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Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 12, 2024 23:19

I've tried but the mad hum of the washing
machine spin-cycle dragged me over ta Stray Cat Blues .....


Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 13, 2024 00:03

If radio spin is an indicator Mess It Up is the one getting the most of it. Probably because it's "modern" and radio friendly (R&B, pop). I wonder if they will release a fourth single?

I'm going with Whole Wide World for a 4th single. Depending On You for number 5 (could it hit the country charts)?

What was single #3? They released a video and a remix for Mess it Up but I don't think they released the song as a single yet.

I think they did...though no physical release which is of course disappointing.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: georgelicks ()
Date: January 13, 2024 02:15

Now the album is in free fall on the UK chart (6-25-62), the shoping season is over and with very few physical sales (almost everyone interested and those who bought it as a gift for the holidays already have it) there is not much audience left to sell the album and with almost 0 streaming the chances of surviving 1 or 2 more weeks are almost zero.

Forty Licks is #73 this week, next week it will undoubtedly remain on the chart thanks to the streaming that HD will not have.

Yet the strategy of releasing the album in the last third of the year was perfect, it enjoyed a 10 full weeks of sales in the best part of the year to sell physical albums.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 13, 2024 02:41

Now the album is in free fall on the UK chart (6-25-62), the shoping season is over and with very few physical sales (almost everyone interested and those who bought it as a gift for the holidays already have it) there is not much audience left to sell the album and with almost 0 streaming the chances of surviving 1 or 2 more weeks are almost zero.

Forty Licks is #73 this week, next week it will undoubtedly remain on the chart thanks to the streaming that HD will not have.

Yet the strategy of releasing the album in the last third of the year was perfect, it enjoyed a 10 full weeks of sales in the best part of the year to sell physical albums.

In other words, "they sold it in the right places baby at the right time...we're kinda glad".

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: January 13, 2024 04:10

I've tried but the mad hum of the washing
machine spin-cycle dragged me over ta Stray Cat Blues .....

There's something to that, Terry. For me, the washing machine heavy load wash cycle easily becomes the intro to the studio version of "It's Only Rock 'n' Roll." I suspect it's why Lee "Scratch" Perry's home studio was in the laundry room. Rub-a-dub dub mix.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: January 13, 2024 05:28

Now the album is in free fall on the UK chart (6-25-62), the shoping season is over and with very few physical sales (almost everyone interested and those who bought it as a gift for the holidays already have it) there is not much audience left to sell the album and with almost 0 streaming the chances of surviving 1 or 2 more weeks are almost zero.

Forty Licks is #73 this week, next week it will undoubtedly remain on the chart thanks to the streaming that HD will not have.

Yet the strategy of releasing the album in the last third of the year was perfect, it enjoyed a 10 full weeks of sales in the best part of the year to sell physical albums.

Yeah, it did well. Its heyday lasted a lot longer than typically is with old artists that do not that well on streaming market (look what happened with the latest album by the Who - they marketed it with so much bullshit before it was even released, then one week somehow well in charts, then totally gone - not even the die-hard Who fans seem to recall its existence now). But still, HACKNEY DIAMONDS has sold somewhat a little bit above million copies worldwide now. Never mind the chart success, but if we are to be honest, that's chicken shit compared to past sales. For example, the 2.5 million sales of BLUE&LONESOME do not sound realistic for it to achieve some day.

It is what is.

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-01-13 05:30 by Doxa.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: January 13, 2024 05:59


There's no physical release for Mess It Up, right? Just digitally released and the remix?

A promo CDR: []
(if it is genuine and not a bootleg...)

Genre: Electronic

It’s why it’s my least favourite on HD - It’s just NOT The Stones !!


Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: January 13, 2024 06:21

Now the album is in free fall on the UK chart (6-25-62), the shoping season is over and with very few physical sales (almost everyone interested and those who bought it as a gift for the holidays already have it) there is not much audience left to sell the album and with almost 0 streaming the chances of surviving 1 or 2 more weeks are almost zero.

Forty Licks is #73 this week, next week it will undoubtedly remain on the chart thanks to the streaming that HD will not have.

