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Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: daspyknows ()
Date: May 28, 2021 03:48

California now jumping on the incentives bandwagon...

(CNN) California will unveil $116.5 million in vaccine incentives


In an effort to get more people vaccinated, California is enticing residents with a whopping $116.5 million in incentives, offering gift cards and cash prizes, including a $15 million grand prize to be split among 10 Californians who have been vaccinated against Covid-19. The $116.5 million program, touted as "the biggest in the entire country," will include every resident who has already been vaccinated, and those who receive a shot before the state fully reopens on June 15, according to a release from Gov. Gavin Newsom's office.

Starting today, the next two million residents vaccinated will be eligible for $100 million in gift cards, doled out in $50 increments as a prepaid Visa or grocery store gift card. The incentive festivities will include "$50,000 Fridays." There will be $50,000 up for grabs in the form of 30 cash prizes for those getting a Covid-19 shot on June 4 and June 11, with 15 winners selected on each date.

About 50% of eligible Californians are already fully vaccinated and another 12% have received one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, but another 12 million residents are eligible but have not yet been inoculated. More than 37 million doses total have been administered in California — more than all but five nations in the world, according to Newsom. Should a winner under the age of 18 be chosen, the cash will be placed into a savings account for them until they turn 18. Inmates, those who work for the state's health department or for the lottery will not be eligible to win any of the prizes.

I wish this was not necessary but if it puts shots in arms I am all for it. I will have to use this on the cute bank teller at my bank who is hesitant. She is the target market.

And if it's necessary here in California, imagine other states where the hesitancy/antivaxx percentages are much larger.
Money, donuts, and beer can only get you so's gonna take a miracle...

In those states maybe we can convince them that vaccines are guns.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 28, 2021 12:36

I just don't understand those who resist taking the vaccine. In Norway there is just one discussion now : vaccine politics. Everybody do want the vaccine, it's just a matter of who should be first, or rather last, when everyone at risk, and everyone above age 65 have got their shots. Age, teachers, politicians, royalties, supreme court all of that. By the end of July they say most of the population age 18+ will be vaccinated. Late summer will be very very different, when the virus does not find any place to live, antibodies everywhere.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: May 28, 2021 13:15

I just don't understand those who resist taking the vaccine.

Yes same here bv .... where i work a number
of guys still dont want to get vaccinated ... strange


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: georgie48 ()
Date: May 28, 2021 14:13

I just don't understand those who resist taking the vaccine.

Yes same here bv .... where i work a number
of guys still dont want to get vaccinated ... strange

Total lack of self esteme ... confused smiley

I'm a GHOST living in a ghost town

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: May 28, 2021 17:00

Austria will allow full stadiums, concert halls and theatres again from 1-Jul-2021 and will also waive the mask requirement. The upper limits for the number of visitors at outdoor and indoor events would then be dropped. The prerequisite would always be that the visitors had been tested, recovered or vaccinated. Events with more than 500 people would also require a permit - [] , [] - (in German).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-05-28 21:30 by Irix.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: MAF ()
Date: May 28, 2021 17:06

I just don't understand those who resist taking the vaccine.

Yes same here bv .... where i work a number
of guys still dont want to get vaccinated ... strange

Total lack of self esteme ... confused smiley
Experts say people who don't get vaccinated will get the virus sooner or later. It's still around and will stay.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: May 28, 2021 17:12

I just don't understand those who resist taking the vaccine.

Yes same here bv .... where i work a number
of guys still dont want to get vaccinated ... strange

Total lack of self esteme ... confused smiley
Experts say people who don't get vaccinated will get the virus sooner or later. It's still around and will stay.

And they've made that decision for themselves so the easy argument is that when they get it they've only hurt themselves (and of course maybe their children in those cases). The even bigger issue is the evolution of the virus into strains that are vaccine resistant/more transmissable or deadly. In that eventually everyone is again impacted.

That is a selfishness that I can't quite get my mind around.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: May 28, 2021 18:56

And they've made that decision for themselves so the easy argument is that when they get it they've only hurt themselves (and of course maybe their children in those cases). The even bigger issue is the evolution of the virus into strains that are vaccine resistant/more transmissable or deadly. In that eventually everyone is again impacted.

