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Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: April 25, 2006 04:27

Reptile Wrote:
> I don't visit Shidoobee. IORR is so much simpler
> and allot more fun.

amen brother, 100% correct

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: Lord Sinclair ()
Date: April 25, 2006 04:37

I, for one, haven't spent much time there and gave up my membership because of Mr. Lawyer. As such I have not been around and was surprised by the e-mail explaining a planned boycott. The e-mail did mention Mr. Lawyer as one of the reasons for the boycott.

I agree with the comments about the great tour coverage on Shidoobee, but I do prefer the more continental vibe here if I do say so myself.

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: daniel t ()
Date: April 25, 2006 05:42


I love both sites for different reasons:


+ + + International, simple to read/use
- - - Bashing, insults, cd and dvd $ELLER$, politics, more "rip-off" traders


+ + + Trees, no cd/dvd selling, frienship, covering of tours, help each other
- - - mostly North America,

just my 2 cents (as if someone cares!!!)

danielt here
wattswood there

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: Slick ()
Date: April 25, 2006 06:51

this site and rocks off are more entertaining,
shidoobee has the best layout and good info but too many old hags there lol

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: SeNdEr ()
Date: April 25, 2006 06:59

i would like to have an spanish section here, i dont like english...i love shidobee, its ok, its a great site, and i think is too american,,,but its ok, i hope not to talk about Bush...we will be ok

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: angee ()
Date: April 25, 2006 07:12

Would someone reprint the email, with permission, perhaps?

I agree, strengths of both sites.

Too American? Too cheery, eh? That's probably because of the
sweetened breakfast cereal consumed every morning...

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: April 25, 2006 07:18

daniel t Wrote:

> just my 2 cents (as if someone cares!!!)

Don't sell yourself short...I care. Thanks for sharing

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: georgeV ()
Date: April 25, 2006 07:25

I have not heard about a boycott but there are two idiots on there who like to dominate the board. Mr Lawyer and Voodoopug somehow think they are important because they know someone "in the know". It could be Chuck or someone that they know from the bar at the Four Seasons. Anyway, they are really stirring it up over there with hints about shows and saying they have helped people in the past through their clues. Now, they are threatening to withold information because so many people have taken offence to them. Frankly, I don't care who they know and they are certainly no more important than any other fan on the board. It is surprising Doug hasn't kicked them off by now.

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: stonestom ()
Date: April 25, 2006 07:46

Hey George you are 100% right. It freakin pisses me off. I think they have said they arent going to tell us what they know even if they can or when they can. Its to bad that these guys get to know some insiders and get information but get to big for their britches and wont let the site know.
I can understand waiting a little until their sources say that they can leak whatever they know. However to say "we are keeping are lips sealed" because we dont like your attitudes or whatever is getting fool of yourself. They think their shit dont stink. Tom

Re: Shidoobee
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 25, 2006 08:15

>> somehow think they are important because they know someone "in the know" It could be Chuck or someone that they know from the bar at the Four Seasons <<

... does anyone actually believe them? granted, i don't read much of what they post,
but it sure seems to me that their "inside information" comes from reading the fan boards.
in other words: it's obnoxious as all get out, but i believe it's meant to be a joke.

i really learned a *lot* by following shidoobee during the US ticket sales - that was hugely valuable when the European sales came around.
and like Daniel T said: the trees and trading over there are very cool.

"What do you want - what?!"
- Keith

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: stonestom ()
Date: April 25, 2006 08:20

Ohhhh yea that site is very helpful. When shows are happening night to night. That is the site to follow. With all the pictures all the way to warm up bands setlist.
However those 2 guys havent showed a moment of joking. No I think there pretty serious when they say they know whats going on but arent saying it now. However, withsoul you might have a point. Its possible they have no idea. But it seems like the rumor is no longer a rumor but there are some tenative places the stones are going to play. So the information could be available at this point.

Re: Shidoobee
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 25, 2006 08:46

>> Its possible they have no idea. <<

... have you ever actually heard any "inside information" from either of them? it's a stupid self-aggrandizing joke.
a couple of people over there (and over here) do have "inside contacts", and they don't go around boasting about it like that.

and since it's not worth wasting a whole post on them i need to add something! ummm let's see ...
yeah the more international flavour over here is a definite relief to me too; and there's more actual dialogue here as well;
but the strong "community spirit" over on shidoobee does have some cool side effects. (the trees are great.)

