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Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Paddy ()
Date: January 4, 2022 06:20

Viewing it as an inconvenience rather than a tragedy doesn't equate to being a conspiracy theorist.I have never believed anything other than covid is a real disease that has killed many people I just don't want my life put on hold in order to extend the life of a 90 year old bingo playing care home resident.


Clearly gaslighting as we all know (even you) this isn't a serious comparison.

But even if it were serious, and we even upped the anti to life for life vs just you being inconvenienced, I'd vote for playing bingo with granny or gramps. Good chance they earned it, in comparison to this reckless selfish attitude.


Be in no doubt that you are conversing with someone that would willingly throw someone overboard on a sinking ship in order to grab the last place on the lifeboat.

The difference is that I don't masquerade around here as mother Teresa unlike some others.


This a risky strategy, in a dog eat dog world, I’m cutting your throat and making sure I have food on the boat. You ain’t going overboard, I’ll put you to use.

See how things can get real f cuked real quick if everyone employed this strategy?

We all depend on each other in this world, and if you live by the sword, you’ll certainly die by it.

Those old ladies you mentioned playing bingo have as much right to life as you or I. I know where I grew up, your attitude would not have worked out well.....

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 4, 2022 07:08

I got my Moderna booster earlier today, really sore arm.

Be interesting to see if it goes beyond that this time. First shot was pretty benign, just the sore arm and a bit tired.

Second dose I was in bed with chills for 24 hours.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Aquamarine ()
Date: January 4, 2022 08:41

Next month it will be six months since I got my booster, I'm hoping they will let me get a fourth shot (being immunocompromised and ancient), especially since the first two shots didn't produce any antibodies. No announcements about it yet, but I made an optimistic appointment.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: January 4, 2022 08:53

LA County COVID hospitalizations surpass 2,000: 'There's a lot of feeling of déjà vu'
According to the state, there were 2,168 COVID-positive patients in county hospitals as of Sunday.


LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- The surge of COVID-19 infections continued to drive up hospitalizations as state figures reported on Monday show the number of virus-positive patients in Los Angeles County medical centers is above 2,000. According to the state, there were 2,168 COVID-positive patients in county hospitals as of Sunday, with 302 of those patients in intensive care. "There's a lot of feeling of déj vu," said Dr. Thomas Yadegar, the medical director of the intensive care unit and pulmonary department at Providence Tarzana Medical Center. "A lot of people are apprehensive about what the next few weeks may hold."

On Monday, the county Department of Public Health announced that the number of pediatric COVID patients -- while still relatively small -- increased by nearly 190% from Dec. 4-25, with children under 4 seeing the biggest pediatric increase. "As students return to the classroom, we all need to follow the public health safety measures in place to ensure our schools can open safely after the winter break,'' Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said in a statement. "Because higher community transmission creates additional challenges at our schools, everyone needs to do their part to slow the spread of the virus."

Meanwhile, the ICU at Providence Tarzana Medical Center is starting to fill up again, according to Yadegar, but this time, more doctors and nurses are getting sick. "This morning, we had a nurse who worked all last night and at the end of her shift, she did a test because she wasn't feeling well, and she was positive," said Carmen Verano, a charge nurse in the ICU unit at Providence Tarzana Medical Center. Yadegar said that the majority of his patients currently being treated for a severe case of COVID are not vaccinated. The few who are vaccinated never got their booster, he said. "I think for us, it's another layer because a lot of what we're seeing is entirely preventable and unnecessary," said Yadegar.

