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Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: swimtothemoon ()
Date: May 6, 2020 11:12

Land of the Free and Naive .....

Yeah. Staggering.

I have a friend in Nashville. 3 weeks laid up with the virus in his basement. Thinks Trump is ok. I ask why? He says, well he's better that the other guy.

Cant actually reason as to why Trump is ok though. Just goes on about "Crooked Hillary" and "Sleepy Joe" - can't even reason for himself!

He's come out of his basement - he lives in a rural community - and goes to town and buys some guns.......

Not everyone in the US are like your friend in Nashville. The people whom
are seem to have one thing in common and that is they only watch one News
Source and that is Fox News - whom supports anything the President does or
says. This news station attacks anyone whom has the guts to question or
speak critically of the President. This alone must intimidate many from
speaking out and can destroy those that do. The President appears to work very closely with this particular news network and he demonizes all other networks by claiming they only report “fake news”.

This relationship works great for this network and works great for this President.

All the other major news sources ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, etc. seem to do their best to report accurately. They use multiple sources and when they do report something which latter proves to be inaccurate - most will correct their reporting. They each have a bit of bias but all seem to report basically the same news stories. Multiple independent news outlets reporting
the same news should have a better chance of accuracy as opposed to one
news outlet whom seems to be consistently reporting much different political

Personally I think it’s dangerous to receive your news and opinions from
only one source. Multiple news sources will allow a person to form their own opinion. Also, if someone is telling you only one news source is accurate and all others are fake - then you should be very suspicious of their motives and the accuracy of what they are reporting.

With this pandemic it has become very important to be sure we are all
confident in the accuracy of the information we are receiving. Important
for ourselves and those around us.

This is just my observation and I don’t mean to offend anyone whom is a
fan of Fox News. We all have different opinions and preferences - which is a good thing not a bad thing.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 6, 2020 11:14

The Joker

- Please no political comments
- Please do not make Corona jokes here
- Post facts not rumours
- Keep the talks mainly Stones tour related

It's just a simple comment, but I may ask: what is the purpose of this thread? All what I read are updated death toll graphics.
IORR is precisely to cheer up, not spreading volume of bad news, every newspaper is doing the job now.

Sorry to say so, but the purpose of this thread is NOT to cheer up. If there is an avalance coming, would you like to know, or would you like to live happily having your after ski beer without worrying about the avalance?

The purpose of this thread, as well as of IORR in general, is to make it possible for Stones fans to communicate in a civilized manner, to share thoughts, information, ideas, joy, fear, happiness, worries. We so all count, we are all different people with different opinions. It should be possible to talk and communicate without name calling, fights and offensive talk.

These days are unreal. We are all in the same boat. You may compare the world to a large ferry, or Noah's Ark. We have sections in this boat like separating people and countries, but really, we are in the same boat. Then some hate to be in this boat so they start a fire to get off it. May be they are restless, may be they have lost their income and work. Then others try to stop these people from putting on fires.

Fighting the virus is 50% science and 50% politics. Please do not post about presidents and prime ministers and political parties, because then I have to delete such post. Try to stick with the topic, with the subject. If you think it is crazy to open up, then say so.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-05-06 11:21 by bv.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 6, 2020 11:24

In random test of 500 in Afghan capital, one-third has virus (Washington Post May 3, 2020)

KABUL, Afghanistan — One-third of 500 random coronavirus tests in Afghanistan’s capital came back positive, health officials said Sunday, raising fears of widespread undetected infections in one of the world’s most fragile states.

The results of the random tests in the Afghan capital of Kabul are “concerning,” said Public Health Ministry spokesman Wahid Mayar. Afghanistan has performed only limited testing so far — close to 12,000, with more than 2,700 confirmed infections, in a nation of 36.6 million.

The death toll — officially at 85 — could also be much higher.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: May 6, 2020 12:36

Fighting the virus is 50% science and 50% politics. Please do not post about presidents and prime ministers and political parties, because then I have to delete such post. Try to stick with the topic, with the subject. If you think it is crazy to open up, then say so.

It's your site and your thread of course, and I try and respect that BV.

But this thread IS about the status of the covid19 virus around the world. And the STATUS of it, to me it's obvious, HAS so much to do with politics and politicians in several parts of the globe that it's hard to comment on the status of the virus WITHOUT reference to the politics and the political response. They ARE very much inter-twined, no?

But in deference to you, I'll try...


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 6, 2020 12:53

Sure the corona virus discussion is related to politics. Some politicians follow science. Other politicians follow their poll rates or the money. That is what politics are all about.

