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Re: for mathijs, a question
Date: January 23, 2006 00:05

It might be INTERESTING what Mathijs is writing and thinking to have a further opinion - that's why we all post here.

But it is not IMPORTANT what he's thinking. He might be the best dutch guitarist ever - but who cares ? We're in here because of the Stones and not because of a dutch cover band - at least that's my idea. I prefer to use my ears, my eyes - what about you?

No need to praise him, no need to ridicule him - both is giving him way too much of attention.



Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: johang ()
Date: January 23, 2006 00:05

I want to hear Stones play those songs as the greatest rockn roll band as they should be. It is too bad they cant do it.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: mudbone ()
Date: January 23, 2006 00:26

I just happen to like the way woodie's playing . I think it's very daring, you know, he's kind of avoiding the cliches. He overbends a little here and there
Mathijs thinks that this makes it out of tune or horrible or whatever but I think that it adds a nice edge to the music. An opinion is fine but the guy just comes accross like he knows best...and he doesn't.I do you see

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: Rank Outsider ()
Date: January 23, 2006 01:15

I agree with johang - The Rolling Stones is the best rock'n'roll band ever in the entire world - From here To Eternity.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: January 23, 2006 01:17

ow how nice, an entire thread about me! A big ego boost, I must say. Well, if you want to hear me play Worried, Time Waits, Sway, Winter, Hand of Fate and what more: too bad, too late, the band quit half a year ago. I ain't no Mick Taylor, but I outplay the Ron Wood of today by miles. But the Ron Wood of old is still light years ahead.

And that's my big frustration. Wood is my hero. He was an encredible guitarist with the Faces, and the Stones from 1977 until 1983 are my favourite Stones ever -I prefer it over the Taylor years. The weaving he did with Richards is just plain encredible. Now? He's not capable of playing even the most simple riff. He's not capable of playing two notes that are not out of tune. I really think that his contributions to the Stones of today are dreadfull, and ashaming.

I know a lot of people on this board are like Elvis fans, thinking Elvis wasn't bloated at the end. Well, @#$%& you. There's also a lot of people who are like me: big fans of the the band, but critical. With these people I enjoy the discussions we've had for the last years, and I will maintain speaking my mind on this board. If Wood or anyone else @#$%& up again in my opinion, I will say it.


Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: Promoman ()
Date: January 23, 2006 01:25

Tomcat Wrote """"""""""""

I respect and look forward to reading Mathijs' posts on this board. He has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in most areas of the Stones music and equipment that we should all be very thankful for. He is entitled to his opinion just like we all are, and, in fact, has always been very astute in his comments. His response to the press conference was spot on regarding the way Mick was dressed, particularly those pants, reflected what I was thinking as well.

I have followed his former bands website and listened to his playing on all of the files that were posted there, and they were well played. He is a great guitar player and I think he has the knowledge and chops to comment on the state of Ronnie's playing, which is nothing short of horrible at varying moments of the tour. Let's cut he and Ronnie some slack. It is what it is...


I'm totally with you TomCAT. It's guys like Mathijs (or Gals like withssoul) that make this forum worthwhile by sharing their endless knowledge and their strong opinions in a very outspoken way.

Mathijs will you let us know where you play nowadays?

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: mudbone ()
Date: January 23, 2006 01:39

I know i good name for your new band Mathijs:

Mathijs and the self rightious humorless arseholes who play better than ron wood band

Oh and @#$%& you too!

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: mudbone ()
Date: January 23, 2006 01:39

I know i good name for your new band Mathijs:

Mathijs and the self rightious humorless arseholes who play better than ron wood band

Oh and f you too!

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: WNY Stones ()
Date: January 23, 2006 02:47

mudbone Wrote:
> I know i good name for your new band Mathijs:
> Mathijs and the self rightious humorless arseholes
> who play better than ron wood band
> Oh and f you too!

