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German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: schwonek ()
Date: June 16, 2006 12:54

Bild - the german SUN - published this "interview" with ROn Wood yesterday. It reads that he is in a detox center in England - again. And that a stones spokesman said that Wood would be fine for the tour start...


Ron Wood wieder in Suchtklinik
Neuer Skandal bei Rolling Stones
Schon wieder ein Skandal bei den Rolling Stones!

Gitarrist Ron Wood (59) ließ sich in die Suchtklinik The Priory bei London einweisen, macht einen Alkohol-Entzug!

Erst vor einem Jahr wurde Wood dort behandelt; erlitt jedoch auf seiner Geburtstagsparty am 1. Juni einen Rückfall.

Fällt jetzt die Stones-Tour durch Europa aus (soll am 11. Juli in Mailand starten)? Schon vor sieben Wochen mußte die Tournee verschoben werden, weil Gitarrist Keith Richards (62) auf den Fidschi-Inseln von einer Palme (!) gestürzt war, eine Gehirnblutung erlitten hatte.

Ein Stones-Sprecher beruhigt die Fans: Ronnie wird bis zum ersten Konzert fit sein.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-16 12:55 by schwonek.

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: June 16, 2006 13:20

Translation please?

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: June 16, 2006 13:30

ablett Wrote:
> Translation please?

Wood's in The Priory, drying out.
The tour goes ahead.

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: June 16, 2006 13:32

Crickey, are you sure???

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: sluissie ()
Date: June 16, 2006 13:34

You all remember when you got a present for your birthday, brought it to school to show it, proud as you were, and play with it? Until these MEAN kids deliberately stepped on it and broke it, and laughed in your face?

Bild collected the meanest of the meanest (only the meanest!) of these kids and pays them to fill their paper.


Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: June 16, 2006 13:43

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: schwonek ()
Date: June 16, 2006 13:52

sluissie Wrote:
> You all remember when you got a present for your
> birthday, brought it to school to show it, proud
> as you were, and play with it? Until these MEAN
> kids deliberately stepped on it and broke it, and
> laughed in your face?
> Bild collected the meanest of the meanest (only
> the meanest!) of these kids and pays them to fill
> their paper.
> Jelle

:-) Nice image. You are right.

Poor Jo
Date: June 16, 2006 14:09

I feel for Jo, it is not easy to be married with an alcoholic, it is remarkable that she can stand it.

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: Roadster32 ()
Date: June 16, 2006 15:46

"Ms Curtis added that she could confirm the first date was going ahead, "because I got a note saying see you all there"."

Ms. Fran Curtis should be fired and send to hell because of all this BS she is offering us.

- confirm the first date? what about the following ones. i think we had that topic not so long ago.
- got a note?!?!?!?!? from whom. i remember geting many notes "see you in barcelona?

seem that the same shit is carried on.

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: farawayeyes2 ()
Date: June 16, 2006 15:52

The article reports:

"Earlier the same year, Wood had an on-stage confrontation with club DJ Brandon Block at the Brit Awards, throwing a drink over him."

what's that? I didn't know anything!..

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-16 15:52 by farawayeyes2.

Re: screw the tabloids!
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: June 16, 2006 15:57

mercy - so Ronnie has checked into the Priory again, as Ronnie has been known to do before tours,
and that has never caused a Stones tour to be delayed.
the rabid tabloids always sensationalize Ronnie's sojourns there;
this time they've put the "will it delay the tour" spin on it because of Keith's accident.
and people fall for it?? please get a grip!

and all the best to Ronnie!

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: June 16, 2006 16:09

Very well said .
How many more threads do we need on this sensationalised bollocks.
[I'd have thought we might have learnt after all the Keith stories ! ]

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: turd ()
Date: June 16, 2006 16:39

The tour will go ahead. I have no doubt on that, I doubt if they could afford to cancel another show.
But I wouldn't mind betting there is someone waiting in the wings ready to step into Ron Woods shoes in case he has further problems, now or later.

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: June 16, 2006 16:48

turd Wrote:
> But I wouldn't mind betting there is someone
> waiting in the wings ready to step into Ron Woods
> shoes in case he has further problems, now or
> later.

i suppose they'd of had to cover all-bases, to prevent any further, potential embarrasing and damaging posponments.
any theories or suggestions, as to who they may have in mind?

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: shidoobee ()
Date: June 16, 2006 16:50

In my opinion, one should read Bild Zeitung with the sama attitude as the stories og Hans Christian Andersen and the Grimm Brothers... Notning more - nothing less. Good stories - rarely true.

Re: screw the tabloids!
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: June 16, 2006 16:50

>> any theories or suggestions, as to who they may have in mind? <<

yeah: Ronnie Wood.

"What do you want - what?!"
- Keith

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: oneMary ()
Date: June 16, 2006 16:50

Now tour is really starting again. Ronnie went to the clinic, as so many times before. Get well!

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: Deathgod ()
Date: June 16, 2006 16:51





In 2000 Block famously stormed the stage at the Brit Awards and attacked Ronnie Wood with chopsticks.
wtf !

farawayeyes2 Wrote:
> The article reports:
> "Earlier the same year, Wood had an on-stage
> confrontation with club DJ Brandon Block at the
> Brit Awards, throwing a drink over him."
> what's that? I didn't know anything!..

Re: screw the tabloids!
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: June 16, 2006 17:24

>> Later, Wood also swore during a live BBC Radio 1 interview about the incident. <<

swore? one of the Rolling Stones swore?!
LoFL: this is just what grown-ups were afraid of ... :E

"What do you want - what?!"
- Keith

Re: Poor Jo
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: June 16, 2006 19:16

charlotte of RSFCO Wrote:
> I feel for Jo, it is not easy to be married with
> an alcoholic, it is remarkable that she can stand
> it.

the money helps, if he were ron wood the doorman, she would be gone

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: cirrhosis ()
Date: June 16, 2006 21:04

I thought Britney said this kind've stuff was BS?

Re: German Tabloid: Alcoholic Wood almost cancelled tour
Posted by: bv ()
Date: June 16, 2006 21:34

There is an existing thread on this topic: []


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