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Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: brewcrew87 ()
Date: March 14, 2006 03:28

what are your thoughts overall thoughts and reflections for the ABB tour- good, bad?? and how does it stack up against past tours

Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: March 14, 2006 04:38

Me? I look at it two ways - 1) as a concert-goer and 2) as an avid collector.

On the former I'd rate it alongside B2B and VL, behind Licks and NS but in front of SL among latter-era tours (the only ones to which it can be reasonably compared). On the latter, it's by far the worst, due to the utter lack of imagination on the setlists.

Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: Glass Slide ()
Date: March 14, 2006 04:45

Picking up what you are putting down there--Mr Tod.

That is a good way to break it down, cause let's face it being there and listening to the tapes are 2 totally different experiences.

I did not see VL (which I guess permanently disqualifies me from having an opinion on a single note played during the 13 month tour--lol) but I. personally put it, as a concert goer behind B2B, because while I love both records they featured B2B more---nothing on this tour, in terms of new tunes blew me away like "Out Of Control" did.

Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: March 14, 2006 04:51

true - I would actually say, that apart from the b-stage (which RULED in '97), the B2B songs, OOC, SOM, FTS - were THE highlights of that tour. Not nearly so this tour....alas....

Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: Glass Slide ()
Date: March 14, 2006 05:06

The B-stage in '97 was the coolest thing--I had no idea it was coming. I actually saw U2 use it during Actung Baby--great record--great tour, which is where, I believe, Mick got the idea.

Saint Of Me live was a HUGE highlight for me. I still can't get over that Keith is not on the studio version--cause to me it is totally his style--like Waddy doing a Keith imitiation.

Are the MSG shows in '98 still B2B--cause that or MSG (1/16--the middle one) or '81 MSG may have been the best Stones shows I ever saw, and, as such, the only ones I am qualified to opine on--lol

Finally, I do think the B2B tunes took on a different character from the record that tour--while I very much enjoyed the ABB songs (4) they played when I saw them, they were for the most part similar to the recorded versions.

Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: March 14, 2006 06:18

Funny, I saw 4 shows on the SW tour, and they were virtually identical. Forty Licks was amazing because I was in Japan, and they played club, arena and stadium sets. But, having seen MSG in January, and the Forum the other night, I think that they might be playing as well as ever. I am a little worried that the next few months might see a lot of cruise control, but we'll have to see.

Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: March 14, 2006 07:06

I say this tour was MUCH better than any tour since '81, besides 40 Licks. Sound-wise, volume-wise, performance-wise, stage-wise, setlist-wise, etc., this one was at top-notch level But 40 Licks may have an advantage here because of the club/theater shows, I was fortinate enough to see 4 of the small gigs. But when all is said and done, this one is GREAT!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-03-14 07:11 by Hairball.

Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: nikkibong ()
Date: March 14, 2006 07:09

I wish I lived in your reality, hairball

Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: March 14, 2006 07:43

Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: brewcrew87 (IP Logged)
Date: March 14, 2006 03:28

what are your thoughts overall thoughts and reflections for the ABB tour- good, bad?? and how does it stack up against past tours

Initial thought is ................ haven't they been over "there" long enough, and isn't it about time they came over "'ere" !! Having said that, I LOVED the 3 shows I saw in the States (MSG, Giants, Albany), thought they were on cracking form and the SOUND was excellent as compared to Licks. A great improvement. I can't wait for them to hit Europe, got 2 shows in May and a further 8 in August.

Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: bjarke_nl ()
Date: March 14, 2006 09:34

One important thing about licks and ABB (which I've only heard so far) is Micks singing! I really respect the fact that he picked up singing lessons this late, and damn they've paid off!!
I also think that the b-stage was the best in 97, although I can't complain about 2003. The show I saw was in Copenhagen when they played Respectable!
Btw. The first act to use a B-stage I'm pretty sure was Bryan Adams. He used it in 91, maybe even before that. But that was without a bridge or runway, they just ran through the parts of the stadiums and though the crowd. He´s also used a b-stage in smaller venues with audiences down to like 7000 I think.


Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: MicksBrain ()
Date: March 14, 2006 12:51

I gotta agree, Mick is really singing GOOD !!!

Anyway, this is not the end. check this out, they'll take September off and be back in the states from October to December. Then, on to WORLD TOUR 2007....welcome back my friends to the show that never ends....

Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: March 14, 2006 13:41

bjarke_nl Wrote:
> Btw. The first act to use a B-stage I'm pretty
> sure was Bryan Adams. He used it in 91, maybe even
> before that. But that was without a bridge or
> runway, they just ran through the parts of the
> stadiums and though the crowd. He´s also used a
> b-stage in smaller venues with audiences down to
> like 7000 I think.
> Bjarke

I don't know who was the first, but I can remember that David Lee Roth used a B stage during his (great) eat em and smile tour. The band reached the b stage while steve vai was doing one of his neverending solos with with all that fretboard tapping using the fingers of both hands, the tip of his tounge, nose and feet ... Best part was when dave returned on the main stage singing california girls riding a surf that passed over our heads!


Re: Now that the american leg of the tour is just about over...
Posted by: tat2you ()
Date: March 14, 2006 13:50

still think the stones set the standard of thw worlds greatest rock and roll band!!!!

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