That is a selfishness that I can't quite get my mind around.

Sadly, they are also hurting anyone who may need surgery or diagnostic testing that the health care systems currently can’t perform as their resources continue to be overwhelmed caring for COVID patients.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: May 28, 2021 19:02

People don't want to take the vaccine for a lot of reasons....most of them aren't very good, IMO....

it varies across individuals and the legitimacy of their reasons also varies, IMO.

I don't get it...people believe all sorts of goofy things...Big Foot, Sharks are dangerous to humans, I'm fine to drive after __ drinks, we never landed on the moon, the TB12 Method is legit & so is his quack trainer, whatever nonsense Steve Jobs believed when he took "natural" cancer treatments, I don't need to wear a condom.....the list goes on and on.

it seems to me if you are vaxxed, you're, whatever others want to do is their choice.

besides...if you are under 50 and in good shape AND vaxxed, overwhelming odds say that you'll be's basically "lottery odds" we're talking about here (for death or serious covid, that is)...

If people don't want to take it...send it to people who do.

just my thoughts and opinions.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: May 28, 2021 19:07

And they've made that decision for themselves so the easy argument is that when they get it they've only hurt themselves (and of course maybe their children in those cases). The even bigger issue is the evolution of the virus into strains that are vaccine resistant/more transmissable or deadly. In that eventually everyone is again impacted.

That is a selfishness that I can't quite get my mind around.

Sadly, they are also hurting anyone who may need surgery or diagnostic testing that the health care systems currently can’t perform as their resources continue to be overwhelmed caring for COVID patients.

this is 100% a fair point...

but a similar point could be made about those who allowed themselves to get obese and did/do nothing about it.

they are driving up health care costs and overcrowding our hospitals. It's a clear fact that obesity is a driving factor in hospitalizations due to Covid....(point: it's not JUST's Covid + Obesity)

we had a public health crisis of obesity LOOOOONG before Covid....and Covid illustrated that crisis....and we're doing nothing about it.

we want the vaccine to save us instead....and then blame our problems on those who won't take it.

fine w/ me...but, your best plan moving-forward is to lose weight, get in shape, make smart health & eating choices.

...and get the Vax.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: May 28, 2021 19:35

China now turning the tables on US amidst the recent Wuhan/virus allegations

From CNN:

China counters Biden's Covid origins lab probe ... by calling for a US lab probe

Virus origins

Hong Kong (CNN)US President Joe Biden's call for a renewed investigation into the origins of the coronavirus feels like déjà vu in Beijing. Just over a year ago, when Covid-19 infections were rising in the US, former President Donald Trump started to promote a then-fringe theory that the virus had escaped from a lab in Wuhan, the Chinese city where it was first detected. Beijing reacted angrily to the claim, accusing Trump of trying to scapegoat China for his own failure to contain the outbreak domestically.

This week, a previously undisclosed intelligence report surfaced, claiming that several researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology fell ill in November 2019 and had to be hospitalized. Under mounting public pressure, Biden ordered the intelligence community to intensify its efforts to re-examine how the virus originated, including the possibility that it emerged from a lab accident. Naturally, that's drawn the ire of Beijing -- again -- and prompted it to renew a counter-conspiracy theory that the virus actually started in the US. "The US doesn't care about facts or truth at all, neither is it interested in a serious scientific study on the origins. Its only aim is to use the pandemic for stigmatization and political manipulation to shift the blame," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian. Zhao then referenced Fort Detrick, a US Army biomedical research laboratory in Maryland that has been linked -- without evidence -- to the emergence of the virus by Chinese officials and state media outlets. "What secrets are hidden in the suspicion-shrouded Fort Detrick and the over 200 US bio-labs all over the world?" Zhao said, adding that the US "owes an explanation to the world."