Yet the strategy of releasing the album in the last third of the year was perfect, it enjoyed a 10 full weeks of sales in the best part of the year to sell physical albums.

In other words, "they sold it in the right places baby at the right time...we're kinda glad".

Because they'll chart it up, chart it up, chart it up, all for youuuuu yeah!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 13, 2024 06:36

For me, the washing machine heavy load wash cycle easily becomes the intro to the studio version of "It's Only Rock 'n' Roll."

Yeah Bill ... can remember when i was a kid a loaded cattle train
braking hard while coming into a siding of home town train rail station ...

Kid ya not ...could hear parts of Hendrix - Third Stone From Thee Sun ....
Musta been around 1968ish .......


Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: January 13, 2024 07:35

Now the album is in free fall on the UK chart (6-25-62), the shoping season is over and with very few physical sales (almost everyone interested and those who bought it as a gift for the holidays already have it) there is not much audience left to sell the album and with almost 0 streaming the chances of surviving 1 or 2 more weeks are almost zero.

Forty Licks is #73 this week, next week it will undoubtedly remain on the chart thanks to the streaming that HD will not have.

Yet the strategy of releasing the album in the last third of the year was perfect, it enjoyed a 10 full weeks of sales in the best part of the year to sell physical albums.

Yeah, it did well. Its heyday lasted a lot longer than typically is with old artists that do not that well on streaming market (look what happened with the latest album by the Who - they marketed it with so much bullshit before it was even released, then one week somehow well in charts, then totally gone - not even the die-hard Who fans seem to recall its existence now). But still, HACKNEY DIAMONDS has sold somewhat a little bit above million copies worldwide now. Never mind the chart success, but if we are to be honest, that's chicken shit compared to past sales. For example, the 2.5 million sales of BLUE&LONESOME do not sound realistic for it to achieve some day.

It is what is.

- Doxa

Since BLUE & LONESOME a lot has changed.

You think the same people that bought SOME GIRLS bought TATTOO YOU? It's probably likely that a lot did - but some people bought TY without knowing about SG.

I'm one of those people.

That probably goes for any band. Some of the 25 million people that bought U2's THE JOSHUA TREE very well may've been a part of the 18 million that bought ACHUTUNG BABY... but at the absolute very least it's still 7 million - SEVEN MILLION - out of 25 million - that didn't buy ACHTUNG.

No way to know if it was new fans.

In comparison to how things were in 2016 vs 2023, 2016 might as well as been 1983 or 1976 in regard to B&L sales vs HACKNEY DIAMONDS. Sales in the 2020s of physical formats has been next to nothing compared to anything else.

You can thank Apple for that. It wasn't Napster or Kazaa or Morpheus or MySpace.

Apple redefined the record industry - and recreated it. Amazon followed. Google followed (and then eventually ruined what they had). YouTube took over for the single - and then anything else.

Enter Spotify.


More people listening than ever before.

Not exactly. Technically, sure, but realistically, it's more people hearing than listening. For example:

Steve Roberts, walking up Wabash ave in Chicago with air pods in his ears, his iPhone emitting the latest Dave Mattttthews album, drinking Starbucks coffee and clutching the Chicago Tribune in one arm... swaggers under the shadows of the skyscrapers of Chicago.

In most aspects he's out of touch.

It's people like that that blindly pay for (stream) things and don't listen. Steve Roberts is just hearing tuneful (or tuneless) noise. He "likes" it (I don't mean the thumbs up, I mean emotionally, ha ha, like a cat seeing a fly on the other side of the glass, likes it). He has no idea what he's hearing. The entire digital realm of counting is amazingly ignorant - one YouTube stream does not absolutely mean someone listened to the song. The same with Apple and Amazon Music:

Not one aspect of streaming is equivalent to buying music, whether it's an LP on vinyl, cassette, 8-track, CD or download, an EP or a single.

At some point streaming will be so big and omni-present (as in artists will ony have streaming, no purchasing albums etc) that companies like Home Depot will pay to sponsor, say, Spotify, and invest in some record label like UMG, and receive dividends from UMG's artists' streaming tallies on (enter here) because they ADVERTIZE on said streaming services!

All the while, the biggest hit songs, all 279 of them, pay next to zero to the artists that released them.

