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Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: nikkibong ()
Date: February 28, 2006 10:10

Anybody going tonight? I sure am!

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: short&curlies ()
Date: February 28, 2006 14:52

I can't decide to go or not. Is it worth 15 bucks to hear maybe 3-4 songs that arn't on either the 40 licks or BTB dvd. Will the quitar play be any better than on either of the above? It's in a movie theater so no drinking. If people yell at you to sit down at an actual live show can you imagine how laid back they will be tonight?

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: February 28, 2006 14:59

I am going with my wife, brother, and a few friends.
Come on, it's The Stones.
What else are you going to do on a Tuesday night?

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: short&curlies ()
Date: February 28, 2006 15:07

My wife wants me to help her clean the house. It dosn't get better than that!!!

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: Charles ()
Date: February 28, 2006 15:10

I'm definitely going tonight (and I think I got a cough, sounds pretty rough). I can't wait to see them in action!!!

Charles Baudelaire

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: Roscoe ()
Date: February 28, 2006 15:43

I'm going but I've got a question. Running time is announced as 2 1/2 hours. We know the concert is only 2 hours, so what's the rest? Will it be the typical concert film stuff: backstage before the show, interviews, etc.? Does anyone have any insight?

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: gmanp ()
Date: February 28, 2006 16:53

yep, takin' the wife, teenage son and a friend of his, who is a big Stones' fan - Can't Wait !

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: crazymama80 ()
Date: February 28, 2006 16:57

I'm going and I'm very excited. I only got to go to one show this tour so I've been jonesin for more Stones since Charlotte. The radio station was given out 25 tickets Saturday at the Pontiac-Jeep dealership. So I went up there and got two so now I'm going for free. How cool is that. I never win anything so, again I'm very excited. 2 1/2 hours sounds good. Reckon they'll show some interviews or something. Later y'all, cm

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: john r ()
Date: February 28, 2006 17:52

At least - if running time is over 2 hours - they may not be either removing or editing (shortening) songs from the set (yet) - The Atlantic City 'Terrifying' live TV show was edited for vid/dvd, At The Max was whittled down to 16 songs, the St Louis show intro'd by Whoopi Goldberg (orig. Hoodoo U Voodoo - reduced to 17 songs on video), & the Bridges dvd also lost some material...usually the newer or less well known songs get left out....But it appears there is no RS/Rio screened in a theatre w/ in 25-35 miles, & no tickets available when I type in my area code, or I'd go. It's The Stones, & the '05-06 shows i've attended, & clips (Superbowl etc) (& cdrs) Ive seen & heard show a band at their loosest & most interesting since pre '89, rough & grungy, Darryl more comfortable & 'at home' with each tour, Keith & Charlie riding the rhythm, Keith & Ron bumping up against each other then w/ seemingly effortless authority whipping an occasionally teetering, tipsy number back into shape, finding that momentum and carrying the each other & audience along, never TOO polished, obviously, and clearly very much digging the hell out of what they do - at least while they're up there on stage. And, imo the songs rarely sound the same night to night let alone one tour to the next...

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: February 28, 2006 17:58

Sorry, can't miss American Idol.

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: gut ()
Date: February 28, 2006 18:24

Yep, going to the movie. Can't afford a regular show ticket but I can spend $15 to see it on the big screen....should be better I hope. And its too rare that they ever are in a theatre so I can't miss it.

A great way to spend Mardi Gras, I hope.

You can tape or tivo American Idol, T&A!!!

#......Go ahead....Bite the Big Apple....Don't mind the Maggots.....Uh Huh...#

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: February 28, 2006 18:48

Charles Wrote:
> I'm definitely going tonight (and I think I got a
> cough, sounds pretty rough). I can't wait to see
> them in action!!!
> Charles Baudelaire
> 1821-1867

u better not be in my theatre! I hate coughers!

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: lady jane ()
Date: February 28, 2006 18:51

Is it just being shown in the US?

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: chrisking ()
Date: February 28, 2006 20:28

Going, its college movie night so were totally going to see the stones!

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: February 28, 2006 20:37

I'm often do you get to see a new Stones movie at the theatres? Folks who aren't going b/c of this or're just too old. I'd say the only good reason not to go is you're going to party big on Fat Tuesday.

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: chippy ()
Date: February 28, 2006 23:26

i just got a freebie , plus she said she got me this huge official movie poster of the greatest takin their bow , its good 2 hav friends , if i get that poster ill post a pic of it in near future. adios amigos

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: virgil ()
Date: February 28, 2006 23:58

john r Wrote:
> the St
> Louis show intro'd by Whoopi Goldberg (orig.
> Hoodoo U Voodoo - reduced to 17 songs on video),
> & the Bridges dvd also lost some

Didn't Whoopi host the Miami 94 show? I seen to remember her sitting out front on the little stage when they did the acoustic set.