The Fort Detrick theory started to surface in Chinese state media reports last March, but it gained significant traction in China early this year, around the time the World Health Organization (WHO) visited Wuhan to examine the origins of the virus. When that investigation wrapped up in February, the Chinese foreign ministry called for the US to follow its example to "act in a positive, science-based and cooperative manner" and invite WHO experts over "for an origin-tracing study." In March, the WHO released a report of its investigation in China, concluding it was "extremely unlikely" that the coronavirus leaked from a lab. The report has drawn criticism from governments around the world over questions of transparency. But from Beijing's point of view, there's little reason to accept another probe -- no matter how hard Washington pushes for it.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: May 28, 2021 19:37

And they've made that decision for themselves so the easy argument is that when they get it they've only hurt themselves (and of course maybe their children in those cases). The even bigger issue is the evolution of the virus into strains that are vaccine resistant/more transmissable or deadly. In that eventually everyone is again impacted.

That is a selfishness that I can't quite get my mind around.

Sadly, they are also hurting anyone who may need surgery or diagnostic testing that the health care systems currently can’t perform as their resources continue to be overwhelmed caring for COVID patients.

this is 100% a fair point...

but a similar point could be made about those who allowed themselves to get obese and did/do nothing about it.

they are driving up health care costs and overcrowding our hospitals. It's a clear fact that obesity is a driving factor in hospitalizations due to Covid....(point: it's not JUST's Covid + Obesity)

we had a public health crisis of obesity LOOOOONG before Covid....and Covid illustrated that crisis....and we're doing nothing about it.

we want the vaccine to save us instead....and then blame our problems on those who won't take it.

fine w/ me...but, your best plan moving-forward is to lose weight, get in shape, make smart health & eating choices.

...and get the Vax.

Don't think that anyone would argue those points, except to say that's how society operates generally. I live in an area where people go on hikes in the forest, go off the marked trails and get lost. We still rescue these people.

You can argue, hey, you did it to yourself, but that's not what we do. Everyone knows that smoking causes ill health, but in Canada, and I suspect anywhere with Universal Health Care, you get treatment, free.

We collectively all make bad choices, some worse than others but we take care of each other in society. It's the compact with have with each other...almost like group insurance.

So yes, there will be those that choose not to get the vaccine, and there'll be those that say 'serves them right', and 'they should have to pay for their own care' if they end up in the hospital. In a society though, we take care of one another despite our collective bad choices, and hope that education will eventually create a better understanding and better choices with more people.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: May 28, 2021 21:07

And they've made that decision for themselves so the easy argument is that when they get it they've only hurt themselves (and of course maybe their children in those cases). The even bigger issue is the evolution of the virus into strains that are vaccine resistant/more transmissable or deadly. In that eventually everyone is again impacted.

That is a selfishness that I can't quite get my mind around.

Sadly, they are also hurting anyone who may need surgery or diagnostic testing that the health care systems currently can’t perform as their resources continue to be overwhelmed caring for COVID patients.

this is 100% a fair point...

but a similar point could be made about those who allowed themselves to get obese and did/do nothing about it.

they are driving up health care costs and overcrowding our hospitals. It's a clear fact that obesity is a driving factor in hospitalizations due to Covid....(point: it's not JUST's Covid + Obesity)

we had a public health crisis of obesity LOOOOONG before Covid....and Covid illustrated that crisis....and we're doing nothing about it.

we want the vaccine to save us instead....and then blame our problems on those who won't take it.

fine w/ me...but, your best plan moving-forward is to lose weight, get in shape, make smart health & eating choices.

...and get the Vax.

Don't think that anyone would argue those points, except to say that's how society operates generally. I live in an area where people go on hikes in the forest, go off the marked trails and get lost. We still rescue these people.

You can argue, hey, you did it to yourself, but that's not what we do. Everyone knows that smoking causes ill health, but in Canada, and I suspect anywhere with Universal Health Care, you get treatment, free.

We collectively all make bad choices, some worse than others but we take care of each other in society. It's the compact with have with each other...almost like group insurance.

