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New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: June 2, 2021 19:08

Another book has just been printed limited to 1500 copies
and available in french or english.

Some unreleased pictures from Exile inside see below.

Link to order here
Galerie de l'Instant


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-13 15:40 by Honestman.

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: June 2, 2021 19:45

135,00 €...?

Ouch! I'm not a cow, I'm a human being! >grinning smiley<

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: dmay ()
Date: June 2, 2021 21:57

Just much is this in Yankee dollars? Does it say anything we haven't already learned or been shown?

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: LieB ()
Date: June 3, 2021 09:56

Tarlé was a godsend to Nellcote in '71. There aren't many pictures from there that weren't taken by him.

But it's sorta funny that his pics are always collected in those expensive kind of books and then a lot of them end up on the web anyway...

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Date: June 3, 2021 10:24


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-03 10:24 by DandelionPowderman.

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: Stone601 ()
Date: June 3, 2021 14:30

Just much is this in Yankee dollars? Does it say anything we haven't already learned or been shown?
$ 164,56

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: June 3, 2021 15:17

it's sorta funny that his pics are always collected in those expensive kind of books

- his main source of income comes from lavish and quite expensive art prints. Books aim at the "broke" strata of the stones fandom (= us). grinning smiley

- you can't blame him for making beaucoup money nowadays with the Nellcote pictures since he kept them in a cupboard for decades without trying to cash in on them (apart from the occasional sale to a rock mag). That is basically from the time he took them to the year the late Brian Roylance had the very good idea of contacting him to make the "Exile" book together (2000?).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-04 12:18 by dcba.

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: gagiwh ()
Date: June 7, 2021 18:07

Nice video:


Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: June 7, 2021 19:49

135,00 €...?

Ouch! I'm not a cow, I'm a human being! >grinning smiley<

Well, at least it's cheaper than "EXILE" cool smiley

I read that one twice and locked it away, afraid the damage it grinning smiley

I'm a GHOST living in a ghost town

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: pichenot ()
Date: June 7, 2021 20:32

it's sorta funny that his pics are always collected in those expensive kind of books

- his main source of income comes from lavish and quite expensive art prints. Books aim at the "broke" strata of the stones fandom (= us). grinning smiley

- you can't blame him for making beaucoup money nowadays with the Nellcote pictures since he kept them in a cupboard for decades without trying to cash in on them (apart from the occasional sale to a rock mag). That is basically from the time he took them to the year the late Brian Roylance had the very good idea of contacting him to make the "Exile" book together (2000?).

Pas d'accord, il a fait suffisamment de photos en 6 mois pour pouvoir sortir plusieurs bouquins différents.Là il resort le même en changeant ou rajoutant 2 ou 3 photos inédites. Bon faut dire qu'il est à bonne école. Les Stones sont fortiches pour nous faire acheter des trucs incomplets et les ressortir plus tard complets.

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: June 7, 2021 21:55

Tu sais qui tire les ficelles? Sa galeriste Julia Gragnon. Elle dirige tout, voit loin, et Dom dit "oui" à chaque fois.

J'ai connu sa galerie du 3ème avant Tarlé : elle vivotait et les tirages de trucs divers prenaient l'humidité et gondolaient au sous-sol... confused smiley Pas très pro...Le je-m'en-foutisme total.

Elle a fait BEAUCOUP de pognon avec Nellcote et elle compte bien presser le citron jusqu'à la dernière goutte (d'où ces livres hors de prix qui se ressemblent tous).

Avec D.T. Miss Gragnon a gagné les 6 numéros au Loto! Merci Keith! Merci Mick!

Pour finir, une anecdote de la bouche de Dom' : il a fait un nombre considérable de films à Nellcote (plusieurs centaines) . Et qui a réglé la facture? Keith! La classe, non?

