that you dislike their music.After all you pay to see the main act,not the opening act which is just there to entertain you while you're waiting.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-05-27 16:45 by stones_serb.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: jomo297 ()
Date: May 27, 2007 16:40

I agree Stones_serb. I think it's rude to boo anyone.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: mofur ()
Date: May 27, 2007 16:47

TooTough Wrote:
> Iggy Pop, Hamburg, 2003 - leaving after an hour or
> so.
> The people thought it was a joke - until the tape
> music started.

Hehe - went to see the Jam - a little worse for wear - in 1981 in Denmark. They played for 48 minutes - including extras. I refused to believe it was over - had to be physically ousted from the venue by the bouncers. I just could not believe it!

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: May 27, 2007 17:19

Saw Emerson, Lake, and Palmer (why?) on Thanksgiving Night 76 or 77. Maybe 1000 people in a 10000 seat hall (Macon Coliseum). They sucked and were booed unmercifully. Remember this was Macon during the heyday of southern rock. They still sucked.

Saw Peter Frampton get booed as an opener for Stevie Nicks - he played about 15 new songs then "Lines On My Face" and "Do You Feel Like We Do". During DYFLWD, he just said "F%ck you", instead of "I want to ...".

Saw the B-52's ran off of the stage while opening for the Who in Orlando. A real mismatch of bands. Cups, shoes, and other stuff was thrown at the stage. Crazy day. Great show by the Who - maybe their best show ever! No shit!

Lots of you probably saw the Stones shows with Prince.

"No Anchovies, Please"

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: DrPete ()
Date: May 27, 2007 17:48

I was at the Guns&Roses riot show in STL. Also saw The Rockets get "WHOOOED" off the stage prior to The Who in 82 in STL. And The Tubes in KC in 83 got booed after they quit 3 songs into their show because they're equipment broke. Lastly, The Smashing Pumpkins at Lollapalooza in 94 got booed after Billy PISS-ANT complained that the crowd wasn't enthusiastic enough and that SL crowds suck. Just because the Foo Fighters and Beastie Boys BLEW them off the stage wasn't the crowds fault. It was the only time I walked out on a headliner.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: bigbang ()
Date: May 27, 2007 19:32

custom55 Wrote:
> Have you even been to a concert where the main act
> was booed by the audience ?
> I remember seeing David Bowie's Diamond Dogs tour
> in 1974 at Radio City, New York and the audience
> was booing him !!! This was Bowie's transition
> away from Glam and the fans were shocked to see
> him come out in a white jacket/pants with no
> theatrics. I too was disappointed but I did not
> boo.

I don't remember any booing at the DD concert I attended.... But I did witness Bowie being booed in 1978 during a couple of the instrumental numbers. Here in America, at least, the Berlin phase of Bowie's career was at first not popular. Now, the three albums made at the time make up the classic "Berlin Trilogy" and are given their proper due. And the live Stage album from the 1978 tour, with many of the instrumentals recorded from the soundboard to eliminate the audience reaction, is considered by many to contain his best live recorded performance (except, perhaps, for some isolated bootlegs). My point is, I guess, that a cutting edge performer will get this kind of audience reaction at times.

Marilyn Manson is the only other headliner I can remember being booed.

And the queen is bravely shouting,
"What the hell is going on?"

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: May 27, 2007 20:06

lmatth8461 Wrote:
> My favourite was going to see Souixsie and the
> Banshees about 20 years ago. They have had some
> great support bands, but a couple of appalling
> ones, and among this latter category was the
> dreadful Mark Almond, who played this gig a few
> weeks after he had been taken in to have his
> stomach pumped. The audience made sure his set was
> over with PDQ!
> If you're not au fait with this urban myth, google
> 'Mark Almond' and 'semen' for the gory details,
> most of which are probably BS!
> Lee

Its an urban myth with no grounds in reality. The same 'myth' did the rounds years earlier only the subject was Rod Stewart, which going by Rod's track record, makes it even more unlikely. Amazing the stuff that gets invented about celebrities that get passed off as fact - such as the Richard Gere/hamster one.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: May 27, 2007 20:12

bigbang Wrote:
> I don't remember any booing at the DD concert I
> attended.... But I did witness Bowie being booed
> in 1978 during a couple of the instrumental
> numbers. Here in America, at least, the Berlin
> phase of Bowie's career was at first not popular.
> Now, the three albums made at the time make up the
> classic "Berlin Trilogy" and are given their
> proper due. >

speaks volumes for the mentality of those people in the audience when his two most recent albums had both contained a few instrumentals. Why buy tickets?