So yes, there will be those that choose not to get the vaccine, and there'll be those that say 'serves them right', and 'they should have to pay for their own care' if they end up in the hospital. In a society though, we take care of one another despite our collective bad choices, and hope that education will eventually create a better understanding and better choices with more people.

I would vote for you to be World Leader.

great stuff, TF

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: May 28, 2021 22:31

And they've made that decision for themselves so the easy argument is that when they get it they've only hurt themselves (and of course maybe their children in those cases). The even bigger issue is the evolution of the virus into strains that are vaccine resistant/more transmissable or deadly. In that eventually everyone is again impacted.

That is a selfishness that I can't quite get my mind around.

Sadly, they are also hurting anyone who may need surgery or diagnostic testing that the health care systems currently can’t perform as their resources continue to be overwhelmed caring for COVID patients.

this is 100% a fair point...

but a similar point could be made about those who allowed themselves to get obese and did/do nothing about it.

they are driving up health care costs and overcrowding our hospitals. It's a clear fact that obesity is a driving factor in hospitalizations due to Covid....(point: it's not JUST's Covid + Obesity)

we had a public health crisis of obesity LOOOOONG before Covid....and Covid illustrated that crisis....and we're doing nothing about it.

we want the vaccine to save us instead....and then blame our problems on those who won't take it.

fine w/ me...but, your best plan moving-forward is to lose weight, get in shape, make smart health & eating choices.

...and get the Vax.

Don't think that anyone would argue those points, except to say that's how society operates generally. I live in an area where people go on hikes in the forest, go off the marked trails and get lost. We still rescue these people.

You can argue, hey, you did it to yourself, but that's not what we do. Everyone knows that smoking causes ill health, but in Canada, and I suspect anywhere with Universal Health Care, you get treatment, free.

We collectively all make bad choices, some worse than others but we take care of each other in society. It's the compact with have with each other...almost like group insurance.

So yes, there will be those that choose not to get the vaccine, and there'll be those that say 'serves them right', and 'they should have to pay for their own care' if they end up in the hospital. In a society though, we take care of one another despite our collective bad choices, and hope that education will eventually create a better understanding and better choices with more people.

I would vote for you to be World Leader.

great stuff, TF

Ummm...thank you!

However I can also be quite sarcastic, so maybe starting me off as leader of a small baltic nation would be a better way to start off? Need to get some street cred before I would venture into something as big as World Leader.

Plus I'd freak anti-vaxxers/conspiracy theorists with the whole "One World Government" thing.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: May 28, 2021 23:17

I just don't understand those who resist taking the vaccine. In Norway there is just one discussion now : vaccine politics. Everybody do want the vaccine, it's just a matter of who should be first, or rather last, when everyone at risk, and everyone above age 65 have got their shots. Age, teachers, politicians, royalties, supreme court all of that. By the end of July they say most of the population age 18+ will be vaccinated. Late summer will be very very different, when the virus does not find any place to live, antibodies everywhere.

The same in Holland, but I'm afraid it will come back after people return from traveling abroad bringing home new variations of the virus and autumn setting in. It's not over yet. Another lockdown will be inevitable by november/december this year. Too many people wanting too much in this world. Mother nature strikes back in a way that make Joe Frazier's punches look like a water pistol.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: jbwelda ()
Date: May 28, 2021 23:30

And they've made that decision for themselves so the easy argument is that when they get it they've only hurt themselves (and of course maybe their children in those cases). The even bigger issue is the evolution of the virus into strains that are vaccine resistant/more transmissable or deadly. In that eventually everyone is again impacted.

That is a selfishness that I can't quite get my mind around.

Sadly, they are also hurting anyone who may need surgery or diagnostic testing that the health care systems currently can’t perform as their resources continue to be overwhelmed caring for COVID patients.

this is 100% a fair point...

but a similar point could be made about those who allowed themselves to get obese and did/do nothing about it.

they are driving up health care costs and overcrowding our hospitals. It's a clear fact that obesity is a driving factor in hospitalizations due to Covid....(point: it's not JUST's Covid + Obesity)

we had a public health crisis of obesity LOOOOONG before Covid....and Covid illustrated that crisis....and we're doing nothing about it.

we want the vaccine to save us instead....and then blame our problems on those who won't take it.

fine w/ me...but, your best plan moving-forward is to lose weight, get in shape, make smart health & eating choices.