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: pichenot ()
Date: June 7, 2021 22:44

Tu sais qui tire les ficelles? Sa galeriste Julia Gragnon. Elle dirige tout, voit loin, et Dom dit "oui" à chaque fois.

J'ai connu sa galerie du 3ème avant Tarlé : elle vivotait et les tirages de trucs divers prenaient l'humidité et gondolaient au sous-sol... confused smiley Pas très pro...Le je-m'en-foutisme total.

Elle a fait BEAUCOUP de pognon avec Nellcote et elle compte bien presser le citron jusqu'à la dernière goutte (d'où ces livres hors de prix qui se ressemblent tous).

Avec D.T. Miss Gragnon a gagné les 6 numéros au Loto! Merci Keith! Merci Mick!

Pour finir, une anecdote de la bouche de Dom' : il a fait un nombre considérable de films à Nellcote (plusieurs centaines) . Et qui a réglé la facture? Keith! La classe, non?

Ca on la connait l'histoire mais nous on paye tout plein pot.Y'a plein de bouquin sur d'autres artistes qui sont à des prix correctes mais bon c'est comme ça. Ils feraient les bouquins moins cher ils feraient plus de frics. Il y a une part de snobisme la dedans.

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: June 7, 2021 23:38

Tu sais qui tire les ficelles? Sa galeriste Julia Gragnon. Elle dirige tout, voit loin, et Dom dit "oui" à chaque fois.

J'ai connu sa galerie du 3ème avant Tarlé : elle vivotait et les tirages de trucs divers prenaient l'humidité et gondolaient au sous-sol... confused smiley Pas très pro...Le je-m'en-foutisme total.

Elle a fait BEAUCOUP de pognon avec Nellcote et elle compte bien presser le citron jusqu'à la dernière goutte (d'où ces livres hors de prix qui se ressemblent tous).

Avec D.T. Miss Gragnon a gagné les 6 numéros au Loto! Merci Keith! Merci Mick!

Pour finir, une anecdote de la bouche de Dom' : il a fait un nombre considérable de films à Nellcote (plusieurs centaines) . Et qui a réglé la facture? Keith! La classe, non?

Ca on la connait l'histoire mais nous on paye tout plein pot.Y'a plein de bouquin sur d'autres artistes qui sont à des prix correctes mais bon c'est comme ça. Ils feraient les bouquins moins cher ils feraient plus de frics. Il y a une part de snobisme la dedans.

How far do you want to go as a fan? The Exile on Main St. album is a very good and interesting product by a band going through difficult times. The history behind the making is very interesting too, but do we really want to know how many eggs Keith was having for breakfast? And see it on a photo? For those who want that, well there's price to pay. But a normal (what is normal?) Rolling Stones fan is happy with an overview of life as it was in Nelcote, puts that info somewhere and then picks up the album to enjoy the music. Because isn't that what it's all about?
smileys with beer

I'm a GHOST living in a ghost town

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-13 00:08 by georgie48.

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: June 9, 2021 11:08

Well I just got my copy this morning.First the book is huge.
The printing quality is very good.
But what about the content ?
To my surprise it's not just another cash book like some of you may think of.
There is indeed the well known pictures inside, and for some of them printed at a larger size than the ones you got in the infamous Exile book which allow you to see more details.
And then again, I would say that for the unreleased shots, there are a number of them.I know it will never beat the Genesis Book, but it's very close to it and a nice addition.
Yeah the price is kind of high, but ridiculous compare to Exile.


Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: misterfrias ()
Date: June 10, 2021 16:00

I have Exile and I know those top photos aren’t in it. I just wonder if it is worth having both books. I am a “Yankee” and $165 is a tad high for me (considering how the pandemic ate up my finances).

Thanks for the heads up and mini review, HM.