Hey mudbone; I totally agree with you! You make sense! Thank you. Don't you think mathisj's new band should be called. HEY I AM GOD

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: January 23, 2006 02:54

I also enjoy reading Mathijs' posts here. He is very knowledgeable, but also very critcal because he has a good 'musical ear', which most of the other posters here don't. If you don't agree with his opinion, either start a discussion and say why you think he is wrong, or shut up. But don't start attacking him personally on this forum, there are other means to do that if you feel the urge.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: WNY Stones ()
Date: January 23, 2006 03:02

Koen Wrote:
> I also enjoy reading Mathijs' posts here. He is
> very knowledgeable, but also very critcal because
> he has a good 'musical ear', which most of the
> other posters here don't. If you don't agree with
> his opinion, either start a discussion and say why
> you think he is wrong, or shut up. But don't start
> attacking him personally on this forum, there are
> other means to do that if you feel the urge.

Why do you say he has a good musical ear? becasue he said so? That's not good enough. I could come on and say I know this and I know that. Why should we. Everybody hates a bragger. Specially one that can't play guitar at all. he has a big ego for no reason at all. This guy is so insecure he probably still lives with his parents. Enough said.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: January 23, 2006 03:03

The problem with to much knowledge is that you can't listen to music as it should be.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-01-23 03:10 by NICOS.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: January 23, 2006 03:42

NICOS Wrote:
> The problem with to much knowledge is that you
> can't listen to music as it should be.

Yes, that is so true, and unfortunately I tend to do the same thing. Because I used to play in a band, I just hear a lot of things that people with untrained ears don't. And usually that includes 'bum and out of tune notes'. And I assume the same happens with Mathijs, him being a musician as well.

OTOH, I went to see the Stones in October and had a great time. Only when I heard the recording back at home my toes would curl up a couple of times. So it is possible (at least for me) to turn off that antenna, and just enjoy the show.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: stickydion ()
Date: January 23, 2006 08:25

johang wrote : "I want to hear Stones play those songs as the greatest rockn roll band as they should be. It is too bad they cant do it."

That's exactly what they do. The audiences do not give a shit for the moaning of a bunch of fans who are nagging ALWAYS. Have you ever seen people making wries faces after a Stones concert? I don't. I have seen people displeased after a REM, Oasis even U2 concert (in 1997), but NEVER after a Stones concert. I suppose that means something. The difference between the Stones and the 90% of the other bands is what NY Times wrote recently: On an "up" night the performing of the Stones is stellar, on a "down" night is still decent. So simple...

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: gimme_shelter ()
Date: January 23, 2006 10:01

WNY Stones Wrote:
> a lot of rubbish....

WNY Sones: you ARE a complete and utter idiot and you can't read. READ mathijs' postings to understand what he is trying to say. Obviously you can't, so F%$# you.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: gimme_shelter ()
Date: January 23, 2006 10:05

stickydion Wrote:

> That's exactly what they do. The audiences do not
> give a shit for the moaning of a bunch of fans who
> are nagging ALWAYS. Have you ever seen people
> making wries faces after a Stones concert? I
> don't. I have seen people displeased after a REM,
> Oasis even U2 concert (in 1997), but NEVER after a
> Stones concert.

uhmmmm...actually....the Stones in Groningen 1999 and ArenA 2003 were the worst concerts i've been to. Uninspired, boring, autopilot shows...So i was very displeased after these shows, paying the price i did.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: January 23, 2006 11:11

Mathijs Wrote:
> I ain't no Mick Taylor, but
> I outplay the Ron Wood of today by miles. But the
> Ron Wood of old is still light years ahead.

Ha. @#$%& off. I heard that band you played in and I said this before: Everyone in that band are great musicians. There's no question about that. BUT: Talent can actually be a problem. The songs I heard on the site sounded way too perfect. It was like a MIDI-file. Anthony Kiedis would be right about your former band 'cause nobody was rocking out in there (Or at least it didn't sound like it one bit). And don't think too much of yourself mister. You don't outplay Ronnie in any aspect as far as I heard.


Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: January 23, 2006 11:21

First I wanna say let Mathijs be:
argue with arguments, dont bash him -
make a difference: person/issue.

Second Mathijs you said: "The tempo and Jagger's vocals
are much better than last time, but Wood is absolutely horribly
dreadfull." (on Sway at MSG Jan 20)
- ...Mathijs, here y o u mix your personal thing with Ronnie
and the issue, dont you?

