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Re: Enough Now! Dear Mick and Keith....
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 18, 2020 03:00

They can't get back on the road. We are in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years.

Yes, they could do a "Tatoo You" type album.

In my opinion their song writing days are over with; judging from what they have released since "Steel Wheels". That's why they should stick to a "Tatoo You" type album.

Either that, or let "Blue and Lonesome" be their final album.

Just no. Theres a world of difference between putting vocal overdubs on songs that are 3-4 years old and putting them on songs that are 3-4 decades old.

OK, and not necessarily disagreeing with you but playing devil's advocate, in some respect that could also mean that seeing them in concert limit's the playlist to Blue and Lonesome, and MAYBE ABB.

Anything older than this century should be off the playlist, lest we get the material in Mick's 'old' voice.

Theres no comparison. A record captures a moment frozen in time. Imagine, say, Bob Dylan putting 2020 vocals on a 1960's recording. It's absurd.

A song constantly evolves and gets reinvented when performed live.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: July 18, 2020 03:57

They will not tour until there is a covid-19 vaccine made available for the entire world's population. The Rolling Stones work with a crew from UK, USA and other places, and they would need to travel, eat and be served by "ordinaly people" which may or may not be carrying the virus. Trust science. Trust Dr Fauci. The coronavirus could be as bad as 1918 Spanish flu that killed 50 million people, and yet people talk about touring soon. No wonder the virus is out of control many places.

I don't think it is necessary or even helpful to repeat those unbased fears of yours over and over. May I remind you that we are far, very far away from those numbers of 1918..
The Stones will tour when they think it's Safe, agreed. But can we just wait and see when this will be, while all of us maintain the advised precautions, instead of talking wild guesses? I really enjoy this forum and all your shared knowledge and will do so in the future for sure. I just van not understand why you or anybody else would make comparisons over the lapse of a century, knowing that this World we are living in is not comparable to the early 20th century. And that is not even considering that we still know very little about the corona virus.

It's hard not to be pessimistic when you live in the States and see what the lack of true leadership during this crisis has done to us. And it's repeated by sycophant governors who care little about the health of the voters they serve. I live in Los Angeles, a fairly progressive city. Yet, there are so many that won't wear masks I can't take a walk any time of day or night without encountering them. And I'm the one that has to cross the street to avoid them. Americans are stubborn, stupid, and won't listen to the medical professionals if they don't say what they want to hear.

Blame it on education that is more focused on tribalism, sports and kindergarten graduations instead of learning critical thinking.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: jbwelda ()
Date: July 18, 2020 04:58

Speaking of critical thinking, unless LA is under a more strict local ordinance, the statewide mandate excludes being outside if one can maintain a six foot distance. Might be hard in SoCal, and I am not defending not wearing a mask in public, but do keep in mind the actual rules.


Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 18, 2020 15:17

They will not tour until there is a covid-19 vaccine made available for the entire world's population. The Rolling Stones work with a crew from UK, USA and other places, and they would need to travel, eat and be served by "ordinaly people" which may or may not be carrying the virus. Trust science. Trust Dr Fauci. The coronavirus could be as bad as 1918 Spanish flu that killed 50 million people, and yet people talk about touring soon. No wonder the virus is out of control many places.

I don't think it is necessary or even helpful to repeat those unbased fears of yours over and over. May I remind you that we are far, very far away from those numbers of 1918..
The Stones will tour when they think it's Safe, agreed. But can we just wait and see when this will be, while all of us maintain the advised precautions, instead of talking wild guesses? I really enjoy this forum and all your shared knowledge and will do so in the future for sure. I just van not understand why you or anybody else would make comparisons over the lapse of a century, knowing that this World we are living in is not comparable to the early 20th century. And that is not even considering that we still know very little about the corona virus.

If you really love The Rolling Stones, and you want to have a realistic view on how and when they are going to tour USA, then it is important to understand the facts and the seriousness about the current pandemic.

This is a direct quote from Dr Fauchi - the leading expert on virus in USA, serving six - 6 - presidents, including the current one Mr D. Trump:

On Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the current coronavirus pandemic has "the makings of a possibility of being" like the 1918 pandemic. Dr. Fauci was speaking during an online forum hosted by Georgetown University's Institute of Politics and Public.

