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Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: keithsman ()
Date: July 5, 2019 02:36

OMG I just watched a few videos from that show, I will attend some shows soon and I was just SOO surprised about Micks performance, 2018 saw him struggling with his voice during the last half of the set at a regular basis so I was really worried!

But just look at this 3-song featuring video and all your worries are blown away!!


How in the world was he able to improve like that?? I mean this is getting crazy, what an amazing performance!! If he keeps that pace (which he actually did during all of the first 4 shows!!!) this will be one of the greatest tours they ever did!

Wow thanks, this is top quality recording, plus GS and Satisfaction that followed, amazing stuff, almost unreal for men in mid to late 70's

I think the reason Mick is singing better is because he's performing slower, Mick is putting it all into the singing rather than move around quickly like he was before.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-05 02:52 by keithsman.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: July 5, 2019 02:53

I told someone in Chicago, "where the band goes, we go."


Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: mnewman505 ()
Date: July 5, 2019 02:56

"I think the reason Mick is singing better is because he's performing slower, Mick is putting it all into the singing rather than move around quickly like he was before."

This is a good point I didn't consider.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: July 5, 2019 02:57

One note for whatever u want to make of it-- they did rehearse Mercy in Chicago at one of the last tour rehearsals at Soldier.


Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: StonedAsiaExile ()
Date: July 5, 2019 02:59

OMG I just watched a few videos from that show, I will attend some shows soon and I was just SOO surprised about Micks performance, 2018 saw him struggling with his voice during the last half of the set at a regular basis so I was really worried!

But just look at this 3-song featuring video and all your worries are blown away!!


How in the world was he able to improve like that?? I mean this is getting crazy, what an amazing performance!! If he keeps that pace (which he actually did during all of the first 4 shows!!!) this will be one of the greatest tours they ever did!

Wow thanks, this is top quality recording, plus GS and Satisfaction that followed, amazing stuff, almost unreal for men in mid to late 70's

I think the reason Mick is singing better is because he's performing slower, Mick is putting it all into the singing rather than move around quickly like he was before.


Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 5, 2019 03:01

"I think the reason Mick is singing better is because he's performing slower, Mick is putting it all into the singing rather than move around quickly like he was before."

This is a good point I didn't consider.

Same could be said for Keith with his guitar playing - no more senseless flailing around with his hands off the guitar while kicking at imaginary objects.
No he's nearly 100% focused on the task at hand, pand that would be playing the damn guitar

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 5, 2019 03:03

"I think the reason Mick is singing better is because he's performing slower, Mick is putting it all into the singing rather than move around quickly like he was before."

This is a good point I didn't consider.

Same could be said for Keith with his guitar playing - no more senseless flailing around with his hands off the guitar while kicking at imaginary objects.
Now he's nearly 100% focused on the task at hand, and that would be playing the damn guitar, though he still prowls around just a little bit here and there,

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: July 5, 2019 03:05

OMG I just watched a few videos from that show, I will attend some shows soon and I was just SOO surprised about Micks performance, 2018 saw him struggling with his voice during the last half of the set at a regular basis so I was really worried!

But just look at this 3-song featuring video and all your worries are blown away!!


How in the world was he able to improve like that?? I mean this is getting crazy, what an amazing performance!! If he keeps that pace (which he actually did during all of the first 4 shows!!!) this will be one of the greatest tours they ever did!

Wow thanks, this is top quality recording, plus GS and Satisfaction that followed, amazing stuff, almost unreal for men in mid to late 70's

I think the reason Mick is singing better is because he's performing slower, Mick is putting it all into the singing rather than move around quickly like he was before.

Unlike some others on this board and elsewhere, i think Mick has not been as physically active on stage (moving around, dancing etc) this year as last year and other recent years but yes, his singing remains great.


