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old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: kienan ()
Date: October 28, 2005 01:09

What if "Old Habits Die Hard" had been recorded by the Stones? I think this was a great song title for them to use. Even could have been used as a album title.Keith could have done justice to this song, With his leaning towards country-style ballads of late.Even with the same arrangement that was used on Alfie, I think the Stones would done a better job with this one. This song title could have been autobiographical with any of the Stones.Keith and Ron's addictions,Mick's promiscuous ways and Charlie's problems back in the '80s. I guess any of us could very easily relate.(Cigarettes,Sex, Drugs, booze etcwinking smiley.I think most of us would have prefered this title to "Streets of Love" as a song on ABB.A missed opportunity.Anyway,someone may have already pointed this out on a previous post,so thanks for reading!

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: Chas ()
Date: October 28, 2005 01:15

Better title than "A Bigger Bang". Mick's too preoccupied trying to appeal to Justin Timberlake and Beyonce fans.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: T&A ()
Date: October 28, 2005 01:44

Old Habits is 10x better than SOL, IMO. Great hook, honest passion (it's fake on SOL)

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: Debra ()
Date: October 28, 2005 01:57

WRONG CHAS, Mick was trying to appeal to fans other than Stones fans but not necessarily Timberlake fans! And the entire ALFIE sound trackis excellent! I bet you have never heard the entire cd! I like SOL but I do love OLD HABITS alot more! I encourage Stones fans to buy Alfie sound track to see another side of Mick, a very appealing one that shows he is multi-faceted.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: October 28, 2005 01:58

alfie soundtrack 2out of 10

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: Debra ()
Date: October 28, 2005 02:27

I can ALWAYS COUNT OF YOU, JJFLASH, to be the exact opposite of adjusted, sane and decent where the Stones are concerned; I really wonder WHYyou bother to post here! Do you really like this band or do you just write as many negative things as you can come up with just to be DIFFERENT. Guess What? Different is not desireable!

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: Chas ()
Date: October 28, 2005 02:28

My comments about Mick were based more on what he and others have said in interviews--being really into contemporary pop. As far as his vocals on solo stuff I agree they would sound much better with The Stones behind him. I just think the other things he tries he's not really suited for. I always give anything he does a listen but the solo studff does nothing for me.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: October 28, 2005 12:08

Stop mentioning that song. It makes me shiver.


Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: kuenzer ()
Date: October 28, 2005 13:41

No, I think they should have recorded "Rock-A-Hula-Baby". It's a rock band after all,
and this song really tells a story. Would have been a great album title, too.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: October 28, 2005 13:46

Debra Wrote:
> exact opposite of adjusted, sane and decent where
> the Stones are concerned; I really wonder WHYyou
> bother to post here! Do you really like this band
> or do you just write as many negative things as
> you can come up with just to be DIFFERENT. Guess
> What? Different is not desireable!

to be fair, why should he be expected to like "Alfie" just because he likes the Stones?

It wasnt recorded by "this band", after all...

I doubt too many Stones fans can fully appreciate Charlie's albums..

(For the record, I thought the "Alfie" soundtrack was pretty good, and "old Habits" a greatly underrated song)

The real 'missed opportunity' though was not releasing the version with the market-friendly Sheryl Crow as the single (in Europe, its not even on the album)

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: Debra ()
Date: October 28, 2005 14:53

GAZZA, I KNOW that Alfie is a solo project, just making a point that JJFLASH likes to take the opposite view point CONSISTENTLY and I think it's not really HIS opinion, just his way of trying to annoy me! As for the Sheryl Crow version, I do like it but I don't think it's a better version, just maybe more commercial, as you said. Everything she touches turns to gold and I think SHE is OVER-RATED!

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: BowieStone ()
Date: October 28, 2005 15:58

Old Habbits Die Hard is a great song. So is the entire soundtrack.
It's 100% Mick solo stuff, but I happen to like Micks solo material. Even when a song or album isn't good it's at least always intresting.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: Chas ()
Date: October 28, 2005 18:55

"Blue" would have been a great Stones song. I think Mick dilutes the Stones w/ his solo projects.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: October 28, 2005 19:41

debra wrote:

>I can ALWAYS COUNT OF YOU, JJFLASH, to be the exact opposite of adjusted, sane and decent where the Stones are concerned

if u are an adjusted sane decent fan the I'M DEFINATELY NOT.