...and get the Vax.

Don't think that anyone would argue those points, except to say that's how society operates generally. I live in an area where people go on hikes in the forest, go off the marked trails and get lost. We still rescue these people.

You can argue, hey, you did it to yourself, but that's not what we do. Everyone knows that smoking causes ill health, but in Canada, and I suspect anywhere with Universal Health Care, you get treatment, free.

We collectively all make bad choices, some worse than others but we take care of each other in society. It's the compact with have with each other...almost like group insurance.

So yes, there will be those that choose not to get the vaccine, and there'll be those that say 'serves them right', and 'they should have to pay for their own care' if they end up in the hospital. In a society though, we take care of one another despite our collective bad choices, and hope that education will eventually create a better understanding and better choices with more people.

Yeah man I think you are on to something here, and I wish those "anti vaxers" would realize the truth in your points and also realize their ignoring good advice costs everybody. Unfortunately, if they thought like that, they would not be anti vaxers, and furthermore when they thought about it they would have to reject it as "socialist" without realizing they would be the beneficiaries of any socialism in this country, whether they caught the latest plague or not.

So thats the basic problem: the safety net is there for them whether they want it or not and it allows them to Ted-Nugent all day and not really have to fear any consequences.

Try that in Uganda or DRC sometime and see what happens


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Taylor1 ()
Date: May 29, 2021 01:43

The law in America should be that as a condition of receiving government paid medical insurance, you must not be obese or smoke.If you are you must pay a 1000penalty every year.Obesity costs the government billions in health costs every year.The government could probably save 30 percent on its medical expenditures if people didn’t smoke or were obese.Smoking would be hard to prove however

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: stickyfingers101 ()
Date: May 29, 2021 12:27

And they've made that decision for themselves so the easy argument is that when they get it they've only hurt themselves (and of course maybe their children in those cases). The even bigger issue is the evolution of the virus into strains that are vaccine resistant/more transmissable or deadly. In that eventually everyone is again impacted.

That is a selfishness that I can't quite get my mind around.

Sadly, they are also hurting anyone who may need surgery or diagnostic testing that the health care systems currently can’t perform as their resources continue to be overwhelmed caring for COVID patients.

this is 100% a fair point...

but a similar point could be made about those who allowed themselves to get obese and did/do nothing about it.

they are driving up health care costs and overcrowding our hospitals. It's a clear fact that obesity is a driving factor in hospitalizations due to Covid....(point: it's not JUST's Covid + Obesity)

we had a public health crisis of obesity LOOOOONG before Covid....and Covid illustrated that crisis....and we're doing nothing about it.

we want the vaccine to save us instead....and then blame our problems on those who won't take it.

fine w/ me...but, your best plan moving-forward is to lose weight, get in shape, make smart health & eating choices.

...and get the Vax.

Don't think that anyone would argue those points, except to say that's how society operates generally. I live in an area where people go on hikes in the forest, go off the marked trails and get lost. We still rescue these people.

You can argue, hey, you did it to yourself, but that's not what we do. Everyone knows that smoking causes ill health, but in Canada, and I suspect anywhere with Universal Health Care, you get treatment, free.

We collectively all make bad choices, some worse than others but we take care of each other in society. It's the compact with have with each other...almost like group insurance.

So yes, there will be those that choose not to get the vaccine, and there'll be those that say 'serves them right', and 'they should have to pay for their own care' if they end up in the hospital. In a society though, we take care of one another despite our collective bad choices, and hope that education will eventually create a better understanding and better choices with more people.

Yeah man I think you are on to something here, and I wish those "anti vaxers" would realize the truth in your points and also realize their ignoring good advice costs everybody. Unfortunately, if they thought like that, they would not be anti vaxers, and furthermore when they thought about it they would have to reject it as "socialist" without realizing they would be the beneficiaries of any socialism in this country, whether they caught the latest plague or not.