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-05 03:24 by timbernardis.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: StonedRambler ()
Date: July 5, 2019 03:30

Unlike some others on this board and elsewhere, i think Mick has not been as physically active on stage (moving around, dancing etc) this year as last year and other recent years but yes, his singing remains great.
Look at this video from 2018 [] and compare it to the newest one from Washington []
Mick is A LOT more physically active on stage than last year. Look how he dances around this year and how his movements were dragging last year. He even seems a few years younger this year

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: AJDuffer ()
Date: July 5, 2019 04:53

Mick was very active at Chicago 1 as if to show the world he was fully back. We are truly blessed to watch this band continue to play so well in 2019.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: July 5, 2019 04:59

Unlike some others on this board and elsewhere, i think Mick has not been as physically active on stage (moving around, dancing etc) this year as last year and other recent years but yes, his singing remains great.
Look at this video from 2018 [] and compare it to the newest one from Washington []
Mick is A LOT more physically active on stage than last year. Look how he dances around this year and how his movements were dragging last year. He even seems a few years younger this year

My take is that his renewed energy could very well be connected to having taken care of his heart issue. I can't imagine that it wasn't affecting him in subtle ways for the past few years. It just wouldn't have been as apparent in someone of his fitness level.
Last night, he looked and sounded incredible. They all did.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 5, 2019 05:09

Unlike some others on this board and elsewhere, i think Mick has not been as physically active on stage (moving around, dancing etc) this year as last year and other recent years but yes, his singing remains great.
Look at this video from 2018 [] and compare it to the newest one from Washington []
Mick is A LOT more physically active on stage than last year. Look how he dances around this year and how his movements were dragging last year. He even seems a few years younger this year

My take is that his renewed energy could very well be connected to having taken care of his heart issue. I can't imagine that it wasn't affecting him in subtle ways for the past few years. It just wouldn't have been as apparent in someone of his fitness level.
Last night, he looked and sounded incredible. They all did.

Agree - the old heart valve might have been slowing him down a bit, but now he's better than he's been for quite some time and is as "good as new". thumbs up

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: retired_dog ()
Date: July 5, 2019 05:12

His Majesty
Did Mick mention Brian ?

Could be way off the mark here, but do you think mercy mercy is a kind of tribute to Brian in the way it was last played at Hyde Park in 1969?

Just a thought.

Possibly, even probably.

I have conflicted feelings about this. Not that it matters to anyone, but myself. tongue sticking out smiley

Brian died 50 years ago! Are they that nasty and pathetic that they can't even say his name? sad smiley

A friend said it better than me.

"Do you think this is normal? No other group acts like this ... It's so shameful and nasty ... I have no words ...."

I see it like this, Mick is the leader of the band, the spokesman, he wants it to go down that way in the history books, the ego wants that legacy, but the Stones were Brian's band weren't they, i think Mick would rather that be forgotten.

And Keith? Doesn't he have a voice and his own microphone to speak out loud and clear in case his attitude is entirely different from Mick's?

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: Ps37 ()
Date: July 5, 2019 05:22

His Majesty
Did Mick mention Brian ?
"Do you think this is normal? No other group acts like this ... It's so shameful and nasty ... I have no words ...."

Hope this isn't tangential, but just saw Peter Frampton on his Finale Tour and he dedicated "Lines On My Face" to John Siomos and Bob Mayo, 2 band members who passed away 15 years ago. He included video montage of John and Bob during the song.

It was a classy and touching tribute to 2 band members without any worries that someone in the audience might be "confused" about who Peter was talking about. If anyone in the audience was too young to know who John and Bob were, they immediately understood that they were 2 band members who remain important to Peter and to his success, and that was all that was necessary.

For Jagger and Richards to have no worries that someone in the audience might not know who Don Covay was, yet apparently be concerned that someone might not know who Brian was (so let's not mention him to avoid "confusion") seems odd.

