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Absolutely awesome news...this baby's got legs!
what the hell is wrong with N.A.?!
Nikki Mange.
Europeans love the Stones. Stupid Americans do not.
But so what - there will be not world for any longer in 2025 - Trump and Putin will guarantee you that!
- Doxa
Doxa! It may be the holiday season, but no drunk posting!
Europeans love the Stones. Stupid Americans do not.
- Doxa
And why do you think liberals in Europe had a change of heart?
Europeans love the Stones. Stupid Americans do not.
But so what - there will be not world for any longer in 2025 - Trump and Putin will guarantee you that!
- Doxa
Doxa! It may be the holiday season, but no drunk posting!
So what. Let us bullshit now. Next year we all we will explode, as our sweet Trump will take the command as the "smart people" of US will love to have. There are people on this site that that have orgasms for that guy, go figure. For the rest of us, we now there is no tomorrow. Fascism is back here.
- Doxa
Europeans love the Stones. Stupid Americans do not.
- Doxa
LOL you forget how big America is?
On another note - how many people live in London? Yet Stones album sales have always been low... London doesn't know the Stones exist.
Stupid UK European people! Most album sales have happened in the US overall. Europeans are too busy taking holiday!
Well you know what old fuddy-duddies we are in the UK .
Takes us a while to warm to things...
...and you can't go on forever not buying somebody's records just because they have long hair and don't tuck their shirts in properly.
Why this huge concern about sales numbers? It seems like almost every post is about that. Is it that important?
Why this huge concern about sales numbers? It seems like almost every post is about that. Is it that important?
Oh yeah, we sometimes forget that we are here talking about an avantgarde act, and that the commercial success has nothing to do with the the doings of the Stones ever. "You can keep the money, pal".
Now, send me my 17th copy of HACKNEY DIAMONDS. There is a funny-colored tongue there on the cover I don't own yet.
- Doxa
Europeans love the Stones. Stupid Americans do not.
- Doxa
LOL you forget how big America is?
On another note - how many people live in London? Yet Stones album sales have always been low... London doesn't know the Stones exist.
Stupid UK European people! Most album sales have happened in the US overall. Europeans are too busy taking holiday!
America is a huge place. Europe is even bigger.
But America used to be their biggest market. Back in the old days almost 50% of their over-all sales happened there. Now it is something like 15%. Something has changed. Europe is the biggest market now - about 50% sales derive from there. Not that the absolute sales are that different there - more like Europeans tend to still buy albums while Americans not.
Their homeland UK seems to be a special case. For decades they did not that sell that well there, but now (BLUE&LONESOME, HACKNEY DIAMONDS) they do. Interestingly, they sell about same amount of copies there as in the whole US of America. It's actually incredible: since EXILE, only SOME GIRLS and TATTOO YOU were able to sell a bit more than BLUE&LONESOME in UK, most of the albums not even half of it.
- Doxa
Why this huge concern about sales numbers? It seems like almost every post is about that. Is it that important?
Well you know what old fuddy-duddies we are in the UK .
Takes us a while to warm to things...
...and you can't go on forever not buying somebody's records just because they have long hair and don't tuck their shirts in properly.
Well, it looks like you guys loved them at first sight, but then, as they started to gather international interest, did forget them... Their first album sold nice 840 000 copies there, only EXILE being able to sell tiny more (875 000). Almost all of those albums from the 70s, 80s and 90s that sold millions in America, sold only about 150 000-200 000 a piece at home...
But yeah, the prodigal sons are welcomed back home lately... There is something romantic there. Home sweet home...
- Doxa
Waiting for the vinyl version of the Live Edition!!!
Waiting for the vinyl version of the Live Edition!!!
Now that would make me cross ...
I can't afford it !
The sales numbers tracking, since the sales are so good for this day and age, is great, the fact that the album may be the UK's Christmas no 1 is fantastic, another frickin' miracle no one would have anticipated.
In fact, I recall the absolute certainty with which a number of posters on here predicted that after a week in the charts it would drop into oblivion, and have no impact outside of the circle of deluded old saps who frequent iorr. Not so!!
The live tracks, however much tweaked, are a great listen, the album is shaping into one of their classics - every time I play it, I find I have to play the whole thing through - and it's been in the UK charts for almost two months, and maybe heading back to the top spot.