A pathetic "let's do this" wood and paint and light bulb big box store will make more money from streaming than any artist!

5, 10, maybe even 15 years ago, you'd tell me I'm out of my mind. Let's say 5.
Not that long ago, right?

5 years ago, at least this coming summer, HONK was released and The Rolling Stones were on their third of four NO FILTER tour legs, after Mick had heart surgery.

Right now, in January of 2024, you're possibly going HOLY SHIT because you know it's true - or at least not far off (nor is 5 years in summer since 2019!). How the years rush on by: birthdays, kids and suicides - The Rolling Stones have a new album and it's excellent.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Date: January 13, 2024 12:41

I get the impression that the entire culture is in terminal decline. I am so glad I have lived through the mighty renaissance of popular music that was the second half of the 20th century - and a bit of the next - that magic meeting of technology, audience, expectation, and attitude. That door started to close, really, with the death of Amy Winehouse,and certainly when the Stones take their final bows, and time's roadies are waiting in the wings, smoking and measuring the cloth; that will be the sound of the door closing behind them, and goodbye to all that, it has left the building.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: hockenheim95 ()
Date: January 13, 2024 14:22

If radio spin is an indicator Mess It Up is the one getting the most of it. Probably because it's "modern" and radio friendly (R&B, pop). I wonder if they will release a fourth single?

I'm going with Whole Wide World for a 4th single. Depending On You for number 5 (could it hit the country charts)?

What was single #3? They released a video and a remix for Mess it Up but I don't think they released the song as a single yet.

I think they did...though no physical release which is of course disappointing.

Where? On Spotify there's only the remix version as a single release.

Edit: they released Mess it Up as a B-side to the Remix on Spotify. My fault...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-01-13 14:25 by hockenheim95.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Bjorn ()
Date: January 13, 2024 15:10

Spot on matx! (page 72) smiling smiley

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: January 13, 2024 15:53


Since BLUE & LONESOME a lot has changed.

Many good points in that lengthy post, but also an excellent piece of writing. Read twice, did not stream your post.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: VoodooLounge13 ()
Date: January 13, 2024 16:13

I get the impression that the entire culture is in terminal decline. I am so glad I have lived through the mighty renaissance of popular music that was the second half of the 20th century - and a bit of the next - that magic meeting of technology, audience, expectation, and attitude. That door started to close, really, with the death of Amy Winehouse,and certainly when the Stones take their final bows, and time's roadies are waiting in the wings, smoking and measuring the cloth; that will be the sound of the door closing behind them, and goodbye to all that, it has left the building.

I'd argue that the door really started to close with the death of Cobain. Closed more with the death of Cornell. Further still with Bennington and Amy. Add in REM calling it quits and really what has been left/emerged since 1994?? That has lasting staying power AND quality music??? I have a couple of modern bands that I really really enjoy, but are they the same level of these past enormously talented bands? Mostly no. I'd say Whiskey Myers is on their way, but time will tell for their longevity.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: BN78 ()
Date: January 13, 2024 16:36

Really astute and noteworthy by you GLS.

Hearing "tuneful noise", but "no idea what he's hearing"

It's a state of being of where we're at today (musically, and I guess also in other life sphere's too) that is definitely frustrating to me.

Great post. thumbs up

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 13, 2024 16:49

Now the album is in free fall on the UK chart (6-25-62), the shoping season is over and with very few physical sales (almost everyone interested and those who bought it as a gift for the holidays already have it) there is not much audience left to sell the album and with almost 0 streaming the chances of surviving 1 or 2 more weeks are almost zero.

Forty Licks is #73 this week, next week it will undoubtedly remain on the chart thanks to the streaming that HD will not have.

Yet the strategy of releasing the album in the last third of the year was perfect, it enjoyed a 10 full weeks of sales in the best part of the year to sell physical albums.

Yeah, it did well. Its heyday lasted a lot longer than typically is with old artists that do not that well on streaming market (look what happened with the latest album by the Who - they marketed it with so much bullshit before it was even released, then one week somehow well in charts, then totally gone - not even the die-hard Who fans seem to recall its existence now). But still, HACKNEY DIAMONDS has sold somewhat a little bit above million copies worldwide now. Never mind the chart success, but if we are to be honest, that's chicken shit compared to past sales. For example, the 2.5 million sales of BLUE&LONESOME do not sound realistic for it to achieve some day.