So thats the basic problem: the safety net is there for them whether they want it or not and it allows them to Ted-Nugent all day and not really have to fear any consequences.

Try that in Uganda or DRC sometime and see what happens


excellent use of "Ted Nugent" as a verb....

thumbs up

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-05-29 12:27 by stickyfingers101.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: MAF ()
Date: May 29, 2021 21:01

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Irix ()
Date: May 29, 2021 22:30


Vietnam reports new hybrid variant

Next lockdown then? winking smiley

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: May 31, 2021 20:07

From the Associated Press:

Who benefits? US debates fairest way to share spare vaccine


WASHINGTON (AP) — In April, the Biden administration announced plans to share millions of COVID-19 vaccine doses with the world by the end of June. Five weeks later, nations around the globe are still waiting — with growing impatience — to learn where the vaccines will go and how they will be distributed. To President Joe Biden, the doses represent a modern-day “arsenal of democracy,” serving as the ultimate carrot for America’s partners abroad, but also as a necessary tool for global health, capable of saving millions of lives and returning a semblance of normalcy to friends and foes alike. The central question for Biden: What share of doses should be provided to those who need it most, and how many should be reserved for U.S. partners? The answer, so far at least, appears to be that the administration will take a hands-off approach to distributing the bulk of the doses by providing them to COVAX, the U.N.-backed global vaccine sharing program. While the percentage is not yet finalized, it would mark a substantial — and immediate — boost to the lagging COVAX effort, which to date has shared just 76 million doses with needy countries. The Biden administration plans to reserve about a fourth of the doses for the U.S. to dispense directly to individual nations of its choice. The growing U.S. stockpile of COVID-19 vaccines is seen not only as a testament to American ingenuity, but also its global privilege. More than 50% of Americans have received at least one dose of the vaccine, and more than 135 million are fully vaccinated, helping bring the rate of cases and deaths in the U.S. to the lowest level since the earliest days of the pandemic.

Scores of countries have requested doses from the United States, but to date only Mexico and Canada have received a combined 4.5 million doses. The U.S. also has announced plans to share enough shots with South Korea to vaccinate its 550,000 troops who serve alongside American service members on the peninsula. The broader U.S. sharing plan is still being finalized, a White House official said, having been the subject of policy debate inside the White House and across the federal government, and also involving COVAX and other outside stakeholders like drug manufacturers and logistics experts. “Our nation’s going to be the arsenal of vaccines for the rest of the world,” Biden said on May 17, when he announced the U.S. pledge to share more doses. He added that, compared to other countries like Russia and China that have sought to leverage their domestically produced doses, “we will not use our vaccines to secure favors from other countries.” Still, the partnership with the South Korean military points to the ability of the U.S. to use its vaccine stockpile to benefit some of its better-off allies. It was not clear whether South Korea would pay for its doses from the U.S. Most of the other doses were expected to be donated. mSamantha Power, the new USAID administrator, provided the first indication of the likely allocation last week in testimony on Capitol Hill. She told the Senate Appropriations Committee that “75% of the doses we share will likely be shared through COVAX. Twenty-five percent of whatever our excess supply is that we are donating will be reserved to be able to deploy bilaterally.” Administration officials cautioned that Biden had not yet signed off on the precise split and that it could still change.. The White House official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal plans, said the administration would be working in coming days to synchronize its supplies with the global vaccine sharing organizations.

Biden has committed to providing other nations with all 60 million domestically produced doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine. That vaccine has yet to be authorized for use in the U.S. but is widely approved around the world. The U.S.-produced doses will be available to ship as soon as they clear a safety review by the Food and Drug Administration. The president also has promised to share 20 million doses from existing production of Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine stocks. Even more doses are expected to be made available to share in the months ahead. As part of its purchase agreements with drug manufacturers, the U.S. controlled the initial production by its domestic manufacturers. Pfizer and Moderna are only now starting to export vaccines produced in the U.S. to overseas customers. The U.S. has hundreds of millions more doses on order, both of authorized and in-development vaccines. “It’s obviously challenging because so many countries face this need right now,” Power said, calling the decision of where to send doses “an urgent question.” The decision, she continued, hinges on some combination of “the relationship we have with the countries, the public health and epidemiological scientific trajectory of the disease, and a sense of where the vaccines can do the most good, the infrastructure and readiness of countries to receive vaccines.”