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: June 10, 2021 17:42

Well I just got my copy this morning.First the book is huge.
The printing quality is very good.
But what about the content ?
To my surprise it's not just another cash book like some of you may think of.
There is indeed the well known pictures inside, and for some of them printed at a larger size than the ones you got in the infamous Exile book which allow you to see more details.
And then again, I would say that for the unreleased shots, there are a number of them.I know it will never beat the Genesis Book, but it's very close to it and a nice addition.
Yeah the price is kind of high, but ridiculous compare to Exile.

How is it compared to "the box" of some years ago?


Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: June 10, 2021 18:34

More about the unreleased shots.
There is a shot of Anita sitting in a toy car and playing with Marlon which is priceless.
The only shot of the whole Stones minus Bill rehearsing in the basement.
Some other ones with Gram Parsons never seen before including one in color.

So to answer to liddas, if you already got The Box, forget it, get that one instead there is far more pictures in it.
So much unreleased shots are a premiere since a while with Dominique.
I follow him since yearrrrrrs, and during the past years we got the new ones from time to time only, today with this book, at last we can be satisfied.

For the well known shots, some of the wedding pics (the arrival of the famous guests) are printed in larger size than in Exile, same for the shot with Mick and Bianca outside.

And indeed as usual, you can ask Julia for a signed copy.
My copy is # 81 over 1500 so it look like it will be a good seller...


Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: June 11, 2021 12:45


So to answer to liddas, if you already got The Box, forget it, get that one instead there is far more pictures in it.
So much unreleased shots are a premiere since a while with Dominique.
I follow him since yearrrrrrs, and during the past years we got the new ones from time to time only, today with this book, at last we can be satisfied.

Thank you for your feedback, but I am afraid I did not understand your advice!

Yes, I already have the box!

Is La Villa worth buying as well, or is it redundant?


Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: June 11, 2021 15:53


So to answer to liddas, if you already got The Box, forget it, get that one instead there is far more pictures in it.
So much unreleased shots are a premiere since a while with Dominique.
I follow him since yearrrrrrs, and during the past years we got the new ones from time to time only, today with this book, at last we can be satisfied.

Thank you for your feedback, but I am afraid I did not understand your advice!

Yes, I already have the box!

Is La Villa worth buying as well, or is it redundant?


La Villa is worth buying not redundant compare to the Box it is something completely different.winking smiley


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-11 15:56 by Honestman.

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: jbwelda ()
Date: June 11, 2021 19:02

looks like beefsteak with green beans or peas were on the menu. And thats a nice looking yellow lab there.


Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: June 12, 2021 22:58

And nobody mentions the other Tarle book? winking smiley


At 35 Euros it's 100 Euros cheaper than the main one.

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: June 12, 2021 23:07

And nobody mentions the other Tarle book? winking smiley


At 35 Euros it's 100 Euros cheaper than the main one.

First it's not a Tarlé's book, but Benoit Jarry winking smiley
DT only wrote the foreword in it.
The book you mention talk about the story of the Villa with indeed some DT pictures in it beside some other old ones from the early century (1900), you can't compare them, for two reasons, it's a completely different thing, quality wise
and also for the choice of the pictures.
Benoit Jarry's book show very few (well known pictures) and not a single unreleased one.Again , this is not a book about The Stones, this is a book about the Villa with a chapter which include the Stones and less than 20 pictures in it.


Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: June 13, 2021 15:52


Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: misterfrias ()
Date: June 15, 2021 23:46


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-06-16 18:27 by misterfrias.

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: AntoineParis ()
Date: June 17, 2021 13:53

Long interview of Dominique Tarlé in 5 parts


Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: Massimo68 ()
Date: June 17, 2021 15:36


(actually "Jardin Animalier")

Re: New Book : Dominique Tarlé La Villa The Rolling Stones 1971
Posted by: keefgotsoul ()
Date: August 19, 2021 05:27

Just saw some videos and pictures from inside Nellcote taken last summer on Instagram. It appears they’re from the people that were doing repairs on the gold leaf on the walls and ceiling. You’ll recognize the room from photos when Keith was there


There’s more pics and videos on there

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