Third the ending is, as someone said (Tod?), not 100%.
Still it´s very hard to hear the nuances from the crappy
samples sofar.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2006-01-23 12:58 by Baboon Bro.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: ingvari ()
Date: January 23, 2006 12:56

I read this forum almost every day. Most of the time I just search after post from Mathijs, because of his amazing knowledge. I is always a god read. So be respectfull of people with strong opinion, they are maybe right


Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: January 23, 2006 13:00

Knowledge & Mathijs are two connected terms, no doubt.
What I think has led to this (not funny harassin' -like) reactions
I believe is his attitude.
It will never be perfect: when it is, it´s no longer Stones.
Go buy a MacLaughlin-record if perfection is your thing. Or Zappa.
Or whatever.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-01-23 14:49 by Baboon Bro.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: jostorm ()
Date: January 23, 2006 14:35

As the President of the Oxenhope Mathijs Fan Club, I can only say:

He plays the guitar like a GOD, is unbelievably knowledgeable about anything related to the Stones (as opposed to some on this board , who talk about the Stones through their anal apertures), and is soooooooooooooo gobsmackingly handsome!

To most people here it almost works as if the Stones were your family, you will criticize them at times, and willingly accept a certain amount of criticism from other people, but only if they are in your little "clique" of friends.
Mathijs doesn't belong to any little cliques, therefore he gets bashed by people who either have a real ego problem or are just jealous of his encyclopedial knowledge about their music, equipment, etc.... He's outspoken and down to the point,and therefore raises people's hackles a lot, but I have yet to read a post by him that isn't 100% correct in its content, reasoning and argumentation, so Boys: grow up, or eat some popcorn, as withssoul always says......

PS: Hiya, Turd! Still collecting moths ????

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: January 23, 2006 14:38


Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: jostorm ()
Date: January 23, 2006 14:39

How was that for an ultra-quick ego-inflating addendum???

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: January 23, 2006 14:41

The only ego-inflating thing here is Ms Moneypenny above.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: bruno ()
Date: January 23, 2006 15:04

It's amazing the reactions Mathijs gets here!

Maybe he tells his opinions in a strong way (a bit too strong, perhaps), but I must admit a majority of times I agree with him...

Anyway, I didn't want to talk about Mathijs. All I wanted to say is that I DO WANT a lady writing that I'm gobsmackingly handsome (!!!) grinning smiley

[There'll be no wedding today...]

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: January 23, 2006 15:08

Not a man either, I reckon?

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: bruno ()
Date: January 23, 2006 15:13

I only want my ego boosted by a lady

[There'll be no wedding today...]

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: January 23, 2006 15:15

Sorry; I read "DO NOT ~", sounded strange.
Esp when there´s a lady with so fine structured sense of judgement.
Looks is very important here.

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: turd ()
Date: January 23, 2006 15:57

"PS: Hiya, Turd! Still collecting moths ???? "

Hallo Ms Johanna - as you know, Moth collecting was banned in this country after a drop in population of the 'lesser spotted, oinky bonk, cock headed moth', found in remote parts of Bradford (upon stink).

I recently bought at vast expense, (but don't tell Mrs Turd, she was hoping for a new clutch in her old Wartburg car), a huge collection of milk bottle tops - which I hope to expand on.

BTW - if you get white stuff, fresh every morning from your milkman - maybe you could start collecting too. (I find sterilised is best).

Re: for mathijs, a question
Posted by: WNY Stones ()
Date: January 23, 2006 16:48

gimme_shelter Wrote:
> WNY Stones Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > a lot of rubbish....
> WNY Sones: you ARE a complete and utter idiot and
> you can't read. READ mathijs' postings to
> understand what he is trying to say. Obviously you
> can't, so F%$# you.

I guess your comment puts you in the same catagory as THE GOD mathijs. You both have no idea what your talking about. looks the the majority of posters on this topic really rip apart THE GOD mathijs. It's to bad he's a legend in his own mind. And as far as your comments gimmie.......grow up and me a man.

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