On Monday, the U.S. expanded its COVID boosters, allowing extra Pfizer shots for children as young as 12. boosters already are recommended for everyone 16 and older, and federal regulators on Monday decided they're also warranted for 12- to 15-year-olds once enough time has passed since their last dose. They could be available as soon as Thursday after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention meets on Wednesday. The FDA also said everyone 12 and older eligible for a booster can get one as early as five months after their last dose rather than six months.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: January 4, 2022 09:31

I had my booster a couple of months’ back. Hoping there won’t have to be fourth, but I expect to be summonsed by his lordship, the dreaded NHS text message. They’re getting quite aggressive, actually.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: January 4, 2022 10:05

Next month it will be six months since I got my booster, I'm hoping they will let me get a fourth shot (being immunocompromised and ancient), especially since the first two shots didn't produce any antibodies. No announcements about it yet, but I made an optimistic appointment.

I'm being told I need to get a fourth shot in February. Same reasons as you.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: January 4, 2022 10:39

First 2 shots I took for 'everyone else' since the vaccin would stop transmission. Since this is clearly not the case I have the opinion that everybody who wants to needs to protect themselfs. There is no 'greater good' anymore, except making sure the hospitals don't collapse. For me (35yo) I don't really see any advantages of taking the vaccines anymore. I also don't have anything against them, so I will be getting my booster today. But to be honest I am not so sure if I will take the next booster (vax nr 4) and so on.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: January 4, 2022 10:43

<For me (35yo) I don't really see any advantages of taking the vaccines anymore>

It's easy, really. You are more protected against severe illness, even though you might get infected.

So it's both for you AND the "greater good" smiling smiley

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: January 4, 2022 16:01

Our 23 year old female employee just returned after her third round of covid. This time just mild only needed Dayquil and 5 day quarantine. Fully vaccinated, no booster

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: January 4, 2022 16:16

First 2 shots I took for 'everyone else' since the vaccin would stop transmission. Since this is clearly not the case I have the opinion that everybody who wants to needs to protect themselfs. There is no 'greater good' anymore, except making sure the hospitals don't collapse. For me (35yo) I don't really see any advantages of taking the vaccines anymore. I also don't have anything against them, so I will be getting my booster today. But to be honest I am not so sure if I will take the next booster (vax nr 4) and so on.

well, even if I know another booster wouldn't help me I'd still take it since it helps to fight the pandemic and help others while another shot doesn't hurt me

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: January 4, 2022 16:17

Our 23 year old female employee just returned after her third round of covid. This time just mild only needed Dayquil and 5 day quarantine. Fully vaccinated, no booster

Well, every-other-day there's a departmental email, informing employees of another positive Covid test. It no-longer even causes a ripple of discussion. Another day, another one comes down with omicron, it seems. Aside from the slightly-nutty Nigerian conspiracy theorist, most, if not all, of my colleagues seem to be double-jabbed, at least. I suppose the small mercy is that, although far more transmissible, this latest variant most definitely seem milder. With that in mind, I do think it right of the U.K. government to keep the hospitality and entertainment sectors going in England. It does seem that the biggest problem here, presently, is the mandatory self-isolation. There really is a question as to whether it's absolutely necessary at present. This is what's causing the havoc; at least in the U.K. Too many folk sat at home on their backside, whilst they're feeling perfectly well. Yes, there's plenty in hospital, but it's the vaccine-hesitant types who are, largely, the one's on the ventilators.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: January 4, 2022 16:23

First 2 shots I took for 'everyone else' since the vaccin would stop transmission. Since this is clearly not the case I have the opinion that everybody who wants to needs to protect themselfs. There is no 'greater good' anymore, except making sure the hospitals don't collapse. For me (35yo) I don't really see any advantages of taking the vaccines anymore. I also don't have anything against them, so I will be getting my booster today. But to be honest I am not so sure if I will take the next booster (vax nr 4) and so on.

well, even if I know another booster wouldn't help me I'd still take it since it helps to fight the pandemic and help others while another shot doesn't hurt me

That's my view, too. I do actually have underlining health conditions, too. Anyway, despite this, I do think there will be many of those presently double-jabbed, who'll be somewhat less keen to get this booster. I guess it's because, well, is there going to be a fourth, a fifth? I'm not entirely sure if there will be, considering how mild this strain seems. Time will tell, I guess. I'll get the jab every time; just don't restrict the public any further, please. 2020's lockdown was bloody awful.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: January 4, 2022 16:26

<Too many folk sat at home on their backside, whilst they're feeling perfectly well>

It may take as long as 10 days to test positive or feel symptoms when infected, though. So, you may feel like a million dollars and might still be infectious.

