mofour, i wasn't expecting a concert film per se...i'd enjoy an overview of the event and some career history footage and pix of course i would...and 'color' shots and interviews and was an event for sure...
marty can go overboard the other way in his 'docu' projects ala dylan...and spend over 3 hours and still manage to tease and cutaway from even one full on performance straight thru, and this is holy grail stuff...past a certain point, he just dosen't get it...(in no way is this a criticism or an attempt to diminish his legacy as a feature director...who's gonna argue if 'raging bull' wasn't one of the most brilliant films ever...)
and yes he has used stones songs, in his movies to great effect...
they are great and dramatic and amazing songs...
nevertheless i do not have faith in him as a historical documentarian or even as a cohesive presenter of another artists performances with sensitivity or cohesions. in 'last waltz' it is 98% the bill graham show with great performances from the greatest stars who shared a deep history together in that scene...the docu stuff on the band and the event itself was well worth of rob reiner's perfect 'marty debergi' satire; a good guy involed and motivated but essentially clueless character in 'this is spinal tap'
the dylan thing went backward and forward in time with weird empahses on minatiue out of context...tho it was culled entirely from clips that scorcese did not direct, or was even present was grand in many ways...that footage is important document, but you never heard the title song except in two brief verses both quickly cutaway...this does not show an awareness of a golden moment of sustained dramatic intensity like his classic long shot in goodfellas does as the couple goes from the taxi, thru the kithen all the way finally to the club where a table is set up and they sit down and start watching jerry vale or somebody live on the stage...all in one long historic beautifully composed shot...ONE sustainenned live take...
he 'gets' that kinda dramatic exposition and compistion as a film artist, but does not as a rock or folk music fan imo...
thus my apprehensions about the project. just an opinion. i love the band and feel involvement in what they come out with because it's important to me as a fan. just an opinon. just a movie...but maybe...something transcendent that should be uncovered and allowed on display in the here and new power of what they are???
one song? two? three? a half dozen? i ain't that hard to please if he'll work with the concept a bit...jeeze...
...he's got to put more sustained performances in there and concentrate on the band members...or i'm gonna write an angry email to one of the production assistants dammit. if he expects me to help him edit this, he better get me scheduled soon as i have a heavy schedule this spring and summer...
i'm a stones fan man; i want it raw and real and sweaty and close...