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Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Date: January 30, 2024 10:35

thumbs up

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: January 30, 2024 22:18

BTW Ido love the new live set. To me they sound better overall than the Bang tour. Steve was an excellent choice. Thanks Charlie!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 30, 2024 23:14

That's some Hackney Diamonds right there!!!

life imitating art!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 30, 2024 23:15

Smoke what?smoking smiley

I dunno...I can't remember what we were talking about!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: shadooby ()
Date: January 31, 2024 15:34

Me neither. I’m still sitting here waiting for the stop sign to turn green so I can go.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: tumblingdice ()
Date: February 1, 2024 01:39

When I bought my first Rolling Stones album I was enamored with it, albeit Side A mostly. Then again, the big red cover and the name ROLLING STONES.

I had just turned 11 years old 10 days prior to its US release and not long after started 6th grade. Heard Start Me Up on an AM radio (from inside a teddy bear).

A girl in my class, the daughter of a local grocery store (where I bought the album, along with AC/DC's FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK - hey mom, look, an album with a canon on it, it's gotta be good; Ok... and Asia's AISA - a grocery store that sold albums - can you imagine going in to get some salad, whatever, some bananas, some kind of steak, whatever else, AND a Rolling Stones album?), asked me one day in that year, I can't recall exactly when, obviously late fall/early winter, upon seeing me scribble the tongue logo on a notebook, "Have you seen Mick in his UK/US flag cape?"

I was completely dumbfounded.


"Oh it's really cool!" she said.

What are you talking about?

"Mick Jagger."

What about him.

"The Stones tour."


To this day I have no idea what she was talking about in regard to what she was talking about: how she knew that. Maybe it was some magazine. Maybe it was MTV. Maybe it was the PPV.

She never said.

I eventually figured out what she was talking about a while later, as in, 1989.

A couple years later I saw the Undercover Of The Night video on MTV while at piano lessons. I heard Mick singing "Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo" etc on the school bus radio and thought, I've got to get that album.

Turns out the school bus song wasn't on the album but the MTV song was.

Finally figured it out via an older friend that is a Stones fan and magically for Christmas (this makes no sense but it's what happened) GOATS HEAD SOUP finally delivered the Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo song.

Then I got REWIND and started back tracking to the albums my dad had (BIG HITS, BEGGARS, BLEED, YA-YA'S and HOT ROCKS 1 and 2).

Not in order.

It makes no sense how I came to discover the post-1969 discog sans GHS pre-TY.

But I did.

EXILE was the last album I got into.

In the spring of 1982 a girlfriend got me SUCKING IN THE SEVENTIES as a present, maybe Valentine's, I'm not really sure.

It was pretty funny: she heard me say, with no context at all, that I wish I could get that album with the tongue on it (not knowing what I was saying). Well, the cellophane wrapper had the tongue on it so... she got me that album!

She said something like, Here's what you asked for!

I had no idea. I recognized two songs on it and thought, I already have those (SOME GIRLS). But I accepted it and gleefully went home.

That may be the origin of why I think SITS is such a fantastic comp...

The enjoyment of HACKNEY DIAMONDS is different than me getting those albums back then yet it has the same wonderment: what is this?

For a kid not knowing the gap between TATTOO YOU and basically LET IT BLEED... it's no wonder TY and UNERCOVER have such weight (and why DIRTY WORK is so disappointing).

HD has the energy, creativity and attitude that is TY and SG and... is weirdly more of a Stones album than STEEL WHEELS or VOODOO LOUNGE, the last albums before the tinkering got involved.

HD is refreshing.

If it is their last album it's an excellent way to end. If not, fine, whatever.

Thanks for sharing that. A heart warming story to me. I could feel and share the emotions as I read it. Truly moving to me and a glimpse of the love many of us also share in our experiences with this band. Those same emotions that still drive us even after all these years.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: February 1, 2024 06:17

When I bought my first Rolling Stones album I was enamored with it, albeit Side A mostly. Then again, the big red cover and the name ROLLING STONES.

I had just turned 11 years old 10 days prior to its US release and not long after started 6th grade. Heard Start Me Up on an AM radio (from inside a teddy bear).

A girl in my class, the daughter of a local grocery store (where I bought the album, along with AC/DC's FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK - hey mom, look, an album with a canon on it, it's gotta be good; Ok... and Asia's AISA - a grocery store that sold albums - can you imagine going in to get some salad, whatever, some bananas, some kind of steak, whatever else, AND a Rolling Stones album?), asked me one day in that year, I can't recall exactly when, obviously late fall/early winter, upon seeing me scribble the tongue logo on a notebook, "Have you seen Mick in his UK/US flag cape?"

