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Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Massimo68 ()
Date: July 16, 2022 11:01

Peak on tuesday afternoon (17h00 local time) will be near 40°.
35° at 9 PM

(last forecast map available at this time)

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: July 16, 2022 11:50

Yep, gonna be hard, but still probably better than spending the whole day in the sun like at HP (2013 for me) not sure how bad it was this year. Marseille was pretty hot in 2018 too, as well as for Macca in 2015 but in the end it worked out ok.

I hope they allow water bottles in, maybe it would be a better idea to bring a camel back that can't be seen a potential thing you'd toss on stage. Having said that you probably don't want to be drinking too much either to have to use the rest room and lose your spot ;-)

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: MAF ()
Date: July 16, 2022 12:29

Got an email with information given by (don't find the English version):

Informations d'accès
Afin d’accéder au Groupama Stadium, il est impératif de vous munir d’un billet d’accès en ligne si vous venez en transports en commun ou pour stationner au parking stade.

Retrouvez vos accès et toutes les informations pour préparer votre venue sur cette page.

Nous vous invitons à prendre en considération d’éventuelles conditions météo exceptionnelles et à prendre connaissance de la liste des objets interdits dans le stade pour le concert, en fin d’email.

Accès avec votre véhicule :
Vous avez plusieurs possibilités pour stationner au stade ou à proximité.

Un parking stade au Groupama Stadium (25€)
Un parking 2 roues au Groupama Stadium (5€) - Pas de vente sur place
Un parking relais – Meyzieu les Panettes ou Eurexpo – (5€ le parking et l’A/R par personne) - Pas de vente sur place
Un dépose-minute sera exceptionnellement mis en place avant et après le concert. - Retrouvez-le en écrivant « Parking P56 » sur Waze. Durée de stationnement autorisée : 5min.

Parking Relais Meyzieu les Panettes Nord : ouverture dès 09h avec liaison Tram T3 jusqu’à Décines Grand Large. Départs des navettes bus et tram à partir de 17h qui vous emmèneront directement au stade en moins de 15 minutes.

Parking Relais Eurexpo : ouverture à 16h30 avec départs des navettes bus à partir de 17h.
Accès par les transports en commun :

La navette tramway, qui se rend directement au stade depuis les stations Part-Dieu Villette Sud ou Vaulx-En-Velin La Soie (5€ l’A/R par personne). 1er départ à 17h.

NB 1 : si vous souhaitez venir avant 17h en transports en commun, nous vous conseillons d'emprunter le Tramway T7 et de descendre à l'arrêt Décines OL Vallée situé au pied du stade. (Tarification TCL Classique)
Pour préparer votre venue, retrouvez toutes les informations concernant les horaires et accès.

09h00 : Ouverture des parkings stade et du parking Meyzieu les Panettes Nord avec liaison T3
16h30 : Ouverture des parkings relais Meyzieu les Panettes Nord et Sud & Eurexpo
16:30 : Ouverture des buvettes extérieures et food-trucks
17h00 : Premiers départs des navettes tramway et bus vers le stade
18h00 : Ouverture des portes
20h00 : Début du show

Dès la fin du concert : premiers départs des navettes tramway et bus du stade

00h30 : derniers départs des navettes tramway et bus du stade
01h15 : fermeture des parkings-relais Eurexpo et Meyzieu les Panettes

Objets interdits / politique concernant les sacs

Soprano - Groupama Stadium

Les Rolling Stones, les organisateurs du spectacle et le Groupama Stadium vous encouragent à vous rendre au concert sans apporter de sac.

Les fans seront autorisés à venir uniquement avec un sac qui ne dépasse pas les dimensions suivantes : 30 cm x 15 cm x 30 cm. - Exception faite pour raisons médicales qui doivent être déclarées au préalable.
Attaché-case / sac à dos / banane / valise
Étui pour ordinateurs / pour appareil photo, sac plus grand que les dimensions autorisées
Arme ou quoi que ce soit qui puisse être considéré comme une arme
Verre / récipient en verre (inclus parfums)
Sprays, déodorant
Pointeur laser
Feu d’artifice
Bijou clouté
Longue chaine sur les portefeuilles / porte-monnaie
Enregistreur audio ou d’équipement tel que iPad, tablettes, ordinateurs etc.
Appareil photo professionnel
Parapluie – petit, moyen, de golf
Perche à selfie
Drogue / substance illégale / protoxyde d’azote / substance psychoactive, etc.
Tenue inappropriée (What do they mean with that? Fur coat and ski suit?)

Des consignes situées en bas des rampes d’accès nord et sud, sont disponibles pour 2€.

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: July 16, 2022 13:09

Yep, gonna be hard, but still probably better than spending the whole day in the sun like at HP (2013 for me) not sure how bad it was this year. Marseille was pretty hot in 2018 too, as well as for Macca in 2015 but in the end it worked out ok.