u r a freak.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: October 28, 2005 19:42

u must not read too many of my comments then. i'm mainly positive of the boys. i'm just not a rah rah stalker like u.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: Debra ()
Date: October 30, 2005 01:31

I guess another thing you're NOT JJFLASH is literate! I'll just consider the source from now on, should have realized long ago exactly what I was responding to; I gave you a tiny bit of credit at one time for being a fan who possessed a bit of knowledge NOW I know better! " U R " is not English, not even for a ten year that how old you are!? Stalker? Cheerleader? Not me buddy, just someone who does not try to be a pain in the ass just for the Hell of it like you do. I just offer opinions and if folks don't agree, that's to be expected because I realize and respect opinions IF THEY ARE FROM A SANE PERSON. If the shoe fits.....well, you know the rest.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: Debra ()
Date: October 30, 2005 01:35

P.S. Gazza, the difference between you and JJFLASH is pretty obvious; you offer different perspectives, although often different from mine, still they have value because they are based on a sane, logical viewpoint. Get my point about JJFLASH? When he contradicts me, it is to annoy, not offer a different opinion. JJ is NOT expected to say he likes anything I like. Like I said, he is just contrary TO BE A NUDGE!

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: October 30, 2005 03:11

u r stands for YOU ARE

as in you are a bitch
or you are insane
or you are a moron
or you are psychotic
or you are a freak
or you are a knucklehead
or you are debra

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: October 30, 2005 03:18

dumdum wrote:

>I can ALWAYS COUNT OF YOU, JJFLASH, to be the exact opposite of adjusted, sane and decent where the Stones are concerned; I really wonder WHYyou bother to post here! Do you really like this band or do you just write as many negative things as you can come up with just to be DIFFERENT. Guess What? Different is not desireable

what does alfie have to do with the rolling stones?in case you didn't know, it is not a rolling stones record.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: October 30, 2005 03:21

debra you are so annoying. you get pissed at anyone with any negative criticism of anything. yes, i've been once in a while writing something and knowing you will get pissed but so what? u have it in for me and carry on like a two year old, so what can I do? u have issues, serious issues.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: Debra ()
Date: October 30, 2005 03:51

U are not adjusted and that is quite apparent and Alfie is a Mick project so of course that's just another reason for a deranged soul like yourself to go off!!! Anyone reading your above posts can see exactly WHO the PSYCHO is! I am never annoyed at Gazza or anyone else who voice REAL opinions, real meaning not hatched in a freak brain. Go take your meds and call your doc in the morning! I truly hope BV is reading this and can see how you behave here.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: October 30, 2005 06:00

well, if bv read all your posts calling me insane and an a-hole for not kissing your ass, then he'll see who the nutjob is. bv knows what i'm about and i don't go over the line. i love the stones, but if i think something is not right i say it. noone else seems to mind a differing opinion. if u would just calm down and relax everything will be ok. the stones are still rock gods and u can sleep at night knowing u kissed their rears well. i've been a stoneaholic for 23 years now and i think i know a little about the boys. i've seen them 19 times , gonna be 21 in january. every song they sing is viewed differently by different people. if u want everyone to just agree with u and say "yeah, that was the best" then u r so lame. your opinion is shit then because u have no opinion. u r just a rah rah stones fan. bv appreciates constructive criticism of the concert or song or album or tour. if u cannot accept someone not agreeing with u then u need serious help. and yes, u is a word. i only rile u up because u bring it on yourself.u create the situation.

Re: old habits die hard-a missed opportunity by the Stones
Posted by: Debra ()
Date: October 30, 2005 19:57

And U are so much fun to toy with that's why I carry on so much about certain things! U are my favorite past time and U always play right into my hand, ALWAYS! U never let me down! As for constructive criticism of the Stones, I enjoy it and I offer lots of it myself when appropriate....but with U, I say things to push your buttons and obviously I do it WELL!!!! Seeing the Stones 19 times you'd think that by now you'd be a bit more forgiving of certain things that they do LIVE....I've seen them 33 times, not that it matters how many TIMES. I also feel that after all these years you come to expect alot of varying opinions about them, some not great. Even BV offers stern criticism when he feels it's appropriate. I guess you've not read ALOT of MY POSTS that have not been 100% favorable, but hey, whatever floats your boat! Just sleep well knowing that you make my day every time you rise to the bait!

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