Some more reasons why it will take long until The Rolling Stones might tour in USA:

Just 50% of Americans plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s how to win over the rest (Jun. 30, 2020)

It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too. (Washington Post today July 18, 2020)


Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: jbwelda ()
Date: July 18, 2020 19:26

>It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too.

Funny thing about death: its generally a fairly permanent state of affairs. That means the death count will ALWAYS go up as those who have died will pretty much remain dead, and any new deaths will of course add to the count.

Just one more example of lack of critical thinking, by the media and others. They need headlines: DEATH COUNT RISES!!!. Well, duh.


Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: July 18, 2020 19:35

Unfortunately there is something very wrong with the mindset of the US in general: that wearing a mask is being told what to do. Which is quite revealing that a majority of people still act like they're in third grade.

As in the ridiculous 'they're gonna take my guns' and 'that is not liberty' and other stupid arrogant entitled ideas.

It falls under the same ignorant prognosis as government run healthcare would make the US a "socialist country": it already is. As a nation, the US shoots itself in the foot every day with health care.

There's a big difference between paying for something that you need, like the home you live in and the auto you drive, and paying for something that you might need, like monumentally expensive health insurance... that won't cover what you will need anyway.

As unfortunate as it is that the ignorant and arrogant refuse to wear a mask and that by doing so they can and will spread the virus and it gets worse, the only thing that could make it better is Darwinism... but it's not going to work like that.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: July 18, 2020 19:51

>It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too.

Funny thing about death: its generally a fairly permanent state of affairs. That means the death count will ALWAYS go up as those who have died will pretty much remain dead, and any new deaths will of course add to the count.

Just one more example of lack of critical thinking, by the media and others. They need headlines: DEATH COUNT RISES!!!. Well, duh.


This shows YOUR lack of understanding. Deathcount PER DAY is rising again. If deaths per day go from 300 to 600 is that increasing or a false media narrative?

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: July 18, 2020 20:33

>It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too.

Funny thing about death: its generally a fairly permanent state of affairs. That means the death count will ALWAYS go up as those who have died will pretty much remain dead, and any new deaths will of course add to the count.

Just one more example of lack of critical thinking, by the media and others. They need headlines: DEATH COUNT RISES!!!. Well, duh.


This shows YOUR lack of understanding. Deathcount PER DAY is rising again. If deaths per day go from 300 to 600 is that increasing or a false media narrative?

COVID-19 death rates rising was pointed out... then you said death count per day is rising. Which... is the point.

Look at the unreliable website worldometer... death numbers constantly increase. So no one is saying "normal" deaths aren't happening. Some deaths are being falsely being attributed to COVID, like Florida, which lends weight to the bit about hospitals getting whatever amount of thousands of dollars it is today that they get per COVID case.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-07-18 20:34 by GasLightStreet.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: July 18, 2020 20:59

>It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too.

Funny thing about death: its generally a fairly permanent state of affairs. That means the death count will ALWAYS go up as those who have died will pretty much remain dead, and any new deaths will of course add to the count.

Just one more example of lack of critical thinking, by the media and others. They need headlines: DEATH COUNT RISES!!!. Well, duh.


This shows YOUR lack of understanding. Deathcount PER DAY is rising again. If deaths per day go from 300 to 600 is that increasing or a false media narrative?

COVID-19 death rates rising was pointed out... then you said death count per day is rising. Which... is the point.

Look at the unreliable website worldometer... death numbers constantly increase. So no one is saying "normal" deaths aren't happening. Some deaths are being falsely being attributed to COVID, like Florida, which lends weight to the bit about hospitals getting whatever amount of thousands of dollars it is today that they get per COVID case.

You have a point there GLS, but the figures we read in all sorts of overviews are not what reality is all about. The numbers of diseased do not take into account (at least in my country) the real number of COVID-19 victims. Over the past 4 months the number of so called "over diseased" goes in to many thousands on to of what's been reported (so far around 6500). Just to make sure what the term means, it's the number of extra diseased in comparison to the average number of diseased in the same period over the past five or so years.
The reporting of some f.i. Latin American countries are even much more way below reality. Several documentaires on TV have shown incredible chaos an dramatic reviews of really desperate people about what's really going on.
"Raise your glass to the X-thousand million, who need leaders but get gamblers instead" ... angry smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: July 18, 2020 21:20

>It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too.