With that in mind, it's hard to find a quarantine regime that is completely safe, imo.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: January 4, 2022 16:32

Got my booster last week. As before no side effects. Got flu shot at the same time.

I'm ready for the next tour and/or sporting event.

I don't know anybody with polio or smallpox. Just saying ........

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Big Al ()
Date: January 4, 2022 16:43


It may take as long as 10 days to test positive or feel symptoms when infected, though. So, you may feel like a million dollars and might still be infectious.

With that in mind, it's hard to find a quarantine regime that is completely safe, imo.

Well, that is true, of course. I think I need to stop viewing the MailOnline!

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: January 4, 2022 18:47


It may take as long as 10 days to test positive or feel symptoms when infected, though. So, you may feel like a million dollars and might still be infectious.

With that in mind, it's hard to find a quarantine regime that is completely safe, imo.

That is the main problem with covid-19. You are spreading the virus 1-2 days before you feel the illness, and many never feel any illness at all. On the other hand, most do spread the virus just 1-2 days before they get fever or symptoms, and then they are infectious just 1-2 days more, total 2-3 days, so with lots of testing, it is possible to keep the numbers down.

With Omicron, it will be impossible with 10 days quarantine, because business, schools, hospitals and so on will be shut down by too many workers in quarantine. The next few weeks will be the real test.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Rocknroll1969 ()
Date: January 4, 2022 20:41

The United States had over 1 Million cases yesterday.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: January 4, 2022 20:53

The United States had over 1 Million cases yesterday.

The vaccines being created so quickly was an amazing accomplishment but I really believe that omicron is the best news of the pandemic so far.Omicron is moving through the worlds population at lightning speed and I think this will be over within months now.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-01-04 20:55 by Nate.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: January 4, 2022 21:03

The United States had over 1 Million cases yesterday.

Here you go ...
Britain is also "back on track" with 218.000 infections on the day.
In Holland a strict Lockdown was imposed during the past three weeks with another week to go. Nevertheless the number of infections is on the rise again since three days (no way near to what happened in the "big foor" in the EU (France, Italy, Spain, not so much Germany, but it may be just the start of it).
Omicron clearly seems to be milder (quite some reports lately) but the sheer number of infections may in the end have a major impact on local economies. Simply imagine 2 million people only being ill for five working days ...
sad smiley

I'm a GHOST living in a ghost town

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: podiumboy ()
Date: January 4, 2022 21:14

The United States had over 1 Million cases yesterday.

The vaccines being created so quickly was an amazing accomplishment but I really believe that omicron is the best news of the pandemic so far.Omicron is moving through the worlds population at lightning speed and I think this will be over within months now.


Do you mean this particular surge will be over in a couple months, or Covid in general? I can see it going away for the most part over the spring and summer. But the next variant will probably be along, and with that another surge in the autumn as we go into next winter.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: January 4, 2022 21:16

The United States had over 1 Million cases yesterday.

Here you go ...
Britain is also "back on track" with 218.000 infections on the day.
In Holland a strict Lockdown was imposed during the past three weeks with another week to go. Nevertheless the number of infections is on the rise again since three days (no way near to what happened in the "big foor" in the EU (France, Italy, Spain, not so much Germany, but it may be just the start of it).
Omicron clearly seems to be milder (quite some reports lately) but the sheer number of infections may in the end have a major impact on local economies. Simply imagine 2 million people only being ill for five working days ...
sad smiley

well, everybody knows and even the German authorities say so that the offical infection rate for Germany is most likely be wrong right now. Because of the holidays not enough people are being tested and cases are also underreported.
Next week when school holidays are over we'll see more relastic numbers

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-01-04 21:17 by slewan.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: January 4, 2022 21:23

The United States had over 1 Million cases yesterday.