I was completely dumbfounded.


"Oh it's really cool!" she said.

What are you talking about?

"Mick Jagger."

What about him.

"The Stones tour."


To this day I have no idea what she was talking about in regard to what she was talking about: how she knew that. Maybe it was some magazine. Maybe it was MTV. Maybe it was the PPV.

She never said.

I eventually figured out what she was talking about a while later, as in, 1989.

A couple years later I saw the Undercover Of The Night video on MTV while at piano lessons. I heard Mick singing "Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo" etc on the school bus radio and thought, I've got to get that album.

Turns out the school bus song wasn't on the album but the MTV song was.

Finally figured it out via an older friend that is a Stones fan and magically for Christmas (this makes no sense but it's what happened) GOATS HEAD SOUP finally delivered the Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo song.

Then I got REWIND and started back tracking to the albums my dad had (BIG HITS, BEGGARS, BLEED, YA-YA'S and HOT ROCKS 1 and 2).

Not in order.

It makes no sense how I came to discover the post-1969 discog sans GHS pre-TY.

But I did.

EXILE was the last album I got into.

In the spring of 1982 a girlfriend got me SUCKING IN THE SEVENTIES as a present, maybe Valentine's, I'm not really sure.

It was pretty funny: she heard me say, with no context at all, that I wish I could get that album with the tongue on it (not knowing what I was saying). Well, the cellophane wrapper had the tongue on it so... she got me that album!

She said something like, Here's what you asked for!

I had no idea. I recognized two songs on it and thought, I already have those (SOME GIRLS). But I accepted it and gleefully went home.

That may be the origin of why I think SITS is such a fantastic comp...

The enjoyment of HACKNEY DIAMONDS is different than me getting those albums back then yet it has the same wonderment: what is this?

For a kid not knowing the gap between TATTOO YOU and basically LET IT BLEED... it's no wonder TY and UNERCOVER have such weight (and why DIRTY WORK is so disappointing).

HD has the energy, creativity and attitude that is TY and SG and... is weirdly more of a Stones album than STEEL WHEELS or VOODOO LOUNGE, the last albums before the tinkering got involved.

HD is refreshing.

If it is their last album it's an excellent way to end. If not, fine, whatever.

Thanks for sharing that. A heart warming story to me. I could feel and share the emotions as I read it. Truly moving to me and a glimpse of the love many of us also share in our experiences with this band. Those same emotions that still drive us even after all these years.

Thank you.

I appreciate the sentiment.

It is a part of what drives me to this day to buy albums (CDs) of artists I love or greatly like: the thrill is different now than then - but I think I like it better: a record in the mail.

A couple years later I was in a music store, in this particular case, a store that sold trumpets, saxophones etc... and vinyl albums... and there was UNDERCOVER.

For reasons I can't recall I knew it was a new Stones album. Aside from the stickers or whatever was hoisted in the record store. I just knew it.

That was the last great in-the-store album buying experience I had. I've enjoyed many since then, like STEEL WHEELS, STRIPPED, BRIDGES and NO SECURITY. Even FORTY LICKS.

I can not recall how I came about A BIGGER BANG because my life was upside down at the time because of Hurricane Katrina - but I got it somehow.

Maybe STRIPPED, BRIDGES and NO SECURITY were the most exiting in store post-U album purchases: seeing something in, I dunno, Rolling Stone, about the new release, trekking my way across the French Quarter to Tower Records... for the CD single of I Go Wild, for example.

The Millennial and whatever younger than them generations... so and so's new album "dropped".

Mad rush to the app. 10 minutes later just whatever. "I have the new album!" that's completely forgettable because, durrrr, it's always there with a click.

There's zero romance.

It's just like eating cheese sticks or a smoothie: it doesn't actually mean anything, it's just there.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-02-02 21:17 by GasLightStreet.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: howlingmad ()
Date: February 1, 2024 07:50

The enjoyment of HACKNEY DIAMONDS is different than me getting those albums back then yet it has the same wonderment: what is this?

Steel Wheels was my gateway drug to the Stones, so I had that same mad rush of slowly getting to discover their back catalogue. In my case, I remember record stores at the mall had big displays filled with cassettes that each had the Stones logo on them. The displays not only looked cool as hell, but to my surprise each album I bought was just as good as the last!

Hackney Diamonds is the first new Stones album that feels like it could've been part of that old display, and delivered the same high I felt upon playing Some Girls or Black and Blue for the first time. Honestly, if someone told me this album was basically another Tattoo You-style effort, with vintage tracks the band simply re-recorded, I would probably believe them.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: February 3, 2024 05:12

The enjoyment of HACKNEY DIAMONDS is different than me getting those albums back then yet it has the same wonderment: what is this?