Funny thing about death: its generally a fairly permanent state of affairs. That means the death count will ALWAYS go up as those who have died will pretty much remain dead, and any new deaths will of course add to the count.

Just one more example of lack of critical thinking, by the media and others. They need headlines: DEATH COUNT RISES!!!. Well, duh.


This shows YOUR lack of understanding. Deathcount PER DAY is rising again. If deaths per day go from 300 to 600 is that increasing or a false media narrative?

COVID-19 death rates rising was pointed out... then you said death count per day is rising. Which... is the point.

Look at the unreliable website worldometer... death numbers constantly increase. So no one is saying "normal" deaths aren't happening. Some deaths are being falsely being attributed to COVID, like Florida, which lends weight to the bit about hospitals getting whatever amount of thousands of dollars it is today that they get per COVID case.

You have a point there GLS, but the figures we read in all sorts of overviews are not what reality is all about. The numbers of diseased do not take into account (at least in my country) the real number of COVID-19 victims. Over the past 4 months the number of so called "over diseased" goes in to many thousands on to of what's been reported (so far around 6500). Just to make sure what the term means, it's the number of extra diseased in comparison to the average number of diseased in the same period over the past five or so years.
The reporting of some f.i. Latin American countries are even much more way below reality. Several documentaires on TV have shown incredible chaos an dramatic reviews of really desperate people about what's really going on.
"Raise your glass to the X-thousand million, who need leaders but get gamblers instead" ... angry smiley

Yeah... I was just sticking to what's going on in the US, which is all over the place, due to the ignorance and arrogance. Obviously elsewhere in the Americas some numbers are wonky but just how exact can anywhere be as it is I'll never know. Under "normal circumstances" of death it takes HOURS sometimes a day or two just to have it reported!

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: July 18, 2020 23:00

>It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too.

Funny thing about death: its generally a fairly permanent state of affairs. That means the death count will ALWAYS go up as those who have died will pretty much remain dead, and any new deaths will of course add to the count.

Just one more example of lack of critical thinking, by the media and others. They need headlines: DEATH COUNT RISES!!!. Well, duh.


This shows YOUR lack of understanding. Deathcount PER DAY is rising again. If deaths per day go from 300 to 600 is that increasing or a false media narrative?

COVID-19 death rates rising was pointed out... then you said death count per day is rising. Which... is the point.

Look at the unreliable website worldometer... death numbers constantly increase. So no one is saying "normal" deaths aren't happening. Some deaths are being falsely being attributed to COVID, like Florida, which lends weight to the bit about hospitals getting whatever amount of thousands of dollars it is today that they get per COVID case.

You have a point there GLS, but the figures we read in all sorts of overviews are not what reality is all about. The numbers of diseased do not take into account (at least in my country) the real number of COVID-19 victims. Over the past 4 months the number of so called "over diseased" goes in to many thousands on to of what's been reported (so far around 6500). Just to make sure what the term means, it's the number of extra diseased in comparison to the average number of diseased in the same period over the past five or so years.
The reporting of some f.i. Latin American countries are even much more way below reality. Several documentaires on TV have shown incredible chaos an dramatic reviews of really desperate people about what's really going on.
"Raise your glass to the X-thousand million, who need leaders but get gamblers instead" ... angry smiley

Yeah... I was just sticking to what's going on in the US, which is all over the place, due to the ignorance and arrogance. Obviously elsewhere in the Americas some numbers are wonky but just how exact can anywhere be as it is I'll never know. Under "normal circumstances" of death it takes HOURS sometimes a day or two just to have it reported!

You mention it, indeed, on our daily TV reports (meanwhile changed to weekly) they, every time wrote " the real number of diseased will be higher (!), because we only report diseased who were tested positive". And "there may be a delay in reported diseased daily, due to f.e. weekends".
Is there anything like that in the USA? Or is it just only dumping figures?
I really feel sorry for all those healthcare people, they are fighting an impossible fight. And politicians, they don't really care, they are gamblers, also in my country.sad smiley

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: July 18, 2020 23:15

I don't mind the tour stop. Come to think of it; they have toured now for 23 years on one album from which they don't play any songs.
So what do we miss - hearing JJ Flash for the 1167th time?

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: wonderboy ()
Date: July 18, 2020 23:16

Ooops, came here to read about the Stones. Carry on.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: July 18, 2020 23:20

>It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too.