The U.S. under Biden also has pledged $4 billion to COVAX, led by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the World Health Organization, to help it procure and distribute vaccines. COVAX has committed to sharing the doses with more than 90 countries, including many with which the U.S. has tumultuous relations. Leaving it to COVAX to decide how the bulk of the U.S.-provided doses are distributed is seen by the administration as the most equitable way to determine who benefits. It also could allow the U.S. to avoid any political fallout that might come from sharing the vaccine directly with adversaries. “It’s not only a symbol of American values — it’s smart global health policy,” said Tom Hart, acting CEO of the ONE Campaign, which has pressed the Biden administration to move faster to develop its global sharing plan. “An outbreak in North Korea or Iran or somewhere else where we might have tensions, viruses travel no matter where they’re flourishing, and I don’t want a variant cooking up in some remote part of the world, anywhere in the world, which then might get around the current vaccines that we’ve got.” Even if the bulk of the U.S.-shared doses are distributed through COVAX, Power told senators, “It will be very clear where those doses are coming from.” “People will be very clear that these are American doses coming as a result of American ingenuity and the generosity of the American people,” she added. Globally, more than 3.5 million people are confirmed to have died from the coronavirus. The U.S. has seen the largest confirmed loss of life from COVID-19, at more than 594,000 people.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: June 1, 2021 04:49

Well that went well.

"Fauci Argued Benefits of Gain-of-Function Research Outweighed Pandemic Risk in 2012 Paper"

"In an unlikely but conceivable turn of events, what if that scientist becomes infected with the virus, which leads to an outbreak and ultimately triggers a pandemic? Many ask reasonable questions: given the possibility of such a scenario – however remote – should the initial experiments have been performed and/or published in the first place, and what were the processes involved in this decision?

Scientists working in this field might say – as indeed I have said – that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky."


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: June 1, 2021 20:20

Sunday 06/06/21 I will go to see Lisa Fisher perform in a club. I want to be tested for Covid 19 after I go to the show. How many days should I wait before getting tested?

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: June 1, 2021 20:59

Sunday 06/06/21 I will go to see Lisa Fisher perform in a club. I want to be tested for Covid 19 after I go to the show. How many days should I wait before getting tested?

Have you had the vaccine?


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: June 1, 2021 22:28

From CNN last year. No politics, but what changed since then?

Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a coronavirus vaccine now would be 'colossally stupid'


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: curt ()
Date: June 1, 2021 22:47

Moderna has applied for full approval by the FDA.
That approval will certainly change some things...

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: June 1, 2021 23:03

Conspiracy theories posted here will be deleted. There is no space for such stuff on IORR.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: June 1, 2021 23:08

Moderna has applied for full approval by the FDA.
That approval will certainly change some things...

Nothing like fixing the barn door after the horse got hit by a truck.

I worked in health care for over 20 years. We tested for cancer and every one of our tests took years for approval. I had to do presentations for the FDA and other agencies showing that our testing was safe, effective, and would reduce costs. It was uphill every step of the way. I've never seen anything get pushed through like these vaccines.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bleedingman ()
Date: June 1, 2021 23:12

Conspiracy theories posted here will be deleted. There is no space for such stuff on IORR.

Concerns raised by noted scientists and doctors are "conspiracy theories". Got it. Just like Ivermectin is "witch doctor" medicine. You are a Rolling Stones expert, I'll grant you that. Thanks for this great site and all you do but the people quoted were not conspiracy theorists. By a long shot.

Duly noted.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: June 1, 2021 23:48

Conspiracy theories posted here will be deleted. There is no space for such stuff on IORR.

I agree with you BV about conspiracy ..............I only have my doubts if you understand the different between conspiracy and facts.


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