I hope they allow water bottles in, maybe it would be a better idea to bring a camel back that can't be seen a potential thing you'd toss on stage. Having said that you probably don't want to be drinking too much either to have to use the rest room and lose your spot ;-)

At Hyde Park 2013 the security people were handing out free water to as much of the crowd as they could reach, and quite a few people fainted - but as you say, we were stuck out in the open all through the hottest part of the day with no shade. (The weather was much cooler this year - no problems.) At least with Lyon there is a later start and a shorter wait for the Stones. I can't see anything about water in those French rules and regulations, so let's hope they are more sensible than Brussels about allowing you to bring some.

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: StonesSmeth99 ()
Date: July 16, 2022 15:14

Here already and it’s a beautiful city. Coolest day of the lot at 90F

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: lenoplaf ()
Date: July 16, 2022 15:48

Green Lady
Yep, gonna be hard, but still probably better than spending the whole day in the sun like at HP (2013 for me) not sure how bad it was this year. Marseille was pretty hot in 2018 too, as well as for Macca in 2015 but in the end it worked out ok.

I hope they allow water bottles in, maybe it would be a better idea to bring a camel back that can't be seen a potential thing you'd toss on stage. Having said that you probably don't want to be drinking too much either to have to use the rest room and lose your spot ;-)

At Hyde Park 2013 the security people were handing out free water to as much of the crowd as they could reach, and quite a few people fainted - but as you say, we were stuck out in the open all through the hottest part of the day with no shade. (The weather was much cooler this year - no problems.) At least with Lyon there is a later start and a shorter wait for the Stones. I can't see anything about water in those French rules and regulations, so let's hope they are more sensible than Brussels about allowing you to bring some.

I just wrote a message to the Stadium so to know if it's possible to come with a water bottle or a camel back.Let's wait for their answer

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Infamy ()
Date: July 16, 2022 17:19

I was at the Waldbühne in Berlin in 2014. It was 36 degrees celsius. The Stones was in top form, but I remember the frontman in the warmup act complaining about the heat. A good warmup act by the way, the Temperance Movement. Going to Lyon tomorrow!

18 and counting. No stopping. What is next?

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: July 16, 2022 18:35

Since we're OT, aren't these the glam rock guys that Dale Skjerseth, the production manager, pulled the plug on at the Stade de France in 2014 ? It was a bit rude but no one in the audience seemed to mind too much ;-)

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: lenoplaf ()
Date: July 16, 2022 19:09

Regarding entering the place with water here is the official answer I received from the stadium

Nous vous informons que les bouteilles d'eau sont autorisées. Ces dernières doivent être en plastique et seront débouchonnées à l'entrée du Groupama Stadium.
Nous vous conseillons de prioriser les bouteilles de petite taille (33cl ou 50cl).

Small water bottles (33cl ou 50cl) will be allowed but the caps will be removed
So the best thing to do is to have another cap hidden in your pocket, or your wallet or wherever you can hide it, let them remove the cap of your bottle and put the spare cap on after. If you atrrive directly with a bottle without a cap they will be tempted to search for it on you thinking you are cheating

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: MAF ()
Date: July 16, 2022 19:41


... but the caps will be removed
What a nonsense!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-16 19:41 by MAF.

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: syrel ()
Date: July 16, 2022 19:45

Peak on tuesday afternoon (17h00 local time) will be near 40°.
35° at 9 PM

(last forecast map available at this time)

I thought this was the show Litho design grinning smiley

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Infamy ()
Date: July 16, 2022 20:28

Regarding entering the place with water here is the official answer I received from the stadium

Nous vous informons que les bouteilles d'eau sont autorisées. Ces dernières doivent être en plastique et seront débouchonnées à l'entrée du Groupama Stadium.
Nous vous conseillons de prioriser les bouteilles de petite taille (33cl ou 50cl).

Small water bottles (33cl ou 50cl) will be allowed but the caps will be removed
So the best thing to do is to have another cap hidden in your pocket, or your wallet or wherever you can hide it, let them remove the cap of your bottle and put the spare cap on after. If you atrrive directly with a bottle without a cap they will be tempted to search for it on you thinking you are cheating

Thank you Lenoplaf.
I was wondering about the tramway to the stadium. Does it leave from two different stations?

18 and counting. No stopping. What is next?

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: MAF ()
Date: July 16, 2022 20:48


I was wondering about the tramway to the stadium. Does it leave from two different stations?
Information given by the stadium.
This little map might help a bit.

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: justeillusion ()
Date: July 16, 2022 20:57

I was at the Waldbühne in Berlin in 2014. It was 36 degrees celsius. The Stones was in top form, but I remember the frontman in the warmup act complaining about the heat. A good warmup act by the way, the Temperance Movement. Going to Lyon tomorrow![/quote
Non it' was "thé struts"

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: justeillusion ()
Date: July 16, 2022 20:59

Since we're OT, aren't these the glam rock guys that Dale Skjerseth, the production manager, pulled the plug on at the Stade de France in 2014 ? It was a bit rude but no one in the audience seemed to mind too much ;-)[/quote

Non it' was the struts!