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: ohnonotyouagain ()
Date: March 1, 2006 01:03

I'm getting ready for it right now ... it'll be the perfecet warm up to going out and celebrating Mardi Gras in style. Sure am glad I had the foresight to take tomorrow off work!

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: March 1, 2006 05:11

Holy Shit was that great, or what?

Midnight Rambler was AWESOME!
Satisfaction was brilliant.

Great, just great.
Our theatre was super loud.

Damn, there really was alot of people there!

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: artinis1 ()
Date: March 1, 2006 05:48

from nick,
did they show the whole concert

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: ohnonotyouagain ()
Date: March 1, 2006 05:57

Man, the movie was really fantastic. I'd held off on watching or listening to the concert until now and I was blown away. I'm not even going to bitch about the setlist, because for a mass audience playing it safe was definitely the way to go.

I just got back and am taking a short break before plunging into Mardi Gras. I took a friend and her ten year old daughter (also went with crossfire and ran into drake - hey guys!) and the kiddo was singing the songs all the way home and asking me what the band member's names were. She said Mick has a lot of energy, Keith has a nice smile and Ronnie looks good in a tank top. I think we've got a new fan for life, folks!

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: James Lynn ()
Date: March 1, 2006 05:57

The Theater in Connecticut absolutely sucked. It was a total joke. The band played good etc but the cinema volume was so low. The crowd was pissed off storming out to management etc. I was complaining very much as well. The Surround sound or side speakers were nonexistent. There was one small speaker in the back. Regular movies were almost double as loud as this bullshit. The volume was literally less than half to 3 quarters of what I expected. 2 posts ago said heis cinema was real loud. Branford Ct. sucked bad. I literally wanted to walk out but I drove a distance to get there. I was pumped to see on big screen with loud volume. I'm so dissappointed. They played real good but this "big screen" experience was BS. Maybe it was just our theater in Ct with technical problems. MEZ I need to take a chill pill as i'm pissed off!

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: Jack Knife ()
Date: March 1, 2006 06:04

Just got back... could have been a great concert but the theatre I saw it in didn't use the stereo speakers along the walls for some reason...just the speakers behind the screen. It sounded like it was being played on a boom box. Killed it for me.

There were only about 20 die-hards at a theatre way out in the sticks.

I hope it will be released on DVD..."Midnight Rambler" seemed like it would have been great. Ronnie was awesome all the way through from what I could hear...particularly on "Brown Sugar."

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: ohnonotyouagain ()
Date: March 1, 2006 06:12

The sound pretty much blew in the theater in Louisville too ... drake said someone needed to take an ax to the soundman and he voluntered to do the deed. I mean, I thought the sound was halfway decent, not as bad as what you guys are describing, but it could have been much better to put it mildly. And the two people behind me talked through THE ENTIRE FILM! Not cool, people, not cool!

Still, I ignored these problems for the most part and throughly enjoyed myself. Now I can play the DVD of the concert and I'm sure the sound on that coming through my stereo will be much better!

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: inopeng ()
Date: March 1, 2006 06:28

Just got home from seeing suburban Chicago was good on all counts...the images, the sound, the volume, and the fun crowd! They really cooked that night in Rio...

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: James Lynn ()
Date: March 1, 2006 06:33

Lucky you inopeng. Must of been awesome with proper volume Anybody else seen in Branford Connecticut? People were really pissed off about the volume or lack thereof MEZ

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: stonesfan70 ()
Date: March 1, 2006 06:37

Well the sound at the theater here in Harrisburg, PA was great. The show was great. JJF started off a little muffled but otherwise everything was fine. There were about 100 people there I figure. The lame local FM station was there claiming they had free promo posters for the movie to give out but it turned out they only had 4 left after the show. Their girl said "someone must have miscounted." Well, that's one way of looking at it I guess but if that was what you call miscounting then somebody needs to put down the pipe.

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: gut ()
Date: March 1, 2006 06:45

Anyone here go to the Fossil Creek theater in Fort Worth, Texas to see the show? Wondering how many Texas Stones fanatics are here.....

Yours Truly, THE GUT was there, wearing a Mardi Gras polo shirt. I quite enjoyed the show, even with the less than perfect sound...the damn theatre workers even left the above head lights on fully 3 songs into the set until someone complained. You could tell they couldn't care about the Stones but I could care less about their attitude. Me and about 70 other folks rocked was great.

I was wondering who the hot blonde babe at the top of the stairs was...she was really into it. Great to be around!

#......Go ahead....Bite the Big Apple....Don't mind the Maggots.....Uh Huh...#

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: James Lynn ()
Date: March 1, 2006 06:53

Crowd in Ct was good . It was actually sold out. That was a positive MEZ

Re: Movie Theater Concert
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: March 1, 2006 06:55


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-12-08 01:36 by Beelyboy.

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