Feel free to report about what is happening in your country related to the virus. Feel free to write about feelings safe, frustrated, angry or safe. But please do not use name calling like "person xxx is an idiot" or "political party yyy are %&#"!&&/".

We don't need to act like idiots even if some of our politicians do not act like we want them to act.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 6, 2020 12:57

These news from Miami FL USA made it into our local news today:

If we all lived on Fisher Island, we’d be tested for COVID-19. Should our lives depend on ZIP code? (Miami Herald)

Are we surprised that the wealthy residents of exclusive Fisher Island (Miami FL USA) have purchased their own coronavirus test kits from another private institution to keep themselves and their employees safe?

No. As our state and federal governments have made clear, we are on our own.

According to the Miami Herald:

“Fisher Island — an exclusive enclave of multimillion-dollar condos and homes and one of the wealthiest ZIP codes in the country — has purchased thousands of rapid COVID-19 blood test kits from the University of Miami Health System for all of its residents and workers.

The cost was not revealed, but it likely was a pretty penny. After all, the average annual income on the island was $2.5 million in 2015.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: CaptainCorella ()
Date: May 6, 2020 13:09


These days are unreal. We are all in the same boat. You may compare the world to a large ferry, or Noah's Ark. We have sections in this boat like separating people and countries, but really, we are in the same boat. Then some hate to be in this boat so they start a fire to get off it. May be they are restless, may be they have lost their income and work. Then others try to stop these people from putting on fires.

Now I'm really bothered.

We're all on one big cruise ship! Ruby Princess anyone?


One event linked to about one third of the deaths in Australia.

Captain Corella

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: May 6, 2020 13:28

New Strain more contagious and can cause second infection:


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-05-06 13:40 by Chris Fountain.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: May 6, 2020 13:28

I'm bothered by the cavalier attitude that some (including some friends) have about number of acceptable deaths. For me, zero is the acceptable number. I'm having a hard time to talking to one old friend who thinks "liberty" is more important. Especially when liberty means re opening the bars earlier. Last time I checked you can buy alcohol & drink at home. Doesn't say much good when the bar is the only social life. Personally, I can't drink because of some meds I have to take. Since I stopped, I really don't like being around drunk people. Just don't relate to the inane conversation. I don't understand how people can't see the logic that if you ignore the social distancing you are going to have more infections & more deaths. It's a sad statement on society in the US these days.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: May 6, 2020 13:44

It's a sad statement on society in the US these days.

Yep, CR, it seems like we don't have a society anymore.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: May 6, 2020 13:46

To me this feels like the movie Groundhog Day on an endless loop . I am very depressed with everything going on all around us . Every day I have to get up and come to work which is truly a blessing and I am so lucky to have my health and well being . I get the debate about surviving the Pandemic by following the Medical Doctors and Science who I have always trusted with my life because that's the way my mother raised my Sister and I . The other part of me wants this to be done and normal life to resume once again , which my brain knows is not possible and at the same time my brain is in protective mode and will not take any chances or risks that will cause harm . I just want to jump on board a flight to Vegas and get away from it all ,but that's not the reality . My home life is good and plenty of fun stuff to do at home and never be bored , so that's a great thing , but my mind wants to run free and wonder around and be care free and not worry , which is not happening . God help us and hear our Pleas for Mercy !

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: May 6, 2020 13:52

but my mind wants to run free and wonder around and be care free and not worry , which is not happening .

Yep Greek- That's way I was prior to Noon, March 12.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: May 6, 2020 14:17

I just read the white house task force will begin to disband around the 25th of
this month. If true it’s just in time for the June 1st. predicted 3,000 US deaths per day forecast. The incompetence, coverup and lack of empathy is beyond belief.
It’s all about getting someone re-elected at ANY expense.

Yes you are correct. It has nothing to do with people wanting to get back to work and provide for their families etc. It has nothing to do with people fed up with the lock down. It has nothing to do with starting the process to get life back to normal. It has nothing to do with millions and millions and millions and millions of people saying OPEN UP.

If a person does not like the idea of opening back up then they should stay home.

It is now up to each person to make the decision the fits them.

It is your choice and it is my choice.

Home of the FREE and the BRAVE.

Be smart be safe but don't be scared.

Tell me how it was when you get it. Live free AND Die.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: bv ()
Date: May 6, 2020 14:37

Follow the data - Norway numbers two months into the corona storm

Two months into the hell of a corona virus storm, as for my country, we do now get more details and data as of how the covid-19 disease is, how dangerous it is, how intensive care is working, how many survive after intensive care and so on. We also know how to stop the virus, and how easily it is coming back, if/when we relax a bit by opening up.