For whatever reason, the fact that they still seem threatened or at least uncomfortable with merely mentioning the name of someone who's been dead for 50 years is somewhat sad to say the least.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: July 5, 2019 05:32

I think Mick's introduction of Mercy Mercy as a song they last did at Hyde Park in 1969 was a touching tribute to Brian Jones. They haven't done such tributes to Ian Stewart, Nicky Hopkins, Bobby Keys, any other key members who died, as far as I know.

Mick and Keith weren't being disrespectful to Americans when they mentioned the tanks. They heard that the display violates the Hatch Act because Trump is using taxpayers money for his re-election campaign. Stones have a right to be disrespectful, he's still using Stones songs for his campaign,against their wishes.

Did they hear that, really ? Because if they did they should talk to more people who paid attention in school. The Prez and the VP are exempt from the Hatch act.
Fckng idiot...

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: Xam ()
Date: July 5, 2019 06:03

This was such a great show, they really seem on top of their game!
What a treat for D.C.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-05 06:28 by Xam.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: July 5, 2019 07:14

Very nice, thank you. Mel. Different sorts of description of band members and the whole,
from what seems like a true fan.

thumbs up yes, what a beautiful piece!

Re: The Rolling Stones - Washington DC 3-July-2019
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: July 5, 2019 07:20

Tremendous that they did Mercy; what a kick. lovin' it.
Don Covay gets his well deserved mention. whoa.
I think Mick modeled a whole LOT of his sound offa Don, and right from the start imo.
this sorta proves the big crowds do NOT necessarily need to be spoon fed
ultra familiar Stones hits, for the crowd to respond heartily and appreciatively.
I've long thought that more originality and looseness with material choices
would be more fun than 'risky' per se, considering the big money and what
we imagine the crowds expectations to be. These fans seem to be eating this
up; it's hard to tell from youtube but the crowd seems very, very engaged.
a thrill for me, that's for sure.
wow htw worked! haven't had the modern Stones get me off on that one in quite some time; nice show. this is such a great showing. it's remarkable.
on a critical note Ron's leads go nowhere;he spins triplets and makes faces

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-05 07:24 by hopkins.

Re: The Rolling Stones - Washington DC 3-July-2019
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: July 5, 2019 07:27

Jags just so strong last night. Mick's doing great. awww, good to see and hear. !
catchin' up to it now and i'm having a blast.

when they get to adtl it's gonna kill

very strong show last night; Mick's incredible

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-05 07:37 by hopkins.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: July 5, 2019 07:40

You're right, Hopkins. Albeit only judging from scopes I must say Jagger's voice sounded better than usual. A new voice coach? Jagger's voice sounding less fragile
and Keith, and Ron, being sober is good news for Stones fans. Keith still pulls off mistakes here and there though but some only find that amusing...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-05 07:57 by Stoneage.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: July 5, 2019 07:42

yep, and Sasha was wonderful

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-05 07:42 by hopkins.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: hopkins ()
Date: July 5, 2019 10:13

Holy Schnikes, for the love of God they played Mercy, Mercy?!! Bless them all big and small. That one really needs to stay in the set list. Chicago would have jumped and shouted for that number. Rock on gentlemen.
thumbs up

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: shortfatfanny ()
Date: July 5, 2019 12:40

lem motlow
I think Mick's introduction of Mercy Mercy as a song they last did at Hyde Park in 1969 was a touching tribute to Brian Jones. They haven't done such tributes to Ian Stewart, Nicky Hopkins, Bobby Keys, any other key members who died, as far as I know.

Mick and Keith weren't being disrespectful to Americans when they mentioned the tanks. They heard that the display violates the Hatch Act because Trump is using taxpayers money for his re-election campaign. Stones have a right to be disrespectful, he's still using Stones songs for his campaign,against their wishes.

Did they hear that, really ? Because if they did they should talk to more people who paid attention in school. The Prez and the VP are exempt from the Hatch act.
Fckng idiot...

The Stones did a great show as far as I can judge...there's no need to freak out again concerning the mentioning of the tanks by Jagger and Richards.
Cool down...