Funny thing about death: its generally a fairly permanent state of affairs. That means the death count will ALWAYS go up as those who have died will pretty much remain dead, and any new deaths will of course add to the count.

Just one more example of lack of critical thinking, by the media and others. They need headlines: DEATH COUNT RISES!!!. Well, duh.


This shows YOUR lack of understanding. Deathcount PER DAY is rising again. If deaths per day go from 300 to 600 is that increasing or a false media narrative?

COVID-19 death rates rising was pointed out... then you said death count per day is rising. Which... is the point.

Look at the unreliable website worldometer... death numbers constantly increase. So no one is saying "normal" deaths aren't happening. Some deaths are being falsely being attributed to COVID, like Florida, which lends weight to the bit about hospitals getting whatever amount of thousands of dollars it is today that they get per COVID case.

He was referring to death count. It will always rise if anyone dies. Death count [per day rising. It is also likely undercounted as death rates from heart attack and strokes and other unexplained deaths are rising.

Do you really think hospitals overcounting hospitalizations and death rates to get extra funds? Why is it that ICUs are at or overcapacity in many states including Florida?

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 18, 2020 23:24

Please DO NOT turn this thread into another COVID-19 political discussion. This thread is about The Rolling Stones and their future.


Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: July 18, 2020 23:31

I wouldn't mind talking about the virus. The sad thing, however, is that it immediately turns into US internal affairs with 3 or 4 posters going about page after page only talking to each other.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Date: July 19, 2020 01:41

Ooops, came here to read about the Stones. Carry on.

Yep, let's talk about the good old Black & Blue years, featuring Billy Preston.

Black & Blue Years.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: jbwelda ()
Date: July 19, 2020 02:14

>Deathcount PER DAY is rising again.

Actually...if that had been said, I would not have said anything. But, it was not what was said. And my comment was meant to be a general comment, not aimed at anyone in particular. Sorry if I was unclear.

PS: thank you GLS, pretty much agree 100%

PPS: Billy Preston, that was a pretty sorry experience. No match for Ian Stewart or Nicky Hopkins, that's for sure. On the other hand, watching Mick Taylor in some stupid whitey Afro wig backing him in his little set was one of the continuing funniest moments of the Rolling Stones.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2020-07-19 02:22 by jbwelda.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: July 19, 2020 16:17

Please DO NOT turn this thread into another COVID-19 political discussion. This thread is about The Rolling Stones and their future.

Seeing that their future requires the public, talking about the population's behavior with COVID-19 is not political but rather, especially regarding the United States, why it will be so long before the Stones and everyone else can return to playing live shows.

Some festivals, based on some things I've read, have already cancelled 2021.

I'm starting to think, and this would be fantastic if it happens, that if Europe "opened up" in 2021 and had festivals and tours it would really... shine a light on the US. A lot of people in the US consider Europeans as foreigners, and they say 'foreigners' with a bit of disgust like they're cockroaches, and seemingly part of it involves that the European ideology is stupid and passive and not self-serving.

That's always made me wonder, if the United States is so... whatever it is, er, was, how come so many of the names of places aren't... original?

"Let's flee Europe! Ahhhh, our new land! What shall we call it!? I KNOW! NEW Hampshire!"

Certainly the Stones must've had a bit of a smirk the first time they went to New England, seeing that sweet tea comes from there, at least historically in the US.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: July 19, 2020 17:00

Assuming good health, I think this extended time off will drive them a bit stir crazy and they'll be all the more interested in performing.

I wonder as well whether they may actually put together enough music for that album, recording as they did with Living In A Ghost town.

What the hell else are they doing?!

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: spikenyc ()
Date: July 19, 2020 17:44

According to this article in Variety, no shows until 2022


Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: calipachangero ()
Date: July 19, 2020 17:47

They will not tour until there is a covid-19 vaccine made available for the entire world's population. The Rolling Stones work with a crew from UK, USA and other places, and they would need to travel, eat and be served by "ordinaly people" which may or may not be carrying the virus. Trust science. Trust Dr Fauci. The coronavirus could be as bad as 1918 Spanish flu that killed 50 million people, and yet people talk about touring soon. No wonder the virus is out of control many places.