It is what is.

- Doxa

Since BLUE & LONESOME a lot has changed.

You think the same people that bought SOME GIRLS bought TATTOO YOU? It's probably likely that a lot did - but some people bought TY without knowing about SG.

I'm one of those people.

That probably goes for any band. Some of the 25 million people that bought U2's THE JOSHUA TREE very well may've been a part of the 18 million that bought ACHUTUNG BABY... but at the absolute very least it's still 7 million - SEVEN MILLION - out of 25 million - that didn't buy ACHTUNG.

No way to know if it was new fans.

In comparison to how things were in 2016 vs 2023, 2016 might as well as been 1983 or 1976 in regard to B&L sales vs HACKNEY DIAMONDS. Sales in the 2020s of physical formats has been next to nothing compared to anything else.

You can thank Apple for that. It wasn't Napster or Kazaa or Morpheus or MySpace.

Apple redefined the record industry - and recreated it. Amazon followed. Google followed (and then eventually ruined what they had). YouTube took over for the single - and then anything else.

Enter Spotify.


More people listening than ever before.

Not exactly. Technically, sure, but realistically, it's more people hearing than listening. For example:

Steve Roberts, walking up Wabash ave in Chicago with air pods in his ears, his iPhone emitting the latest Dave Mattttthews album, drinking Starbucks coffee and clutching the Chicago Tribune in one arm... swaggers under the shadows of the skyscrapers of Chicago.

In most aspects he's out of touch.

It's people like that that blindly pay for (stream) things and don't listen. Steve Roberts is just hearing tuneful (or tuneless) noise. He "likes" it (I don't mean the thumbs up, I mean emotionally, ha ha, like a cat seeing a fly on the other side of the glass, likes it). He has no idea what he's hearing. The entire digital realm of counting is amazingly ignorant - one YouTube stream does not absolutely mean someone listened to the song. The same with Apple and Amazon Music:

Not one aspect of streaming is equivalent to buying music, whether it's an LP on vinyl, cassette, 8-track, CD or download, an EP or a single.

At some point streaming will be so big and omni-present (as in artists will ony have streaming, no purchasing albums etc) that companies like Home Depot will pay to sponsor, say, Spotify, and invest in some record label like UMG, and receive dividends from UMG's artists' streaming tallies on (enter here) because they ADVERTIZE on said streaming services!

All the while, the biggest hit songs, all 279 of them, pay next to zero to the artists that released them.

A pathetic "let's do this" wood and paint and light bulb big box store will make more money from streaming than any artist!

5, 10, maybe even 15 years ago, you'd tell me I'm out of my mind. Let's say 5.
Not that long ago, right?

5 years ago, at least this coming summer, HONK was released and The Rolling Stones were on their third of four NO FILTER tour legs, after Mick had heart surgery.

Right now, in January of 2024, you're possibly going HOLY SHIT because you know it's true - or at least not far off (nor is 5 years in summer since 2019!). How the years rush on by: birthdays, kids and suicides - The Rolling Stones have a new album and it's excellent.

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine because there's a new album, another tour, and another new album 3/4s (or more by now) done.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: January 13, 2024 16:50


Since BLUE & LONESOME a lot has changed.

Streaming was in 2016 in the United States 51% while it was 84% in 2023H1, according to the [] , [] - (PDF).

For comparison, in Germany in 2016, Audio-Streaming was 24% while it was 76% in 2023H1 - [] , [] .

In global scale in 2023 (26 world's leading music markets), the listening time via Audio-Streaming was 32% while purchased music (CDs, Vinyl, DVDs, Digital Downloads) was just 9% - [] - (PDF, pg.6).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-01-13 20:00 by Irix.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 13, 2024 17:16


Since BLUE & LONESOME a lot has changed.

Streaming was in 2016 in the United States 51% while it was 84% in 2023H1, according to the [] , [] - (PDF).

For comparison, in Germany in 2016, Audio-Streaming was 24% while it was 76% in 2023H1 - [] , [] .