Steel Wheels was my gateway drug to the Stones, so I had that same mad rush of slowly getting to discover their back catalogue. In my case, I remember record stores at the mall had big displays filled with cassettes that each had the Stones logo on them. The displays not only looked cool as hell, but to my surprise each album I bought was just as good as the last!

Hackney Diamonds is the first new Stones album that feels like it could've been part of that old display, and delivered the same high I felt upon playing Some Girls or Black and Blue for the first time. Honestly, if someone told me this album was basically another Tattoo You-style effort, with vintage tracks the band simply re-recorded, I would probably believe them.

When I went to buy STEEL WHEELS, I was already pleased having bought the 7 inch Mixed Emotions single (never saw the CD single).

Part of the elation of buying the record? Knowing they were coming to a stadium near me and that I had a chance of getting tickets.

Which I did.

The show was absolutely draw dropping. Almost Hear You Sigh was played, which had just been released as a single a few weeks prior, and, with a little knowledge of the set list, which Rolling Stone magazine or maybe someone else had talked about, about 4 songs in, that knowledge was put to rest: it didn't matter, it was absolutely awesome.

I've seem the Stones a few times since but STEEL WHEELS was absolutely magnificent. I saw VOODOO twice and NO FILTER once.

VOODOO was great.

Really enjoyed NO FILTER overall knowing what was 98% to be played, ha ha. Fantastic predictable show. Getting tickets and going was kinda 'Okay'. It was an expensive 'whatever' compared to 1989 and 1994. Yeah, big difference in ticket prices between 1994 and 2019 but at least in 1994 they were doing new things, even old new.

That mattered. In 2019 I went with other people so I didn't care, although I was quite pleased when they whooped out Sad Sad Sad.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: kish_stoned ()
Date: February 3, 2024 08:07

Get STONED with music and forget all bla bla bla. Be happy got
Great new music too.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: FoolToCry ()
Date: February 3, 2024 13:28

...still in the TOP 20 in Germany on No 16.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: February 3, 2024 21:22

It's a damn great album! I'd love to see Ronnie/Keith on Dreamy Skies in concert!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: hot stuff ()
Date: February 3, 2024 23:21

Yes. I do miss Bill and Charlie but HD is a great new
Album. After all this time since it's release I am still
Loving it.

It really holds up next to their other modern classics since 1978.

Like it's been said before. I'd be happy if this had to be their last release.

Great new Stones album.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: 2120Joe ()
Date: February 5, 2024 16:40

I don’t believe HD or the Stones were mentioned at the Grammys. Was the new music eligible?

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 5, 2024 16:52

I don’t believe HD or the Stones were mentioned at the Grammys. Was the new music eligible?

Angry was nominated for best Rock song or something like that, it wasn't one of the categories that aired. They lost.

The album itself missed the cutoff and thus would only be eligible next year.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: 2120Joe ()
Date: February 5, 2024 19:26

Thanks treaclefingers.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 6, 2024 10:52

Thanks treaclefingers.

thumbs up

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: February 6, 2024 18:08

I’ve given the album a rest for the past two weeks. Listening to lots of other things like Free, Taylor Swift, Broderick Smith, Gregory Alan Isakov, Mark Knopfler, The Beatles, Cold Chisel, Peter Gabriel and Russell Morris. Enjoyed all that.

Today I took out the Carnaby Red version of Hackney Diamonds.

Wow, what a record. It is holding up better and better the more I play it. Definitely a stayer. At this stage of their career they’ve whipped out a beauty!!


Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: HouseBoyKnows ()
Date: February 6, 2024 20:50

According to producer interviewed in Rolling Stone, there was a plan to have the Grammys open with the Stones playing Angry.

RS Grammy Story


Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: February 7, 2024 02:59

I’ve given the album a rest for the past two weeks. Listening to lots of other things like Free, Taylor Swift, Broderick Smith, Gregory Alan Isakov, Mark Knopfler, The Beatles, Cold Chisel, Peter Gabriel and Russell Morris. Enjoyed all that.

Today I took out the Carnaby Red version of Hackney Diamonds.

Wow, what a record. It is holding up better and better the more I play it. Definitely a stayer. At this stage of their career they’ve whipped out a beauty!!

I've recently gotten into the red and blue Beatles reissues plus GET BACK and their last two albums and REVOLVER with the reissues.

The beauty of the greatness is that it's not particular. Yet on one hand it's unfortunate that nothing with the Stones happens like anything with The Beatles regarding ABC, on the other hand... new Rolling Stones. It's not my problem UMG mishandles the Stones while Apple Records (UMG) goes all out.