I don't think it is necessary or even helpful to repeat those unbased fears of yours over and over. May I remind you that we are far, very far away from those numbers of 1918..
The Stones will tour when they think it's Safe, agreed. But can we just wait and see when this will be, while all of us maintain the advised precautions, instead of talking wild guesses? I really enjoy this forum and all your shared knowledge and will do so in the future for sure. I just van not understand why you or anybody else would make comparisons over the lapse of a century, knowing that this World we are living in is not comparable to the early 20th century. And that is not even considering that we still know very little about the corona virus.

If you really love The Rolling Stones, and you want to have a realistic view on how and when they are going to tour USA, then it is important to understand the facts and the seriousness about the current pandemic.

This is a direct quote from Dr Fauchi - the leading expert on virus in USA, serving six - 6 - presidents, including the current one Mr D. Trump:

On Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the current coronavirus pandemic has "the makings of a possibility of being" like the 1918 pandemic. Dr. Fauci was speaking during an online forum hosted by Georgetown University's Institute of Politics and Public.

Some more reasons why it will take long until The Rolling Stones might tour in USA:

Just 50% of Americans plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s how to win over the rest (Jun. 30, 2020)

It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too. (Washington Post today July 18, 2020)

My love for the Rolling Stones wasn't the point. It's the missonary way you keep spreading fear in yourorum. Maybe it's because of your age and the avarage age of forums users here, , but this fear of the corona virus seems way out of proportion. What Fauci expressed there was an opinion, thats not a fact necessarily. But you know that already. The 1918 pandemic is really a whole other thing, anybody in their right mind and not driven by unrational fears might come to that conclusion.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: The Joker ()
Date: July 19, 2020 17:57

The Rolling Stones and their future?
Easy question.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: July 19, 2020 18:19

I don't think you need a fortune teller, Joker. Realistically, it's no more tours. What we can hope for is a new album. But I wouldn't set my hope to high for that either.
They have already set a foot in the new decade by releasing LIAGT. I guess that was a goal in itself. The re-issues will keep coming though. That is always a comfort.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: July 19, 2020 18:27

They will not tour until there is a covid-19 vaccine made available for the entire world's population. The Rolling Stones work with a crew from UK, USA and other places, and they would need to travel, eat and be served by "ordinaly people" which may or may not be carrying the virus. Trust science. Trust Dr Fauci. The coronavirus could be as bad as 1918 Spanish flu that killed 50 million people, and yet people talk about touring soon. No wonder the virus is out of control many places.

I don't think it is necessary or even helpful to repeat those unbased fears of yours over and over. May I remind you that we are far, very far away from those numbers of 1918..
The Stones will tour when they think it's Safe, agreed. But can we just wait and see when this will be, while all of us maintain the advised precautions, instead of talking wild guesses? I really enjoy this forum and all your shared knowledge and will do so in the future for sure. I just van not understand why you or anybody else would make comparisons over the lapse of a century, knowing that this World we are living in is not comparable to the early 20th century. And that is not even considering that we still know very little about the corona virus.

If you really love The Rolling Stones, and you want to have a realistic view on how and when they are going to tour USA, then it is important to understand the facts and the seriousness about the current pandemic.

This is a direct quote from Dr Fauchi - the leading expert on virus in USA, serving six - 6 - presidents, including the current one Mr D. Trump:

On Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the current coronavirus pandemic has "the makings of a possibility of being" like the 1918 pandemic. Dr. Fauci was speaking during an online forum hosted by Georgetown University's Institute of Politics and Public.

Some more reasons why it will take long until The Rolling Stones might tour in USA:

Just 50% of Americans plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s how to win over the rest (Jun. 30, 2020)

It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too. (Washington Post today July 18, 2020)

My love for the Rolling Stones wasn't the point. It's the missonary way you keep spreading fear in yourorum. Maybe it's because of your age and the avarage age of forums users here, , but this fear of the corona virus seems way out of proportion. What Fauci expressed there was an opinion, thats not a fact necessarily. But you know that already. The 1918 pandemic is really a whole other thing, anybody in their right mind and not driven by unrational fears might come to that conclusion.

calipachangero, you have a grave misunderstanding of COVID-19. It's not fear, it's reality. You are not grasping the aspect of 1918. America is running like crazy towards 1918. The world is watching "America" and shaking its collective damn head.

People keep saying "Oh only 140,000 deaths out of 3 million infected, what are you scared of?" are not paying attention. They're acting like it's been here before. There's a reason it's called "novel".