"What do you want - what?!"
- Keith

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: stonestom ()
Date: April 25, 2006 08:53

yes I have learned stuff from them. Before things are officially announced they sometimes talk about it. Doesnt mean they knew it first but they were probaly the first I heard it from. New Chicago shows, new dates in early 06, Toronto club gig, and different parts of the new album. Bits and pieces I got from here also but I remember those in particular. I'll give credit where credit is due but if there not going to tell people whats up then they should get some shit. Otherwise as I and you have seen Doug would put a stop to those guys saying what there saying. Voodupug and whoever else have been there for a very long time.

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: April 25, 2006 09:06

I have to admit, Mr Lawyer and Voodoopug's inside information has helped me out in the past.
Hope they can help out again in the future.

I think Shidoobee is a great site at times, especially while the tour is rolling in America.
It's filled with lots of up to date facts and exciting points of views about the Stones.

Re: Shidoobee
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 25, 2006 09:11

well ... okay, maybe it's a matter of perception.
of course there's stuff i've read about first on shidoobee (or here) but those two sure haven't been the source of it -
they just take credit for it after the fact. and my perception is that they are obviously joking.

>> if they're not going to tell people whats up then they should get some shit. <<

if this means people who actually do have "inside information": why give anyone sh1t for not betraying their sources' trust??
people who know something reveal it when it's cool to reveal it - otherwise they won't be trusted with inside information very long, will they.
it's not like hanging around on fan boards means we're *entitled* to privileged information. we just think we are. :E

"What do you want - what?!"
- Keith

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: April 25, 2006 11:45

georgeV Wrote:
> I have not heard about a boycott but there are two
> idiots on there who like to dominate the board. Mr
> Lawyer and Voodoopug somehow think they are
> important because they know someone "in the know".
> It could be Chuck or someone that they know from
> the bar at the Four Seasons. Anyway, they are
> really stirring it up over there with hints about
> shows and saying they have helped people in the
> past through their clues. Now, they are
> threatening to withold information because so many
> people have taken offence to them. Frankly, I
> don't care who they know and they are certainly no
> more important than any other fan on the board. It
> is surprising Doug hasn't kicked them off by now.

Probably because, like most people, he knows their whole schtick is tongue-in-cheek and a complete wind-up?

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: April 25, 2006 11:51

IORR has been my first choice ever since I started out. But Shidoobee to me isn't bad at all. I really like it there. Many, many nice people. It's a great place to me. It is very American (The way Europeans see American). To me that's not a bad thing at all. And it is the biggest board of them all too I think. They have the most people there and they act as a community, which is a good thing. They have the Shidoobee gatherings and all that stuff. Shidoobee t-shirts and wristbands have been made. All in all it's surely one of the best places to be if you're a Stones fan.


Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: April 25, 2006 11:53

Gazza Wrote:
> georgeV Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I have not heard about a boycott but there are
> two
> > idiots on there who like to dominate the board.
> Mr
> > Lawyer and Voodoopug somehow think they are
> > important because they know someone "in the
> know".
> > It could be Chuck or someone that they know
> from
> > the bar at the Four Seasons. Anyway, they are
> > really stirring it up over there with hints
> about
> > shows and saying they have helped people in the
> > past through their clues. Now, they are
> > threatening to withold information because so
> many
> > people have taken offence to them. Frankly, I
> > don't care who they know and they are certainly
> no
> > more important than any other fan on the board.
> It
> > is surprising Doug hasn't kicked them off by
> now.
> Probably because, like most people, he knows their
> whole schtick is tongue-in-cheek and a complete
> wind-up?

And Gaz is right here. Mr. Lawyer and VoodooPug are just takin' the piss on people, which can be quite annoying to look at. They roam RocksOff too.


Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: lodge ()
Date: April 25, 2006 12:08

It just doesn't seem right to me. OK Shidoobees homepage might be to US for the taste from the rest of the world. In in general people are more overwhelmed and enthusiastic in the board. I do not want to quote, which one is better. Both Björnulf and Shidoobie were very helpful whenever I asked a question via e-mail. They responded always in a days time. Mind you they all have jobs to do as well and only to this as they passion for the Stones.
What gets me in this forum much more is the pessimistic tendency when it comes to the wording set list. Ok, I would like to have a complete different setlist every night. But we just don't get it. And it has been discussed for the too many thousand days.... This is why I am also a bit reluctant to make statements anymore in IORR and not only Shidoobee.

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: April 25, 2006 13:13

Anyone who has met Mr. L. knows he is a decent and generous person, his screen persona is simply an act to solicit reactions from people who don't get it. For example, he easily spent $500 on drinks at the ATL1 pre-party for anyone who greeted him and took the group by limo to the post party at the Ritz.

There are many obnoxious people who post here as well, crave attention as much as he does, except they do so with far less creativity and wit (mostly set list whining and general bitching).