In global scale in 2023 (26 world's leading music markets), Audio-Streaming was 32% while purchased music (CDs, Vinyl, DVDs, Digital Downloads) was just 9% - [] - (PDF).

So in other words, in 2023 41% proactively listened to music through physical or digital means, while 59% didn't at all?

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: January 13, 2024 20:15


So in other words, in 2023 41% proactively listened to music through physical or digital means, while 59% didn't at all?

Where did you read that? The listening time via Audio-Streaming was 32% while via purchased music it was 9% (see pg. 6 in the above IFPI study). The remaining percentages are Video, Radio, Live, etc.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: January 13, 2024 20:55

I, too, struggle with simple math.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: January 13, 2024 22:14


It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine because there's a new album, another tour, and another new album 3/4s (or more by now) done.

This sums it up.

- Doxa

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: georgelicks ()
Date: January 14, 2024 01:20

A good summary from some key markets:

(12 wks) (Platinum - 160,000 units)

(12 wks) (Gold - 168,000 units)

(11 wks) (Platinum - 111,000 units)

(11 wks) (Platinum - 20,000 units)

(11 wks)

(12 wks) (Gold - 25,000 units)

(12 wks)

(9 wks)

(10 wks)

(11 wks)

(11 wks)

(9 wks) (235,000 units)

(8 wks) (63,000 units)

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: TeddyB1018 ()
Date: January 14, 2024 03:48

Gas Light Street has it down. Basically, streaming equals Muzak or whatever services shops used to pipe in music. Really like the new album, by the way. How I listen is I added all the tracks to my self-curated Stones playlist on my iPad, and the new ones all hold up in their own way between the classics.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 14, 2024 04:50


So in other words, in 2023 41% proactively listened to music through physical or digital means, while 59% didn't at all?

Where did you read that? The listening time via Audio-Streaming was 32% while via purchased music it was 9% (see pg. 6 in the above IFPI study). The remaining percentages are Video, Radio, Live, etc.

I didn't read that, that's why I asked a clarifying question, and thank for answering!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: January 14, 2024 05:31

Rocky Dijon

Since BLUE & LONESOME a lot has changed.

Many good points in that lengthy post, but also an excellent piece of writing. Read twice, did not stream your post.

Thank you, Rocky.

Although I'm a bit amiss about "did not stream your post."

The whole @#$%& ship is sinking...

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 14, 2024 05:43

Rocky Dijon

Since BLUE & LONESOME a lot has changed.

Many good points in that lengthy post, but also an excellent piece of writing. Read twice, did not stream your post.

Thank you, Rocky.

Although I'm a bit amiss about "did not stream your post."

The whole @#$%& ship is sinking...

It was a good post GLS

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: January 15, 2024 06:30

Updated improved REWIND/HONK

Start Me Up
Brown Sugar
Rocks Off
Miss You
Tumbling Dice
Just Your Fool
Driving Me Too Hard
Wild Horses
Fool To Cry
Beast Of Burden
Hot Stuff
It's Only Rock'N'Roll (But I Like It)
Get Close
Doom And Gloom
Love Is Strong
Mixed Emotions
Don't Stop
Mess It Up
Harlem Shuffle
Rough Justice
Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker)
One More Shot
Tell Me Straight
Rain Fall Down
Dancing With Mr D
Undercover Of The Night
Emotional Rescue
Waiting On A Friend
Plundered My Soul
Saint Of Me
Out Of Control
Depending On You
Out Of Tears

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: jp.M ()
Date: January 15, 2024 11:10

A good summary from some key markets:

(12 wks) (Platinum - 160,000 units)

(12 wks) (Gold - 168,000 units)

(11 wks) (Platinum - 111,000 units)

(11 wks) (Platinum - 20,000 units)

(11 wks)

(12 wks) (Gold - 25,000 units)

(12 wks)

(9 wks)

(10 wks)

(11 wks)

(11 wks)

(9 wks) (235,000 units)

(8 wks) (63,000 units)

HD+HDlive issued only january 19 in US....

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: January 15, 2024 11:44

Austria's chart success is pretty impressive. 11 weeks top 2, five of them number one.thumbs up

- Doxa

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