The vaccines being created so quickly was an amazing accomplishment but I really believe that omicron is the best news of the pandemic so far.Omicron is moving through the worlds population at lightning speed and I think this will be over within months now.


Do you mean this particular surge will be over in a couple months, or Covid in general? I can see it going away for the most part over the spring and summer. But the next variant will probably be along, and with that another surge in the autumn as we go into next winter.

I believe the pandemic will be over within months.It looks like covid is here to stay but there is no doubt now that omicron is much milder than previous variants.Of course we don't know for sure what course the virus takes from here but the history of pandemics tells us they usually end with a much more contagious but much less lethal variant.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: January 4, 2022 21:31

The United States had over 1 Million cases yesterday.

The vaccines being created so quickly was an amazing accomplishment but I really believe that omicron is the best news of the pandemic so far.Omicron is moving through the worlds population at lightning speed and I think this will be over within months now.


Do you mean this particular surge will be over in a couple months, or Covid in general? I can see it going away for the most part over the spring and summer. But the next variant will probably be along, and with that another surge in the autumn as we go into next winter.

I believe the pandemic will be over within months.It looks like covid is here to stay but there is no doubt now that omicron is much milder than previous variants.Of course we don't know for sure what course the virus takes from here but the history of pandemics tells us they usually end with a much more contagious but much less lethal variant.


I just like to remind you of the 2017/2018 influenza flu. The available (extensively tested) vaccins DIDN'T WORK as expected. 61.000 people died in the USA alone. Never underestimate virusses. They go their own way. And although I really trust virologists on their experience and knowledge, but they know they can't predict the future. Neither can you and me, Nate.

I'm a GHOST living in a ghost town

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: January 4, 2022 21:41

Never underestimate virusses. They go their own way. And although I really trust virologists on their experience and knowledge, but they know they can't predict the future.

Hoping that variants in some of the most under-vaccinated areas of the world aren't given a chance to mutate in to something more ominous ala Delta.
Even in the most vaccinated countries variants can mutate amongst the unvaccinated (and vaccinated alike) in to something ominous I suppose, but chances are a bit slimmer.
Meanwhile in the US:

Covid-19 hospitalizations soar past the Delta peak and creep toward the all-time high


More ICUs are running out of space and more children are getting hospitalized as the Omicron variant asserts its dominance of Covid-19 cases. On Tuesday, 112,941 Americans were hospitalized with Covid-19, according to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services. That far exceeds peak hospitalizations during the Delta variant surge -- nearly 104,000 in early September. It's also creeping toward the pandemic record of people hospitalized with Covid-19 in a single day -- 142,246, on January 14 of last year. And more children are getting hospitalized with Covid-19 now than ever before. For the week ending Saturday, an average of 574 child Covid-19 patients were admitted to hospitals every day, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Unfortunately, this is the consequence of a highly transmissible variant -- the Omicron variant," US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy told CNN on Tuesday.

In just four weeks, Omicron jumped from an estimated 8% of new Covid-19 infections to an estimated 95% of new infections, according to the CDC. And more hospital intensive care units are nearing capacity.
Nationwide, 1 in 5 hospitals with an ICU said its beds in that unit were at least 95% full last week, according to DHHS data. And more than a quarter of ICU beds nationwide were occupied by Covid-19 patients. The surgeon general reiterated what many doctors have reported this winter: The vast majority of hospitalized Covid-19 patients are not vaccinated and boosted. "Remember, those vaccines work. Those boosters are more important than ever before," Murthy said. And millions more children heading back to school may soon be able to get a booster shot.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2022-01-04 21:45 by Hairball.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: January 4, 2022 22:16

The United States had over 1 Million cases yesterday.

The vaccines being created so quickly was an amazing accomplishment but I really believe that omicron is the best news of the pandemic so far.Omicron is moving through the worlds population at lightning speed and I think this will be over within months now.