Norway had the first covid-19 death on March 12, same date as we implemented lockdown, 8 weeks ago tomorrow. We had a peak of 10 deaths/day on April 7, 3.5 weeks after the complete lockdown. Today we have one death per day. All numbers are three days rolling averages. The peak in new cases per day was on March 27, with 310 new cases, two weeks after lockdown. At the end of the complete lockdown, by May 1, we were down to 33 new cases per day. Today we have 49 new cases per day, the growth of 50% in new cases is probably related to opening kindergarten, schools age 6-9, and a more relaxed population. Still, the number of new cases is low, and under control. They say may be 1% of our population i.e. 50,000 out of 5 million have had the virus.

On April 1 we had a peak of 99 persons in intensive care with ventilators. Today there are a total of 27 people with covid-19 on ventilators, i.e. it is down to 27% of the peak. A total of 120 people made it i.e. survived from ventilator treatment, on average for 12 days on ventilators, while 29 people under ventilator treatment died. There is no public statement about who and how people are treated with ventilators, but I do know that older people around 90+ years old will not get ventilator assistance, because they are not strong enough due to age.

Norway have 100% public heath care system. All hospitals are public, and it does not cost anything to be in care. There are some private business in the heath system, may be 1%, but I don't think they do anything during these corona crisis days.

Så lenge blir de coronasyke liggende på respirator (VG 6 May 2020)
(English: This is how long the corona sick stay on ventitaltors)

PPE: At our local Bærum Hospital, employees working with full infection control equipment (ppe) to treat corona virus illnesses. On Tuesday, there were four Corona patients at this hospital.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-05-06 14:40 by bv.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: May 6, 2020 16:20

Follow the data - Norway numbers two months into the corona storm

Two months into the hell of a corona virus storm, as for my country, we do now get more details and data as of how the covid-19 disease is, how dangerous it is, how intensive care is working, how many survive after intensive care and so on. We also know how to stop the virus, and how easily it is coming back, if/when we relax a bit by opening up.

Norway had the first covid-19 death on March 12, same date as we implemented lockdown, 8 weeks ago tomorrow. We had a peak of 10 deaths/day on April 7, 3.5 weeks after the complete lockdown. Today we have one death per day. All numbers are three days rolling averages. The peak in new cases per day was on March 27, with 310 new cases, two weeks after lockdown. At the end of the complete lockdown, by May 1, we were down to 33 new cases per day. Today we have 49 new cases per day, the growth of 50% in new cases is probably related to opening kindergarten, schools age 6-9, and a more relaxed population. Still, the number of new cases is low, and under control. They say may be 1% of our population i.e. 50,000 out of 5 million have had the virus.

On April 1 we had a peak of 99 persons in intensive care with ventilators. Today there are a total of 27 people with covid-19 on ventilators, i.e. it is down to 27% of the peak. A total of 120 people made it i.e. survived from ventilator treatment, on average for 12 days on ventilators, while 29 people under ventilator treatment died. There is no public statement about who and how people are treated with ventilators, but I do know that older people around 90+ years old will not get ventilator assistance, because they are not strong enough due to age.

Norway have 100% public heath care system. All hospitals are public, and it does not cost anything to be in care. There are some private business in the heath system, may be 1%, but I don't think they do anything during these corona crisis days.

Så lenge blir de coronasyke liggende på respirator (VG 6 May 2020)
(English: This is how long the corona sick stay on ventitaltors)

PPE: At our local Bærum Hospital, employees working with full infection control equipment (ppe) to treat corona virus illnesses. On Tuesday, there were four Corona patients at this hospital.

A woman of 106 survived Coronavirus in the UK (google it!) so some people over 90 are strong enough.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: tumbled ()
Date: May 6, 2020 16:31

I think a large part of the redneck problem in this country (US) is that people are not informed. The local newspapers have all gone out of business and they watch fox news for their information and are generally unable to form decisions for themselves, using sound bites for their decision making. Its very sad.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: May 6, 2020 16:37

I think a large part of the redneck problem in this country (US) is that people are not informed. The local newspapers have all gone out of business and they watch fox news for their information and are generally unable to form decisions for themselves, using sound bites for their decision making. Its very sad.