I do find the smugness of some non-Americans (particularly many Europeans) entertaining. They let their criticism flow freely, are easily offended by comments about their countries, feel they are always right, yet seem to be miserable and are always complaining (go figure). Almost like being a Beatles fan and spending your life complaining about the success the Stones have. Sour grapes.

You do have to feel sorry for those who cannot enjoy life and are resentful of those who do. It is nice that the whiners have a place to relate to each other though. Different strokes for different folks, different boards for different personalities, chose your medicine.

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: humanriff77 ()
Date: April 25, 2006 13:22

IORR is much better, there is more than you will ever need to know on here. If you really need everything on Shidoobee you should get out more.

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: April 25, 2006 14:11

Steven Wrote:
> Anyone who has met Mr. L. knows he is a decent and
> generous person, his screen persona is simply an
> act to solicit reactions from people who don't get
> it. For example, he easily spent $500 on drinks
> at the ATL1 pre-party for anyone who greeted him
> and took the group by limo to the post party at
> the Ritz.
> There are many obnoxious people who post here as
> well, crave attention as much as he does, except
> they do so with far less creativity and wit
> (mostly set list whining and general bitching).
> I do find the smugness of some non-Americans
> (particularly many Europeans) entertaining. They
> let their criticism flow freely, are easily
> offended by comments about their countries, feel
> they are always right, yet seem to be miserable
> and are always complaining (go figure). Almost
> like being a Beatles fan and spending your life
> complaining about the success the Stones have.
> Sour grapes.
> You do have to feel sorry for those who cannot
> enjoy life and are resentful of those who do. It
> is nice that the whiners have a place to relate to
> each other though. Different strokes for
> different folks, different boards for different
> personalities, chose your medicine.

a pity that despite an excellent and accurate opening paragraph and quite valid closing sentence, you let things down a bit by what was actually in itself a quite obnoxious, generalising, bigoted, attention-craving and (yes), whining post on everyone who doesnt see the world the same way as you do. Somewhat ironic.

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: bruno ()
Date: April 25, 2006 14:56

Steven Wrote:
> I do find the smugness of some non-Americans
> (particularly many Europeans) entertaining. They
> let their criticism flow freely, are easily
> offended by comments about their countries, feel
> they are always right
, yet seem to be miserable
> and are always complaining (go figure).

LOL!! And you tell me that being american????

(Edited to comment on the original question) Despite I only post here at IORR, I use to have a look at both Voodoo&Gazza's Rocks Off (where a certain Bruno post there, but it's not me!) and Shidoobee. That American Overhappiness can be somewhat excessive to me in the latter, where even a Stones-Tongue shaped noseshit can get praises about its coolness!. Rocks Off shows a more ironic flavour, which I like, but any thread seems to be easily hijacked by two or three tedious guys (which I don't like), More than once I was very near to jump in some RO discussions, which is something I could do anyday.

[There'll be no wedding today...]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-04-25 15:06 by bruno.

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: Steven ()
Date: April 25, 2006 16:04

So the consensus is that this is a great board because there are a lot of self righteous, defensive, miserable, jealous, American bashing bastards that post here, LOL?

This thread is a good example. Lots of American bashing and one person that stands up and says "if things are so great with you why are you so unhappy"?

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: April 25, 2006 16:11

horses for courses....

my 'course' is IORR.
Easy to read threads, without the repetitive banners/huge pictures, underneath people's contributions, that, i personally, find irritating and pointless.

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: mr edward ()
Date: April 25, 2006 16:16

Steven Wrote:
> So the consensus is that this is a great board
> because there are a lot of self righteous,
> defensive, miserable, jealous, American bashing
> bastards that post here, LOL?
> This thread is a good example. Lots of American
> bashing and one person that stands up and says "if
> things are so great with you why are you so
> unhappy"?

You're taking the remark about Shidoobee being to "American" (and yourself) way too serious.

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: April 25, 2006 16:19

Steven, my friend, from one American to another, you may be reading too much into this..I don't perceive these comments to be American bashing...maybe I'm just's all good fun, bro.'

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: lodge ()
Date: April 25, 2006 16:57

All has been said about Steven, if I would add somethint it would get political and today I do not have the guts to do it. Or who else would like to rule the free world, with their free oppinion and their free market?

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: Lukester ()
Date: April 25, 2006 17:03

uh, thanks for refraining, lodge.

Re: Shidoobee Boycott e-mail?
Posted by: stonestom ()
Date: April 25, 2006 17:06

Yea great point lodge! Thumbs up to you! (idiot)

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