Opinions winning out over science. Fake patriotism is louder than science. Fake science is louder than science. Liberty and money louder than science. People are having COVID parties, getting stabbed and shot for not wearing a mask, for being asked to wear a mask, because it's so... liberty and life threatening and communist and socialist to wear a mask. Instead of just being an adult and being responsible and.., wearing a mask.

They think it's like how people used to do "herd immunity" with the chickenpox by collecting their kids with the one infected kid.

A very bad idea to begin with and COVID is not the chicken pox - it's a non-human animal virus ie a novel virus.

Anyone in North America that wants to see the Rolling Stones play live again very likely will not see them in North America ever again.

It's all connected.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: July 19, 2020 18:34

They will not tour until there is a covid-19 vaccine made available for the entire world's population. The Rolling Stones work with a crew from UK, USA and other places, and they would need to travel, eat and be served by "ordinaly people" which may or may not be carrying the virus. Trust science. Trust Dr Fauci. The coronavirus could be as bad as 1918 Spanish flu that killed 50 million people, and yet people talk about touring soon. No wonder the virus is out of control many places.

I don't think it is necessary or even helpful to repeat those unbased fears of yours over and over. May I remind you that we are far, very far away from those numbers of 1918..
The Stones will tour when they think it's Safe, agreed. But can we just wait and see when this will be, while all of us maintain the advised precautions, instead of talking wild guesses? I really enjoy this forum and all your shared knowledge and will do so in the future for sure. I just van not understand why you or anybody else would make comparisons over the lapse of a century, knowing that this World we are living in is not comparable to the early 20th century. And that is not even considering that we still know very little about the corona virus.

If you really love The Rolling Stones, and you want to have a realistic view on how and when they are going to tour USA, then it is important to understand the facts and the seriousness about the current pandemic.

This is a direct quote from Dr Fauchi - the leading expert on virus in USA, serving six - 6 - presidents, including the current one Mr D. Trump:

On Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the current coronavirus pandemic has "the makings of a possibility of being" like the 1918 pandemic. Dr. Fauci was speaking during an online forum hosted by Georgetown University's Institute of Politics and Public.

Some more reasons why it will take long until The Rolling Stones might tour in USA:

Just 50% of Americans plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s how to win over the rest (Jun. 30, 2020)

It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too. (Washington Post today July 18, 2020)

My love for the Rolling Stones wasn't the point. It's the missonary way you keep spreading fear in yourorum. Maybe it's because of your age and the avarage age of forums users here, , but this fear of the corona virus seems way out of proportion. What Fauci expressed there was an opinion, thats not a fact necessarily. But you know that already. The 1918 pandemic is really a whole other thing, anybody in their right mind and not driven by unrational fears might come to that conclusion.

Have you or anyone you know had it? The 1918 pandemic is history, we are in the early stages of this pandemic. A year from now might be a closer comparison.

Why would the Stones want to risk their lives to go on tour? They don't need the money and death is permanent. Ask anyone who has died to dispute that. Ask anyone who has had a case of Covid-19 and the flu to compare and contrast.

2022 makes sense ASSUMING they are still healthy enough to tour. My feeling is we have seen the last live performances from many of these artists unfortunately. Look at the NBA, MLB, NFL and WNBA. Most looking to play but a number of high profile, older and highly successful athletes are saying no, not worth the risk. They are neither the age nor have the money of these artists.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: BN78 ()
Date: July 19, 2020 18:55

They will not tour until there is a covid-19 vaccine made available for the entire world's population. The Rolling Stones work with a crew from UK, USA and other places, and they would need to travel, eat and be served by "ordinaly people" which may or may not be carrying the virus. Trust science. Trust Dr Fauci. The coronavirus could be as bad as 1918 Spanish flu that killed 50 million people, and yet people talk about touring soon. No wonder the virus is out of control many places.

I don't think it is necessary or even helpful to repeat those unbased fears of yours over and over. May I remind you that we are far, very far away from those numbers of 1918..
The Stones will tour when they think it's Safe, agreed. But can we just wait and see when this will be, while all of us maintain the advised precautions, instead of talking wild guesses? I really enjoy this forum and all your shared knowledge and will do so in the future for sure. I just van not understand why you or anybody else would make comparisons over the lapse of a century, knowing that this World we are living in is not comparable to the early 20th century. And that is not even considering that we still know very little about the corona virus.