Please define.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: tumbled ()
Date: May 6, 2020 16:49

In the united states there is a faction of people, which they call rednecks (because they work outside and get sun burnt) usually blue collar not highly educated; maybe not very bright who like to hunt; are rough natured, and are aggressively enthusiastic about gun ownership and believe the government is out to get them with laws and taxes. They are prone to be tax evaders. They voted for Ronald Reagan and George Bush and will vote republican no matter what idiot is running. They are great at ignoring the mass shootings that we have experienced in this country or the rights of people to have a peaceful life. Even going so far as to claim that Sandy Hook, a mass killing where many children at an elementary school were killed was a Government consipiracy. They are a paranoid bunch and prone to be racist and anti-immigrant. They tend to be from the south. the south losing the 'civil' war in 1864 and thrown into poverty due to destruction of the farms of many who lived there for generations. The south has generally been anti-north for the carpetbagging that took place afterward where northern people took advantage and came down and tried to take over areas that had been in families for generations. In addition, a lot of New Yorkers and New Jersey people have moved in to Northern Virginia and areas along the east coast bringing their culture with them. The crackers have survived on very little and lived in poverty for generations. The have recently been upset about the large number of Mexicans and south americans that have moved to US and think they are a burden on public programs and bring crime which is not necessarily true.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-05-06 16:52 by tumbled.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: May 6, 2020 16:51

I'm from NC and live in Florida and a College Graduate. I watch Fox News - Does that make me a redneck?

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: tumbled ()
Date: May 6, 2020 16:55

No. I'm from Virginia. My family came here in 1730 and I am not a redneck.
I try to be open minded. I would hope that other people would try harder to be nicer and more open minded. I think most people are.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: May 6, 2020 16:55

I listen to Ted Nugent

I live in the woods

I see deer and turkey daily

I have fishing ponds and a creek

I have a john deer gator and a dog

I plant a garden every year.

I pee off my back deck.

I drink bush light

I love the Rolling Stones

Am I a red neck?

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: May 6, 2020 16:56

I listen to Ted Nugent

I live in the woods

I see deer and turkey daily

I have fishing ponds and a creek

I have a john deer gator and a dog

I plant a garden every year.

I pee off my back deck.

I drink bush light

I love the Rolling Stones

Am I a red neck?

And....I don't own a gun. Never have never will.

Now what am I?

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: tumbled ()
Date: May 6, 2020 16:58

No. for instance. last night the redneck who lives behind me started a great bon fire and burned down the parkland behind his house whilst drinking heavily and cursing the heavens. He sometimes shoots up his gun for no reason in the middle of the night and keeps his dogs outside in the dead of winter. He is generally a pain in the ass in the neighborhood and we are all waiting for him to die. He is anti government and has posted no trespassing signs in the publicly owned parkland behind his house. this is what I am talking about.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2020-05-06 16:59 by tumbled.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: May 6, 2020 16:59

I pee off my back deck.

Now that is an enjoyable activity! Aint good Much!!!

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: tumbled ()
Date: May 6, 2020 17:00

I think it may all come down to alcoholism.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: May 6, 2020 17:08


And....I don't own a gun. Never have never will.

Now what am I?

A redneck who doesn't own a gun cool smiley

Seriously though, jump.
I'm as liberal as you are conservative, but let's try to respect Bjornulf's wishes and keep the political nonsense outta here.
Involves letting the occasional comment or criticism slide as they are bound to come up.

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: May 6, 2020 17:10

I think it may all come down to alcoholism.


Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Date: May 6, 2020 17:19


And....I don't own a gun. Never have never will.

Now what am I?

A redneck who doesn't own a gun cool smiley

Seriously though, jump.
I'm as liberal as you are conservative, but let's try to respect Bjornulf's wishes and keep the political nonsense outta here.
Involves letting the occasional comment or criticism slide as they are bound to come up.

LOL...and yes you are right.

But I am sure many people here picture me with a gun collection deer heads on my wall etc.

I am just a simple guy that loves rock and roll that lives in the country.

And works hard for a living.

And....I could care less who any of you vote for. You are all Stones fans to me.

But too many people in here care who I or anyone else voted for. And trash the president.

I try not to trash anyone. And the key word is try!

Re: Coronavirus COVID-19 status around the world
Posted by: EddieByword ()
Date: May 6, 2020 17:24

I think a large part of the redneck problem in this country (US) is that people are not informed. The local newspapers have all gone out of business and they watch fox news for their information and are generally unable to form decisions for themselves, using sound bites for their decision making. Its very sad.


Please define.

My understanding is the term 'redneck' originated as a name for people who worked the fields - in the sun - and so, they literally had rednecks and were generally uneducated, (that's why they were in the fields and not a doctor or another skilled professional) so, the term redneck and not being very bright became associated. Now of course, with there being a lot less manual work in the fields the term just, generally, refers to rednecks........grinning smiley

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2020-05-06 17:27 by EddieByword.

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