A Christmas miracle ....!
Like you, I'm not entirely sure. However, considering the Stones can still sell-out stadiums in the States, it's less-than-stellar performance sale-wise is certainly nothing to do with the group's popularity there. Could be to do with the demographic that purchases 'rock albums'? I'm not sure where I'm going with that, exactly, but the Stones' genre(s) caters to more of a niche market, perhaps. In the States, anyway. Pop, latin-pop, country, hip-hop, etc; they're all vying for sales in the States. I can't speak for mainland Europe, but here in the U.K., the market is probably narrower. In other words: 'rock acts' in general, have a better chance of charting more highly and selling well in the U.K.Quote
The sales numbers tracking, since the sales are so good for this day and age, is great, the fact that the album may be the UK's Christmas no 1 is fantastic, another frickin' miracle no one would have anticipated.
In fact, I recall the absolute certainty with which a number of posters on here predicted that after a week in the charts it would drop into oblivion, and have no impact outside of the circle of deluded old saps who frequent iorr. Not so!!
The live tracks, however much tweaked, are a great listen, the album is shaping into one of their classics - every time I play it, I find I have to play the whole thing through - and it's been in the UK charts for almost two months, and maybe heading back to the top spot.
A Christmas miracle ....!
I'm not sure you could have found even one person that could have predicted this. You're right, it's nothing short of a Christmas miracle. The fact that in North America it's all but disappeared from the charts and in Europe you have a top ten hit (number one??? WTF?!) 2 months after it's release is startling.
One has to ask, "what's the difference, what went right in Europe and wrong in North America?"
BTW, how is it playing in South America, Asia & Australia by comparison?
Big AlLike you, I'm not entirely sure. However, considering the Stones can still sell-out stadiums in the States, it's less-than-stellar performance sale-wise is certainly nothing to do with the group's popularity there. Could be to do with the demographic that purchases 'rock albums'? I'm not sure where I'm going with that, exactly, but the Stones' genre(s) caters to more of a niche market, perhaps. In the States, anyway. Pop, latin-pop, country, hip-hop, etc; they're all vying for sales in the States. I can't speak for mainland Europe, but here in the U.K., the market is probably narrower. In other words: 'rock acts' in general, have a better chance of charting more highly and selling well in the U.K.Quote
The sales numbers tracking, since the sales are so good for this day and age, is great, the fact that the album may be the UK's Christmas no 1 is fantastic, another frickin' miracle no one would have anticipated.
In fact, I recall the absolute certainty with which a number of posters on here predicted that after a week in the charts it would drop into oblivion, and have no impact outside of the circle of deluded old saps who frequent iorr. Not so!!
The live tracks, however much tweaked, are a great listen, the album is shaping into one of their classics - every time I play it, I find I have to play the whole thing through - and it's been in the UK charts for almost two months, and maybe heading back to the top spot.
A Christmas miracle ....!
I'm not sure you could have found even one person that could have predicted this. You're right, it's nothing short of a Christmas miracle. The fact that in North America it's all but disappeared from the charts and in Europe you have a top ten hit (number one??? WTF?!) 2 months after it's release is startling.
One has to ask, "what's the difference, what went right in Europe and wrong in North America?"
BTW, how is it playing in South America, Asia & Australia by comparison?
Europeans love the Stones. Stupid Americans do not.
But so what - there will be not world for any longer in 2025 - Trump and Putin will guarantee you that!
- Doxa
Doxa! It may be the holiday season, but no drunk posting!
So what. Let us bullshit now. Next year we all we will explode, as our sweet Trump will take the command as the "smart people" of US will love to have. There are people on this site that that have orgasms for that guy, go figure. For the rest of us, we now there is no tomorrow. Fascism is back here.
- Doxa
Normally I aprecciate yours posts very much. Stones help us, to forget that bullshit around us for a short while.
Please no discussion about Trump or liberal europe and stuff like that.
By the way: the bonus live CD makes my month. Glad, they did lots of corrections and overdubs. So it´s so much fun to listen to this core-band
Big Al
So, how many units has Hackney Diamonds shifted in the U.K. so far, then?