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Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: July 20, 2019 22:05

Well, I did it but I was in the wrong section.smiling bouncing smiley

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: July 20, 2019 22:38

Last year in Cardiff, Wales a twisted arsehole from my home county in Scotland specifically chose an unenveloped rubbish nosebleed after slagging off my hometown (his hometown is much worse). It was so high that I could see the tops of the big screens. The Principality Stadium is massive.

I took up my seat and decided there was no way I was staying there and went off exploring. After going down endless stairs and passage ways I reached the ground level and entrances to the GA floor. Each entrance to the floor was guarded by 2 stewards at the top of the steps and another at the bottom. I made about 5 failed attempts to reach the floor then I noticed an entrance with 1 guard and he was attending to 2 fans so I calmly walked past. There was another guard at the bottom and very surprisingly he didn’t challenge me. I’d made it and I found an excellent spot on the 2nd row off to Keith’s side. Gold Circle was small in Cardiff and I was actually close to the stage with excellent sound and neighbours in the crowd and thoroughly enjoyed. To the twisted fellow Scot who tried to ruin my day, screw you!

I later found out that someone I know, aware of my LD nosebleed, had been trying to contact me to offer me a spare LD Pit, which went unused!!! Still enjoyed though.

Self upgrading in a show which isn’t sold out is easy. Just find some empty seats with a better view and sit there. My friend did exactly that in Foxboro 2 weeks ago with me over here guiding him along by email.

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: Nate ()
Date: July 20, 2019 22:49

Marry one of Micks kids


Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: iraq0708 ()
Date: July 21, 2019 02:01

you get in for next to nothing and you're still not happy. wow.

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: July 21, 2019 02:19

you get in for next to nothing and you're still not happy. wow.

He has a right to be happy or unhappy. I'm not sure if either unhappiness or happiness is the answer. We should hold a forum meeting to decide on this matter. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: iraq0708 ()
Date: July 21, 2019 02:22

Yes! we should meet in the closest tavern. I'm buying! ( Beers,drinking smileydrinking smileydrinking smiley not Stones Tix)

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 21, 2019 03:49

Be stealth, slick, sly, and determined, and GO FOR IT!

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: July 21, 2019 04:00

Be stealth, slick, sly, and determined, and GO FOR IT!

That's the one thumbs up. At Paris 1998, I had a crappy nosebleed but went downstairs and casually walked straight onto the field with no one checking anything!

I personally didn't do it though I was at the show but seemingly in Edinburgh last year, people were able to casually stroll into Golden Circle without difficulty!

In Dublin, I saw someone climb from GA to GC and the security guard who should have stopped him got an absolute bollocking from his supervisor.

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 21, 2019 04:15

Be stealth, slick, sly, and determined, and GO FOR IT!

That's the one thumbs up. At Paris 1998, I had a crappy nosebleed but went downstairs and casually walked straight onto the field with no one checking anything!

I personally didn't do it though I was at the show but seemingly in Edinburgh last year, people were able to casually stroll into Golden Circle without difficulty!

In Dublin, I saw someone climb from GA to GC and the security guard who should have stopped him got an absolute bollocking from his supervisor.

smiling smiley

I've done it so many times I've lost count going way back before Lucky Dips.
Can't give away all my stategies ( winking smiley ), but in one case at Vegas '13 MGM arena, a friend and I were given lousy Lucky Dip nosebleeds. Putting our heads together, we managed to tag team our way down to lower loge - one went forward, while the other distracted ushers. Finally at the lower loge, my friend decided that was good enough, but I went for the floor and made it all the way up to just behind the pit - intermingling with dozens of others who were all standing anyways - even the aisles were packed. Probably the greatest self- upgrade I've ever managed! Don't think I've bothered with self-upgrading since then as there comes a time when you settle down and accept whatever you have with a smile on your face. Oh yeah, San Diego '15...not a Lucky Dip and not really a self upgrade, but an invitation. Had an aisle center seat 35 rows back in the center legitimately purchased at face value, while my friends were 9th row same section on the aisle with the more expensive tix. When they invited me to squeeze in with them, couldn't refuse so away I went. For the encores we all stormed our way up the aisle to front of stage just as dozens of other peeople did - it was a great party had by all. thumbs up

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: Chris Fountain ()
Date: July 21, 2019 04:36

I'm sticking with my LDs I could call the stadium say "it is ironic my 60th birth day is same as concert" ….no that is a setup and evil. Although I admire con artist such as Paul Newman., Redford (Sting) and even Bruce Willis in The Jackel -I can't go out that way.

