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RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: 5stringTele ()
Date: September 19, 2020 04:45

Notorious RBG RIP

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court’s Feminist Icon, Is Dead at 87 (New York Times)

I wonder if it's possible to note the sad passing of US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on this board without stirring up political idiots on either side. She was an accomplished woman who helped the United States overcome a few of it's more ridiculous discriminatory laws. She fought multiple types of cancer and many other health issues for many years. I doubt she ever missed a day of work in her life. She was an inspiration to women and men. She will be missed.

Please be civil.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-09-19 23:43 by bv.

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: September 19, 2020 04:49

Even as a Canuck, I’m pretty gutted about this one. RBG was an incredible force of nature, a brilliant jurist, wonderful role model for girls and women, and she had a wicked sense of humour. Politics aside, her passing is a huge loss. RIP RBG.

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: dmay ()
Date: September 19, 2020 04:54

Hearing of her death shook me even though, with her hospitalizations over the past few years, I wondered how long she would stay on the court or live. She was an exceptional jurist, well learned in the law and, as noted by 5stringTele, an inspiration to many, but not all. RIP, Justice Ginsburg.

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: September 19, 2020 04:57

She was a hero in so many ways, and I am very sad tonight. She will be greatly missed, and her memory will be honored by all those she fought for.

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: September 19, 2020 05:02

Agree or disagree with her she was a legend, a pioneer, an inspiration, and an icon.
RIP Notorious RBG.

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: September 19, 2020 05:32

May her memory be for a blessing.

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: snoopy2 ()
Date: September 19, 2020 06:17

her strength

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: More Hot Rocks ()
Date: September 19, 2020 07:05

Very Sad. This isn't good. She gave the USA hope.

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: MKjan ()
Date: September 19, 2020 07:17

A great woman, and a huge loss for the US.

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: September 19, 2020 07:17

RIP. A truly great woman.

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: ChrisL ()
Date: September 19, 2020 10:59

RIP RBG. A sad day indeed

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: September 19, 2020 19:17

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1933 - 2020

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2020-09-19 19:22 by schillid.

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: Kennedy ()
Date: September 19, 2020 21:58

She was a fighter to the end. You have to respect her her amazing life. Rest in Peace.

Re: OT: Notorious RBG RIP
Posted by: Dan ()
Date: September 19, 2020 23:20

What an exciting time to be alive.

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: September 19, 2020 23:51

She was... Ahem... SHE WAS... the perfect look-alike of Linda Hunt!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2020-09-19 23:52 by dcba.

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: GerardHennessy ()
Date: September 20, 2020 00:28

A truly marvellous woman. One who championed ideas and views that epitomised the era in which The Stones came to prominence.

May she rest peacefully and contentedly having done a great deal to make better lives for those who needed such help the most.

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: September 20, 2020 01:59

THE AGE -- 20 September 2020


Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: Phil Good ()
Date: September 20, 2020 15:54

A Big Loss.

Bigger than many may be aware of.


Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: stonesstein ()
Date: September 20, 2020 22:44

As a US lawyer, a SCOTUS justice is always worthy of incredible respect. RBG followed her own sense of justice in tackling some of the biggest issues in her 27 years on the Court. I cannot say that I agreed with her opinions more than not, as she had moments where she would surprise us all.

It's a shame that she was so politically maligned, because she had more class in one toe than her assailants had combined.

Regardless of one's politics, she deserves respect.

Kick me like you kicked before
I can't even feel the pain no more

"Rocks Off", Exile on Main Street
Rolling Stones, 1972

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: tonyc ()
Date: September 20, 2020 23:59

Agree with all the positive sentiments above.

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: StonedAsiaExile ()
Date: September 21, 2020 05:30

Not a strict Constitutionalist. I simply don't agree it's a court's job to 'legislate' from the bench, merely to interpret the law.

With that said, God speed Mrs Ginsberg. I do respect your position if not all your decisions.