Same applies with the idiots who were booing Dylan in 1966 for having a band. He had released two 'electric' albums and a couple of rock n roll singles in the year previously and was about to release Blonde on Blonde. What were they expecting to hear?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-05-27 20:12 by Gazza.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: May 27, 2007 20:37

Gazza Wrote:
> Same applies with the idiots who were booing Dylan
> in 1966 for having a band. He had released two
> 'electric' albums and a couple of rock n roll
> singles in the year previously and was about to
> release Blonde on Blonde. What were they expecting
> to hear?

Could be that they bought the ticket to boo at Bob. As a way to tell him his career was turning in a wrong direction.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: May 28, 2007 02:32

Iggy and the Stooges played a set where they were being heavily booed from the first number, Iggy swore at the crowd and the stooges did a twenty minute version of Louie Louie, then Iggy took a squat on stage and took a shit, then gave the crowd the finger and left.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Mongoose ()
Date: May 28, 2007 03:56

The one I remember best is Toots and the Maytalls getting booed off the stage opening for The Who, Greensboro, NC, 1975. The audience was so geared up for a Who show that they were polite for only about three songs before cutting loose.

The only time I saw a headlining act almost booed off of the stage was Rod Stewart and the Faces, Roanoke, VA, summer of 1973. The Doobie Bros. were the opening act (in their prime), had just done a very tight opening set. The Faces (including Ronnie, of course) came out on stage roaring drunk (this was the Ooh La La tour), had a bartender on stage serving non-stop drinks to the band. I guess if the audience had also been ripped and in a small hall it would have worked out fine, but it was not pleasant. I remember they came out for the obligatory encore song and almost no one in the entire arena was applauding!

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: headly123 ()
Date: May 28, 2007 05:10

Saw Neil Young once In Baltimore. He came out and played an acoustical set .
The Crowd hated it. He got pissed after about 5 songs and just said Intermission. Then left for about 40 min. So now the crowd is really restless.
He came back with his band and play like 3 songs and split. He was booed VERY loudly. Ther were a lot of pissed of people that night.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: angee ()
Date: May 28, 2007 05:22

Sohoe, no on the Dylan concert, because the people didn't know he was
going to play electric that night.

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Sohoe ()
Date: May 28, 2007 05:34

Thanks angee

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: May 28, 2007 05:39

angee Wrote:
> Sohoe, no on the Dylan concert, because the people
> didn't know he was
> going to play electric that night.

They wouldn't know at Newport 1965, that's true. But of course they'd know when by 1966..!

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: RiffKichards ()
Date: May 28, 2007 14:29

When Pink Floyds performed The Wall live in London (Earl's court) in 1980 (or 1981 ?).

Not because they were bad.. it was due to the nazi looking clothes of the band.. (for one or two songs). The show was stopped because the crowd were shouting and booed.. a guy came on stage to explain it is a part of the show, that Pink Floyds are not facism, and this should be considered as a matter of teather.. and the show re-started (with the same songs and costumes) and everything was ok.

It was very nice.. very good reaction of the crowd.. strong but peaceful reaction... ..England should be proud of such an attitude..

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: LOGIE ()
Date: May 28, 2007 17:04

I can recall Dylan being booed during his religious UK gigs in 1981.

Shame on the idiots!!! That was arguably the best tour that he has ever done...and the bootlegs don't lie.

There was also Freddie McGregor in Liverpool, June, 1982, but I'll get to that in another thread! You all HAVE to hear about that one!

Re: OT - Main act booed ???
Posted by: rebelrebel ()
Date: May 28, 2007 17:16

whitem8 Wrote:
> Iggy and the Stooges played a set where they were
> being heavily booed from the first number, Iggy
> swore at the crowd and the stooges did a twenty
> minute version of Louie Louie, then Iggy took a
> squat on stage and took a shit, then gave the
> crowd the finger and left.

Fabulous!! Only Iggy could do that.

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