I will go up to the ticket counter, show my id while wearing a goofy birthday hat - be polite , courteous and let them figure it out.

Regardless I know tix are assigned & happiness ensues.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-21 04:38 by Chris Fountain.

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: July 21, 2019 04:36

Be stealth, slick, sly, and determined, and GO FOR IT!

That's the one thumbs up. At Paris 1998, I had a crappy nosebleed but went downstairs and casually walked straight onto the field with no one checking anything!

I personally didn't do it though I was at the show but seemingly in Edinburgh last year, people were able to casually stroll into Golden Circle without difficulty!

In Dublin, I saw someone climb from GA to GC and the security guard who should have stopped him got an absolute bollocking from his supervisor.

smiling smiley

I've done it so many times I've lost count going way back before Lucky Dips.
Can't give away all my stategies ( winking smiley ), but in one case at Vegas '13 MGM arena, a friend and I were given lousy Lucky Dip nosebleeds. Putting our heads together, we managed to tag team our way down to lower loge - one went forward, while the other distracted ushers. Finally at the lower loge, my friend decided that was good enough, but I went for the floor and made it all the way up to just behind the pit - intermingling with dozens of others who were all standing anyways - even the aisles were packed. Probably the greatest self- upgrade I've ever managed! Don't think I've bothered with self-upgrading since then as there comes a time when you settle down and accept whatever you have with a smile on your face. Oh yeah, San Diego '15...not a Lucky Dip and not really a self upgrade, but an invitation. Had an aisle center seat 35 rows back in the center legitimately purchased at face value, while my friends were 9th row same section on the aisle with the more expensive tix. When they invited me to squeeze in with them, couldn't refuse so away I went. For the encores we all stormed our way up the aisle to front of stage just as dozens of other peeople did - it was a great party had by all. thumbs up

grinning smiley Seats on the floor must be near impossible for the stewards to manage when everyone just stands anyway. And as for those ‘81 shows, from all I’ve seem snd heard, side seats were a sensible choice winking smiley

I was in 342 for Chicago 1 (side on to the stage) and even there, people were coming in from elsewhere and standing in the aisles.

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: spikenyc ()
Date: July 22, 2019 00:35

FYI - moving around stadiums is easy, until you get down to the floor where they require wristbands.
Yes, be stealth and you could probably get past the security guards (or "stewards" as you Brits say)
Also, download the Stubhub and Ticketmaster apps on your phone, and check where the unsold seats are. Then go to those empty seats. I do this at a lot of arena and stadium shows.
Did it for ELO last week in Newark, bought a cheap nosebleed ticket and self-upgraded!

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: MAF ()
Date: July 22, 2019 00:58

Self upgrading from GA tix to pit worked quite well for a few guys in London last year. When the gates opend a lot of fans were running in and sometime there was a little bit of chaos in the beginning. They took their chance...
With LD it might be different.

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: mosthigh ()
Date: July 22, 2019 02:17

In Montreal 1989 at the Olympic Stadium I had seats near the back of the floor, but close to showtime, I noticed 2 empty seats in the prime stands section on the aisle, row 5 or something, so my friend & I just sat in them and no one ever showed up to claim them. Funny because the show was sold out and these were the only empty seats around. That was a bit of a lottery in itself.

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: Rialb ()
Date: July 22, 2019 03:31

Chicago 2 we just walked onto the field right when the gates opened and never left.

My three other Lucky Dips Las Vegas (2013) (decent upper) and Philadelphia 2 (2013) (Pit) and New Orleans(Pit 2) didn't need upgrades.

Lucky Dips are Great - Good Luck!

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: timbernardis ()
Date: July 24, 2019 01:00

Be stealth, slick, sly, and determined, and GO FOR IT!

That's the one thumbs up. At Paris 1998, I had a crappy nosebleed but went downstairs and casually walked straight onto the field with no one checking anything!

I personally didn't do it though I was at the show but seemingly in Edinburgh last year, people were able to casually stroll into Golden Circle without difficulty!

In Dublin, I saw someone climb from GA to GC and the security guard who should have stopped him got an absolute bollocking from his supervisor.

smiling smiley

I've done it so many times I've lost count going way back before Lucky Dips.
Can't give away all my stategies ( winking smiley ), but in one case at Vegas '13 MGM arena, a friend and I were given lousy Lucky Dip nosebleeds. Putting our heads together, we managed to tag team our way down to lower loge - one went forward, while the other distracted ushers. Finally at the lower loge, my friend decided that was good enough, but I went for the floor and made it all the way up to just behind the pit - intermingling with dozens of others who were all standing anyways - even the aisles were packed. Probably the greatest self- upgrade I've ever managed! Don't think I've bothered with self-upgrading since then as there comes a time when you settle down and accept whatever you have with a smile on your face. Oh yeah, San Diego '15...not a Lucky Dip and not really a self upgrade, but an invitation. Had an aisle center seat 35 rows back in the center legitimately purchased at face value, while my friends were 9th row same section on the aisle with the more expensive tix. When they invited me to squeeze in with them, couldn't refuse so away I went. For the encores we all stormed our way up the aisle to front of stage just as dozens of other peeople did - it was a great party had by all. thumbs up

How did the one who distracted the usher move down after the distraction?


Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: Donnebr ()
Date: July 24, 2019 07:53

Hello all, I got Pit 1 in Philadelphia tonight. Great. Very hard to get down to it. Lots of crowding & pushing with GA people around gate 103. Reminded me off old soccer games. Someone could have gotten hurt. Hard to get through with an 8 year old on your shoulders but it was very bed. Anyway, got there in the end. Great show & band

Re: Self Upgrading Lousy LDs
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 24, 2019 08:46

Be stealth, slick, sly, and determined, and GO FOR IT!

That's the one thumbs up. At Paris 1998, I had a crappy nosebleed but went downstairs and casually walked straight onto the field with no one checking anything!

I personally didn't do it though I was at the show but seemingly in Edinburgh last year, people were able to casually stroll into Golden Circle without difficulty!

In Dublin, I saw someone climb from GA to GC and the security guard who should have stopped him got an absolute bollocking from his supervisor.

smiling smiley

I've done it so many times I've lost count going way back before Lucky Dips.
Can't give away all my stategies ( winking smiley ), but in one case at Vegas '13 MGM arena, a friend and I were given lousy Lucky Dip nosebleeds. Putting our heads together, we managed to tag team our way down to lower loge - one went forward, while the other distracted ushers. Finally at the lower loge, my friend decided that was good enough, but I went for the floor and made it all the way up to just behind the pit - intermingling with dozens of others who were all standing anyways - even the aisles were packed. Probably the greatest self- upgrade I've ever managed! Don't think I've bothered with self-upgrading since then as there comes a time when you settle down and accept whatever you have with a smile on your face. Oh yeah, San Diego '15...not a Lucky Dip and not really a self upgrade, but an invitation. Had an aisle center seat 35 rows back in the center legitimately purchased at face value, while my friends were 9th row same section on the aisle with the more expensive tix. When they invited me to squeeze in with them, couldn't refuse so away I went. For the encores we all stormed our way up the aisle to front of stage just as dozens of other peeople did - it was a great party had by all. thumbs up

How did the one who distracted the usher move down after the distraction?


As per my first post above - you gotta be stealth, slick, sly, and determined. In other words, if there's a will there's a way.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: July 24, 2019 08:48

Hello all, I got Pit 1 in Philadelphia tonight. Great. Very hard to get down to it. Lots of crowding & pushing with GA people around gate 103. Reminded me off old soccer games. Someone could have gotten hurt. Hard to get through with an 8 year old on your shoulders but it was very bed. Anyway, got there in the end. Great show & band

Glad you survived and had a good time. thumbs up

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: Tuna44 ()
Date: July 24, 2019 23:26

Here's my experience with Lucky Dip tickets for the Philadelphia show on 7/23/19. I got to the ticket window at about 5:30 (tickets would be released at 6:00). There were approximately 15 people ahead of me. By the time 6:00 rolled around, there probably were about 40-45 people in line. When they started releasing the tickets, the second person in line got Pit 1 tickets. By the time I got to the window, this is what I saw. After I gave my credit card and license to the ticket person, she grabbed some stapled papers that had a whole bunch of names on it in very small print. There were three sheets of paper. Each page had approximately 60 to 70 lines of names, in alphabetical order. Since my last name begins with 'T', I was on the third page, though from what I could see, there was only approximately 7-10 names on that page. After she checked off my name, there was another person next to the ticket person that was standing next to a box that was packed with envelops. He recached into the box and pulled out about 20 envelopes. I had no say in the matter of what was available. After the ticket person said I was good, the envelope guy just pulled the top envelop from his stack he just pulled and handed it to me through the window. The moment of truth! What tickets did I get? I slowly opened the envelope and low and behold, Pit 2, Keith's side! I couldn't believe it!! This was my first Lucky Dip and this is how it turns out?!?! The rock and roll gods were looking kindly on me this day! Those that didn't get pit tickets (which I think only two or three folks got pit before me), got seats in lower section 103, which was one section past half way from the stage. As a side note, at least while I was waiting in line, people that were buying tickets from the box office were still paying full top prices for tickets. There was no ticket price drops of any kind as far as I know. The Pit was quite crowded. I didn't see a whole lot of Lucky Dip wrist bands on the people that were there. I hung in the back of the pit next to the catwalk and I had a perfect view and could see everything. Sorry this is so long winded, but I just wanted to share my insight on what I experienced. Good luck to all future Dippers!!