Can't go wrong. Great new Stones album. Great Beatles reissues. As a fan of both, and of rock'n'roll music, it's all fantastic. There is not "better", it's simply just great.

And I love it.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: February 8, 2024 11:52

I’ve given the album a rest for the past two weeks. Listening to lots of other things like Free, Taylor Swift, Broderick Smith, Gregory Alan Isakov, Mark Knopfler, The Beatles, Cold Chisel, Peter Gabriel and Russell Morris. Enjoyed all that.

Today I took out the Carnaby Red version of Hackney Diamonds.

Wow, what a record. It is holding up better and better the more I play it. Definitely a stayer. At this stage of their career they’ve whipped out a beauty!!

I also gave it a rest for couple of weeks...and liked it even more on reacquaintance .

It's what I call an album with a personality and a heart .

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: tomcat2006 ()
Date: February 8, 2024 17:54

I’ve given the album a rest for the past two weeks. Listening to lots of other things like Free, Taylor Swift, Broderick Smith, Gregory Alan Isakov, Mark Knopfler, The Beatles, Cold Chisel, Peter Gabriel and Russell Morris. Enjoyed all that.

Today I took out the Carnaby Red version of Hackney Diamonds.

Wow, what a record. It is holding up better and better the more I play it. Definitely a stayer. At this stage of their career they’ve whipped out a beauty!!


Same sentiment here. Skipped it for a few weeks and am now delighting in every moment of listening!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Jalfstra ()
Date: February 9, 2024 17:11

What about that album documentary? Never heard anything about it since the album's release..

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Date: February 9, 2024 17:53

Yeah, I left it to one side for a few weeks, then came back to it after a long day at work, and it's still fantastic, still a miraculous achievement, I still play it all the way through, still thinking, this one is a classic.
As for the documentary, it should have come out soon after the album, if it was filmed at those sessions. Maybe to coincide with the Racket set. Maybe when they tour, or when the next album comes, if it ever does.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: stonerolling ()
Date: February 10, 2024 23:36

It's gone quiet, hop3 it sees the light of day!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Date: February 11, 2024 19:37

One thing we all have in common here.

We can certainly almost all relate to the title of the songs in one way or another.

Whether we like the song or not.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: February 14, 2024 06:02

I haven't exactly kept track but I've listened to HD at some point every week since it's come out.

The last time I was that interested in a new Stones album was BRIDGES.

But DIAMONDS is so much better. It's easily in their Top Ten best.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: bakersfield ()
Date: February 15, 2024 00:42

Absolutely agree.
Great songs. Great energy.
I’m fascinated to see where the next album takes them.

My only caveat is, I’d prefer it not to be so ‘brickwalled’ - but that’s a minor complaint,

I was 16 when Some Girls came out. If you had told me then that when the numbers in my age were the other way round the band would make an album this good, I would’ve fainted with shock!

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: February 15, 2024 06:33

Absolutely agree.
Great songs. Great energy.
I’m fascinated to see where the next album takes them.

My only caveat is, I’d prefer it not to be so ‘brickwalled’ - but that’s a minor complaint

Unfortunately that's the way it's been for quite some time. It takes someone in the - it seems like they'd've heard from someone already about how bad their releases have been mastered post-BRIDGES.

Keith is so about vinyl... Mick is so about technology: somewhere they found a great chasm of difference, which, pre-1986, they gave a damn about the quality of their releases.

Mick doesn't have the time? He's got as much time as anyone on the planet. If he doesn't want to be bothered at least allow someone to have some QUAULITY control instead of letting some buffoon just make everything as loud as possible because "that's what the label wants" - screw the label, THEY DON'T CARE.

Re: Hackney Diamonds - Album Talk
Posted by: Spud ()
Date: February 15, 2024 10:27

Absolutely agree.
Great songs. Great energy.
I’m fascinated to see where the next album takes them.

My only caveat is, I’d prefer it not to be so ‘brickwalled’ - but that’s a minor complaint

Unfortunately that's the way it's been for quite some time. It takes someone in the - it seems like they'd've heard from someone already about how bad their releases have been mastered post-BRIDGES.

Keith is so about vinyl... Mick is so about technology: somewhere they found a great chasm of difference, which, pre-1986, they gave a damn about the quality of their releases.

Mick doesn't have the time? He's got as much time as anyone on the planet. If he doesn't want to be bothered at least allow someone to have some QUAULITY control instead of letting some buffoon just make everything as loud as possible because "that's what the label wants" - screw the label, THEY DON'T CARE.

thumbs upthumbs up

I found the vinyl sound of HD to be a pleasant surprise in the context of what we've become accustomed to...but GasLight's comments remain very pertinent.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2024-02-15 10:32 by Spud.

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