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e-mail adress
Posted by: bartfrombrussels ()
Date: June 21, 2006 20:16

Does anyboby has a e-mail adress to contact rolling because the url for asking a refund for the platina membership is not working anymore since 19 june!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: e-mail adress
Posted by: bartfrombrussels ()
Date: June 21, 2006 20:22


Isn't working anymore!!!!!!!!!!!

You get this sick screen:

The page you have requested has moved or no longer exists. Please check the URL or click here to return to the home page.

Re: e-mail adress
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: June 21, 2006 20:43

bartfrombrussels Wrote:
> []
> Isn't working anymore!!!!!!!!!!!
> You get this sick screen:
> The page you have requested has moved or no longer
> exists. Please check the URL or click here to
> return to the home page.

Actually, I had that screen come up several times when IT WAS WORKING. The problem is that you need to click on that link from a certain page or location within the website. If you don't - it comes up with that message. This happened to me several times when I was getting really pissed off with them for not replying to e-mail messages from me requesting refunds and asking why I still hadn't got one THREE months after originally applying for one.

I cannot for the life of me remember where exactly you have to be within the site in order to click on the "refund policy" link or "guarantee" link or whatever the hell it's called for it to actually WORK, but I can definitely tell you that the procedure DOES work - it's just a bit fussy about where you initiate the request for a refund from - with in the site. Since I got my refunds, I'm not a member anymore. I think you have to be logged into your account for a start, that's for sure. If I were you I would log into your account, and then look at your account details or whatever it is - the place where you HAVE either already used your membership to buy a code for a show, or would be INTENDING to. Somewhere in that general area you'll see a link to "refund policy" or "refund guarantee", and to the best of my recollection - that is the point from which you initiate the process (by following further links) to request a refund. If you just blindly use the "contact us" facility to request a refund, it won't let you. That MIGHT be your problem.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-21 20:45 by paulywaul.

Re: e-mail adress
Posted by: madmaxx ()
Date: June 21, 2006 20:55

All I get is a blank yellow screen.

Re: e-mail adress
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: June 21, 2006 21:22

Why did anyone buy these? You could buy your "membership" on the screen you were buying your tickets...thus there was no advantage to buying them early (unless you got them way back when for the Pre...whatever date...which did have a reward clearly...but I still find the idea of buying that membership absurd since there was no tour...but I digress). I'm not trying to lecture...but why buy in advance when there was no advantage to it?

Re: e-mail adress
Posted by: madmaxx ()
Date: June 21, 2006 21:23

Worked it out.

Hit refresh and I get on the site.

Unfortunately I need to refresh every page I open.

Re: e-mail adress
Posted by: madmaxx ()
Date: June 21, 2006 21:39

So they got a new message board and have scrubbed all the posts about postponed cancelled shows.

How V Clever NOT.

Re: e-mail adress
Posted by: bartfrombrussels ()
Date: June 21, 2006 22:06

bartfrombrussels Wrote:
> []
> Isn't working anymore!!!!!!!!!!!
> You get this sick screen:
> The page you have requested has moved or no longer
> exists. Please check the URL or click here to
> return to the home page.

Even when I log in it doesn't work anymore since 19 june!!!

Re: e-mail adress
Posted by: madmaxx ()
Date: June 21, 2006 22:29

Working OK for me now but nothing new as far as i can see apart from forum revamp.

The old message board is still there listed under archives.

Frankfurt still listed as postponed ho hum.

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