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: HalfNanker ()
Date: July 25, 2019 17:50

we seem to get so many great LD=pit stories here, but is that because the only people who report are the ones who got lucky? in other words, is the % of getting great seats thru LDs still actually 5%?? i hope not, for my sake at NJ2.

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: snoopy2 ()
Date: July 25, 2019 18:16

we seem to get so many great LD=pit stories here, but is that because the only people who report are the ones who got lucky? in other words, is the % of getting great seats thru LDs still actually 5%?? i hope not, for my sake at NJ2.

Staff member at Philly told me there were "80" LD Pit tickets for Philly, we could figure out percent if someone knows the actual total LDs given out.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-25 18:17 by snoopy2.

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: slewan ()
Date: July 25, 2019 18:56

we seem to get so many great LD=pit stories here, but is that because the only people who report are the ones who got lucky? in other words, is the % of getting great seats thru LDs still actually 5%?? i hope not, for my sake at NJ2.

Staff member at Philly told me there were "80" LD Pit tickets for Philly, we could figure out percent if someone knows the actual total LDs given out.

there is no general rule since the lucky dip pot is filled up with tickets that haven't been sold. For example: pit tickets for the show in Berlin in 2018 didn't sell well (800 Euros is much too high for Berlin). Thus a hell lot of Lucky Dippers got pit tickets (in fact: some 80 minutes after the LD box opened they were still handing out pit tickets (they began with pit B, moved then on to pit A and then to other categories))

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: snoopy2 ()
Date: July 25, 2019 19:16

we seem to get so many great LD=pit stories here, but is that because the only people who report are the ones who got lucky? in other words, is the % of getting great seats thru LDs still actually 5%?? i hope not, for my sake at NJ2.

Staff member at Philly told me there were "80" LD Pit tickets for Philly, we could figure out percent if someone knows the actual total LDs given out.

there is no general rule since the lucky dip pot is filled up with tickets that haven't been sold. For example: pit tickets for the show in Berlin in 2018 didn't sell well (800 Euros is much too high for Berlin). Thus a hell lot of Lucky Dippers got pit tickets (in fact: some 80 minutes after the LD box opened they were still handing out pit tickets (they began with pit B, moved then on to pit A and then to other categories))

Ah, thanks.. So do you think 80 is fairly low or higher number for Pits on average? Maybe Philly Pits sold well?

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: kv2915 ()
Date: July 25, 2019 19:27

Decided this week to go to the Denver show---any tips on Lucky Dips after the on-sale? This show looks sold out so is it possible they will drop LDs or will tix go down on the secondary market?

I have never been to a show in Denver so looking for any advice. Thanks!

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: tony ()
Date: July 25, 2019 19:43

I saw a lot of pits and good lower levels given out in Philly. Only good seats were available on Ticketmaster at showtime, obviously because they were pricey. I’m assuming they pulled the LDs from there. I think you can gage future shows from what standard tickets are left. I got 50 yard line lower level. No complaints.

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: HalfNanker ()
Date: July 25, 2019 20:35

we seem to get so many great LD=pit stories here, but is that because the only people who report are the ones who got lucky? in other words, is the % of getting great seats thru LDs still actually 5%?? i hope not, for my sake at NJ2.

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: hockenheim95 ()
Date: July 25, 2019 20:48

we seem to get so many great LD=pit stories here, but is that because the only people who report are the ones who got lucky? in other words, is the % of getting great seats thru LDs still actually 5%?? i hope not, for my sake at NJ2.
Of course people will more likely post If they have Pit Tickets. My statistic so far (without self-upgrading):

1/4 Pit
2/4 Seats
1/4 GA

4/10 Pit
2/10 Golden Circle
2/10 GA
2/10 Seats

So that is 5 out of 14 times Pit. Not Bad. Hoping for more Pit the 4 shows I am going to see this Summer.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-07-25 20:51 by hockenheim95.

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: Sodacityflyguy ()
Date: July 26, 2019 03:43

anyone got xtra LD for Houston?

Re: Lucky Dip tickets US 2019
Posted by: schillid ()
Date: July 26, 2019 19:17

New Jersey 1

New Jersey 2

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