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Infamy ()
Date: July 16, 2022 21:05


I was wondering about the tramway to the stadium. Does it leave from two different stations?
Information given by the stadium.
This little map might help a bit.
Thanks MAF!

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 16, 2022 21:07

HOT STUFF! eye popping smiley

I've been there in the midst of a sweltering heatwave, and it's not easy...even in the shade....
Hope everyone is able to stay hydrated and somewhat cool.

Peak on tuesday afternoon (17h00 local time) will be near 40°.
35° at 9 PM

(last forecast map available at this time)

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 16, 2022 22:45

The weather forecast for Lyon France says +34C (93F) until midnight on show day Tuesday July 19. It will be brutal, both for the band and the fans!



Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: July 16, 2022 22:55

+34C until midnight ??!!!

I only can remember a hotter show day, in Budapest, 2007...
It was hotter, wasn't it?

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: WorriedAboutYou ()
Date: July 16, 2022 23:34

Lordy the heat. Is it even viable for the band to play in such temps? You have to factor in the lights, stage clothes, moving around, I just can't see how that is doable. Ugh.

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 16, 2022 23:41

+34C until midnight ??!!!

I only can remember a hotter show day, in Budapest, 2007...
It was hotter, wasn't it?

Yes. Budapest July 20, 2007 (and Bucuresti three days earlier) were both 34C or so daytime, may be 30C evening, can't remember. They sold out on water at the stadium in Budapest. It was tough, but I had filled up my body with plenty of water during my pre-show afternoon meal, so I survived without extra water.


Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: July 17, 2022 00:37


... but the caps will be removed
What a nonsense!

Yeah that's going to be convenient, carrying an uncapped bottle around...of course you can't rule out the risk of some idiots tossing around capped bottles full of water (or worse) around the stadium or on stage.

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: July 17, 2022 00:40

+34C until midnight ??!!!

I only can remember a hotter show day, in Budapest, 2007...
It was hotter, wasn't it?

Yes. Budapest July 20, 2007 (and Bucuresti three days earlier) were both 34C or so daytime, may be 30C evening, can't remember. They sold out on water at the stadium in Budapest. It was tough, but I had filled up my body with plenty of water during my pre-show afternoon meal, so I survived without extra water.

Desert Trip was the hottest concert I've ever seen them (or anyone) at.. +104F ? during the day.. and while it cooled off some at night, I saw so many people passing out from heat exhaustion, most of them alcohol fueled. Never seen anything like it.

Mick of course had to cancel the LV show right after weekend 2, the heat and strong winds/sand left his throat a mess.

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: July 17, 2022 01:30


+34C until midnight ??!!!

Also 36°C / 97°F during the 2014 Tel-Aviv-Show - [] . I had watched the temperature online alongside in the weather report.

As BV wrote in 2014: "The daytime temperature today had been mid 40's Celcius degrees, and as we drove back from the show by midnight, the taxi driver told us it was 34 degrees C. It was hot!"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-07-17 03:50 by Irix.

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: July 17, 2022 06:14

The weather influenced the 2019 tour two times as I recall - the shoo shoo that was Hurricane Barry in New Orleans and then Hurricane Dorian, which was extremely and expertly forecasted to not hit Miami but still rained during the show.

I don't recall anything in 2021.

This year the heat but nothing has been postponed because of it.

So far.

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: benstones ()
Date: July 17, 2022 14:12

In Phoenix 2019, the weather was even hotter: 42°C.
It won't be the first "hot show" for the Stones smiling smiley


Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Topi ()
Date: July 17, 2022 14:45

Quick, someone predict some rain!

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: hockenheim95 ()
Date: July 17, 2022 14:50

I was at the Waldbühne in Berlin in 2014. It was 36 degrees celsius. The Stones was in top form, but I remember the frontman in the warmup act complaining about the heat. A good warmup act by the way, the Temperance Movement. Going to Lyon tomorrow!
Non it' was "thé struts"

No, it was The Temperance Movement opening in Berlin 2014. Sadly the lead singer quit two years ago and no more sign of anything by the band since then. I believe they're History. Very sad.

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: July 17, 2022 15:00


No, it was The Temperance Movement opening in Berlin 2014.

Yes - [] . And the max. temperature in Berlin on 10-Jun-2014 was 31°C - but it felt very hot due to the sun.

Re: Lyon France 2022 - Stones travel and show info
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: July 17, 2022 15:07

Shades of the heatwave in Brno and Budapest in 2007, when the temperature was 42 or 43 degrees. Bucharest the same - I think it was there that Mick sprayed water on the crowd (correct me if misremembered).

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