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: September 21, 2020 13:49

R.I.P. Justice Ginsburg ! You will truly be missed !!!!!!!!!!

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: SKILLS ()
Date: September 21, 2020 14:00

She had a remarkable career. R.I.P. Ruth Joan Bader Ginsburg, born 1933 in Brooklyn, lost her Mum at 17 and for the remaining 70 years of her life she trailblazed.

Impressive achievement to live a life of substance consistently at the highest level.

This has been an opportunity to engage with my 3 nieces who are all under 13 about how you can work on your passions your whole life and it never feels like work

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: September 21, 2020 14:17

amazing life. her dissents have been used to shape public policy...Lilly Ledbetter for example...a case the court was very wrong on with regards to equality/equal pay for men and women....Her dissents will be used again, as she was a true legend working tirelessly for the underdog.

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: angee ()
Date: September 21, 2020 19:33

I add my kudos to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, what a trailblazer for justice, equality for all.

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: CJFP ()
Date: September 21, 2020 19:37

Truly a monumental loss. She will be greatly missed.

Rest in piece ma'am

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: September 23, 2020 16:40

Ruth Bader Ginsberg's casket is carried into the U.S. Supreme Court observed by more than 100 of her current and former law clerks

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: 5stringTele ()
Date: September 24, 2020 03:08

I'll try not to lose my temper this time. BV, please delete the 2 most political posts. I didn't open this thread to provide career trolls an opportunity to slip in their personal political crap. The vast majority of posts did exactly what they should have: Express their grief and loss and pay their respects to an American legend.

The post stating the author's personal opinion about legislating from the bench may look innocuous enough to BV, because he's not as tuned in to the more lurid details of political dog whistles in the USA (and much happier for it, I'm sure). Justice Ginsberg never legislated from the bench. Not once in all her years on the court. She made well thought out rulings based upon existing statutes and case law. Saying she (or any Supreme Court Justice) rules from their political agenda is a career troll insult. It implies they've done something dishonest and disreputable. That is insulting and disrespectful, especially so soon after somebody passes away.

The other and more recent post about correcting "misguided" policies is such a flagrant political troll, it should not need explanation. Both sides accuse the other of being "misguided" every day.

To the rest of the people who posted in this thread deserve a thank you for keeping their political beliefs out of it. Some people just needed a fair chance to express their grief at the loss and their gratitude for RBG's accomplishments.

Re: RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Posted by: CJFP ()
Date: September 24, 2020 06:03

I'll try not to lose my temper this time. BV, please delete the 2 most political posts. I didn't open this thread to provide career trolls an opportunity to slip in their personal political crap. The vast majority of posts did exactly what they should have: Express their grief and loss and pay their respects to an American legend.

The post stating the author's personal opinion about legislating from the bench may look innocuous enough to BV, because he's not as tuned in to the more lurid details of political dog whistles in the USA (and much happier for it, I'm sure). Justice Ginsberg never legislated from the bench. Not once in all her years on the court. She made well thought out rulings based upon existing statutes and case law. Saying she (or any Supreme Court Justice) rules from their political agenda is a career troll insult. It implies they've done something dishonest and disreputable. That is insulting and disrespectful, especially so soon after somebody passes away.

The other and more recent post about correcting "misguided" policies is such a flagrant political troll, it should not need explanation. Both sides accuse the other of being "misguided" every day.

To the rest of the people who posted in this thread deserve a thank you for keeping their political beliefs out of it. Some people just needed a fair chance to express their grief at the loss and their gratitude for RBG's accomplishments.

You tell 'em!

RBG was not in it for fame or to push an agenda. She read the laws, knew them better than anyone on this site, and decided which side to take and whatnot. There was no "legislating from the bench" and even if there was, a memorial thread is not the place to talk about it.

She was a great woman who sadly passed away. There should be at least a week or two before people debate her rulings.

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