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Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: big4 ()
Date: October 20, 2023 19:37

I mean, it's objectively bad music. I had to stop halfway through Mess it Up.


Ignore him. All he does is troll this board and watch F1.

No i don't think he's a troll, he's probably telling the truth, i commented this morning that i had to stop playing Mess It Up halfway through.
I've had two more goes at this album start to finish and its growing on me, but no way is it anywhere near as good as Steel Wheels or Voodoo Lounge to my ears, more on a par with ABB.
All the hype surrounding this album BS

I'm not always a fan of Mick's dance tracks but Mess It Up is an album highlight. Love that loose groove Charlie gives Mick to play around in plus the little descending guitar line in it. I can see why Was said to save it for the Stones.

It's not really that far removed from their funkier 70s material. Best choice for single so far.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: October 20, 2023 19:40

It is One of Their best albums, classic Stones, nothing more nothing less.

Yes and it feels like a "best of" somehow (it is actually since Watt picked from 80 or 100 depending on which story you believe ideas they had hanging around), great sound too (thank you Mr. Watt) and the guests add the excitement (and quality musicianship) that was greatly missing from ABB.

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: October 20, 2023 19:40

Hackney Diamonds CD+BluRay – unboxing:

[] - []

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Dorn ()
Date: October 20, 2023 19:41

I guess there is not much better things in the world to do than listening to a new Rolling Stones album. No hurry to judge or evaluate anything, just let the music flow and do its magic. No reason to compare, no reason to analyse, no reason show its place in the history of the Stones or pop music in general. No, just to take it as an art piece of its own, The Rolling Stones presented here and now. Just keep one's ears and mind open. Let it grow on you, let its nuances and patterns, all those choices and ideas, little by little, after more and more listening, come to more and more familiar, to be grasped in their full glory.

- Doxa

tks for your input - i usually tend to do exactly what we should not do.
so i am going to try enjoying my first listening now ...

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: amg077 ()
Date: October 20, 2023 19:43

For me guys, for me, just my opinion, not the truth, I would rank the post 89 albums like this (from best to worst)

1. Hackney Diamonds
2. Blue & Lonesome
3. A Bigger Bang
4. Voodoo Lounge
5. Bridges to Babylon
6. Steel Wheels

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: jp.M ()
Date: October 20, 2023 19:44

...if you want the cd/blueray unboxed go to ”Superdeluxeeditions”

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: MisterO ()
Date: October 20, 2023 19:44

Happy "Hackney Diamonds" day everyone.

Possible point of interest. Keiths appearance at Tower records in NYC for the release of "Main Offender" was also October 20. 31 years ago to the day!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: downagain ()
Date: October 20, 2023 19:45

The idea that you can't speak critically about this band or specifically this album, on a page dedicated to them is ridiculous. On the thread discussing last night's gig someone got called an idiot for being critical of the Angry performance, with that person getting jumped all over for basing their opinion on a 30 second, poor quality YouTube clip. This after, multiple posts praising them based on the same short clips went untouched. Based on those comments, to me you'd have to be an idiot for making any assessment based on a 30 second clip, no matter what your opinion. But no, it's only if you're saying anything that isn't glowing.
Anywho, I am digging this new record. There are a couple of tracks which (so far) I don't care for but I've also read other commenters saying one of those tracks is top notch in their books. And I think it's great that they feel that way.
If people are really going to discuss this record (which would be great) can't we just let people say how they really feel without jumping all over them? Much more interesting discussions and points can come out when folks feel free to say what they really think.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: matxil ()
Date: October 20, 2023 20:22

If you want to listen to a good entertaining pop album, this is a good album. Better than some of their others of the past couple of decades. Most songs have good, strong melodies, the production is fresh and sharp, Mick sings well, the guitars have some cool licks. It's pop, rather mainstream, but with some noticeable blues, soul and obvious country influences, but rather in the way one can notice blues influences in Fleetwood Mac.

If you want to listen to music that explores something new, either musically or lyrically or both, this album is not for you. It's good fun, nothing less, nothing more. One might argue that the Stones have always been mainly about "good fun", but one might also argue that there were times when they (maybe unwittingly) achieved something more.
If you expect an artist to really investigate new grounds or express something beyond "good fun", this album is not for you. I don't know which comptemporary artist to go to (I suppose there are a few). In the past decades, Tom Waits, Nick Cave or Leonard Cohen come to mind. Occasionally Keith on his solo albums might have come close (at least musically). Keith's song on Hackney Diamonds, by the way, is not as good as some of his best songs on his solo albums or as Thief In The Night.

I can enjoy the album as it is, I didn't expect much else, and in fact, it's more entertaining than I thought it would be. "Get Close", "Driving Me Too Hard" and "Tell Me Straight" are the weakest.