Do you mean this particular surge will be over in a couple months, or Covid in general? I can see it going away for the most part over the spring and summer. But the next variant will probably be along, and with that another surge in the autumn as we go into next winter.

I believe the pandemic will be over within months.It looks like covid is here to stay but there is no doubt now that omicron is much milder than previous variants.Of course we don't know for sure what course the virus takes from here but the history of pandemics tells us they usually end with a much more contagious but much less lethal variant.


I just like to remind you of the 2017/2018 influenza flu. The available (extensively tested) vaccins DIDN'T WORK as expected. 61.000 people died in the USA alone. Never underestimate virusses. They go their own way. And although I really trust virologists on their experience and knowledge, but they know they can't predict the future. Neither can you and me, Nate.

I completely agree we can not know for sure what course the virus will take.
But it is now widely agreed by experts that Omicron is much less lethal than previous variants therefore giving great optimism that this is the beginning of the end of the pandemic.

Of course the only two things in life that are certain are death and taxes but we can be very hopeful that the world will be in a far greater position with covid very soon.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: January 5, 2022 01:46

They keep talking about how so many countries are barely vaxxed at all, and the danger that poses (obviously to them) but to everyone else as those countries become incubators for a new variant, which could of course be a worse variant.

I read about this regularly, and I know that the US, Canada and a lot of other countries are donating vaccines to these areas, but these are a drop in the bucket compared to what's required.

Meanwhile, we're getting 3rd and even 4th doses.

I guess where I'm going with this is that we'll be on 6th, 7th and 8th doses if we allow the virus to run rampant in other parts of the world. How does it ever stop unless it fizzles out to a 'light' variant and evolved to be endemic.

After 2 years you'd think The WHO (no not Roger and Pete) would have a bit more of an overarching strategy.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: January 5, 2022 12:27

Viewing it as an inconvenience rather than a tragedy doesn't equate to being a conspiracy theorist.I have never believed anything other than covid is a real disease that has killed many people I just don't want my life put on hold in order to extend the life of a 90 year old bingo playing care home resident.


Clearly gaslighting as we all know (even you) this isn't a serious comparison.

But even if it were serious, and we even upped the anti to life for life vs just you being inconvenienced, I'd vote for playing bingo with granny or gramps. Good chance they earned it, in comparison to this reckless selfish attitude.


Be in no doubt that you are conversing with someone that would willingly throw someone overboard on a sinking ship in order to grab the last place on the lifeboat.

The difference is that I don't masquerade around here as mother Teresa unlike some others.


Some people are heroes, some are not.....

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: January 5, 2022 13:32

Viewing it as an inconvenience rather than a tragedy doesn't equate to being a conspiracy theorist.I have never believed anything other than covid is a real disease that has killed many people I just don't want my life put on hold in order to extend the life of a 90 year old bingo playing care home resident.


Clearly gaslighting as we all know (even you) this isn't a serious comparison.

But even if it were serious, and we even upped the anti to life for life vs just you being inconvenienced, I'd vote for playing bingo with granny or gramps. Good chance they earned it, in comparison to this reckless selfish attitude.


Be in no doubt that you are conversing with someone that would willingly throw someone overboard on a sinking ship in order to grab the last place on the lifeboat.

The difference is that I don't masquerade around here as mother Teresa unlike some others.


comparing the currant Covid situation with a sinking ship doesn't really make sense but rather obscures what is at stake.
The situation right now is rather that some people try to sink the ship by behaving selfish and not complying to the rules that are made to prevent the ship from sinking

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: January 5, 2022 18:05

"There's quite a bit to play out and I think it will play out in the coming days."

No-vax Djokovic on the Australian Open.

"If you don't c sharp you'll b flat". - Muhammad Ali.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: NashvilleBlues ()
Date: January 5, 2022 20:10

New variant from France: Flurona.

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