If you really love The Rolling Stones, and you want to have a realistic view on how and when they are going to tour USA, then it is important to understand the facts and the seriousness about the current pandemic.

This is a direct quote from Dr Fauchi - the leading expert on virus in USA, serving six - 6 - presidents, including the current one Mr D. Trump:

On Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the current coronavirus pandemic has "the makings of a possibility of being" like the 1918 pandemic. Dr. Fauci was speaking during an online forum hosted by Georgetown University's Institute of Politics and Public.

Some more reasons why it will take long until The Rolling Stones might tour in USA:

Just 50% of Americans plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s how to win over the rest (Jun. 30, 2020)

It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too. (Washington Post today July 18, 2020)

My love for the Rolling Stones wasn't the point. It's the missonary way you keep spreading fear in yourorum. Maybe it's because of your age and the avarage age of forums users here, , but this fear of the corona virus seems way out of proportion. What Fauci expressed there was an opinion, thats not a fact necessarily. But you know that already. The 1918 pandemic is really a whole other thing, anybody in their right mind and not driven by unrational fears might come to that conclusion.

calipachangero, you have a grave misunderstanding of COVID-19. It's not fear, it's reality. You are not grasping the aspect of 1918. America is running like crazy towards 1918. The world is watching "America" and shaking its collective damn head.

People keep saying "Oh only 140,000 deaths out of 3 million infected, what are you scared of?" are not paying attention. They're acting like it's been here before. There's a reason it's called "novel".

Opinions winning out over science. Fake patriotism is louder than science. Fake science is louder than science. Liberty and money louder than science. People are having COVID parties, getting stabbed and shot for not wearing a mask, for being asked to wear a mask, because it's so... liberty and life threatening and communist and socialist to wear a mask. Instead of just being an adult and being responsible and.., wearing a mask.

They think it's like how people used to do "herd immunity" with the chickenpox by collecting their kids with the one infected kid.

A very bad idea to begin with and COVID is not the chicken pox - it's a non-human animal virus ie a novel virus.

Anyone in North America that wants to see the Rolling Stones play live again very likely will not see them in North America ever again.

It's all connected.

Agree, I had the exact same conversation with a friend of mine the other evening, "the what are you scared of / been here before" vs "NOVEL" discussion.

Just seems lots of folks want to look the other way.

I hope and pray we get live shows in 2021, but I'm also committed to later than that too. I want to see a live Stones show again and I guess I'm selfish in saying that, but obviously I recognize the next time we gather to see the Boys, everyone's health/safety is paramount and firstly considered. smileys with beer

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 19, 2020 19:05


My love for the Rolling Stones wasn't the point. It's the missonary way you keep spreading fear in yourorum. Maybe it's because of your age and the avarage age of forums users here, , but this fear of the corona virus seems way out of proportion. What Fauci expressed there was an opinion, thats not a fact necessarily. But you know that already. The 1918 pandemic is really a whole other thing, anybody in their right mind and not driven by unrational fears might come to that conclusion.

The purpose of IORR is to keep Rolling Stones fans informed about the Rolling Stones current and future activities. The Covid-19 pandemic is the single largest threat to human health and economy since WWII, regardless of what political propaganda is saying some places around the word. The Rolling Stones have to stop touring, and they have to stop doing what they have been doing since 1962. This is facts, it is not something I, the IORR editor, have invented.


Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: calipachangero ()
Date: July 19, 2020 19:44

This thing sure is getting people altered. I never said that it wasn't novel nore am I belittleling the numbers of infected persons and the death toll. And I am certainly not falling for any propaganda. This is a very weak argument, bv.I just think one needs to maintain a sense of reality and not lose their mind over it. If everybody let's fear reign over common sense, it's soon gonna be Game over, because people no longer do trust each other, changing the side of the street just because someone doesn't wear a mask as some fearful User put it some moments ago. Of course we need to be careful, but taking every comment of any so called experts as fact without critical thinking, making wild guesses about touring, vaccines etc and bringing up the 1918 spanish flu as a likely possible outcome Covid-19 could take, is a bit over the top in my opinion. I always thought of you as some Kind of voice of reason, bv, but that has changed drastically in those last months.

Re: The Rolling Stones and their future
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: July 19, 2020 19:48

According to this article in Variety, no shows until 2022

2022 is a very distant time when you're verging on 80... confused smiley

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