But hey, maybe in a few more months, I will say something differently. It's true that in general Stones' albums need some time to settle in.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: HardRiffin ()
Date: October 20, 2023 20:28

It is One of Their best albums, classic Stones, nothing more nothing less.

smileys with beer

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Wild Slivovitz ()
Date: October 20, 2023 21:02

Great album! I also love the song sequencing, especially how it builds up afer "Mess It Up" until "Sweet Sounds Of Heaven" fagocitates everything leaving the stage to Mick and keith only in "Rolling Stone Blues".

By the way, when is Charlie playing you can hear the difference!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: October 20, 2023 21:03

Hackney Diamonds CD+BluRay – unboxing:

[] - []

Thanks, that's rather nice, especially the book with actual readable lyrics (not just appended like on the LP/CD). My German version is supposed to have an exclusive German it going to be a 10" print like the 3 in the standard package or something larger/folded like what was sold with the Japanese version?

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-20 21:05 by gotdablouse.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: hot stuff ()
Date: October 20, 2023 21:40

I love the new Album. After about 3 times listening I think it's a cross between Let it Bleed and Some Girls.
Play it Loud!!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Mabru ()
Date: October 20, 2023 21:45

In the Dutch iTunes Store is it already number 1

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: StonesSmeth99 ()
Date: October 20, 2023 22:13

This article is quite interesting - []

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: October 20, 2023 22:30


My German version is supposed to have an exclusive German it going to be a 10" print like the 3 in the standard package or something larger/folded like what was sold with the Japanese version?

CD & BluRay Boxset + Exlusive Germany Litho Bundle - the Litho is 18” x 24" - [] .

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Date: October 20, 2023 22:35

This has probably been mentioned already.

I discovered that 'Living In A Ghost Town' is the bonus track on the Japanese release of Hackney Diamonds as noted here.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: October 20, 2023 22:40


This has probably been mentioned already.

Yes, officially already confirmed on 15 September 2023 by [] and also posted here on IORR on that day.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: strat72 ()
Date: October 20, 2023 22:42

I don't express an opinion on an album until I've listened to it at least 10 times. However, I can tell you one thing. It was a nice feeling after all these years to go into my local HMV this morning to buy a NEW ROLLING STONES ALBUM.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: dandelion1967 ()
Date: October 20, 2023 22:57

Not available yet at records stores in Buenos Aires, so I only have youtube to calm anxiety.
So glad the boys are back again, first of all. Great álbum!! Modern and full of guts.


"I'm gonna walk... before they make me run"


Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: October 20, 2023 23:03


My German version is supposed to have an exclusive German it going to be a 10" print like the 3 in the standard package or something larger/folded like what was sold with the Japanese version?

CD & BluRay Boxset + Exlusive Germany Litho Bundle - the Litho is 18” x 24" - [] .


Still available too if anyone's interested!

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: MadMax ()
Date: October 20, 2023 23:04

Just picked up my HD Super Deluxe version, I am looking forward to hear it.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: HardRiffin ()
Date: October 20, 2023 23:06

After a few listens in my opinion this album has the same elements as "Emotional Rescue" (imo a great album): same variety of genres, same great sound, great grooves, same pleasure in listening because it flows very well without bad songs or fillers.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Date: October 20, 2023 23:07

I'm aware of what the phrase 'hackney diamonds' means from interviews with The Rolling Stones.

Is this a 'hackney diamonds' like scenario from this old clip from Letterman below?

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 20, 2023 23:10

I will not say this is the best since Undercover, Tattoo You, Some Girls or Exile.

That gets old.

I will however say this is the best thing since sliced bread.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Date: October 20, 2023 23:12

I am starting to really like 'Angry'. It's become impossible for the Stones to please us. Exepectations, plus social media, and their history combined are crazy.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: MonkeyMan2000 ()
Date: October 20, 2023 23:15

After a few listens in my opinion this album has the same elements as "Emotional Rescue" (imo a great album): same variety of genres, same great sound, great grooves, same pleasure in listening because it flows very well without bad songs or fillers.

I also get a lot of "Emotional Rescue" vibes. Light lyrics, not taking oneself too seriously, but loads of fun and energy!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: October 20, 2023 23:16

This article is quite interesting - []

Indeed! So an (hoped) 18 month lifespan? Let's hope it works out to plan...Looks like Mick has high hopes for the album!

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Paddy ()
Date: October 20, 2023 23:21

I held off on listening to any tracks until I got to hear the whole thing and f**king hell what an album!! Im itching to hear some of these tracks live. I’ll be playing this a lot over the next few days. I hear pieces of the classic albums sprinkled over these songs.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Woz ()
Date: October 20, 2023 23:28

I've listened to it all morning and have to say it is by far and away the best album since Some Girls/Tattoo You.

The sound is both contemporary and classic Stones rolled up Into one.The album has dramatically surpassed my expectations. The guitar work is stellar and Mick sounds great. Keith's vocals on Tell me Straight are sublime. A nice mixture of varied styles from the country feel of of Sweet Sounds of heaven to the Blues of Rolling Stone Dreamy Skies to the soul Sweet Sounds of Heaven to the Rolling Stone Blues to the driving rock of Mess it Up and Angry this record has it all.....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-10-20 23:35 by Woz.

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