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: July 5, 2019 12:59

Stones have every right to be disrespectful of dumb stupid people. Everyone has that right.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-05 14:11 by runrudolph.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: July 5, 2019 14:01

"I think the reason Mick is singing better is because he's performing slower, Mick is putting it all into the singing rather than move around quickly like he was before."

This is a good point I didn't consider.

After attending the DC show Wednesday and after being blown away by the Stones
's performance I reached the same conclusion. It seems that the stones and Mick in particular was running less therefore it must be easier for him to focus on his vocal performance; just an observation. That been said Mick moves a lot and he is very entertaining; at some point(Paint it Black) he works that mic stand like in the old days. Also THE MARACAS are Back!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-05 14:13 by rollmops.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: partnerincrime ()
Date: July 5, 2019 14:48

I don't think they played Mercy Mercy as a tribute to Brian (i would have liked it) but to Don Covay who settled and raised fame in Washington DC in the 50's. I think Mick mentioned it introducing the song. Mick sang it wonderfully! I've noticed the guitar parts been inverted: Ronnie played the intro (in the 60's was keith) and carried the song home. I found Keith's playing on this song very very weak. Anyway a good rendition.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: Testify ()
Date: July 5, 2019 15:11

Can anyone tell me why Mercy Mercy is considered a tribute to Brian? It's not a song written by Brian, but it's a cover of Don Covay! If they wanted to pay tribute to Brian they would have done it with Paint it Black, which they played, or with other pieces of the time, not with a cover.

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: sarahunwin ()
Date: July 5, 2019 15:32

OMG I just watched a few videos from that show, I will attend some shows soon and I was just SOO surprised about Micks performance, 2018 saw him struggling with his voice during the last half of the set at a regular basis so I was really worried!

But just look at this 3-song featuring video and all your worries are blown away!!


How in the world was he able to improve like that?? I mean this is getting crazy, what an amazing performance!! If he keeps that pace (which he actually did during all of the first 4 shows!!!) this will be one of the greatest tours they ever did!

Wow thanks, this is top quality recording, plus GS and Satisfaction that followed, amazing stuff, almost unreal for men in mid to late 70's

I think the reason Mick is singing better is because he's performing slower, Mick is putting it all into the singing rather than move around quickly like he was before.



Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: Ps37 ()
Date: July 5, 2019 15:34

Can anyone tell me why Mercy Mercy is considered a tribute to Brian? It's not a song written by Brian, but it's a cover of Don Covay! If they wanted to pay tribute to Brian they would have done it with Paint it Black, which they played, or with other pieces of the time, not with a cover.
It's strange to think anyone would bother to dedicate anything to anyone as a tribute if they can't even mention the recipient's name.
"We'd like to dedicate this song to someone, but we can't say who it is, so come up with your own guess as to who it might be."smiling smiley

Re: Washington DC show 3-July-2019 live updates - The Rolling Stones No Filter Tour
Posted by: Stonesfan2146 ()
Date: July 5, 2019 15:41

OMG I just watched a few videos from that show, I will attend some shows soon and I was just SOO surprised about Micks performance, 2018 saw him struggling with his voice during the last half of the set at a regular basis so I was really worried!

But just look at this 3-song featuring video and all your worries are blown away!!


How in the world was he able to improve like that?? I mean this is getting crazy, what an amazing performance!! If he keeps that pace (which he actually did during all of the first 4 shows!!!) this will be one of the greatest tours they ever did!

Wow thanks, this is top quality recording, plus GS and Satisfaction that followed, amazing stuff, almost unreal for men in mid to late 70's

I think the reason Mick is singing better is because he's performing slower, Mick is putting it all into the singing rather than move around quickly like he was before.



Even if he's moving less than last year, you can see that the moves he does are more spot on and performed with way more power than last summer (ok it was really hot sometimes, but still...) He got that pace again that makes him look so cool on stage!!

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